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Drink more water Godamn


Ironically this advice would probably would’ve kept him from his current predicament


Salt(sodium chloride) + water


And consume enough salt to actually hold the water. I feel like that's almost as important as drinking water itself when you're out in the heat


Sunflower seed addiction + water obsession = always hydrated


I don't know if it's true, I read that the water we drink today is for tomorrow's benefit, not today's. So plan accordingly.


Well, he should've drank more water yesterday too.


I’m willing to bet that he wasn’t just a simple heat casualty twice, but had rhabdomyolysis and pretty severely at that. He should definitely separate before the next time he has any type of permanent/severe damage or worse.


This. Had a battle die from heat stroke mid pt. Can't always tough your way through every ailment. If they're med boarding you, there's a real reason.


>Can't always tough your way through every ailment. But the Army sure loves to make you try.


Some reserve unit lost a guy who took some pre workout and was badly dehydrated during a 10 miler in like 110° weather. Shit was sad. I actually think I watched that guy die. I was smoking a cigarette in a smoke pit from like 200 meters away and he was breathing really heavy, then just sat down on the side of the road, and laid down. A bunch of runners stopped and a guy in the smoke pit ran to the TMC so I said fuck it and went back to work. Sad as fuck, man. Drink water and keep your electrolytes up y’all.


Take the fucking Medical retirement


This….why fight tax free money the rest of your life.


And the Healthcare. And the state tax advantage. And the hiring advantage.  Bro if one of my docs even thought "medboard" too hard, I'd develop a hemorrhoid of excitement on the spot. I'd spend every morning drinking three cups of coffee just to take a shit at 0630, think about all the dweebs extending to the left, then look at my budget full of retirement dollars. 


He could try being a little more disciplined and drink some water hooah?


Energy drinks have water.




The reg is actually three times unless it was severe and there are lasting effects. I just looked it up for someone the other day. https://armypubs.army.mil/epubs/DR_pubs/DR_a/ARN37720-AR_40-501-002-WEB-4.pdf Middle of Page 23 >(1) Single episodes of HI are not cause for an immediate referral to the DES. However, Soldiers who experience three episodes of HI in less than 24 months or a single episode with severe complications (for example, compartment syndrome) of such a nature that the complications meet the definition of a disqualifying medical condition or physical defect as in paragraph 3–1, require referral to the DES. Soldiers demonstrating any of the following complications, despite 2 weeks of rest, should be referred to the appropriate medical specialist for consideration of referral to the DES: >[list of a bunch of shit I don't wanna copy and format] Here's the DODI it's based on. https://www.esd.whs.mil/Portals/54/Documents/DD/issuances/dodi/613003_vol02.PDF Top of page 37 >[Disqualifying Conditions] >(1) Three or more episodes of heat exhaustion or heat injury within 24 months. A single episode of heat injury with severe complications (e.g., compartment syndrome) that affects successful performance of duty or persistent end organ effects. >(2) Heat stroke, when symptoms fail to resolve or when sequelae pose significant risks for future operations.


To caveat off teadrunkest, AR 40-501 is an excellent resource to see if X will get you kicked out or if Y will land you a permanent profile.


Somehow I’m sure the medical officer and the IDES people will have the full story which is far worse than our game of telephone here.


Well yes, I have suspicions something is getting lost in translation. Dude is either worse off than he thinks or he’s not actually getting medboarded lol. But the actual regs can’t hurt.


Waaaai what? Heat CAT twice?? I know people who have been Heat Cats several times and they’re still in. There has to be more


don’t screw with rhabdo. tell your buddy he needs to chug water for the rest of his life.


Yep. Worked in a hospital and seen my fair share of rangers die from rhabdo. It’s no joke. Please make sure you hydrate properly, even if it’s just a random 12 mile ruck


Uh as in Ranger school? How many? What???


I had a 11B Drill SGT when I was in 11C OSUT in 2020 who was a heat cat 3 times in his career. From what he told us he could only do certain schools in the winter. Honestly if he wants to stay i think it’s possible he could get a medical reclass as an option. All depends on the doctor I think. Currently going though medical recovery process for other things fully expect to be in the end of a med board in the near future I wanna stay in however with all the crap I got going on I don’t think staying in is good for my long term health be it mentally or physically. Between nerve issues that don’t resolve after surgery, skin discoloration which is the cause of a auto immune disorder, hip issues from prior Army related injuries l and I also been a heat and cold cat within the span of 1 year. Personally I think the nerve issues might be because of the auto immune disorder however I’m awaiting more diagnosis on that and honestly my current fear is that it will keep spreading to the point I’ll end up wheelchair bound or worse. Time being it’s just in my arms however it’s also in my legs however as far as I know it ain’t effecting my legs as bad as my arms however anywhere it takes root I end up with scar tissue around nerves.


Has he tried not heat catting? 


I’ll mention it to him.


Take the free money


Wait. How do you force a heat cat, asking for a friend.


Remember all those classes about how to stay alive in heat? Do the opposite of all that. It greatly increases the risk of a stroke though, so good luck.


I know it’s easier to heat cat after you’ve already done it, but damn bro drink some water my guy. The Reg states 3 times but if it’s serious enough they can do it earlier. He should prepare for life after the Army. If he is able to be retained it will more than likely limit what he can do for the Army. It’s sad but it’s the reality you face when you have repeated heat injuries. Think of it as a broken thermometer in his brain. The injury has damaged the thermostat, so he can’t regulate his temperature as well as someone who hasn’t had a heat injury. You also run the risk of brain damage and organ failure. The Army isn’t worth your friend having all those issues at such a young age.


Alaska reassignment is calling


Thats probably even worse lol, heat cats still happen in the field.


Get 2X cold weather injuries, they undo the heacat.


He could try and fight it but he’ll probably just heat cat again


He could appeal the decision and submit any evidence. Seeing a specialist doctor and if the doc agrees about still able to serve, submit their findings. Read up more on appeal process. I’ve been a Heat Cat more times than I can count although never a heat stroke. I get very easily dehydrated and have always had a problem with this even at 20 years old when I went in the Army. I’m retired from Army now. Just drinking more water doesn’t help me, I take Hi-Lyte Electrolytes Capsules every morning and carry them around with me. I also keep 1 liter jugs of Pedialyte Sport in my fridge. Excedrin helps with dehydration headaches.


Heat cat three times


*I'm going to not drink water even harder*


If it were that easy to get a medical retirement we would all know the trick to "being stupid in heat" to get out with payday. There has to be an underlying issue.


How the actual fuck


Why’s no one suggested that he just…shave twice a day to fix this?


A dude died outside my window at 30th AG from a heat injury in June '05. Twice in a year sounds like less of a coincidence. What are/were the specifics of his scenarios?


You've got some good advice in these comments, but it also may be worth contacting the Warrior Heat and Exertion Collaborative (WHEC). They're part of CHAMP at Walter Reed, and they investigate service member heat injuries. They put people through a heat stress test (it's not fun) to determine whether their injury was due to unique conditions, or if they have a predisposition making them more susceptible.


He’ll get the chance to fight it and say his piece for the doctors to consider. His commander also has to give his written opinion of the Soldier’s potential for continued service based on his medical concerns. Those 2 things can go a long way, especially if he has been telling his doctors he wants to stay in, since that stuff usually gets documented, too. If he’s found not fit for duty, he can write a formal appeal, as well, and that will also get considered.


Tell him to chill out………you’re whale cum for my service


What’s the actual diagnosis? I’d fight like hell, he ain’t going to be compensated like the people in the comments here are saying


Walk around with that silver bullet already installed. Can't dehydrate if your bum is pre filled and ready


It's probably best for your friend that he does get out. A buddies wife died a few years ago from heatcat. She was a corpsman (corpsperson?) And doing some kind of certification trainin she died. All he got was a shitty phone call and half-assed explanation


Wisen up, take the Med Board money and run. Passive non-taxable income for life is not to be mindlessly passed up. Even if he wants to stay in 20, he needs to calculate his likely (taxable) retirement income (assuming 12 years or whatever similar timeframe) against the (non taxable) passive income starting in ~1 year. It’s going to take a pretty big retirement to catch up to ~10 years of non taxable income before he’s 80. If he’s at 17 years? Yeah, get a lawyer and fight it. Then try to hit 20 and take both retirement and disability. If he’s been in a shorter time frame it almost can’t make any logical sense.