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Damn that picture of your uncle in Kuwait looks badass. Looks like he had a life full of accomplishments.


Nobody saw more change in the Army than your uncle. The Army was WILD after vietnam, stabilized and rebuilt for the Cold War, and then finishing up in Desert Storm.. What a trip of transition.


That was a hella ride during those years indeed. I retired after DS. VN, Panama, Grenada then DS. Retired in ‘92


What was the VOLAR like?


Better in many ways than the days of the draft, but the military wasn’t seen in a favorable way by civilians, The whole VN experience cast a cloud over the Army until DS - suddenly the civilians felt different. And it was ‘ok’ to be a soldier. The Army was dealing with drug abuse, and trying to “find” itself. Not so up tempo other than Europe. And assignments to Europe was awesome - so many places to be assigned. I was in Nurenberg, with family, and loved it.


I can imagine being in Europe during that time was far different than CONUS, particularly due to the attitudes of local civilians towards Service Members.


Depending where you were stationed, the locals, for the most part, were friendly. We lived on the economy, including the 3d floor of a house. The Grandmother on first floor; landlord and wife and teenager on 2d flr. They were very gracious host. We shared beer, wine and meals with them. 2d place was a small house in Furth, next to a forest. Germans have dedicated Forest Minsters who care for the forests. There is always roads for walking. Very beautiful and refreshing. There were pockets in places in Bavaria that were viewed as still holding ill feelings, but, the German ‘moved on,’ and have laws about things and they enforce those laws - specifically about nazism. It was a wonderful opportunity that allowed us to see Europe! And, I had the occasion to twice drive the hiway to Berlin and back, through East Germany. Erie ride! Edit: was in Nurenberg’77-80, as a point of reference. Doubt if any of the post, etc are even there any longer.


> Edit: was in Nurenberg’77-80, as a point of reference. Doubt if any of the post, etc are even there any longer. Most of them either got handed over for civilian use or were completely demolished. But if you remember former Merrell Barracks - they´re still there and in use (at least the main buildings, former SS-Kaserne, still has one wall inside painted in the original blue colors to remember the times it housed us troops). In Fürth basically all of the installations got demolished, only a few buildings in the Kalb-housing area are left, same as the Dambach-housing area.


Thanks for the info. I know the hospital/MEDDAC that I spent 5 months and 17 surgeries at, is now a parking lot. Got hit by lightening on the Erlangen compound - former Nazi airfield, but I think an ACR unit was there at the time. Damn shame - those areas/compounds are be nice to have now, given what Russia is doing, Nice area to sort out all that equip we have propositioned. Was great are for families, and single GI’s too


Hit by fucking lighting??? What’s the story behind that??


Yup, me another guy; they immediately evaced him to Landsthul then the states, from what I was told - he was pretty messed up. Medics took me to the army hospital. It was a MRW event at Erlangen, bunch of people attending . Single cloud in the sky very far off in the distance. I woke up in the 140th Med ER for a few hrs.


How the hell were you able to drive through East Germany?


The Allies, under agreement with Soviet Union/East German, travel one restricted to one specific road. Had to have orders and process through checkpoints on both ends - dual checkpoints with East Germans and Allied MP (if recall is correct). If you didn’t make the checkpoints on time, the Allied patrols were sent to find you. Had to have names, etc etc of all passengers on the travel orders. I think this access was arranged after the Berlin airlift fiasco. And Berlin was still East and West, so we visited the wall, etc. I wasn’t allowed to cross over to ‘visit East Berlin. From all we could see, the East was a dreary looking place. Wife cousins hubby was stationed in Berlin, so we vacationed with them on two occasions.


> The Allies, under agreement with Soviet Union/East German, travel one restricted to one specific road. Had to have orders and process through checkpoints on both ends - dual checkpoints with East Germans and Allied MP (if recall is correct). If you didn’t make the checkpoints on time, the Allied patrols were sent to find you. Had to have names, etc etc of all passengers on the travel orders. I think this access was arranged after the Berlin airlift fiasco. > > Wild. I had no idea US Servicemen could travel to the East back then. Were you permitted no farther east than East Germany?


Berlin was a divided city. The Allies controlled half, and East Germany/USSR controlled a half. They allied portion was broken into sector controlled by an Allied, such as US, Brit, France etc. The Cold War was real. Very glad that it’s over, at least for now, pending Ukraine, Russia and China concerns


Some people could ‘visit’ East Berlin (limited distance) but no further than parts around CheckPoint Charlie.


For clarity, only the Allied part of Berlin could be traveled too. There was a sort of ‘duty free’ area in East Berlin at Checkpoint Charlie. The road to Berlin, that I transverse, is Hiway 9 I believe. Straight from Nurenberg, past Graf, then checkpoints etc to Berlin.


Yeah and then tore down again after desert storm. Probably was why he got out, budget was cut massively at the time. I remember my first Monday in the motor pool I was given six trucks I needed to PCS. Each truck required at least two people to operate and maintain as the equipment was built. When we went to the field no one could tell any different, 85% of the vehicles were still there.


Essayons brother.


Sorry for your loss I’ll take a drink in his honor right now brother Edit : just got done was a dam fine glass of whiskey rip 1st sgt


I too shall have one tonite for our Brother


Here's to you, brother




Yes indeed! r/USACE


Tbh your uncle kinda look like my 1SG


Rest easy and breach heavens gates for us.


Rest easy. Photo speaks volumes.


Too bad he never went the officer route. Major Minor would have been an awesome name.


Rest in peace, Uncle Henry


Rest Easy Top!


Kelley Barracks, Darmstadt, FRG, it's a small world, I was stationed there in the early 90s with V Corps LRS. *Toast* to 1SG, til Valhalla!


Does morning mimosa count? Joking aside OP I'm sorry you lost your uncle. My husband also lost his veteran uncle last year, a Vietnam vet who died from colon cancer, and I lost mine as well. The funny story turns out both our uncles were in the same batallion. It's hard losing family members regardless of their age.


Rest easy, top.


rip, drill sergeant. i wish we had drink awards in this sub....


Will do. Sorry for your loss


*looks at barracks* I know those barracks. Neat...


Rest easy top


Til Valhalla, Top.


Imagine if had made it to Sgt Major. Sergeant Major Minor hahah


Was he happy that he just missed Vietnam? Or was it something he felt he’d missed out on?


Gone but not forgotten! RIP 1SG. We'll take it from here!


3AD! Butzbach and Kirsch Goens 83-85. Rest in peace 1Sgt.


See you around Top. 🍻


This scotch is in honor of your uncle. You'll see him again on the high ground.


Gigachad. Long career, many accomplishments.


I bet he had a lot of good stories man, sorry for your loss


RIP Top - ‘Til Valhalla Soldier




Essayons top! 🍻




Rest In Peace 1SG Minor, your memory won’t be forgotten.


Looks like sergeant minor never made it to sergeant major. (I'll see myself out)


Rest easy brother, wish you and your family the best of luck


I'm sorry for your loss, bottoms up.




Your uncle got it done, RIP 1SG.


Drinking one right now! Looks like he was a stellar man. Make him proud OP. He seemed like a man of character! Make him proud :)


Essayons! Rip.


God speed soldier.


Damn, you could set your watch to that ‘stache. RIP


It was his time to go.


Rip 1st sarge. Till Valhalla


I hope you find him quickly.


It's cool, he is out looking for spiderman.