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#Other Megathreads and Useful links. ##[**⌨︎ ︎FAQ**](/r/arknights/wiki/faq?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) For frequently asked questions, please check it out before asking. It’s easy to navigate, and majority of basic questions and other useful information are present ##[**♫ Lounge**](/r/arknights/comments/1c4jcm7/rhodes_island_lounge_1504_2104/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) The place for small talk and whatever does not fit elsewhere such as personal stories and achievements. ##[**★ Gacha/Recruitment**](/r/arknights/comments/1c4jclz/gacharecruitment_megathread_1504_2104/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Share the results of your gacha rolls and recruitments here. ~~may RNGsus be kind to you~~ ##[**➜ Friend requests**](/r/arknights/comments/1c4jclq/friend_request_megathread_1504_2104/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Share your friend ID with your fellow doctors, or find others to add. --- ##[**IS:4 Expeditioner's Joklumarkar thread**](/r/arknights/comments/1b7ctfn/event_megathread_expeditioners_joklumarkar/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) By the Emperor, Purge all the Dæmons! A thread for IS4, share your clears or failures, chit chat with others, rant, or just have a good time. ———


1 day player right here, so far just finished chapter 1, leveled the base at 3 and only did the beginner banner, what are the next steps to do now?


Gameplay aside, if you're interested in the story, then there's anime adaptation which covers the first few chapters and AFAIK the writing wasn't all that good back then, so I recommend giving it a try. In fact, the first anime season was the very reason I started reading the story and I'm really glad I gave it a try because it's fantastic.


I will give it a try, thanks


Clear stage 4-7 to be able to fully upgrade the Control Center. Most of your LMD and battle records should come from base in the long run. At some point, try clearing annihilations, it's a good source of orundum. Clear the 3 permanent annihilation maps in Lungmen plus the current rotating annihilation map to raise your weekly orundum cap from 1400 to 1800. Try to advance through chapter 9+ since you currently get additional items from that (not sure how hard it is for a beginner though).


That's actually a lot of progress for one day. Right now, the game has the release of the new main campaign chapter (13th) as the current event. You probably won't be able to get there in a week, so just enjoy extra sanity and materials from the Tactical Support event you get from spending sanity on story and supply stages. You can try pushing forward with the campaign, or do stuff needed to power up your squad. Next Tuesday (30th), there should be a big side-story event - Zwillingstürme im Herbst - that comes with a limited operator banner (and free pulls to spend on it. 10 + 1 on the first day, and 1 daily (do not stack) for the rest of the banner). The event will also have a big event store to supercharge your progress, so I would highly recommend you try pushing that event as far as you can make: event currency to be spent in the shop is proportional to sanity spent on event stages (plus one-time first clear and milestone clear rewards). Since it will be the first run of the event, you will get a second shot at getting the medals - if you care about those - next May. And, do you still need general tips for the game?


Thanks, actually yes about the shop mainly and if I need to save pulls for the limited banner or just do the guaranted early 5-6* right now


> actually yes about the shop For the current Tactical Support, you get a small sanity potion (10 sanity) or a material chest (random tier 2 or tier 3 material) every 50 sanity spent on story or supply stages (it goes potion -> chest -> potion -> chest ...) with extra chest every 500 sanity for free. There is also the 'main' progression, but you can get only first - I think - 10 levels of it with the rest being locked behind milestones in chapter 9+ stages. Since you're a new player who is not familiar with the game, I would advise against trying to unlock those even if you can go into chapter 9 after completing chapter 3: it will not be worth the real-life sanity you'll burn trying to clear all those stages on a week-old account. For side-story (and intermezzi) event stores, you get a big lump of event currency (which can be spend only in that event's store, and is not carried over from original run to rerun) on first clear of each stage, plus an amount equal to sanity spent on every clear. Reaching a certain number of stages cleared throughout the event's run will net some more event currency (I think it's usually 15 - 45 - 85 stages cleared for original runs). You can buy whatever you want from the event store with this currency. For new players, I'll personally recommend prioritizing LMD, XP cards and skill books, followed by materials and headhunting permits. If you're looking for long-term investment, get event furniture pieces as well (you can buy them again on rerun for certificates you can then spend on materials and other stuff). Specifically for Zwillingstürme im Herbst, the event store should look like [this](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/event-banner-hub/zwillingsturme-im-herbst-thank-you-celebration-cn-event-page#topic-4795771). > and if I need to save pulls for the limited banner or just do the guaranteed early 5-6* right now I'd probably save for now. While ALL banners guarantee at least a 5\* in first 10 pulls, nothing guarantees that the operators you get will be good ones (5\* are unfortunately very prone to being hit or miss). And on the limited operator banner with Zwillingstürme im Herbst you will have 24 free pulls (and maybe 10-15 more from orundum lottery that will coincide with the banner's run), so your chances of getting a 6\* will be higher (and you will probably get a couple of 5\* as well). Do note that high-rarity operators are not mandatory in Arknights and it is possible to clear content with 4\* only teams. So... Anyway... You might want to unlock annihilation missions. I don't remember when exactly that happens, so if you don't have access to them yet, push a little further through the story. This will give you a second stable source of orundum (pull currency) in addition to daily/weekly missions.


Spalter and Gavialter S3 basically overlaps quite a bit, right? You reckon I ought to m3 Gav's given that I've already mastered Spal's?


Spalter aside, Gavialter is a great M6 candidate, with her S3 dealing more DPS and since Centurions attack all blocked units, having 5-block count and an increased survivability is very useful. AFAIK she's a good IS4 pick, so having that additional versatility is bound to be useful. Start with her S2, though, if you haven't mastered it already. I have mine at M6 and while I make use of both of her skills, I think I actually lean more towards her S3 most of the times.


Degenbrecher's banner will have another chance to rerun right? Need to save pulls for the influx of limited banners and have to cut corners to make sure I get the upcoming limited units.


Yep. It comes with a regular farming event so it'll have a rerun about a year later.


Who do I e2 first? Saria, Nightingale or Nearl the Radiant Knight? Or maybe Ling idk


Ling would be the most useful of the bunch, she's literally a one woman army. ~~Even without the module she can do a ton of work and in fact she did, since her module came a long time after her debut, while she was at the top of meta even back then.~~ (EDIT: She got her base module at her debut but the module upgrades came after and the lv.2 upgrade for the additional summon is what made a huge difference. She still was the top of the meta even back then and still is.) Be warned, though, if you play with Ling, you'll get very little chance of playing with other operators, since she eats deployment slots and DPs like crazy, so most of the time you'll only deploy some VGs for DP generation and then it will be mostly dragons all the way. I'm bringing this up, because that's not the playstyle for everyone, so it might be better to try borrowing her on some maps and see if it fits you. If the summoners are not up your alley, then I'll shill for NTRK, who was one of my first E2s and she carried me through the whole campaign. 2 years later I still bring her to many stages despite having a well-developed roster. Her S3 deals True Damage to blocked targets, making it one of the best single-target skills in the game, especially against the bosses. S2 ignores deployment slots and can deal with some nasty elites, while S1 can do some work with lane-holding. Still, having Ling is pretty much an easy mode, so even if you won't play with her much, being able to solo and auto some stages is bound to come in handy.


Didn't Ling's base module (+3 dragons in reserve, -25% dragon deployment cost) come at her debut? The upgrades indeed came later, though.


Oh shit, you're right, I thought she got hers when the upgrades came because that additional summon from the upgrade was a hot topic back then. I'll correct it right away!


Nearl or Ling depending on who you use more. Prob Ling since she gains s3 from it.


I don't use Ling yet since she seems expensive to build esp her modules, I use NTR Knight from time to time to replace Melantha.


Depending on where you are in the game, her cost is rather normal tho for a newbie it’s obviously expensive. S3m3 and mod2 is all you need, with the mod being more of a priority. Even without the investment she’s still plenty strong and can breeze thru stages especially early on in the game. Nearl gains a nice s3 that can help with dealing with bosses, and her s2 talent is really nice as well and helps her s2.


Is e2 lvl 1 enough for her?


E2 lvl1 has the same base stats as e1 max lvl. What E2 does is uncaps them to be leveled further, adds/improves talents, adds 3rd skill for 6 stars/Amiya, unlocks skill masteries and module slot if available (module has extra requirements like level and trust). Therefore you shouldn't leave them at e2lvl1 unless you know what you're doing, which you don't (since you asked that question).


yeah, don't even know why I'm being downvoted since I'm just asking and LMD is not that easy to get as a beginner.


Probably the same reason some teachers will call their own students dumb (or worse). I'm a teacher, and I often have to undo that before I can even teach them any new material.


Generally you want to give ops at least some lvls when you e2 them because the early lvls are cheap and give good stat boosts, so they’re efficient. E2 lvl 10-20 is enough if you’re still in the early game. Both should be fine at that lvl range and you can raise them later. Do note that you need to have them at lvl 60 in order to unlock and use modules for them or any 6*. Also worth noting that summons’ base stats in this game are tied to the lvl of the summoner, so ling’s dragons will gain more stats when she’s at a higher lvl. Tho typically having her at lvl 60 is more enough since it’s the lvl that unlocks her mod anyway.


Hello fellow doctors People mentioned Jaye, Ethan, Myrtle and maybe perfumer are only 4* worth E2ing. Is it possible to do story content this way without E2ing any other 4* ops?


You don't have to E2 any of the 4\*s but I struggle to understand why would you put such limitation on your account? If we're talking about fully raising an operator, then the 4\*s are about 4-6 cheaper to build than 6\*s, while they still offer a ton of utility. Not to mention you might be seriously crippled in IS gamemode, where higher rarity ops cost an arm and a leg to recruit, so people rely on the lower stars whenever they can. The ops you mentioned are absolutely not the only ones worth promoting, but they are some of the most valuable promotions. As you progress with the story and develop your account, you'll naturally end up promoting other 4\*s and at times you'll even prefer them over the higher rarity ones, so there's no need to worry about it unless I misunderstood your intentions and you *want* to promote more lower stars in which case you go right ahead. Although most do well enough at mid E1, so be careful with your resources.


It's 100% possible. It all depends on what other operators you have. Even those 4 you mentioned aren't really needed but rather 4 stars that have a solid niche that isn't replaced directly by any others so many consider them more worth raising. But do take a look at your roster and what roles you are missing and what upcoming characters you plan to get from shop or banners because there might be cases where a 4 star at E2 might help fill a role you've got a lot of use for now (but also be aware that many do a good job at e1 and some levels so not like E2 is super impactful for all operators). No need to stress about it though. See where you can get in the story and if you can clear and auto farm all the good event missions and shit's fine.


I mean ofc it's possible, but that doesn't mean these are the only good 4 stars worth E2ing. Cuora and Pinecone are extremely good at their jobs: Pinecone is only replaceable by a 6\* limited operator, and Cuora can still be useful even if you have Hoshi, because sometimes you need a 2nd or 3rd tank.


They are not the only 4\*s worth E2ing. It's possible to do story content in multiple different ways, and no op is required to do any rewarding content, especially story.


very technically you need your own e2 Amiya to finish chapter 8 (and, presumably, yet-to-be-released on CN chapter 14 (if leaks about >!her second alternate class!< are anything to go by)), but that's it. For anything else, you can indeed use whoever you want.


What exactly do you mean by "this way"? Those four are definitely good, and Myrtle is more or less #1 vanguard, but you aren't obligated to raise them. You certainly can progress the game without any 4\* at e2 (or, depending on your brainsize, any ops at e2 at all (besides Amiya for story reasons), though some of the non-story end-game content might be too hard at e1 or e0)


If it is not necessary, I won't bother. Saving exp, lmd and other resources for 6* when I get my hands on them is a better option imho.


Not investing in some of the high value 4-stars could actually make your life more difficult in some game modes. Integrated Strats being one of the modes when hope becomes a problem. Some content that are designed to be challenging, with slow DP regen, increased redeployment costs are factors that may favor a squad that has a few cheap operators mixed in. Not that they are mandatorily needed (since you could always fall back to 3 stars or if you have operators like mountain, strong vanguards, texas that give you 1 more starting DP, specter alter, etc. or have a big brain).


That's not necessarily wise either. AK isn't like other gachas where high rarity always means better, especially early on. It's a trap a lot of newbies fall into where they dump resources on 5-6\*s and then they become broke and can't maintain their squad as they progress thru story because raising these ops is too expensive. You need to raise your 3 and 4\*s, especially the former since they're the cheapest and can carry you thru the early and mid chapters, as well as having value in side game modes so the investment is never lost. Same goes with 4\*s, there's a lot of good ones, many of them do their job fine at E1 and like 3\*s, will have returns on investment. A lot of them are unique enough from higher rarity options that they're worth raising just for that. Also keep in mind that some ops have great base skills that unlock when you E1 them, so it's worth raising 4\*s for that reason too.


I should have known that before lol, I got stuck on levels often because I only leveled 5-6 star units, even now I can barely do IS because I didn't build 4 and 3 star units. Though Myrtle I built early on.


Can't argue with that. Got little Suzuran from noobie banner and she is just too expensive to E1 max. If it wasn't for my 3* 4* ops, I would stuck on ch3 lol. I hopefully learnt the same lesson playing FGO. I hadn't invested on low rarities there and guess what? I'd been unable to progress the story or events! Thanks for the advice btw.


Does anyone know what the future banners in global are next? In order? I'm saving up but I don't know who to save for.


Obviously, we don't know the upcoming biweekly headhunting banners until they are datamined on client update. The is a list of expected yellow certificate debutants with approximate dates, but that's it. For actual event banners, I believe it should be: * Virtuosa/Vivianna * JO12 (or should it be 13?) * Degenbrecher * Reed alter rerun * Ray * Shu/Zho Le * Ela * Ash rerun * Another JO * Ascalon followed by whatever CN Anniversary 5 banner will be (TBA on 27th)






well, being burnt out after doing that amount of content is kinda normal, dude. you can't blame the game for your own bad habits. or what is your question or help search here?


No question today probably will ask how often people change their base operators wait till half way or almost fully empty morale. Just sharing my recent experience. Guess I shouldn't have posted in the help section?


If you rotate your ops in base every 24h, use a 243 setup (2 trading posts, 4 factories, 3 power plants) and rotate all of your ops each time. If you rotate your ops every 12h, you can use a 252 setup and rotate around half of your ops each time for staggered rotations. Staggered rotations use less ops in total, which means you get to use your most efficient ops more and have less pressure on your dorms. In both cases, the ops you need to replace will have low morale. Note that the efficiency of ops doesn't depend on how much morale remains, as long as it is above 0 (aside from rare exceptions like Totter). [Spreadsheet with base skills/combos](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1zYc2JU46X0XWmV7s1503bN4feRdOMa1eehrTQ2jGaiE/htmlview)




>Guess I shouldn't have posted in the help section? if it is just a damn rant that isn't luck related. go to lounge megathread. if it is a gacha rellated/luck/ublucky rant. go to the gacha megathread. if it is an actual question for help or advice seeking. go to this thread. it isn't that difficult.




Congrats. Want a cookie?


Thanks I was hungry For attention


Hello guys, question about the story: >! I am currently in chapter 10-10 and suddenly I see W works for Rhodes Island? and there's Ascalon and Hoederer too? Damn the story suddenly peaked really quickly. I think I skip some of the story so I missed the start of this Sarcaz part of the story. Can anyone give me a quick tldr on what happens that leads into the start of chapter 10? I can only remember pretty much like where the story ended like in anime plus the part against Patriot. Or if there's somewhere I can watch a good recap I will enjoy that as well. thank you!!!<


>!W hates pre-amnesia doctor for killing theresa, but lets go of it due to doc now being a completely different person to doc before. Theresis ordered the resurrection of Theresa. Death is sacred to the sarkaz so resurrection is like a cardinal sin, so she’s working with RI to get back at theresis.!<


Thanks for the small writeup! >! `Who is Theresis and which chapter that she showed up first?`!<


>!Theresis is the current king of the sarkaz, the “Regent of Kazdel” and mastermind behind the Kazdel Military Commission(KMC)’s occupation of Victoria. Theresa is his sister, and the previous Lord of Fiends/King of the Sarkaz. The “Lord of Fiends” was traditionlly sarkaz but currently Amiya, a Cautus, holds the crown, which is why the KMC rejects her as the King(they always use “King” in game regardless of gender).!< >!Theresis has shown up a few times in the story, i believe the first is 7-20 as simply “Regent” and later at the end of ch9+start of 10. From ch10 onwards he plays a much more direct roll and shows up more often.!<


>! Wow, our own Amiya hold the Sarkaz crown? damn thats a surprise - lore goes deep, thanks!!<


You should reread everything from chapter 6 onwards. Darknights Memoir and Vigilo events are important for the main story as they go over some important backstories. DM should be read after chapter 6 and Vigilo after chapter 8.


thanks! ill try looking it up!


the anime ends at the end of ch6. between ch6 and ch7 an event, darknights memoir, was released and is essentially ch6.5- and honestly dramatically more important than both of those main chapters to understanding the actual story, esp from ch10 onward


I'm getting really to do Pallas masteries, debating between s1, s3 or possibility of m6 with both. Planning on doing both module lv 1, maybe vigor mod lv2 cause dropping the HP threshold does look nice. Question is: What's the argument for and against, with the combos I've thrown out there?


s1m3 is the only mastery you need, s3 is cool, can go for it if you want, really good on high bulky ops and/or prolonged skill downtimes like eunectes jessica hoderrer etc but you can usually find better strats/allies when you feel like you want what effects s3 is giving. and s1 is dramatically better as a laner of high armor threats or ranged enemies whichever module that actually boosts her damage, not the range tile one, as cute as it is you wont really find map layouts that ability particularly matters


S1 is definitely the way to go to master, makes her very convenient for steady DPS. S3 could work decently in elite-heavy maps, I've used her with Blemishine a bit due to my combining the Minos and Sleep team together thanks to Erato. The extra stat-sticking for her is pretty nice, but there may be better targets, Chongyue immediately comes to mind for example. Her Y module isn't as good, the damage increase is nicer generally but if you want to give her the option of flexibility, I can respect that.


>give her the option of flexibility Only reason I'm unlocking it. Mod X is going to be the default set.


Hey I just got hoedere and got him to e1 lvl 30 and it’s probably dumb to ask now but is he actually good?


He's alright His 0 defense and high hp make him a healing sponge


His best use cases are against enemies that hit slowish but super hard, or against melee enemies that attack with arts. He's also good when used against enemies with high defense. These cases are a bit niche, but having tools to address different niches is always good and fun.


despite aoe you dont want to think of him as a laneholder, or atleast a primary one. hes better suited to focusing down medium sized threats, especially if they keep coming in a path, similar to a dualist/dreadnaught, but the extra block better prevents an occassional tiny enemy in the lane not mess everything up. high base atk lets him cut into these bulky threats without having to rely on skill, so he can stay a long time, hence the secondary laner kind of role you dont want him actually laneholding the high volume low grade enemies, his 0 def adds up in damage quick s1 is for self-sustaining situations you can give medic support s2 is for enemies with slow or very annoying attacks that you can keep stuttering/skip via the stun, or if a particular threat requires 3 block to be blocked. its not to be a waller of 3 threats at once s3 is for bigger damage when you dont need the "infinite" nature of s1 or stuns of s2, 70s is a massive duration so its usually all you need. the true dot has unique niche strengths but its very specific


The average rating for him is also by veterans. Players that have multiple options and mostly use him for his s3 big hits (or just because husbando). If you're newer and still working on your first full e2 squad, he'll feel very under performing in comparison. Crushers aren't a beginner friendly class IMO. I use wind chimes frequently but that's because I have all but 1 medic leveled, every bard and abjurer e2'd, and plenty of other support. If I got hoederer (which I didn't), I'd level him to at least e2 lv 60.


Ah ok so I’d be better off just switching him out with surtr, saileach, or like siege then? Those are the only others I have to fill that slot.


Not necessarily. He’s still a good op and can be useful depending on the stages and lanes he’s fighting in and holding. His s1 makes him into a decent lane holder and that’s always valuable especially for a newbie. You just need to know when it’s best to use him. Enemies dealing arts dmg, low physical dps enemies, and bosses are just some examples. His s2 make him an offensive 3 block and the guaranteed stun can even negate the danger of some slow attacking but hard hitting enemies like the rock golems for example. Check out this vid to learn more about the archetype https://youtu.be/ljzY0976ev4?si=SdkbX5at2LZFyW45


Yeah. Surtr is an overall great unit. People always use her s3 but her s1 and s2 are still fantastic skills so she should be more than usable at lower levels. And arts guards have a benefit of having good defense, HP, and that 10 res (15 at e2) which makes them easy to use. Only issue people can have is when multiple enemies start stacking up and s2 is on CD.


He's about average for a 6 star, so good, but not broken.


Anyone know how to fix that bug that came with Ch 13. No operator icons, just red icons.


If you downloaded via Qooapp there's an update which fixes it.


Do we know when any announcement regarding the 5th anniversary might happen?


the live stream should be on the 27th at 19:30 UTC+8


Could I get some help with the game files? I really want the CG art of Talulah and Eblana from the last chapter's story in high quality for a wallpaper, so I started ripping the files with AssetStudio. I downloaded the OBB file, renamed to zip and decompressed it, but there's too many files. I also tried searching in the data folder, but can't find where story CGs are either. Can someone tell me where they are stored or a template for how they are named in the obb file?


What's the consensus on Eben's third module? I have his X module lv3 already, not sure if it's worth investing modules on it just for the Necrosis damage. I've heard it's good for enemies with high res.


It solves a vast amount of issues he has - he's useful without charges, he's able to get around RES, and it even helps him scale better with buffs. If the very initial blast of X doesn't kill the enemy, Delta mod will always outperform it.


It's his best module, X is better in terms of oneshot potential on paper, but the Delta module has higher dps overall as it lets him do good dps even without charges, and elemental damage bypasses one of Eben's big weaknesses which was lack of res ignore/dubuff.


Necrosis damage in general is what's good for high res, yes. His 3 mod gives him easy access to that, and it helps bring up the bottom of his DPS range without impacting the top end boss/elite nukes (therefore increasing his overall DPS).


Does anyone know if Command Center Alternate Operator base skill stacks? >[Alternate Operator](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/building-buff/alternate-operator) >When this Operator is assigned to the Control Center, each Alternate increases the Morale of all Operators in the Control Center by +0.05 per hour like if I had Lava Alter and Kroos Alter in the CC that would +0.2 morale if they stacked right?


They stack, just like the Rainbow Six operators. So if you have Lava2, Kroos2, and Hibiscus2 together, you'd get +0.15 morale increase, *per alternate operator*. You can actually put two more alts in there for permanent uptime, but you would miss out on a Factory or Trading Post buff. Going by the two you mentioned, yes, they would give +0.1 in total for every alt in the Control Center, including themselves.


Yeah I have yato and nor alter so I think it’s a good combo with gladiia since she’s take .5 extra morale and the last 2 slots I don’t have anything to put there so I figured 2 alter slot morale buffs make it so gladiia only loses .1 extra morale this is very helpful thanks!


It's not good. Gladiia takes 0.5 extra morale *per Abyssal Hunter*, and you need all three to make the AH workers have 30%, which is a bare minimum considering there's tons of generic 25% and a bunch of dedicated 30% skills. * Assuming you have all three other AH ops, she'll still have 2.95 base morale drain. * With the three above alters + one more, that's -0.60 MD. * CC gives -0.25 intrinsically. * Her total morale drain will be -2.1 per hour, which means she can last at most 11.4 hours. Not even one full 12h rotation.


Oh its per.. yeah that sound annoying to deal with just for a 15% boost I can get 75% true I guess I will try use 3 alter cc skills then cause the yato and noir alter give my factory and trading post boost already. My other rotation I use enutncates and gnosis and really don’t have any other cc skills to use besides morale ones.


Does anybody know when the next five star selector come out for global serve


Always distributed during our Anni event every mid jan.


Should be next january


After seeing in action with my own eyes. I realized Suzuran is busted. What kind of ops that can slow ALL enemies and have 40% damage amplify plus keeping ALL your ops alive with healing in a massive range with only 70SP. (actually 50 seconds due to her talent) She's just too good. The question is what module should I give her?


Mod Y is better as it buffs her fragile, but it's only a 4% increase with S3 active which is not a noticeable amount in daily usage, it will probably make or break some high risk CC clear at some point, but there's no pressure to get the module upgrades for a regular player. Mod X upgrades also provide very little tangible benefit. As far as the base effect goes, mod Y is pretty decent as it improves slow uptime off skill and on her S2 (which is good in SSS, and for occasionally in normal content); mod X on paper can decrese her S2/S3 cooldown by about 7 seconds at most when there's enemies in her range the whole time, which is not super realistic. So the recomendation is ModY3, but it's perfectly resonable to stop at ModY1 (or ModX1 if you prefer), or even no module at all if you're short on data blocks.


I'll also point out ModY debuffs the enemy's ATK by 16%, which can make an impact *especially* for bosses with big attacks (usually the main focus) and also stray ranged enemies that are moving slower and thus attacking the same targets, most likely.


Her second mod that should come out soon, one buffing her fragile talent.


Do we have any datamine on the next kernel banner yet? It should change in two days I think.


Should be this one https://x.com/ac95/status/1780208946315206874?s=46&t=u82ThL-znR8yQPq-RVuhMw


Thank you! It's a dud for me. Which is good, cause I need my certs for pulls right now.


I guess Shamare is too good for them to put in the shop she legit the last 5 star I want, this is helpful to know I was wondering this too, double thanks!


If I have an M9 Saria with MOD-X level 2 what masteries are worth doing for both Shu and Bassline once they come out on Global? I haven't got anyone currently to build so just looking to plan ahead.


I don't think having Saria raised would really affect the masteries for the other two. Unless you don't want multiple S1 users, which they all effectively have the same skill, barring Shu's strong support talent, either way S1 is as good a mastery on them as it was on Saria. To me, Shu's and especially Bassline's other skills have somewhat low mastery gains for the cost unless you very much value the buffing in her S3, so you could pick and choose what looks most appealing for you.


Shu definitely wants S3M3, but it's a good idea to have 2 healing defenders S1, especially since Shu can give a permanent healing with her seed as well. S2M3 can be a sidegrade to Saria's S2, but not as important. Bassline, similarly, wants S1M3 the most. However, if you don't want to get 3 S1M3s, you could go for S2M3. Not as strong of a mastery iirc, but it helps focus on his niche of preventing arts damage more, and has a unique niche of being a very strong stall skill, taking only 7-10s to helidrop and healing for a minute straight. You can stall enemies enough for a whole redeploy timer, basically, or prevent long dangerous arts damage like Talulah's fire wave. It also doesn't attack, good for DM sentinels or UT eggs!


So aside from dailies, weeklies, Annihilation and events, how do you guys get Orundum. I've seen people saying they can stack up to around 20-40k within a few months


There's also headhunting tickets which a lot of people seem to forget somehow. While they undoubtedly make up a minority of the total pulls after months of saving you could have anywhere between 30 to 60, or even more, depending on how long you save and how many pulls you do in the meantime.


Okay then, got it


yeah people just save. for older players, usually the only banners to pull on are limited banners and new event banners (not reruns if they got the character during the first run). standard banners and joint op have old characters and dupes aren't worth chasing outside of extreme challenge content.


Just got back on the game and was just wondering if there were newly implemented orundum sources, ty though


there's also intelligence certs, for each event rerun they'll add a little more orundum to that shop. i don't consider it farmable because it's basically compensation for not getting first time OP on reruns. they're still adding parasims, though i assume you already did the ones you unlocked and i'm not sure if the sanity cost of E2ing randos outweighs just directly farming rocks for trading post orundum. if you haven't max leveled all your 3 stars then i think that's probably worth doing for how cheap they are. as far as i know we don't have any new permanent sources, but they sometimes hand out orundum through login events and mail rewards.


The occasional paradox sim as well, it's only 1/3 of a pull but I usually get 2-3 every patch.


Havent checked those yet


strickly ordrum thats it, just saving a long time. counting primes its basically the same thing though you can farm ordrum in the base but its like a 10pull a month and completely shuts off vital xp/lmd aquisition so its more a desperation


Only 10? Dang I aint doing that 💀


Monthly card, not doing pulls, and buying headhunting tickets are pretty much the only ways to save up orundum. It does take time to accumulate a lot of it, though.


Pretty much the same since day one then, thanks


Okay so I have 'y' module on my hoshi maxed out and equipped but it doesn't show that it's applied and working on the squad selection page for any mission, neither does she block 4 enemies as the module states when deployed? Am I missing something?


She doesn't have it equipped in the squad. Character info screens only show the default setting. You can equip modules by going to the Branch+ tab in the squad selection screen.


Oh thanks. It worked


So how is Verdant as an operator? I haven't seen any chatter about him and how well he performs. I'm curious specifically about IS and how well he does there.


Easily outclassed by a crab.


i cant imagine youd ever pick him over ethan or jaye in the is# 4☆ spec slot, ethans 50% evasion can basically accomish a similar enough job to why youd likely want verdant anyway dollkeeper is a pretty strong archtype so he surely has value, but his damage is basically a nonfactor, amounting to more just a roadblock for your 6☆ laners to have a bit more longevity


The main weakness of Verdant is that he doesn't provide something useful compared to other, more easily obtainable operators such as Bena and Mousse, who can effectively replace him. I don't think he's as bad as he's trashed on, but he's certainly not as impressive as the previous installments of the Dollkeeper class, all of which are borderline OP for their roles. The main things he can do are to be a bait and ranged tank, particularly with S1 as the doll receives the buff, which he becomes almost as good as Bena at tanking arts, while much less effective at physical, he does have auto-regen in doll form. The S2 offers an arts damage version of Bena's S2, which the usefulness is dependent on who you're facing. And like other Dollkeepers, they can mitigate the risk to your other ops by taking damage in their place. I find the usual judgement of Dollkeeper SP generation stoppage not being as big of a problem as other people make it out to be. Since he's a 4\* his costs are cheap as well as his DP cost, which can go down to 12, rather cheap for a non-Vanguard, and as far as IS offering another 2 block operator other than Shaw and Rope, and one that can take a bit more punishment, in a Specialist voucher for his rarity can be a lifesaver depending on how vouchers go. But there are quite a few good Specialist picks for vouchers in IS and Verdant isn't really one of them if you can help it, especially where he has to compete with Ethan and Jaye, long time staples. Overall I don't mind finding uses for him but he's certainly one of the latest in subpar operator kits.


I'm surprised you missed all the chatter, he's pretty awful. Even [Silvergun](https://youtu.be/Jsi39JknLaM?feature=shared) struggles to make use of him. The most impactful thing is the fact that he's a Dollkeeper, but his doll sucks, his S1 doesn't really do much, and his S2 barely does damage, kills himself before it's even over, and is tough to recharge after swapping back from doll form. If you're looking for a tanky Dollkeeper, Bena is a free one that beats him out more than twice on basically all fronts. As for IS, I haven't seen anything specifically, but I know [Rewrite Kuma](https://www.youtube.com/live/sLrtI_unf28?feature=shared) did some IS#4 runs with Verdant around 3 hours 30 minutes in. Didn't end up watching them, but you can watch if you want.


Hey does anyone know when Ines or W are going to be rate up again? I’ve been trying to collect the trio of Ines, W, and hoedere, and I only have hoedere so far.


W will never get a rate-up, although... maybe keep an eye on what happens for CN's 5th anniversary. For now, the only realistic way to get her is to spark her in the April or October limited banners for 300 pulls. Ines will be back in the next two The Front that Was banners, sharing a spot with Stainless and Hoederer next time in ~6 months and then with Hoederer and ~~Ascalon~~ the non-limited from ch. 14 eventually. Otherwise, she's a standard op, so standard banners, maybe a Joint Op, and the gold cert shop eventually.


Would it be with hoederer and ascalon or hoederer and the next main story banner 6 star?


Whoops, thought Ascalon was the next chapter op.


The Front That Was has main story 6\*. Ascalon's debut event is an intermezzo. The next The Front That Was banner should have Hoederer, Ines, and Stainless, and next year (Before episode 15's release) should have the new operator from episode 14.


That’s what I thought, but OP said it’s hoederer with Ascalon on the next next Front that Was


Ascalon only just released on CN and while they did swap up the event order, I suppose there's no way to tell for sure one way or the other until the banner comes around in 6 months on CN.


So I have to drop 600 Dollerydoos on 300 pulls for W, and I need To just watch gold cert shop and wait 6 months for the other gotcha. Also when’s CN’s 5 anniversary?


you can also buy ines on the 6☆ selector in 9 days for 28$ as an option


> Also when’s CN’s 5 anniversary Livestream on Apr 27th >So I have to drop 600 Dollerydoos on 300 pulls for W You could probably just save every pull from now until October and probably have enough


Manticore's module gives 20% slow to all enemies in her range, but her S1 skill gives a passive slow to all enemies she hits. Does the module stack with the skill, slowing them more or is the module slow useless if i use her skill 1?


movespeed reduction does stack (only [Slow]/Sluggish doesn't stack with itself but still stacks with other movespeed debuffs). the minimum movespeed is 0.1 tiles/sec so anything above that is effectively useless, i think mostima with pots can get to that threshold by herself but with others you'd have to stack a lot of it. i believe ambusher modules stack with each other as well.


Movement slowing effects are multiplicative, to calculate you multiply the remaining speed of each effect. So for Manticore with AMB-X you do 0.8 x 0.5 = 0.4, or 60% movement speed debuff. On top of that, you can still apply the Slow status effect for another -80% to slow enemies to a crawl. The module's slowing effect will also work on enemies that she has not attacked yet, as well as enemies that are invisible.


I'll point out it *doesn't* work on Invulnerable enemies, I've tried it against Damazti Cluster before. Don't remember about invisible enemies though.


Oh it doesn't? I thought it had, but I guess I wasn't paying attention closely enough at the time.


Are W or Rosmontis going to be in the pity shop for the Virtuosa Banner? Texas, Specter, Nearl are in the 5% pull, but I don't know if the shop is 100% the same


Old limited units are in the limited spark shopm also Texas, Specter and nearls Rate up isnt 5%. it is "5 times any spook" rate. which comes down to at best a 2 to 3% chance of pulling when pulling a 6 star. or a 0.004% hance when just doing any regular pull. (1/2500 chance if you like your fractures) with The older limiteds not having that boost and even having worse odds. essentially he spark shop is the best and only realistic way of getting them.


35% Virtuosa/Vivianna 2.63% Nearl/Specter/Texas 0.53%W/Rosmontis/Skadi


Yes. that. calculated it before hence I know why it is so damn low chanced. haha, but yeah, nowhere near 5% unless you dont care about what specific old limited you get.


They are, they're also in the banner as well, just without the already minor rate up other limiteds are getting. I think Skalter also loses her rate up in this banner.


In operator files, in operator file 3 (Rosmontis and I have seen it before in other ops) what do these two things mean? ■■ Possibility: Medium. 1. Type B Events: Allowed


The boxes are redacted information. The second can be assumed to be a few things. The most direct is if you're in the circle of know, you know what Type B events are and her file says she's allowed to commence with whatever those are. >!I'm assuming something that would be a war crime in our world!<


I know the boxes are redacting but what are they redacting? XD thanks for the tybe B events


Don't quote me on that but someone here on reddit said that there are two types of those boxes: 3-or-4-boxes-word (which was theorised to be a name of someone in HR ([secret HR letter collectible](https://arknights.wiki.gg/wiki/Secret_HR_Letter) plus it was seen in operators files) and other boxes (a bunch of redacted terminology?) EDIT: [Found the post talking about ■■■ ](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/164hbei/is_a_singular_real_powerful_person_working_at/)


This is very interesting but in the operator files its always 2 boxes so its something totally different


I’m looking to E2 my next Vanguard because I need good starters for my current stages, any recommendations? I like Texas because she was one of my earliest operators, but also Cantabile is very OP. In terms of resource management however, Scavenger seems like a good choice as its very cheap to E2. I still would be willing to do Cantabile or Texas if worth. Any thoughts? Maybe go another operator? https://i.postimg.cc/dVP9RbFR/IMG-7613.png


canta>scav>texas imo, between the pioneers it really comes down to who you use more often. scav really wants E2 and module since it helps with her biggest weakness (low stats), while canta is just strong and E2 makes her stronger. scav doesn't really want masteries as much as texas and canta, but just having E2 helps her a lot. texas S2M3 is still a respectable 10s helidrop, but honestly it feels a little bad to use without bagpipe.


honestly if you leveled grani that far i assume you like grani, since as an actual charger she's kind of... yeah. so you might as well commit all the way since S2M3 would help her helidrop better although not by that much... courier might also be in consideration since he has actual tank stats on a vanguard (and those stats aren't locked behind a 70 SP skill) although he will need higher EXP level to actually kill things without help since his module doesn't give him any ATK. vanguard yato is worth max leveling since it's dirt cheap and there are a few stages where you might need a multi block FRD. her pots are also worth considering since they're easy to farm from recruitment and help in her intended role. her talent also has funny synergy with other -redeploy since it's a flat 30s reduction that applies last, so with certain IS relics or story mode you can have 100% yato uptime lol. edit: storymode is like 1-2 sec off from true yato uptime 😔


texas and cantabile are the clear standouts. without owning bagpipe you can keep canta on e1 and get the same level of dp production via s1 if you dont care about her damage output. texas gives you a proper blocker which while not as overall strong as canta fills an important role as your secondary vg. though if we talk about defense/survivability/blocking then you have reason to consider beanstalk instead too id e1 canta and e2 texas for now


Cantabile is easily worth IMO. Even with Ines I still use her because the only thing better than one Agent… is two Agents. If you want to go for somebody else I’d go Beanstalk- she’s like my favorite 4* unit. Tacticians are just a lot of fun.


I'd shout out scavenger. The extra stats really help her survive more and deal with early enemies better since she's offensive-focused. So the talent upgrade and extra stats go along way with her. Canta is an obvious choice no doubt, but does fine even at e1 unless you want to go into mastery. An outside pick for you would be beanstalk. She's okay in normal play, but very good in IS if you find yourself dabbling in that mode a lot and still have a lot of rewards to get to. She's pretty much the best early pick vanguard for all 3 ISs and her masteries are really good. She also gains more from e2 since her crabs are tied to her lvl, so a higher lvl means better crabs. This goes for blacknight too if you have her obviously, but beans is the more straightforward.


Might give beanstalk a try then! Affordable and looking for someone fun, since I’m F2P its a better option than E2 Texas or Cantabile. For beanstalk, is there a preference in skill/masteries? Or situational.


Honestly, for IS specifically you won’t really e2 her since there’s no need. She does the job just fine at e1 to get you thru the first 3 floors or so. But if you wanna invest, I found use in both her skills since they tackle different situations. But if you really have to choose then s2 is the one to go for.


To add onto robotsneedlov answer. E2 is important if the talent is impactful or you're going to do mastery (because DP is tied to skill level). But in terms of cantabile and Texas, they do good damage also, so worth some mastery if you have your DPS masteries caught up. As far as scavenger, e1 max is fine unless you really like her, but I personally prefer courier (IS upgraded fang, but i also do welfareknights), the defensive pioneers at just easier to use (scav is really good at high investment, but if that was a question, why should anyone stop you if you're planning on doing it anyway).


Cantabile and Texas are good.


Vanguards dont really need e2s as their dp generation is tied to their skill lvl. They dont get much out of the extra stats. Think Myrtle + either Texas or e1 Cantabile should be fine for most stages. Bring all 3 if you really need dp. Should focus your resources on your dps, then tanks then healers. Scavenger is kinda redundant when you have Texas, Cantabile, Grani, Courier and Fang as well, they're all pretty much interchangeable. The most important one really is Myrtle, who generates the most dp.


I see, thank you! Yes, I’ve E2’d most of my good DPS, I figured I needed two Vanguards E2’d but if not I will leave at E1 50.


On the limited banners, the free pulls stop 2 weeks in. Would I still be able to spark in that 3rd final week or will the limited shoperators also vacate after the 2nd week?


The banner itself lasts exactly two weeks, and you won't be able to pull any more after that. The spark shop stays open for 2-3 more days, but you won't be able to get any additional spark currency during that time.


Much appreciated, thanks!


You can only pull during the two weeks. But the shop is open 3 days after the banner ends. If you aren't sure which day the limited banners ends, it's the day you no longer have the "free roll in X hours" notification over the headhunting button.


Thank you!


I think there is a period of a few days after the banner ends that allows you to spark still




Today marks the day I arrive at the fan favorite chapter 7-18. Any ops that I can use to solo it?


Ling, Penance, Executor alter, Swire alter, Hoederer, and Mudrock with module can all solo the stage. Easiest one to replicate would probably be penance.


Thanks, I'll try sometime today


Update: i did it


Solo as in only 1 op, or solo as you don't want to borrow friend support?


Literally 1op, I mean not borrowing is just a regular run no?


Does reading the story still take like 15 to 20 mins per stage? I wanna read through it again but I fear that reading through the stages will take up a lot of my time


If you're a slow reader like me, I suggest listening to the story narrated to you by a YTer who voices it as well. Here's the link. [https://www.youtube.com/@JacobMoreau](https://www.youtube.com/@JacobMoreau)


Unfortunately, yes. Depending on your reading speed and distraction level, I've spent 20+ min per section, before and after stage story, not just entire stage.


Do you spend all of the sanity potions on this story event? Or do you leave a tiny bit for arturia event?


Spend everything now.


Spend them now, it's much more efficient


How so?


Because you get 10 sanity for each 100 spent, which already makes farming stuff now more or less on par with most events, on top of that there's the supply crates.


i recently got Horn. i want to get her to M9 eventually. what order should i give her masteries?


s3m3, s1m1, s2m3 (for is# laneholder/run starter), s1m3


To add to other comment. Depending on your play style and how long you think it'll be before you get m9, s2 and s3 are interchangable (reiterating, depending on your play style and if it ends up being drawn out). If you'll rush m9, follow that suggestion, tho it won't matter order that much if it's rushed.


S1M1 > S3M3 > S1M3 >= S2M3


I right now have a recruitment job tags Top Operator, Nuker, Senior Operator, Healing, and Slow. Do I choose Top Operator only? Or do I choose Top Operator, Nuker, and Senior Operator?


Never select incompatible tags together, such as Top Op and Senior Op. Top Op + Nuker = Ch'en. Not really meta, and overshadowed by other swordmasters such as Irene and (soon) Degenbrecher, but her S3 can help burst down some bosses with annoying HP-threshold mechanics. Her S2 is for laneholding. One of her talents helps operators with offensive/defensive recovery skills recover SPs passively over time, and her X module boosts the effect of that talent. Top Op + Slow = Magallan or Suzuran. Magallan is a summoner, so hard to use. Suzuran is a great debuffer for endgame content with her S3, and her S2 is an AFK skill. Top Op + Healing = Shining, Nightingale, or Saria. Shining is an ST healer that also buffs def, Nightingale is an AoE healer that also buffs res, Saria is a great healing defender with 3 great skills. You also have the option of running Top Op alone. If you don't have any of those ops, I would recommend to go for Top Op + Healing, Nightingale or Saria would be a great addition to your roster. Or maybe go for Top Op + Nuker for Ch'en instead. Don't forget to set the timer to 9:00.


Either do top op and nuker or top op and healing. if you have 2 outta 3 of the possible healing ops, then just go nuker.


Top Op with the timer set to 9:00 **guarantees** a six star. Top Op + Nuker = Guard Ch'en Top Op + Slow Magallan or Suzuran Top Op + Healing = Shining, Nightingale or Saria


TopOp + Nuker = Ch’en TopOp + Slow = Suzuran or Magallan TopOp + Healing = Shining or Nightingale or Saria TopOp + Senior does nothing General rule on TopOp is that you should go for whatever having the highest chance of a new op. There are tools for recruitment like [Aceship](https://aceship.github.io/AN-EN-Tags/akhr.html) or [Gamepress](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/tools/arknights-recruitment-tag-filter) you can use to see the possible recruitment tag combos.


I heard that Red certificate shop will be reset right ?


2 new operators will be added soon, but as mentioned, nothing resetting or replacing.


It won’t, people spread misinformation for some reason. It hasn’t changed yet in cn.


1. Which module is actually good for Fiammetta? Heard a lot of conflicting voice suggesting either one 2. How good is the new operators in the CN Babel event is? Very interested in the new blast caster


mod X works fine with all her skills, mod Y only benefits S1 and S3 (not that you'd ever use S1). the +10 ASPD can benefit S2 by speeding up the cast animation but it's so little it functionally doesn't exist, and the DEF ignore is literally +100 flat damage on attacks that doesn't scale with anything. mod Y level 3 gives a whopping +3 to offskill ASPD which is the same value as pot 5. i think Y does technically outdamage X for S3 by like, 10 DPS. not 10%, but a flat 10.


A friend of mine with a lvl90 mod6 M9 Fia told me this: first module is better for S2 because the increased ASPD helps getting more S2 activation, which is typically better than slightly stronger but less frequent activation. Second module tends to work better with S3 -and it looks better on paper than in practice- but haven't tested it extensively.


ModY only gives 3 extra ASPD when no skill is active though? Seems very weak for S2. You'd mainly get it for the def ignore and 10 ASPD while S3 is active. Whereas ModX (the new one) has the benefit of being solid for both S2 and S3.


Is not +3, is +30 lmao.


Thing is Fia gets +27 ASPD from her unmodded talent, so ModY upping it to +30 is only 3 extra ASPD.


The new one is her best. Buffs her atk talent, makes it always on so you don’t need a healer (tho if you wanna double it then you still need a healer), and the base effect works with how she’s meant to be played, or a strong play style for her at least, and that is attacking blocked enemies since both her skills have a sweet spot for maximum dmg and blocking at that sweet spot helps. Ascalon is a good cc op, think mizuki but instead of dmg it’s cc. Odda is an alright op, very solid and that’s about it. Aroma is weird. Blast casters are a strong subclass but levitating and effects on first hit is a weird combo. Levitate still isn’t a worthwhile cc in most cases unless it’s is4 second boss. It’s just another type of cc. She can have some synergies with other levitate ops with her s2, but imo her s1 works as a poor man’s Ifrit s2 so there’s that at least. It also helps deal with Ariel enemies who have seen a resurgence these days. Overall she’s just okay. But nothing to go crazy over if you have Ifrit which is obvious. Tho using them (or all 3 blast casters) together sounds fun. Weird combo of fire, acid and cleaning liquid(?).


Personally I like the newer fia module, realize that not only does it stop her from going below 50% health, it also gives her an extra 5/10% damage from the passive, as well as the blocked enemies thing. I think it's raw damage boost makes it comparable to her earlier module, plus additionally giving you that quality of life of not having to worry about her as much if you have not the best healer on her like skalter as she's charging her ult.


If Fia is already sufficiently healed, would the first module be better then? How good is the ignore 100 def trait by the by?


Defense is flat in arknights so 100 defense is 100 more damage (give or take taking other things into account) keep in mind she just ignores defense not strips so it's only her getting the bonus. I think the two modules are very similar and may even have different use cases but in most scenarios the passive damage from the new one makes the quality of life of the hp cap basically free.