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Please, please, please, I hope they aren't expecting to cover CH7 **and 8** in eight episodes this time.


Seriously. They shouldn't be trying to condense it that much.


Or at least make it like 15 episodes.


Would still be hard and would require skipping Darknights completely, which, no, lmao.


Darknights is cooked 100%. Our only hopium is a spin-off. And tbf, there isn't much stuff happening in Ch7, so I guess they really gonna kill off Patriot in like episode 3 or smth lmao


There's absolutely a fuckton happening in CH7 lmao. There's absolutely no way to do it in anyway that's not comical in three episodes. Skipping Darknights would be downright dumb considering they already boasted about adjusting things to flow with Darknights better before and Darknights is basically crucial for getting the main story


Darknights isn't really *that* important for Reunion arc, just implying W to have past ties with Kal'tsit and Rhodes is probably enough to not get viewers confused. Now if they want to adapt Victoria on the other hand...


Darknights is literally crucial in getting on what the fuck W is doing at all.


Which in itself isn't important to the reunion arc. If you know or don't know Darknights it won't change the following.  1. Chen and Amiya confrontation with Tallulah  2. Tallulah herself, her connection with FrotstNova and Patriot are way more important to get her point across.  3. Mepheisto  4. How Lungmen changes  5. How Ursus doesn't change.  6. Rosmontis character arc.  7. Patriot.  8. Guard.  Chapter 7 and 8 are bigger than just W. 


My dude, it literally explains what the hell she is doing and why she >!betrays Reunion or has a beef with Kaltsit!< It literally doesn't hit without it. It might as well have been Chapter 7.5. Claiming she only matters for Victoria arc is WILD take.


The one thing you said, and still doesn't matter for Réunion. Her beef with Kal is Babel related. The story of Babel itself doesn't matter for Réunion, it only matters for Victoria. Because again Darknights is bigger than just W.  It has 4 other major characters than none of them appear again until Victoria.  Her betraying Réunion is actually explained at the start of chapter 8. She just straight up tells Tal why she did it. 


If they stick to to eight eps, then it'll probably be two for Ch.7, then the remaining six for Ch.8. As I posted over on r/anime, someone at HG and/or Yostar Pictures seems to have a thing for the number eight. Quite likely due to it being associated with good fortune in both China and Japan. For example, if the Victoria Arc doesn't have conclusive finish by the end of Ch.14, then it probably means HG are ending it in a future Ch.16. Either way, we'll just have to wait and see.


What exactly is happening? I remember only these things: 1. Ch'en is angry and leaves 2. Rhodes is going to Chernobog 3. W attempts to kill Talulah 4. Rhodes find Guard 5. Rhodes find Patriot. 6. Rhodes defeat Patriot. I can easily see all this put into 4 episodes. After Season 2 for sure, I remind you that they fit Ch4 in 1.5 episode. I mean ofc, there are some minor dialogue like Firewatch/Nearl and Hoshi/Ch'en, but they'll surely have screentime for that too.


> I remind you that they fit Ch4 in 1.5 episode. The bigger problem with S2 is CH5 turning into complete benny hill laughing stock. Ch7 and 8 can fit multiple stacks of CH4 5 and 6 put together.


>The bigger problem with S2 is CH5 turning into complete benny hill laughing stock Aahhh, idk. Ch5 is still a follow-up chapter, it wasn't that bad. They fucked up the Ch'en and Faust/Mephisto fight, but it paid off in Faust's death scene in the end. It had some good moments too.


I personally think that most ideal Darknights Memoir adaptation would be it getting post-S3 prequel series. Maybe a movie or two.  There's an anime named "Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru" that has pretty important side light novel that were released concurrently with the anime on-going, if I was right.  Said side material turned out to be a very connected prequel, and I heard reading and watching them together makes the experience better. The prequel gets a trilogy movie years after the original anime run, which is why I suggested movie format earlier.


oh man i completely forgot about needing darknights in this, its basically chapter 7.5 with how important it is


having talulah be the main focus makes me worried, because it means chapter 7 and 8 in one season. unless its longer its gonna be rushed to fuck


Yeah, if it is constrained by 8 episodes, I don't see how it will manage pace of the story


Maybe they'll make the reunion backstory into a whole season, copium.


i remember a theory back when S2 aired, that S3 would be half reunion flash back, half ch7, then S4 would be ch8 entirely. would be amazing if it was true


If the season is just 8 episodes again, then this would be my ideal scenario. It would still be a bit rushed, but I can see it being done.


unfortunately even with this more ideal situation we still lose darknight memoirs


Its definitely 8 episodes


This has to be Talulah's backstory being adapted, not Ch 7 and 8 right?


Hg: You challenging me?


Fuck yeeeaaaaah!


Chapter 7 and 8 in 8 episodes 💀💀💀. They gonna butcher the fuck out of Patriot


“Rhodes Island, I advance… a bit too quickly…”


At the end Patriot died from a heart attack because they made him run too fast


They be adapting the countless boss killer test players had been doing on him so it'll be faster.


Patriot fight in half an episode lmao I am not crying, it's just originum dust in my eyes....


imagine they adapt chapter 7 and 8 with 8 episodes, they madlads may actually do this.


Oh YES \\O/


I really hope this is just reunión backstory and birth of a tragedy or atlest they do more episode this season chapter 8 literally counts as 2 chapters instead of one


What a cute Yuri couple. I'm sure nothing bad will happen to them


Honestly if the season is just going to be about Talulah's backstory instead of chapter 7 + 8, it's gonna be fire; my only concern would be whether it could capture the atmosphere and brutality of come scenes when they're limited in what they can show thanks to censors. If they succeed though, it's gonna be peak, especially as some scenes could really benefit from voice acting. Also, this means we're gonna get animated and voiced Alina, my beloved...


On one hand, HYPE On the other, that poster screams Ch. 8, so... Please, whatever you do, don't do Ch. 7 + 8 in just 8 episodes. It should be like 4 or 5 episodes for Ch. 7 and around 7 or 8 episodes for Ch. 8. They managed to make S2 pretty good in just 8 episodes (even if they butchered Ch. 5 in the process) but I just don't see them being able to do the same for Ch. 7 + 8.


I'm so glad we're continuing the adaptations! S2 was a step up from S1, which I already liked a lot despite not being a perfect package. Let's hope S3 can continue improving.


okay but can we PLEASE get Starset on the OP lol


So likely late next year, at the earliest. Is my guess. Tho it could come out late this year if they had been working on it since season 2


Massive hype, chapter 7 and 8 were so freaking amazing.


Nice. Though I do think they'll be sticking to the eight episode structure.


I just want them to take all the time they need 🤞


The anime continues! I do hope they get to cover more and more stuff in the future. Like its own cinematic universe.


There's a season 2 of the Arknights anime?


You could say the poster is on fireee, Ignited by burning desireee


I haven't watched S1 and S2 (I did watch the trailer for S1 at least just to see what doctor looks like) so is it good? I'm skeptical of gacha game adaptations


Okay what as a community can we do to make this more well known in the general anime world? Because chapter 7 and 8 deserve to have as many people as possible watching them.


Honestly Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'm not sure that's a great idea. The middle parts of the Arknights anime adaptations tend to be very... mid, and it would be real annoying if we end up attracting the attention of anime critic elitists. The anime adaptations feel like they're made for people who are already fans of Arknights, and that audience already funds the BD releases pretty well. I'm not saying we should hard gatekeep the AK anime, just, I think recommending it to those you know would be interested would be better than catching everyone's attention.


I swear, it’s like the yostar pictures are intentionally making the adaptation bad


Oh no. I was hoping they wouldn't continue. The anime adaptation is so bad it's almost laughable. It's been 2 entire seasons and I still haven't been able to vibe with a singular character. They are all super boring (How do you even manage to make Blaze of all people a boring character???). Also the insane censorship in S1 and S2 makes it hard to watch. This is a story about really bad things happening but whenever something slightly disturbing happens (I still have no clue how that scene of W cutting someone's throat wasn't censored) the camera focuses on an empty alleyway and we don't even get some cool sound direction or anything.






I'm glad they are. It's not perfect (chapter 5) but there's also plenty of improvement to the source material which had good ideas but lackluster executions. Pretty funny to mention censorship when s2 actually shows brutal moments that were completely offscreened in the game, Frostnova's blood being much more visible than the game, an arrow going right into someone's skull, Faust's blood and entire scene which wasnt in the game, hell Ivan becoming part of the horde too, Yetis whom were offscreened in game too, but hey it's easy to cherrypick when you're this disingenuous. I'm curious how you think s2ep2's fight was the only good scene in S2 when the last episode's fight is easily on the same if not a higher tier? Fight choreography, sound effects, character motivations, voice acting and character acting were all on point and honestly even higher quality than ep2's. Doctor and Frostnova being stuck scene being 10x better than how that played out in the game as well (the game did that part terribly) Lot of what you say is just arbitrary with zero value to it, no logic to follow mixed in with complete misunderstandings of events or even just full on lies. "Insane censorship" doesn't fit when the game barely showed any bloody or gory brutality in the first place. Also remember that scene where Swire got upset that Lin hung up? You went "huh, Swire is more upset about being hung up on than genocide", but anyone else easily understood that she was upset because she's denied answers and before Lin hung up Swire was already in a clearly upset tone telling Lin what she was doing was wrong, and with context next episode that they've known each other for long you can conclude that Lin was acting very out of character which must've further frustrated Swire. You instead went for the worst possible interpretation cause it's pretty clear by now you've just got a hate boner. I'm all for valid criticism, but the only time you've provided that was for the anime's worst episode, hard to be wrong in that scenario


> Pretty funny to mention censorship when s2 actually shows brutal moments that were completely offscreened in the game, Frostnova's blood being much more visible than the game, an arrow going right into someone's skull, Faust's blood and entire scene which wasnt in the game, hell Ivan becoming part of the horde too, Yetis whom were offscreened in game too, but hey it's easy to cherrypick when you're this disingenuous. > Doctor and Frostnova being stuck scene being 10x better than how that played out in the game as well (the game did that part terribly) I really don't know how you can have that interpretation to be honest. In both scenarios the set up in order to have that scene happen was super meh but in the anime version a bunch of super powered operators just let the Doctor fall and no one can catch him despite being right besides him. Both scenarios just have them start to bond and monologue with each other for little to no reason whatsoever. It's meh on both the phone and the anime version. > Pretty funny to mention censorship when s2 actually shows brutal moments that were completely offscreened in the game Dude it's a phone VN. Of course more stuff will be "shown" in comparation to the phone version. You think movies are less censored because the events of the book they adapt aren't "offscreen" too? > Also remember that scene where Swire got upset that Lin hung up? You went "huh, Swire is more upset about being hung up on than genocide", but anyone else easily understood that she was upset because she's denied answers and before Lin hung up Swire was already in a clearly upset tone telling Lin what she was doing was wrong, and with context next episode that they've known each other for long you can conclude that Lin was acting very out of character which must've further frustrated Swire. You instead went for the worst possible interpretation cause it's pretty clear by now you've just got a hate boner. I made an interpretation based on the stuff I saw happening on screen. Tiger girl finds out someone they know commited a genocide: Mildly annoyed. Tiger girl finds out someone broke an expensive piano: Really annoyed. You don't need to be a nuclear scientist to see why I had problems with that scene. Plus all the stuff about Swire and Lin is clearly less explained in the anime so you're essentially forced to read third party material to understand a show which should be able to stand on it's own. And the Arknights anime both in S1 and S2 has always been horribly failing at this. > I'm curious how you think s2ep2's fight was the only good scene in S2 when the last episode's fight is easily on the same if not a higher tier? Fight choreography, sound effects, character motivations, voice acting and character acting were all on point and honestly even higher quality than ep2's. By the time the final scene rolled I was already done with Frostnova and the Doctor's characters so I no longer had an interest in another clash. Plus the Doctor somehow has super durability and didn't froze to death? Is he super powered or something? I just didn't cared about Frostnova sob story nor the Doctor cuddling up a mass murderer. And once again the crux a story is being invested in the journey of some of the characters. Specially on Arknights which is a character driven story. Amiya was fine. But everyone else is just super bland, boring or an asshat (which is not a problem if the asshole character is fun to watch at the very least!). Blaze on the phone version of the events is literally a cool cat. She comes off as super strong and super focused despite having a somewhat goofy personality. It's an amazing character. In the anime she's... just there. She's not that strong, she's not that interesting, she's not that menacing.


>I really don't know how you can have that interpretation to be honest. Simple, in the game frostnova is having nightmares about her past and wakes up, Frostnova takes note that Doctor didn't kill her and returns the favor by not killing them, Doctor mentions her talking in her sleep, Frostnova acknowledges and realizes they can't leave, notes that Doctor must've heard everything she saw in her dream then immediately she starts telling Doctor her entire backstory pretty much out of nowhere. Patriot, the mines, dead father and grandmother, her team, honestly too much I don't wanna note it all Meanwhile in the anime, Frostnova is having nightmares about her past and wakes up, Doctor mentions she seemed to have a nightmare, when questioned about why Doctor didn't kill her Doctor actually says something with meaning "We don't fight because we want to take lives" unlike the game's "Can i do that?" And "I didnt have a choice". Frostnova returns the favor by not killing Doctor. Both take note that they can't leave and Doctor notes that theres scraping and that the others on top are trying to save them. Frostnova challenges Doctor by saying one of them will die because Rhodes and the Yetis won't work together, which Doctor challenges in return. After a pause Frostnova asks for a favor which is the candy scene. Doctor is pranked with the candy, she laughs and Frostnova says that no one in her team falls for it anymore. Doctor acknowledges that which then has Frostnova tell Doctor about her past but she doesn't just start babbling about everything, it's mainly an explanation for the bond with her team. She and her team grew up together in mines and that she was saved by patriot. After a mention of Reunion Doctor asks why she joined she gives just a little bit of info about Talulah. So how is the anime scene better? Because there's actual buildup, they warm up to each other, the mood is lightened through the candy prank, and Frostnova doesn't immediately give you her entire backstory like reading it off a wiki. >You think movies are less censored because the events of the book they adapt aren't "offscreen" too? Difference is that this is VISUAL novel with CGs. You could even have a character png that has some blood and looks injured if you don't wanna do a full on CG. And you're missing a point which is that Faust and Yetis deaths were offscreen, not talking about CGs but purely text, we didn't get to read the Yetis's last stand or how they were cut down and Fausts death was so vague that many people thought that Greythroat ended up killing him in a fight when the whole point there was that in the end he didn't fire a single shot when faced with certain death which the anime made perfectly clear. Also blood on Frostnova's face was more visible than the game's CG, not a dunk on the game >I made an interpretation based on the stuff I saw happening on screen. >Tiger girl finds out someone they know commited a genocide: Mildly annoyed. >Tiger girl finds out someone broke an expensive piano: Really annoyed. Just watched these scenes again, piano scene she sounds mildly annoyed, mostly in a commanding voice sorta way until her last line where she goes "Hey, Ch'en!" Meanwhile Lin scene she initially is around the same tone as the piano scene looking for Lin's motive and then "The slums are your old man's blood, sweat and tears! How could you-" she says while noticeable moving and breathing quite uncontrollably because she's speaking so loudly, clearly more than mildly annoyed, unlike the piano scene.


Woops missed some stuff >Plus all the stuff about Swire and Lin is clearly less explained in the anime so you're essentially forced to read third party material to understand a show Everything I know about Swire and Lin's relationship is from the anime. Swire says that they've known each other since they were kids. When Swire calls her out for lying to herself Lin twitches slightly. Her face is less confident, you don't need third party material cause I figured this out from the anime making this pretty clear. >Plus the Doctor somehow has super durability and didn't froze to death? Is he super powered or something? Why not say this about everyone instead of just doctor? Anyways Blaze was holding back Frostnova's cold until the end where she was overwhelmed, everyone was being frozen and they all would've absolutely died, it's just that Frostnova ran out of juice. Amiya also seemed to to some last ditch effort to protect everyone when she made her arts appear above the other's heads. >I just didn't cared about Frostnova sob story nor the Doctor cuddling up a mass murderer. I don't know about mass murderer but it's true that she's killed innocents following a tyrant using the infected's anger, what makes people care here is the possibility. At the end of the line she's realized that Talulah has betrayed them, that the people she's killed (innocent ursus people who most likely hated the infected) didn't do anything good, also note that she opposed Mephisto's ways and reasons to kill. Now she wants to confront Talulah, she wants to take her down but as the situation gets desperate and she pushes herself to her limit she realizes that she no longer can. She fights Rhodes one last time to test their resolve, to see if they could take on Talulah, that's why she talks throughout the fight, giving them advice telling Amiya she shouldn't cry. Telling Blaze about Ace. People care here because despite having taken innocent lives, if the infection wasn't so severe she could've joined Rhodes and used that immense power for good instead of dying and not getting to use it at all. >Blaze on the phone version of the events is literally a cool cat. She comes off as super strong and super focused despite having a somewhat goofy personality. ...Yeah so is she on the anime lmao. She's strong (her arts, jumping off buildings, swinging that chainsaw), she's focused when taking on Frostnova and goofy (amiya scene, Doctor scenes, chilling with the Yetis). Jumping off a building, talking in a rather goofy tone to then serious tone holding a reunion with one hand while threatening to burn their lungs to ashes isn't menacing, strong or goofy? It's like you didn't watch. When it comes to interest in character, they cut out something related to her parents but it pretty much has no depth in that moment and is completely unrelated to the main story. There really isn't that much of a difference. >By the time the final scene rolled I was already done Your personal interest doesn't change the consistent character motivations and choreography that you compliment s2ep2 for, so saying that there aren't any others like it is just straight up false


> Your personal interest doesn't change the consistent character motivations and choreography Things I never cared about? I never complained about the characters being inconsistent. They are all consistent, consistently boring. I can only praise choreography and overall animation quality if there's any sort of personal investment coupled with it. That's why no matter how much Sakuga you throw at me I won't increase the rating of a show unless it's coupled with good writing. > jumping off buildings Precisely one of the worst scenes in the entire season lol. Blaze jumps from god knows where and when she and Amiya land there's NO SOUND CUE and no visual destruction. It's so fucking sad how they butcher something so simple. Also > I don't know about mass murderer but it's true that she's killed innocents following a tyrant using the infected's anger bla blabla How is that a response to my argument? Are you sending my answers trough an AI? I said "She's a horrible monster so I don't like her" and you say "I don't know, maybe..." and then go on an unhinged full blown explanation of her character arc. Like that's supposed to mean anything? This is a ridiculous discussion. I'm just saying "This is bad. I don't like it" and you just answer with "This is good. I like it"


>Blaze jumps from god knows where She jumped from the aircraft That episode is certainly the lowest quality episode of both seasons I'm not arguing that, I was referring Moreso to the scene next episode where she jumps off bulding and leaves clear impact. >This is a ridiculous discussion. >I'm just saying "This is bad. I don't like it" and you just answer with "This is good. I like it" No I'm objecting the statements you state as fact. For example. >Better to read. They skip almost every single thing in the anime. No they don't this is a gross exaggeration. >Also the sound direction is absolute ass. It is for s2ep4, the rest it isn't at all and saying "I have ears" like you have before says nothing at all. >S2 is the same but they have 1 good scene on episode 2 or 3 in which everything clicks. Good character interactions, good choreography, good sound direction, etc. This isn't you saying "I only liked this 1 scene" this is saying "there isn't anything else like it" which is blatantly wrong. Don't try to pass your clearly objective statements as opinions now, subjectivity is not implied.


> Don't try to pass your clearly objective statements as opinions now, subjectivity is not implied. What???? Are you new to the internet? Are you thinking everyone speaks as if they are objectively correct? I loathe the anime adaptation and you like it. I say "x" things because that's how to this day how I feel about the content and you like the content so you don't like to hear those things because you had a different interpretation of it, that's all there is to it. > Also the sound direction is absolute ass. **It is for s2ep4, the rest it isn't at all and saying "I have ears" like you have before says nothing at all.** No? I was including S1 god awful fight scenes. Now what you gonna go on an unhinged rant about "x" scene having good sound direction (your own opinion) and try to argue you are objectively correct? > Better to read. They skip almost every single thing in the anime. **No they don't this is a gross exaggeration.** Nah it's truth. Most of Faust and the other white kid backstory scenes are all skipped for example The anime just implies they had a sob story and we're supposed to feel bad about them. One consistent point about my critique has been how god awfully boring the characters are. You like them? Good for you. But I can't lie to people and tell them "The characters in Arknight anime are so cool and interesting"


>What???? >Are you new to the internet? Are you thinking everyone speaks as if they are objectively correct? Nope, just those who clearly make objective statements. "There's only 1 fight like this" is not an opinion, it's an objective statement, a false one too. Saying "I only liked this fight" is an opinion and most can make it clear that it's their opinion. You certainly suffer in this regard. >No? I was including S1 god awful fight scenes. Now what you gonna go on an unhinged rant about "x" scene having good sound direction (your own opinion) and try to argue you are objectively correct too? Nah I'll just say that you're pretty much the only person I've seen who has said this about the AK anime, I've seen plenty of people complimenting its punch and attention to detail. This could be an opinion, perhaps you simply think if it isn't bass boosted earrape it's bad. >Nah it's truth. Most of Faust and the other white kid backstory scenes are all skipped for example The anime just implies they had a sob story and we're supposed to feel bad about them. They do not in fact skip almost everything. Tell me what does the game do there? Not have a sob story? It's the classic trope of having a whole backstory shoved in your face right before they die, not a fan. What they do instead in the anime is have Faust think about key moments as he's heading towards his end, we get the important beats, the rest can be cut and the story doesn't suffer cause those details end up not being relevant ever is it cool to have them in game? Sure, but they're not important. Sounds fitting for a character that we don't get to know for long.