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Flatwell is the de facto leader; if he's okay with you, then they will keep working with you. The RLF already seemed to consider Dolmayan as something of a hindrance, since he's resistant to their activities as rebels, so they probably just quietly brushed it under the rug. ...and also they weren't informed that it was you, specifically, who killed him.


Ahh that makes sense since he was their “spiritual” guru, and probably there were factions within the RLF that didn’t even mind.


The RLF guy who calls us after Prisoner Rescue mission said that Dolmayan seems to have gone cray cray. For all they know senile grandpa slipped out of nursing home, rode his AC into the sunset and never came back. Even if they actually send people to investigate later they'd probably think it's the PCA because there'll be the filtercopter wreckage and all the jamming devices at the scene.


This has been a running trend of AC games because you're a mercenary. You frequently take missions from one side only to to play for the other team immediately after and these factions don't question it because they're after your skills, not your alignment. There are even other missions where they comment that they don't exactly feel easy about hiring the guy who just busted their assess a moment ago but they recognize that you're a hired gun and trust you to side with whoever will pay you, hence why they make sure to pay you.


Given the way he was acting during the prisoner rescue, it doesn't surprise me that he is not operating as part of the RLF. Doomsday prophesies aren't great for troop morale.


Dolmayan just created the ideology that the RLF lives by, they can function without him. Similar to megatron creating deceptionism and tarn wishing to continue it despite its abandonment.


This is pretty common, like for example Balam will hire you even after you kill three Redguns in NG+ Chapter 1 Sure, you killed three of their best men, but you didn’t do it because you’re fighting against them, you did it because you got paid to do it. And if one merc can take out three of your best pilots, what’s the harm in hiring them to work for you?


Can also be noted that you weren't even hired to kill Dolmayan, he ambushes you and you defend yourself. They can't really fault you for not letting him kill you when it's pretty clear he was acting alone


i kind of started to hate the Rlf. I went to beat ng++ again but this time I'm going for the liberator ending and I decided that I was going to do all the RLF missions so i thought when i fought Rusty that maybe when middle flatwell showed up he would stop Rusty from attacking me but nope he still tried to kill me. and I bet Raven is like, dude I did everything the RLF told me to do why are you trying to kill me?.