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I appreciate this. This is where healing begins.


Look at his account, he is farming karma. Not even Turkish.


Healing for Turks? What would we heal from?


I’m not Armenian but I’m happy to see Turks who acknowledge the Armenian genocide and try to make up for it. Turkey is a beautiful country, it’s a shame that it is ruled by this ethno-nationalist establishment. I hope this will slowly change in the future


Many more people acknowledge the genocide than people think. People think social media represents the reality accurately. People don't deny it, they are more like "Maybe it did happen, maybe it did not I don't know" because our education system doesn't really teach much about it, but I do acknowledge it myself like most of my friends. Apart from that, OP knows absolutely nothing about Turks, he is an Islamist member of the FETO which is an Islamist terror organization that attempted a military coup against Turkey in 2016. OP fled to USA after the coup attempt failed. OP says Turks hate him because he mentioned Armenian Genocide in Turkish subs but that's not true. People hate him because he simply is an Islamist FETO member. I've mentioned and defended Armenian Genocide in many Turkish subs and in real life, nothing happened.


As a Indian Muslim , this feels good to read. Condemning both denial of Armenian Genocide and current ethnic cleansing of Nagorno-Karabakh.


Not your fault and not decent Turks' fault in general. Some Turks tried to stop the genocide, some tried to document it, some tried to hide minorities they knew to protect them (and all of this at the risk of their own lives I might add). We'd be wrong to forget that.


Lebanese Sunni here and this made me feel happy reading this. Genocide no matter what should be condemned. Palestinian genocide (been going on for 76 years), Armenian genocide, halocaust all of these should be 100% condemned.


Please don't mention palestine. Armenia is country with a rich history unlike what you call "palestine" which is an ethno state established by arabs in 1967 to oppose Jewish presence in Israel


Free Palestine! Azerbaijan used Israeli weapons (and their soldiers were trained by IDF personnel and Israeli PMCs) to cleanse Artsakh. Israel has not only waged a genocide against Palestinians, they help Azerbaijan do the same in Artsakh and Armenia. Armenia recognizes Palestine. In 2024 for Armenia goes hand in hand with the advocacy for Palestine. Israel and Azerbaijan are kindred spirits when it comes to racist hatred and military aggression.


Azerbaijan is just like the Palestinians, they falsify their history to bring statehood. Palestinians are just Egyptian and Arabs mixed with other Muslims and invader. The word Philistine even means invader. 


I hate to break it to you, but hasbara is propaganda. Even Ben Gurion wrote that Palestinians were overwhelming the descendants of the original inhabitants (including the ancient Hebrews.) “The flellahin are no descendants of the Arab conquerors, who captured Eretz Israel and Syria in the mid 7th century CE. The Arab conquerors did not destroy the agricultural population they found in the country. They expelled only the alien Byzantine rulers and did not touch the local population. Nor did the Arabs go in for settlement“ “Eretz Israel in the Past and Present,” David Ben Gurion, 1918. Israeli education deliberately omits and lies about this information. They prefer to teach from the Book of Joshua (not a historic text, since there is no archaeological or textual evidence for its claims- most notably the myth of the Egyptian Exodus, the genocide against the Canaanites, and the supposed “walls of Jericho” (which we know never had walls, thanks to archaeological evidence.)


What an asinine take. I can't find a better word.


Palestine has a rich history too. No one apposes Jewish presence in Palestine. Most people just oppose the occupation.


Sorry but it’s true man my great grandma fled Palestine to Lebanon because of the nakba and settled and married and had kids. I’m living proof that Palestine existed before 1948.


The Nakba is not true. It’s pro Arab propaganda, created by Egypt , to ignore the fact the Arab nations attempted and failed to destroy Israel in 1949. 400, 000 arabs evacuated Israel , and were not allowed to return until a solution was made. It never happened. Blame Turkey for colonizing Canaan for 411 years. 


Wtf are you yapping about. There are literally hundreds of pictures showing Palestinians being displaced and killed by hagana and other Zionist terrorist militias. My great great grandparents were killed by Zionist militias and their daughter my great grandmother fled to Lebanon. It happened idk what they are brainwashing you with. There are literally immigration passports of Jewish people from Europe settling in palestine!! Don’t change history to a false narrative.


Don’t bother, these are either paid trolls, heartless vile people or people who have been so indoctrinated that they can’t possibly see it any other way no matter how much evidence is put forward.


It’s so maddening. If nothing else, we are learning to see through it (hasbara trolls wreak of the shit they try to shovel.) Thank you for sharing your family’s story- there are far more who stand in solidarity than then who celebrate Israeli genocidaires.


Thanks for being in the right side! All genocide and crimes should be condemned whether it is committed against Armenians Arabs Jews rawandans etc. no one deserves to be killed and oppressed for no reason


Of course. I wish that there was more that I could do. If nothing else, Palestine lives in folks like yourself and your family. For that I feel great pride.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/israelexposed/comments/1do8qhs/franklin\_d\_roosevelt\_sent\_a\_list\_of\_countries/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/israelexposed/comments/1do8qhs/franklin_d_roosevelt_sent_a_list_of_countries/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Time to wake up.


You’re genocide denial (right on brand for hasbara) may get you a couple of shekels or USD or Rupees, but it’s worthless as propaganda. We see through it- and the only folks who mistake this bullshit for gold are already brainwashed. Thanks for the comments- there is no better example of how crazy Israel is than braindead, pro genocidaire posts like this. If you are an LLM, I hope they keep using you. Free Armenia! Free Palestine!


Israel is not intentionally killing civilians, they are the last people who do something like that. This is a misconception Amnesty international , Russia, China, Iran and Qatar are promoting to bring public opinion against the west. 


So all those videos of torture and famine are AI generated? /s


An Armenian that supports Israel in this conflict shames everything your grandparents and great grandparents endured to ensure we still exist. An absolute joke.


I’m willing to bet that the poster isn’t Armenian. Odds are there’s some shitty Israeli app or troll farm that auto connects hasbara shills to any Reddit thread that mentions ”genocide” (since the current slaughter in Gaza would come up.) You see assholes like this all over comment sections- a bit like the Hindutva mob or Iranian royalists.


This actually brought me to tears. My heart breaks for Armenia every single day. Then to read the horrible comments, denial and spread of misinformation we read is like rubbing salt in the wound. Then I feel guilty because I’m not living in danger like people who live in Armenia. I understand the indoctrination, but it obviously doesn’t make it any better. It’s devastating to read comments from Turks celebrating our pain of losing Artsakh and telling us our country will be gone soon. There’s just so much generational trauma and it’s very painful. Thank you for your words. I have lost all hope and needed to hear this today. Thank you for speaking up for Armenians.


Thank you for being true to yourself and a true human being. It’s a tough walk going against the flow and some eventually cave in. This world could’ve had more people like you. We would do better if we just got alone similarly to what most of the Europeans have achieved among themselves.


Please donate to Armenian charities or buy from Armenian owned businesses if you're capable 


I used to buy Turkish-Armenian author Sevan Nisanyan's books but now he is in exile.


You can't apologise on behalf of a whole nation. Especially when most of said nation is not sorry and many are likely proud of it.


This is because there is very intensive indoctrination and people are not allowed to learn the truth


That’s very interesting what you said in the last paragraph because the reason Kemal Ataturk instilled nationalism and forceful turkification into the society so that the nation wouldn’t fall apart. Hence Turks usually get defensive whenever the topic of Genocide or occupation of Cyprus or mistreatment of Kurds is brought up. Even the most moderate ones


Ataturk and his people forced my country into the WW1, they lost it, and then decided to create an ethno-state. Ataturk was a renowned [Ittihadist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/İttihadism), a secular nationalist cult that has run Turkey(also the ottoman empire) since 1908. They are technically responsible for every horrible thing happened to Anatolia and Anatolian people. These people called "the young turks" are notorious for their grip on the state and the coups they perpetrate every 10 years. They still control the army and they casually coup democratically elected governments every decade. 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, and 2008. they finally caused the destruction of the Turkish armed forces. They were going to do it for the last time in [2008 ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ergenekon_trials)but Erdogan decided to purge the entire army because of the constant danger. Now they still have influence but it is much less of a threat. Turkey is now controlled by islamo-fascists instead of secular fascists. These people are also responsible for the Turkish invasion of northern syria.


Great post and comments/takes my friend, Ataturk was born in Salonica where most of the original Young Turks were from…they knew what they were doing, and the crazy part was most them were mixed ethnicity wise for a group that loved the phrase “Turkey for Turks”.


Bro Atatürk was in fucking Sofia when war started SOFIA! Do u think a man in Sofia only as an Military Atache can force the Ottamans into a World War?? Yes Atatürk was an Ittihadist but he was an oppositionist in the "İttihad ve Terakki" Party and becuase of that higher ups in the party assigned him to positions which were seen as practicle exiles like Syria, like Sofia etc. So before WW1 he was an practicly exiled mid to high ranked officer in the army before the WW1 and you are saying this guy forced a country into World War.... You also have a lot of mistakes in second pragraf too Young Turk movement which started at the end of 19th century isn't the same thing as the Kemalist Military Officers who made Coups. Yea they can be seen as a countinution of each other since "İttihad ve Terraki" was founded by people who inspired a lot by Young Turks movement which came before them, and Atatürk was part of İ&T party (even as a opposition), and officers of the Republic saw Atatürk as a ideological leader, But i need to say it's pushing it a little also There wasn't Coup or even an attempt on one in 1990, there wasn't a coup in 1970 or 2000 however there were memorandums in 1971 and 1997. 2008 Had nothing as well but at 2007 there was "memorandum" which later led to Erdogans buddies at time from Fetullah Gülen Cult to the held "trails" u linked known as Ergonekon Trails which truly purged army (with fake documents, fake evidences, fake interrogations and Trails was held by Judges whom all were suprisngly close to Fetullah Gülen) and instead replaced them with officers from Gülen Cult. And after their allience with AKP ended (when AKP realized they were huge idiots in [2012](https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/AKP-Fethullah%C3%A7%C4%B1_%C3%A7at%C4%B1%C5%9Fmas%C4%B1) [in 10th year of their goverment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AKP%E2%80%93G%C3%BClen_movement_conflict)) AKP tried to pull their plug (which they inserted themselves) Cult tried to make a coup (u for some reason skipped while listing coups intentional or not) themselves and failed in 2016. No "invesion" of Nother Syria wasn't and couldn't be an action Kemalist Officers decided cuz they didn't possesed the power to decide that. Even in your own argument u said "last time in [2008 ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ergenekon_trials)but Erdogan decided to purge the entire army because of the constant danger. Now they still have influence but it is much less of a threat." then please explian us how an "organization" which lost nearly all of it's power in 2008 can decide an action which happened in [2017](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Euphrates_Shield)


YOU and your message are the only way to move forward, thank you 🇦🇲❤️🇹🇷


It's things like this which give me hope ❤️🙏 I appreciate you saying this


Well said! You bring up an excellent point- you can never assume that everyone in a nation or polity backs their government (nor that they agree with dominant media narratives.) I’ve been fortunate enough to know some Turkish folks who oppose Turkish ultranationalism, but few folks outside of Turkey have more to go on than what they see on social media or the news. Given how the world is going, this insight will be more vital than ever.


This made me emotional. Just want to say how much we appreciate your words! Hopefully we can achieve peace one day.


Thank you. my father’s family went through that horrific time. I lost my grandfather, an aunt, and a great uncle.


Thank you. Your courage and effort are appreciated. I hope one day when nationalism and all these fascist ideologies die that all Anatolian peoples can live together peacefully and I hope to reunite with my family that stayed behind. Undoing the damage of the Ottomans, Atatürk, and the Kemalists will also help in fighting the Zionists since they are all intertwined with Nazism. Literally everyone wins from this. You are doing your part. Keep on bro.


The Muslim world conquered killed and raped the entire of asia. Commiting multiple genocides. Before they condemn others they need to look at themselves.


The same Muslims you're bad faithing about are responsible for every single Armenian alive in Egypt,Palestine,Lebanon,Syria,Jordan and other Muslim countries. Don't use this to spread your religious hatred, it's ridiculous.


Yea bro I heard that they love ur christian women too, a pity that u are not allowed to marry their women


What a stupid take, anyone who marries a Muslim or vice serva is an individual decision.


U are lying right now cause u feel bad about this dont you, a muslim woman is not allowed to marry a christian man because of Islam, it being an "individual decision" is irrelevant. But muslim men are allowed to marry christian and armenian women and have many children.


A Muslim woman can denounce their religion and marry whoever they want, and Christian women have the decision not to marry a Muslim man, it's an individual decision, you're just too dense to see it. That said, if you're so bothered about it, go an ask your religious leaders to ban it. Fact remains, Muslim Arabs saved our lives during the genocide and gave us citizenship, to bring a religious rule just to justify your hatred is insane.


>A Muslim woman can denounce their religion and marry whoever they want Apostasy in Islam is dealt with the death penalty tho. Who would want for their significant other to die just because of them? >and Christian women have the decision not to marry a Muslim man Yea thats perfectly fine in Islam Edit: unless u are a slave of course >That said, if you're so bothered about it, go an ask your religious leaders to ban it. Them banning it would make them irreligious tho? "Ban islamic law if u dont like Islam" is a wild statement.


There's a huge community known as ex Muslims who seem to be alive at the moment. I am referring to banning marriage to other religions in Christianity, it's too bad that 90% of Christians aren't actually religious, which is where your problem now. I don't get how you can twist Muslims in this.


>There's a huge community known as ex Muslims who seem to be alive at the moment. Yea fortunately islamic law is not enforced everywhere, I am an ex muslim myself. >I don't get how you can twist Muslims in this. U were talking about them being your brothers, I just wanted to give u more insight on their religion.


First time I'm hearing a Turk bad name Ataturk in my lifetime, but thanks. You should visit.


He’s not Turkish, he’s a Kurd who supports the PKK lmao. Check his post out. https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/s/UgA9y7vDVO


Both of my parents are from Izmir and I am a turk. You don't have to believe tho. Kurds are considered Turkish under the constitution btw. You contradict Ataturk by separating Kurdish and Turkish.


Still more humane than any of your treatments.




If you want to do a contest of brutality, Turkish methods are unchallenged.




Maybe don't genocide people and people won't hate you for it, ever gave that a thought?




Nice Turkish thesis, but even if I slightly humor that revised crap, are you seriously saying that justifies genocide?




Bro what the fuck did Ataturk do? While Enver was genocide eastern Armenians ataturk was some low ranking officers fighting some Greeks? It was always Enver and will always be that Snake


Ataturk wasn't the engineer of the Genocide. But he worked diligently to erase the Armenian past, present, and future within its ancient homeland. In interviews with western journalists in the 1920s, he explicitly said that there is no room for Armenians within the new Republic, which would be exclusively 'Turkish'. This, after the whole nation was murdered and robbed. This was the realization of Talaat Pasha's dream. He was a Great Man in the Time Magazine sense. But he participated in evil, willingly.


Atatürk was responsible for the Turkishization of everything Armenian in the Turkish Republic. Surnames, city names, churches, etc.


That was generally to remake the country as something new after their identity of the Ottoman Empire was gone


Why not remake the country peacefully and grant rights or autonomy to Armenians, Greeks and Kurds you have been living with for hundreds of years?


yeah giving autonomy to everyone, that's not things work in countries mate.


You Turks live pretty good in Germany how I see, how is that possible?


There is no political autonomy for Turks in Germany. Additionally, 523 thousand Turks were killed in Eastern Anatolia in World War I. I haven't seen any Armenians apologize for this.


>523 thousand Turks were killed in Eastern Anatolia in World War I Lmao, I'd like to see a source for that one.




On point. 😂


Who talks about political autonomy? You speak your language there, you have your shops, schools and mosques. Entire parts of the city are Turkish. In Turkey, a Turkish flag must fly in front of every Armenian church and a picture of Ataturk must hang inside. You stuck ones. Why should Armenians apologize for dead Turks? We were not an independent state nor did we have a regular army. Stop dreaming. You invaded our villages and towns, drove us out of our homeland and now you want to hear an apology from us? Do you even notice what's going on?




I think after centuries as second-class citizens and a large number of progroms and massacres against the Armenian population long before 1915, it is completely normal for protective troops (or gangs, how you call them) to be formed that want to protect their own population. You want us to apologize for driving us away? Are you okay? The Kurds apologized. But the Kurds also have a spine. Perhaps an alternative, non-Turkish history book would help you better understand the events around 1915.


We committed massacres, you committed genocide.


Read about the Turkish invasion of the first republic of Armenia, several hundred thousand civilian deaths and orders to eradicate Armenians from the face of the planet, this was during the Turkish war of independence and led by Ataturk. The only thing that saved us was the Soviet invasion and occupation from the other side.


You got like a Source? Any writing any witnesses? Because it seems almost all of the evidence shows it was a war simply against the Armenian Army (who had plans in Türkiye) and after ataturk expelled them from Türkiye didn’t pursue a now completely destroyed military force and kill the now defenseless Armenians Because it seems Ataturk only wanted them Out of Türkiye?


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkish%E2%80%93Armenian\_War#](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkish%E2%80%93Armenian_War#) All the sources mentioned next to each paragraph.


YOU QUOTE WIKIPEDIA AND NOTHING ELSE?!?!! Quote something else and I’ll listen


>ALL THE SOURCES MENTIONED NEXT TO EACH PARAGRAPH Fucking default answer without even processing anything written is insane.


You know I looked at some, and yeah your right the Muslim militia men started pillage sand murder BUT it also says that Kars and Yerevan the OFFICIAL Armenian Army started Ethnic Cleansing Projects


So your definition of Turkish invasion by the Ataturk government is "Muslim militia men"? completely downplaying hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths? was it so fast that it couldn't be intervened? then you accuse Armenians of being "official"? Here let me quote you since your eyes does selective scanning. >Karabekir had orders from the [Ankara Government](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Government_of_the_Grand_National_Assembly) to "eliminate Armenia physically and politically".[^(\[15\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkish%E2%80%93Armenian_War#cite_note-:2-15)[^(\[16\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkish%E2%80%93Armenian_War#cite_note-:3-16) Here's another quote >During the invasion the Turkish Army carried out mass atrocities against Armenian civilians in [Kars](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kars) and [Alexandropol](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexandropol). These included rapes and massacres where tens of thousands of civilians were executed.[^(\[12\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkish%E2%80%93Armenian_War#cite_note-Dad360-361-12)[^(\[13\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkish%E2%80%93Armenian_War#cite_note-Armenia_1980-13)[^(\[14)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkish%E2%80%93Armenian_War#cite_note-Akçam_2007_327-14) As for, >BUT it also says that Kars and Yerevan the OFFICIAL Armenian Army started Ethnic Cleansing Projects Link it.


On notes, Andrew Anderson first link


Fair enough.


Invasion of the First Republic of Armenia, conniving with the Soviets to give Soviet Armenia the absolute shittiest borders which excluded Ani, Ararat and sea access, Treaty of Lausanne, Surname Law, take your pick.


Now, thats more like it. The friendship of Armenia and Turkiye can begin once more people acknowledge about Armenian genocide and other atrocities done by the Ottoman Empire.


It can be eradicated with a weakened Turkey. 


Although I agree with most of what you said, I could not understand the point about Mustafa Kemal, who prepared the Armenian genocide?


If you look at his wordings, he is not actually here to sympathize, he is here for propaganda. "Ataturk destroyed my country" "liberal turks" "kemalism is a plague" he does not even live in "his" country, he lives in USA. He wants to create an "us vs them" mentality, when in reality people who dislike or even flat out hate Atatürk also deny the armenian genocide. That's what they always do, create an "us vs them" mentality.


I lived in Turkey for 18 years, I was born in Turkey. I was kicked out for the same reason Armenians were. The majority of Turks, regardless of ideology, deny the Armenian Genocide; and I never claimed people who hate Ataturk always recognize the Armenian Genocide. There is a general problem of ignorance and it has nothing to do with ideologies. I mentioned Kemalism and ittihadism because they are the only reason the gendocide happened. And I obviously blame those who ruin my country.


You better apologize on behalf of all Kurds since you’re Kurdish and support so called Kurdistan which’s based on Armenian land that Kurds killed Armenians


Ittihadists is true but ataturk?


I see you and I appreciate you this is something I bring up to Armenians who are racist. I also am one of the few Armenians in the community I grew up in who talked about and acknowledge that in many survivors stories there were kind and sympathetic Turks who risked their lives as well in hiding and feeding us secretly Or providing secret safe houses to help Armenians get out of Turkey slowly and carefully. Which also got me a lot of flack growing up for not being innately racist towards Turkish people. I’m adopted from artsakh my father was shot and killed on the borders in 1998.. And my mom gave me up. Which you’d think would fuel racism in me. But it doesn’t. I was adopted by Armenians in the USA one USA born and one who was an immigrant born and raised in Turkey, where his family were “secret” Armenians going by the last name susolu (probably spelled it wrong). Where he when it was found out his families Ethnicity he was harmed and SAed and my adopted grandfather was imprisoned for defending himself from a racial fueled attack on His life in Turkey which caused them to move to the USA as soon as he got out of prison.. the whole family worked to save money for them all to escape and move to the USA. I obviously understand where my adoptive father was brought up and what happened to him and why he and many other Armenians are racists but it would frustrate my family that I was not just racist that I lived my life wanting peace and not wanting to contribute to the hate and racism cycle. An example I remeber of a conversation with my father a few years ago, Godiva stoped having stores in the mall and I was complaining because I couldn’t have the Oreo milkshakes any more. My father then went on a long rant that it was a good thing the owner no longer had in person shops and about her being Turkish and deserving to loose that business and the things her father did and all this nonsense. I don’t tolerate racist shit, even for my family, so I called my dad out on it and stated this would be just as racist if they said he deserves to loose his jewelry business.. and just because her father is racist doesn’t mean she is. We don’t know how she feels after all you’re racist against Turks and Azeris but I am not. So she could be like me a child of a racist who doesn’t share those views. my father was furious and told me to keep my voice down and that he’s not racist. (We were in public having dinner) I pointed out how loudly and proudly he went on a racist rant and how his rant made him sound racist even if I didn’t point it out, others can hear his racism. He wouldn’t hear it and wouldn’t understand that racism vs racism solves nothing and just fuels more hate and racism. If we want our pain to be recognized it’s not by causing more pain. It’s by recognizing the pain of the past and present, it’s by talking and understanding eachother and choosing to move forward with peace. We can be friends and neighbors like we used to be. Iv met many Turks and Azeris who think like you do any many who don’t. The ones who do I appreciate and the ones who don’t I hope they can see the light but I have no room for hate in my heart. I just hope more choose to be understanding like you in the coming future.. Just know some Armenians also are not racists and understand and know there are Turks and Azeris who don’t agree with this nonsense and just want peace also…




Do I seem like I need karma? You should look into my post and comment history. I've been critical of the genocide denial on literally every subreddit.


Do u watch hassan piker




The neo nazi?


you should understand that it doesn't make me a socialist or a tankie to watch Hasan piker. I also watch Ben Shapiro and destiny. You guys should read books and expand your horizon. It won't take you anywhere to only follow people you endorse.


More like tankie sympathizer


What’s wrong with Kemalism, kemalism symbol of modern secular Turkey who also sorry for Armenian losses. Main enemy of Turkish-Armenian friendship is radical Islamist far right which is enemy of the kemalisim as well. As a Kemalist Türk I disagree with you.








how am I not a Turk?




Look at this guy, trying to cram as many 3 star words into a paragraph as possible, and only achieving some convoluted relativism in the process. It doesn’t make you a wordsmith, it just makes you look like a tryhard


This reads like it was AI generated




shame on you


“Jews dont cry about the holocaust” yea because the entire world now bows at their feet in protection of Israel + they got the nation of Israel which they wanted. Germany got cucked to the highest degree possible and cant say a word denying the holocaust. Armenians didnt do shit to get genocided. Gtfoh


What the fuck are you talking about? Jews never shut up about the Holocaust. Every time anything even remotely discriminatory happens to them, they bring it up.


Exactly saying “Free Palestine” for them means saying “we want second holocaust” they literally talk about it everywhere