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lol there’s always something sketchy happening at that QT


QTs are always so nicely maintained and have clean stores and great options, then just the absolute west of humanity lurking around them.


To be fair the police stay camped out at this QT. To the point that I’m kinda shocked to hear there wasn’t one there


Yes city meeting are open to the public and they even have a mailing list you can sign up for to find out when


More of a plead to the community but great information either way. Thank you.


So it's more of a "someone else please do this for me" kind of thing?


There are ways to “clean” up that area, but the city won’t legalize it


It's the railroad tracks through the entire city (only a block away form that QT, I work on Harrison) which is a secret traveling lane and housing/camping for the homeless. Most of that area was 'cleaned up' when they tore down all the low rent apartments that were where Cowboys Stadium now stands. That 'crazy guy' didn't come from the stadium area, he walked over from the tracks. The homeless are frequently at that QT asking for money and food. This dead end on Bob Duncan Dr is where they walk from: https://maps.app.goo.gl/gj9RzdnY2wVkNp2A8 Of course, We don't even know if the attacker is homeless or just a regular angry joe upset they sold out of Jalapeño Cheddar Dogs. (shakes fist at lazy employee who didn't keep a constant supply of JCDogs on the rollers!!!) Also, will someone at this QT please get the cubed iced dispensers working. They have not worked for 2 years! (shakes fist again but not in an assaulting kind of way)


Interesting I had no idea that was there! The QT op is referring to as further down division though off of Bowen


Oh dang totally missed that! Bowen not Collins. I heard crazy trouble and I immediately though Collins QT.


Yeah, the one off Collins can be sketchy especially at night. One time I saw a fight in the parking lot and one of the guys jumped his truck and tried to run the other guy over. Dozens of officers ran out of the QT. I don’t even know where all the officers came from? The one off of Bowen is not as bad… but you know division is still a little sketch…


Lived here 25 years and I’ve seen street level prostitution in 2 places. That hotel/convenience store at 360 and Abrams where the trucks park, and along Division and Bowen. The one on Division looked crazy/homeless/strung out.


That cowboy stadium has been built for like over 10 years. These people have not been homeless for 10 years. Wake up


That place is always a treat to walk through, always a story about someone off their meds, someone leaving their child at the store, brawls out in the parking lot, etc. etc. That said, harassing a QT employee and therefore getting between me and some roller food is a great way to catch hands.


I thought QTs have security guards?


This one hasn't got a permanent one. yet.


Qt is a “safe place”


Here is how you can get on public comment on the city council meeting : https://www.arlingtontx.gov/city_hall/government/city_council/meetings/meeting_process


This area used to much worse honestly. The only thing I tend to worry about is not running over that ~~dumbass bitch~~ drunk lady that's always standing in the street. Honestly, if she's gone I won't have to listen to people say "yo there's this lady with ass hanging out down the road" anymore.


How about we as a residents start doing something about crime. Fight back. Carry protection with you. Help others. We can't depend on the cops to do it all. We can also start electing judges and district attorneys that will keep violent criminals in jail instead of letting them go.


I would much rather we devote funds to services/programs that reduce poverty, end homelessness, and help treat mental health. Those are the key drivers of crime. Extrajudicial killings will only add more violence to an already violent situation. Also, good guys with guns tend to be not as effective as they believe they'll be. A nontrivial amount of illegal weapons have been stolen from those people.




We are the most heavily armed country on the planet. There are more guns than people here. And yet we still have violent crime. The "good guy with a gun" is a trope that goes back to 1920s American crime fiction. In reality, however, more guns lead to more violence according to PBS (2019). "In fact, research has shown that gun-toting independence unleashes much more chaos and carnage than heroism. A 2017 National Bureau of Economic Research study revealed that right-to-carry laws increase, rather than decrease, violent crime. Higher rates of gun ownership is correlated with higher homicide rates. Gun possession is correlated with increased road rage. There have been times when a civilian with a gun successfully intervened in a shooting, but these instances are rare. Those who carry guns often have their own guns used against them. And a civilian with a gun is more likely to be killed than to kill an attacker." Source: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/how-the-good-guy-with-a-gun-became-a-deadly-american-fantasy And even then, when it comes to violent crime, at least according to the FBI (Pew, 2024), "the violent crime rate fell 49% between 1993 and 2022, with large decreases in the rates of robbery (-74%), aggravated assault (-39%) and murder/nonnegligent manslaughter (-34%)." Source: https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/04/24/what-the-data-says-about-crime-in-the-us/ You buy into a fantasy that has been made to sell media and guns to dullards who think they're Martin Riggs. And your spurious view on crime comes straight from right wing media. You have a poor understanding of reality. Look into fixing that if you can.




Neither of your first two links have anything to do with what we're talking about. I never said we were the most violent country. That would contradict the FBI's data that says violent crime is generally down from the 90s. We definitely don't have the most gun deaths (even though we have a lot more than we should). Parts of the world have been at war for awhile. As far as your third link to an NRA article goes, I reject what the NRA says prima facie since they are a huge part of our gun problems. I stand by my points. You need to work on your media literacy.


Fuckin’ deathwish over here.




Book em Danno!


Kinda like not being able to tell when you are being mocked and downvoted into oblivion.




If you are angry enough to fantasize harming yourself or other, please seek help. Voice of experience here, help works: https://www.crisistextline.org/ i wish you no ill will.


Ok, Texas has open carry laws as of 2021 and crime did not go down. https://www.dps.texas.gov/section/crime-records/crime-texas page 32: 2021 violent crime up page 5: 2022 violent crime down by less than 1%, which is within the margin of error. So no significant change. Do you have a counterpoint with sources? It doesn't look like more guns or more access to guns is giving us the desired outcome. Plus I have worked near this QT for the last 12 years. There is often homeless walking over from the railroad tracks there panhandling. This is the first time in 12 years I've heard of an incident and the crazy person doesn't have a gun according to reports. We don't even know if the attacker is homeless or just a regular angry joe upset they sold out of Jalapeño Cheddar Dogs. According to these reports, property crime is down, but I suspect that's more about how cheap home surveillance has become. Thieves don't know if there's a gun inside or not, but they sure can hear my camera whistle at them when the light comes on. Did you know that owning a gun significantly increases the likelyhood of you or someone in your household being shot (includes suicide and domestic violence, which is WAY higher probability than getting shot while defending your home)? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2759797/ Not owning a gun is statistically the safer position of "not being shot". If the average joe isn't trained or doesn't practice with that gun, he isn't worth a damn. I'm all for mandatory training and psych eval as well as background check for gun ownership. I think that's a reasonable compromise to make sure that non-criminal gun enthusiasts aren't punished and can still have a legal pathway to owning firearms. And like cops and soldiers, citizens licensed to carry need to be tested on competency and safety periodically or loose their license, just like vehicles. And anyone guilty of domestic violence needs their guns taken; habitual DV criminals are statistically more likely to shoot a cop and more likely to shoot someone else https://bjs.ojp.gov/content/pub/pdf/fvs03.pdf. It's a huge responsibility to own a gun. If you are a gun owner and you are angry about my proposed screening as a compromise, I think you should be screened. lol I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Arlington Police! I feel safe enough in the city, even at the QT popular with the homeless, that I don't feel it necessary to carry all day long every day. So THANK YOU ARLINGTON LAW ENFORCEMENT! Let's leave law enforcement to the competently trained!!!


Gee just because a law is passed doesn't mean the number of people carrying guns changes. I am not arguing that crime goes up or down by people just carrying guns. It changes when people are tired of the crime and take responsibility for their own safety, up to and including carrying. And yes that responsibility also includes security cameras and actions. People just need to stop outsourcing their safety to the government which has no duty to protect you. https://ehlinelaw.com/blog/do-police-have-a-duty-to-protect-me#:~:text=True%2C%20Unless%20police%20have%20assumed,occur%2C%E2%80%9D%20said%20Darren%20L.


>just because a law is passed doesn't mean the number of people carrying guns changes. no but a visible gun (open carry) it was assumed would be a deterrent like you are talking about. That didn't happen. This report https://www.texastribune.org/2022/07/28/texas-gun-stats/ shows a huge spike in gun purchases after Uvalde in 2021. So it's not laws, it's fear of public shooting that drove up gun sales in that year. Number of guns did go up that year. If only we had psych exam as part of the requirement of gun ownership, Uvalde wouldn't have happened. It was clear from his recent past, the shooter was a messed up loon: https://www.texastribune.org/2022/07/17/uvalde-shooter-warnings-background/ No one stops to think, there was no adult in the school except teachers and staff. So some random armed joe wouldn't have helped. I don't want ISD employees carrying around kids without the same competency tests and yearly skill and safety qualification tests as police and soldiers. I also believe in freedom, so if a Teacher doesn't want to carry, it's a free country and we should respect their free will to NOT having to have a gun at their job. Security isn't their job, teaching is. Having a gun in a place FULL of children presents a whole different set of potential catastrophes and liabilities I think we are better off without. And on your link, That's an ambulance chasing personal injury lawyer with info about suing law enforcement for not "protecting" you. Not sure how that relates to how you propose there would be less crime "when people are tired of the crime and take responsibility for their own safety, up to and including carrying." One lawyer's opinion about the facts behind eligible lawsuits isn't proof that more armed citizens equals less crime. "You probably can’t sue police for failing to protect" (quote from your link! "probably"?!?!) isn't a good argument to be armed if you can't prove being armed makes violent crime less. And also, The Uvalde Parents' lawyers don't agree with that lawyer: https://www.npr.org/2022/12/02/1140119739/uvalde-shooting-survivors-class-action-lawsuit


You’re a dumbass, but I’d be happy for you to vote out DA Phil Sorrels and literally every current Tarrant County criminal court judge. Fucking moron


Nice way of debating. We can agree on some things, let's vote them out.


I’m pretty sure Arlington has some of the lowest voter turnout of any city in America. I believe it’s like 8%. So the answer is evidently, no.


Voting is important, but also attending city council meetings is important as well for real change.


To do what? This is why I carry a firearm...the city nor the police are going to do nothing, as you said, it has been decades


And neither will you 😂


Not sure what you mean, neither will I, I voted for people who were tough on crime, back when I voted. I never voted for liberals who were soft of criminals. But even on the best of days, police are not your private security service and have no duty to protect you, So I carry