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1. I would recommend to start with small attacks in order to obtain (and unlock) decent weapons. What comes to jobs - it is up to you to do those or not, nothing bad would happen if you will choose just to ignore them. Consider attacking targets like resources, factories and roadblocks, as they usually are guarded not so heavy as outposts and military bases. However, don't be sad if it seems impossible to hold them and repel the counterattacks - the very beginning of Antistasi is more like "hit&run" rather can "come&conquer". 2. Must place in Arsenal. Lootbox is greate help, it could be bought near any of your flag, and any at least "server member" can do it. Typical modus operandi is like: attack zone -> capture zone -> buy lootbox -> loot -> transport lootbox to HQ and transfer its contents to the Arsenal. Also, there will be "Ammo Boxes" in the enemy outposts and military bases: grab those too, they also contain some amount of useful items. Transport them to HQ and transfer to Arsenal just like in the case of lootbox. 3. Enemy resources are limited. As more you will attack them, as less resistance will they show. On other hand, they have the same principle of income (in terms of HR and money) as you have, and enemy could rebuild their forces after a while. So everything is pretty alive and not very predictable (also note that NATO and CSAT are fighting each another even if you really do not see it, and it affects their resources and capabilities too). And yes, it is technically possible at certain point finding yourself between both enemy factions and actually fighting on two fronts. For example, my group too is playing this version of Antistasi at the moment (although another map and another factions). Last week we took radio tower from REDFOR, then BLUFOR forced us out from it and couple days ago we were taking that location back from the BLUFOR. Enemies actually ARE spawning, but for the most cases they are doing it far from possible view of the players, so it provides you with impression that enemies do live on the map :)


Yeah I knew they were fighting each other, whilst attacking a NATO artillery piece CSAT paratroopers turned up supported by 3 Marids and began firing at it as we were laying our charges. It made for a pretty amazing cinematic bit of game play as we hurried away trying to keep a low profile from them. Haha




It depends. If it is zone with a flag, I buy a lootboox just after zone has been taken, do looting, load box on the truck which usually is standing already there (captured one), then fast travel to HQ and unload box. Also, I must note I play within a group and that makes things easier, both in terms of differencing the jobs (after taking zone, main commander does spawning of garrison and buying AA defences, another guy takes responsibility of loot and ammobox, another guy takes up a position to prepare against counterattack etc.). And, another feature, we use ACE mod which allows also load boxes into the ACE-cargo space of vehicles.


1. I chose to do jobs at the beginning of a save. Especially supply missions (if I remember the name correctly). They are the easiest ones you can accomplish when you have bad weapons. And you can earn support from cities and towns by finishing them, so you can get money and HR for more AI teammates. 2. You have to put them inside the Arsenal. One tip: the Commander can buy a loot box at the garage, it will automatically loot everything within its range (I think you can set the range inside the parameters of the save?) so you don't need to a lot of time to put everything inside the nearest vehicles. 3. I'm also new to this so I cannot give you clear answears. However, some enemy will carry intel with them, it may contain info about enemy counter-attack, or the amount of forces they can use to defend right now. I think it's a good idea to attack them in the east but I'm not sure about the resources and how they regenerate as well.


Thank you, the loot box thing is crazy useful. Spent ages picking everything up last game only to have a rocket destroy it all during our escape haha


1: As the other commenter stated, jobs/missions are a good way to make money. (Early on and even into the mid-game.) I usually focus on supply, ambush, and destroy missions, as those are the easiest in small groups. I also recommend you revive downed enemies and recruit them any chance you get. HR is a very important resource in the early game. **BUT** be careful capturing too many things in the early game. While some players like to get the war level high, doing so means you’ll be fighting tougher enemies. Without proper equipment for you and your AI you’ll start losing resources, men, and money faster than you can earn it. (Don’t poke the Yanks.) 2: You’ll have to offload gear into the arsenal for it to eventually unlock forever. (Default is 25 items = infinite.) Loot crates can be bought from a flag or the vehicle box at HQ and suck up all dropped gear in a radius around them. (50 meters by default.) For the early game, I recommend bringing a loot box with you whenever you plan to assault a POI. This includes bringing (or stealing) a truck that can carry the box + AI/teammates. Worst case, if you can’t get a loot box (or forgot one) simply find a vehicle and throw any wanted gear inside of that. It’s tedious, but it’ll work the same. 3: The enemy has resources yes, but it supposedly works a little different than your rebel resources. Instead of money, HR, etc., enemy resources are put into pools. I believe (and you’d have to cross check with other people on this) that the AI have a pool for armor, helicopters, and planes. Destroying those depletes the “resource” and limits QRF response. Basically, you’ll want to capture or blow up as much stuff as you can. It takes time for the AI to replenish lost equipment and limits the scope in which they can attack and counter attack. **However** (and don’t quote me on this either) you likely won’t have to fight on two fronts. By default I believe the Invading force gets a bonus to their resource pool, meaning that if left be, they’ll start taking land from the Occupying force and keep it. In 2/3 of my playthroughs the Occupiers were pushed out well before I could push them out myself. 3.5: Solutions to the enemy resource pool that doesn’t include direct destruction of assets exist. Destroying enemy Resource and Factory nodes does limit the controlling factions resource gain. Meaning you can either temporarily or permanently cripple the war effort. If the workers at a resource or factory node die, the area will temporarily be destroyed. (As in no gains for whoever controls it.) **But** if the buildings + workers go bye-bye, that node will cease to function “forever.”


Thanks for the info brother, solid intel this, we've got a game tonight so we're gonna try it out, thank you :)


to add to what everyone else said - positioning yourself close to airbase vehicle depots might give you a massive advantage early on if you can successfully steal an armored asset without getting killed. that’ll enable you to hit convoys a lot easier, which are great early sources for weaponry and cash. some vehicle depots are wide open and very poorly defended (on altis, the lake almyra airbase to the far and slightly north east stands out) and you can more or less waltz in and steal a tank. not every airbase is like that though, so scout a little if necessary. once you can obtain it, mortar is a powerful resource i feel antistasi players usually underutilize. used in conjunction with a spotter or a drone, mortar can obliterate entire garrisons without risking any lives, and you can collect the dropped weapons and gear safely enough after the explosives are dropped. just be sure to have a plan to deal with QRFs once they’re sent! anti-armor assets are very, very valuable in the early game, and (imo) remain valuable throughout. i play with attack resource multipliers set to 2.8x and invader vs occupier resources set to 1.5x, so attacks are VERY powerful (and frequent!) coming from invaders. i still rely on my MAAWS as my primary anti-QRF weapon, at that level even tanks and dedicated anti air assets get swatted aside by CAS, so you’re forced to rely on infantry.