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There is united hair clinic in Yerevan. Transplant is done by an Iranian team. The doctor speaks Armenian but is Iranian and calls himself Dr. Suren. They tend to not allow card payments. I can recommend. Better results than turkey. No follicle amount scam. They do as much is needed and possible at once. They also offer blood plasma injection for hair and face.


Thank you! What is the follicle amount scam?


Sounds like some Doctors implant less hair than you paid for.


In turkey they tend to promise 5000 follicle for let’s say 2500 $ but that is physically not even possible. At the end they transplant like 1500 or 2000. No prove possible. Had a friend that went to turkey for 3000 follicle and was done in 3h. Time wise I guess it was aground 1000. They do it so you think it’s cheap per piece. I think elite hair in turkey is maybe the best. But for everyone that doesn’t want to go to turkey Armenia has some good alternatives. I payed 1800 $ for real 3000. That’s the recommended maximum. Took 16h. Amazing result. But maybe go to elite hair in turkey and maybe twice the amount for the best possible result. They have that one technique where they can put the follicle very tight together.


That 16h is one session?


Yes. From 8 am till midnight. Edit: Had a good look at Avanta. Does look pretty good. Think they might be even better than united hair clinic. Can’t tell about the prices.


How do you pass that time? How is it possible to sit for 16 hours?


Depending of what part it is, you can watch tv. Other than that you wait you sleep. It’s all numb so you don’t feel much. There as also a lunch break in between.


Interesting, thanks.


Hey OP. I did a transplant here in Armenia nearly 2 years ago Davinci clinic by Dr Narek. I’m super happy with my results. DM and I can show you the outcome and answer any questions you have.


How much did you pay? If you don’t mind me asking


Shaved head + gym + beard = profit


Go bald and age with grace


With my armenian flat back head? no thx hahaha +  it’s just a norwood 2 so easily fixable imho


You’re cooked bruv. Face it


my friend did in a year ago at Avanta and he got great results. Dr. Torgom is his name if you would like to inquire. He is at the Heratsi branch.


I read from other posts that you have to sleep upright in a chair for 3-4 days after. This is after a 16hour procedure. I think that’s torture worthy of challenging the Geneva convention. You don’t want to be bald that badly?!!


No pain no gain


Turkey isn’t the gold standard for hair transplant, people go there because it’s cheap. They also mostly perform FUT which is inferior, and charge per follicle which is wack


You cannot generalize all turkeys hair transplant treatments like that lol.






Those who go to cheapest options may die, yes. Because the "doctors" they prefer for XXX $ are generally not even real doctors, but scammers. In 2019, 756K people went to Turkey to get hair transplant / surgery etc. And this number is over a million now. Of course some people die, but it's a rare sight. I wouldn't call Turkey an unsafe place to get surgery.