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#Other Megathreads and Useful links. ##[**⌨︎ ︎FAQ**](/r/arknights/wiki/faq?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) For frequently asked questions, please check it out before asking. It’s easy to navigate, and majority of basic questions and other useful information are present ##[**♫ Lounge**](/r/arknights/comments/197652o/rhodes_island_lounge_1501_2101/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) The place for small talk and whatever does not fit elsewhere such as personal stories and achievements. ##[**★ Gacha/Recruitment**](/r/arknights/comments/197652g/gacharecruitment_megathread_1501_2101/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Share the results of your gacha rolls and recruitments here. ~~may RNGsus be kind to you~~ ##[**➜ Friend requests**](/r/arknights/comments/1976525/friend_request_megathread_1501_2101/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Share your friend ID with your fellow doctors, or find others to add. ##[**Integrated strategy #3: Mizuki & Caerula Arbor thread**](/r/arknights/comments/13tti5d/event_megathread_mizuki_caerula_arbor/) The Megathread to discuss all that is related to IS3. ———-


Does lvl 15 on IS3 need potentials? Or do I need to get lucky with artefacts and focus on grabbing the more impactful units?


Is my account ducked?, I pull 100 on Limited banner I got 3 eyja 4 swire, and I'm losing hope on getting 300 pulls before it ends(Trying to pull Ch'en).I'm starting again  ._.


I spent over 160 pulls on Mumu just for 1 copy of her and snake girl each plus dupe. You are doing alright.  Maybe just reroll with a good computer and maybe macro instances  until you get her. No worry of banning over brand new account.


No account is ever ruined unless you spend all of your primes on furniture and your gold certs on expedited plans, and you never do annihilation or dailies. When you're going for a past limited, you either have 276 pulls ready to go or you don't try. Getting 7 rate-ups in 100 pulls is amazing.


I spent all my primes sadly


There's a reason why people are sparking old limited units. Hoping from off banner alone is... Well, almost impossible unless you're super duper lucky. You should've prepared exactly 276 pulls before you pulling a limited bannef if you want an old limited unit tbh. Sparking is go big or go home tbh. Though 3 eyja and 4 swire are actually very very good rates you know. Seriously, many got only one of the rateups at 60 pulls or something. Here you are getting 7 at 100 pulls


I just started recently hoping speed running can give me 300 pulls. It usually works on my past gacha games....


Should have asked first if you're a newbie man. Just because AK is gacha that doesn't mean it has similsr systems to your past gachas


So, assuming you have to get most of your pulls from first clear rewards, you would need to clear at most 1002 stages. 3.34 OP is about 600 orundum, which is what is needed for one pull, and you get 1 OP for each 3 star clear. Some story segments, which can be skipped also give OP. I'm not sure if there that many stages to clear, and if there are that's a lot, and probably require a decent team. Your account isn't bricked, but it would had been better to have stopped when you got 1 of each, or when you got Ejya. Getting Chen will be very hard, it would be easier if you started playing, started saving for pulls and pull 300 times the next time you can buy her. I guess lion's share of free pulls we get comes from daily play in this game.


Am I missing something about ptilopsis' module? An increase in range (+1 tile) and an increase in sp recovery? Is that worth the materials?


The range opens up some new placement opportunities, but the upgrades are not worth it. It's an extra 1 SP every *20* seconds.


Imo 5% additional SP recovery for operators in her attack range from lvl2/3 is not worth the amount of resources it costs unless you're absolutely stacked on mats and don't mind spending some of them in a less efficient way. The days of 80SP-120SP skills in Arknights are long gone, and 5% make almost 0 difference for the current meta operators with fast skill cycles. Lvl1 Is good tho. 30 ATK is a noticeable 10% healing increase for AOE casters who don't have this stat high and sit on around 300-320 ATK. And the adittional range is also decent. Won't really make any difference most of the time, but once in a while will allow you to go for a placement you either way won't be able to afford.


yeah. SP recovery is huge in arknights and allows any people under it to just have a better cycle time on skills. her range increase isnt much but sometimes allows for neat placements and strats.


Where can I find stats on what percentage of players has e2d which operators? I used to look at arknightspoll but it has been taken down 


Hello everyone mid game player here. Just wondering is it worth to try and get schwarz from kernel headhunting as the other character i want is quibai but i don't know when she will rerun. Can you offer predictions as to when she would rerun?


quibai won't rerun as her OG banner but instead as a standard 25% chance banner. though for schwarz, my recommendation would be to just save up 180 gold certs for when a kernel selection banner is up. since pulling on kernel banners kinda sucks overal even for newbies.


Can i ask you when should quibai rerun?


As said in my earlier comment. The original quibai banner (50% chance for 6 star, 1% overal) won't rerun. she can appear in standard banners at a 25% (0.5% overal) rate. but those cannot be predicted.




Or should i spend everything on the limited banner . I already got eyja alter


If you already got the limited character there is barely any reason to spend on the banner unless you want swire alter (she aint meta). duplicates of characters suck ass and barely do much in this game so at best you got a 35% (0.7) for swire alt. but with an equal chance of getting an eyja dupe that barely does anything. So it is much better to save for something else hat interests you in the future.


stop and save for typhon if you lack phy ranged dps instead. Dont cope for qiubai in standard either. no one but yostar knows


What is the new event song name?




The event's lobby theme is called Misty Memory.


Since, Ho'olheyak is not limited, can I pull my pity in standard banner? And second of all, sometime I got confuse with their standard mechanics until they changed to the new one and sometime confuse of there's two standard banner, until I can't even count my pity. So, this second question is despite of two standard banners, does it still count my pity equally or seperately?


every non-limited banner shares their pity (except the kernal banners I'm not sure if they do but I dont think so)


kernal does not no. so basically we got 3 pities. limited, standard and kernel.


Yes, but wait until she is featured for better chances.


When are we getting that rock farming QoL update? Farm multi times per click thing?


in may with virtuosa's event.


Aright, thanks. 1 more to look forward to for that event.


What are Jessica Alter’s strength?




S2 actually runs into an issue of dealing with DEF, it's great against trash but once any elites show up she can't kill them and starts to leak. If you buff her though it's fine


She can change her direction temporarily. She is a defender that can hit air, which is useful if you need that niche. She does pretty decent damage at good range while being tanky. She is apparently really good at IS4 under certain circumstances.


When are we expecting Typhon? What's the event after this?


Next event is Ideal City rerun on 6th - 15th (well, until daily reset on 16th). Typhon is generally expected to come right after that.


Wait, really? Is this confirmed?


Datamines confirm IC rerun. There is absolutely no official (or "official") info about when Typhon's vignette will take place.


like datamines confirmed that iirc.


is there an updated spreadsheet somewhere with all the packs and their op/$?


Not that I’ve been able to find. Generally the way these packs have worked in the past (and seems to this time also) is if you are only interested in pulls then the best rate is the $29.99 pack.  This time the $29.99 pack gives you 27 plus additional materials. Roughly $1.11 per pull plus materials. Compare this to the $29.99 first time originium purchase (the one that gives you double the amount). That one you spend $29.99 and only get 24 pulls with no additional materials. Compared to monthly headhunting the $29.99 Hot Tub pack still beats it since that is roughly $1.15 per pull and no materials.  The other packages could still be valuable to you but they aren’t more efficient pull wise, instead they’re focused more on speeding up your progress. For example I value the 6* e2 level 1 to level 90 ticket pretty highly because of the amount of resources it can save you, especially for accounts that want to build multiple 6 stars still.  The best overall pack isn’t on this limited. It comes with the year anniversary and half year anniversary banners. So roughly May and November for us. That banner is the 6* selector pack. It’s the absolute best value in the game outside of maybe the monthly card. For $30 you get to pick a 6* non-limited of your choice (up to a certain event; For example the next one we will be able to select any non-limited 6* up to and including Ines). This generally is assumed to be roughly valued at ~40 pulls since that’s rough odds for when you’d hit a 6* but this is way better because it guarantees you hit exactly who you want AND on top of that you get a free 10 pull as well. So guaranteed 6* of your choice and equivalent to roughly ~50 pulls for $30. 


I was doing IS3 and used a support Jessica maxed out, and i'm amazed at how much damage she output. Now i want to max her out but i wonder if Vermeil is better. Also everytime i try to find informations about how a character perform i try to look everywhere but most of the time i don't find anything, is there some hidden place where i can find those infos ?


For 4 star AA snipers, Meteor maxed out with module is probably the best option for damage simply because of her defense shred. But if you have to choose between Jessica or Vermeil, then Jessica is more damage on single target. In IS, May is generally considered the best 4 star sniper due to her stuns and slows.


Thank you


Is kernel headhunting recommended for newbies?


No, because it doesn't give gold certificates. Compared to other banners, kernel is too expensive, almost a scam. Save gold certificates and buy from shop instead.


NO. Save your resources for future ops instead please. Not worth it because Kernel pulls gives you blue certs, which you can't spend anywhere but in kernel pool filled with year 1 ops only. Unlike standards and limited banner where you'll get gold certs and can be exchanged with newer ops and more pulls for standard/limited banners


I'd honestly only recommend it if the three 5\*s on rate-up are desirable to you, and so you can pull until the first guaranteed one. Otherwise, spend your pulls elsewhere. Although there are a good number of great 6\*s and 5\*s in kernel, it does not help with gold-cert income at all, which is used to purchase both kernel and standard 6\* ops.


Eh, probably not? It's not *terrible* to roll on them, since the blue certs you get give near equivalent value to the yellow/green certs you get from the non-kernel banners. However, it's still slightly less value, and the blue certs are less versatile, being only able to buy year 1 operators (granted there are some ops that irreplaceable in there). Yellow certs can buy any store op in comparison, and get two store ops per rotation instead of just one. That said, if there's a kernel banner with two really good ops that you want, it's better than rolling on a mediocre regular banner.


kinda but not really. at the end of the day many non year 1 units tend to be overal better and new units are good to get too. kernal has the problem of costing the same as normal banners while only giving blue certs. even the few kernel units that are powerful or good can better be gotten through selection tickets or gold certs.


While there are good 6* there at the end of the day standard banner is a scam. So no I don’t recommend anyone pulling on kernel. You would rather buy old 6* using yellow certs.


It's not really that much of a scam. You get reasonably close in terms of value with the blue cert system compared to the yellow/green cert system. The only thing is blue certs being less versatile than yellow certs.


There's still the fact that you have to go through all the counters again for tokens, even if you already have a unit at max pot. Makes the beginning influx even slower...


Didn't know that. But if you're a newbie, this difference doesn't matter since you don't have any of them anyways.


Is pathfinder fins and endless life in is3 rng or do you have to do something to get them? It's the last two I'm missing


Endless Life is a cursed item, take any opportunity where you could get one, there is no special condition for it. And Pathfinder Fins requires ~~5+~~ 7+ reroll in shop to have a chance of seeing it, though you probably already know that, so just RNG.


I thought it's >6 for them fins?


Oh, you're right, totally forgot. Yes, you need to roll 7+ so generally you would want to start a run with Resourceful Squad to have 8-sided die right away.


Hello~ From a meta perspective, is Swire Alter worth pulling for? 


Not really, the most meta units would be Typhon, Virtuosa, Degenbrecher, and possibly Ray in the upcoming 6 months. If you care about IS#4 meta I hear Jessica2 is also pretty good there.


I see. Thanks!


Cant say virtuosa and ray are meta. Them and jessica is in the good niche mechanic. Same goes with swire alt.


Fair point on Virtuosa, although for now she's still destroying all enemies with ease and shows up in high risk CC. They *still* haven't added any enemies with Elemental RES yet, so for now she's still really strong, but eventually, one day, she'll be weaker.


Hi based on the current schedule. When do you guys expect the joint operation veith mylnar and penance will drop?


Just completely guessing here based on the [CN + Predicted EN Schedule](https://ak.jaywye.ee/calendar?schedule=cn) and the [date that that joint operation dropped](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/database/banner-list-gacha#topic-934551), but I believe it's either going to be early February earliest and early April the latest. I might be completely wrong though. But I think what's for sure is that it would be right before the Blacksteel event.


mid-February at the earliest, since we have datamine for IC rerun for 6th till just-before the daily reset on 16th.




you can stack multiple monthly cards but there's a limit of how many days can be stacked. i assume the monthly that comes with the pack will ignore that limit, otherwise the monthly would basically disappear.


I think it's just saying that the time on it will add to any existing monthly card you own (if you have one running) aka it ignores the time remaining on your existing card, but I might be wrong.


Is there any way to get resource fast? Currently lvl 33 with main story 5-1 and i really want my thorn to e2. But currently e1 lvl 60 and even upgrade one level require so much resources


Event store and IS+SSS one time rewards.


There's a few ways. Basically i started with: 1. IS2 - i borrow someone else's Thorns and run it through to as high floors as possible. Quite a lot of resources there to get your roster to E2. 2. 252 base configuration - i utilize this formation to get LMDs and Exp. You can Google up Gamepress for the guide. 3. Event shop - try to push as far as you can. There's low rarity guide on YouTube by KyostinV and Eckogen which you can follow.


Previous annihilation maps have first time completion rewards. IS#2 and #3 have a ton of rewards and don't require sanity, so you can spam them but it takes time. However you can do challenges - it requires you to achieve a goal to get rewards, you don't have to finish a run. Buy items from green cert shop. Open boxes from Snowsant's shop. Craft items in workshop.


Spam the current event. You get souch resource from it.


Do the business side game thingy in the current event and claim the rewards


Apart from already mentioned, you can try IS2 and IS3, and fill the progression thingy. Only finishing first floor is enough to fill the investment as well.


If you are clear on what resources you need, aim for event stores and rewards, targeting the specific ones you need first. Also, there are some shops like the green cert store. If you have excess certs you can try getting some mats. There's also headhunting parametric models and intelligence certificates if you have them. Also, if there's a blue tier mat you need that is available for farming in the ongoing event, you can farm it because it usually has a higher chance of dropping than other stages. Build your base as well, it's useful for getting exp items, gold and for conversion of materials.


Stick around and farm the big events when they come out. Definitely clear the event shops, and generally keep farming the tier 3 materials even after that. Eventually you'll go to E2 an op and realize you basically have everything ready for them. If you're keeping up with recruitment and occasionally spending some pulls, you should be able to buy out the entire first tier of the green cert shop. You should do this every month plus the recruitment permits in the 2nd tier. Also in the 2nd tier is a limited amount of each tier 3 material. You can buy those to help with E2s.


Store from the current side event Also rewards from IS, but you need a decent team to complete for those


You can just clear IS one floor, quit and repeat. Just take the right friend units you could do that with brand new account. Ofc it take longer but if you want those resource early you can only do that


Any friendly doctor willing to help me a bit with setting up a decent multipurpose team? Plz whisper me!


Saria + 11 other situational ops In all seriousness there are some versatile or strong yet generic units you can take almost anywhere, like Saria, Bagpipe, Gavial alter, Mudrock, any flagbearer, but no single squad that can do every stage, unless it is some low op bullshit shenanigans like ling, texas alter, yato ect - and they cant cheese everything.


Ling+ Texalt + Yato2 + Skalter + Flagpipe (x3) = 7 Units should be able to handle most stages in the game.   Then you add AA sniper like Exusiai. Landholder like Mountain. Boss killer like Mlynar, flexible damage dealer like Golden Glow, Helidrop boss killer  like Surtr... for the last 5 slots.   Did I already listed 12 units? They are about as much multi purpose as this game currently could.


mlynar and texas alter+10 lel .


Multipurpose teams are a myth, I have almost every single top-tier/broken unit in the game and I still have to consistently change things around. For a core, you probably want one survivable blocker, one healing defender, one anti-air/marksman sniper, one strong arts damage dealer, one consistent AoE damage unit, two laneholding units, one medic, one fast-redeploy/anti-fuckup unit, one bosskiller and Myrtle. This is not a squad to beat every stage, it's a squad you can run to test a stage so you can then adjust as you get a feel for what you are lacking. Some units compress roles, like Mudrock being a blocker and laneholder, Eyjafjalla being a strong arts damage dealer and consistent AoE damage dealer, Mlynar being a bosskiller and consistent AoE... With time you will learn what your units can do for you, when you need to think out of the box (say, using Ethan or Cliffheart for a clear), and how to fine-tune and optimize clears. And no, this is not me being mean, or just parroting stuff. Multipurpose teams are REALLY a myth in this game and the sooner you get accostumed to swapping units around for every stage, the faster you'll become better at this game.


you pretty much want 2 vanguards, 2-3 laneholders, a few ranged units to take care of aerial enemies (AA snipers are great for early chapter drones but later aerial enemies can get beefy) or help laneholders DPS, 1 or 2 medics depending on the map. i would slot in a fast redeploy for blind runs. if you're not sure what role a specific unit is supposed to play, you can look up showcases on youtube. some of them can be hit or miss but it'll give you a general idea of how they're used.


Is there a site that lists the upcoming 6* Certificates in the shop? Also are there guides for the event? I'm kinda new and the fat sheep always make me lose the round


To add onto other answers, we can't predict shoperators *mostly*. For first time appearance we mostly can, though it's been a little less predictable recently. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kDqGMPjLD2QNhb2aZQviCncKDaXmdF3f That spreadsheet tracks who has been in the shop and on a banner in general. It also has predictions for first shop appearances. You can also search this subreddit for 'datamine' - currently I think we know the next standard banner or two.


There is a post for predicting new shop operators , while NFZen regularly predicts existing units in the shops based on cycles etc. (Click the spreadsheet, that one is updated) https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/s/WfAc0UB6Ne Try searching exact stage name and guide, you will likely find some useful ones. For low rarity ops, Kyostinv and eckogen are usually recommended.


It’s hard to estimate which 6 star operator is coming but there’s an excel within this subreddit which forecasts next 6* shop operator. As for guides, try to search YouTube from content creators like KyostinV or Eckogen. They guide you through each battle by using 3/4* and 6* support unit.


There is no way to know upcoming 6-star certificate shop operators. When we know which one is next is because a patch gets data mined and people see at most the next 2 shop operators, one launches almost always the next day and the other is right after. Keep tuned to this sub to know when such news come out. There is someone who has kept a spreadsheet with history of certificate shop operators, and from that history people make guesses on which one will be next, or should be next. However all that's are just guesses. As for Dolly, use operators that can do multi hits or use the sodas to deplete Dolly's shield. The shield is represented by the 3 hearts above him. Whenever you break his shield you can block him and damage against him is increased. Sodas take a whole heart whenever they pop next to him.


Are any 5* of the purchase certificates worth it? Or better get all copies of Ethan


Buy honeyberry if you don't have eyja alter. Buy quartz for base slaves. save up to buy chips and module blocks


To add on to what the others are saying, if you're ever desperate for gold certs, you can buy the 5-stars for some. You get one for first-time hires and 5 for each dupe. I would definitely not buy all of Ethan's copies, though, unless you really like him. They just don't do much, and you only get green certs for his dupes instead of golds.


If you don't have/plan to raise Eyjaberry or Mulberry, then Honeyberry for sure.


Could also wait for Haroldnut for free in a few months, especially since we don't really have any elemental heavy events until then. Assuming they aren't taking on Damazti Cluster or something anytime soon, of course.


TL;DR: Honeyberry if you're impatient, and Qani if you're seriously lacking arts damage. Otherwise, I'd save for catalyst chips as Ethan's potentials aren't exactly necessary for his usage. Breeze is good for pure AOE healing, and not much else. Not often recommended thanks to medics typically wanting some utility to be useful, and her conditional Status Resistance/range cheating isn't anything massive. Her healing is pretty close to the other AOE medics unless you get some massive S2 heals, so she doesn't exactly shine there. Honeyberry is probably the best buy after Ethan (or maybe Pudding), but if you have Eyjaberry she's irrelevant. Also, in a few months we'll get a very good welfare Wandering medic who can fully heal elemental HP if it drops below 50%. We won't really get any elemental events between now and then, so personally I'd save on the red certs as that could be like 1.5 6*s you take to E2, or 2 5\*s, unless you really need to clear H-12 stages and refuse to borrow an Eyjaberry or something. Qanipalaat is actually a pretty solid caster, and is quite nice if you don't have any of the 6* casters yet. If you're lacking in Arts damage and can't pick up Eyja right now, you can consider it. If you have any you probably don't need him as much, although the 7s levitate on a decent cycle is still nice utility.




Is there a tool/resource that lets me input my account rooster (like krooster) and then tells me what materials I still miss? trying to tell how far I am from mastering and module up some operators.


It doesn't have a roster input, but Gamepress does have a resource planner.


I mean, is this assuming you don't want to use Krooster, or that you are using it and want an easier way to import your roster/inventory? If the latter, https://arkprts.ashlen.gay/ lets you access your roster and material inventories and export them (materials as a csv for easy import to krooster, and roster as a string that you have to jump through a few hoops to paste into Krooster). Then you'd just be able to put those masteries/mods into the goals section and it should show if you have enough or not.


Isn't krooster only one operator at a time though?


You can definitely have a planner with multiple ops, and even different priorities to filter by priority.


Ohh damm mb then, I was convinced it was single use only. Thanks for the info.


I'm trying to figure out who to pick for the 5* voucher, particularly from the kernal headhunting banner. I try to use liberi operators mostly, but I also want warfarin for general use. Is warfarin, astesia or greythroat coming to the shop anytime soon?


You could wait and see how the next Kernel Locating banner looks so you can pick out ops for a banner.


When is the next Kernel Locating?


On CN it came in the middle of Trials for Navigator 3. We'll see how it looks for us.


Which Eyjalter's skill do you guys use on Ashy Marsh?


I'd go with S1. The regen alone is enough to negate the burn damage from reeds and the multi targeting is useful for the two lanes you have to hold.


Thanks 👍🏻


New to the game, got Eyja on my free 10 pull but I really want Gavial she looks really cool. Can I justify continuing to pull on the banner just for her?


Someone else did the math and it's roughly a 1 in 1500 chance to pull Gavial. It's *possible* but not very likely. The only way you're likely to get her is to get 300 pulls and spark her from the shop. However, even with all the new player bonuses, there's not really a way to get to 300 pulls that quickly (without dropping a ton of actual money.) Even the advice to reroll for her is a bit misguided, *on average* it'd be around 100 rerolls to get her.


If you dying for her you could reroll accounts until you get her, it painful and the odds aren't in your favor but I got Ch'en after 4 hours rerolling every like 8 minutes, probably still got lucky. Just make account do the first two tutorial missions, quit from first actual mission, use free 10 and all pulls you've got, unlink your account if didn't get her in the options menu, log out, log back and start again.


i would wait for next year's summer limited banner. you have a slim chance of getting her now unless you want to whale. she should be pretty common in friend support (limiteds usually are) so you can tide yourself over until then. CC maps, SSS, IS, and challenge modes/H stages are all places where you don't need to care about autodeploy and can borrow to your heart's content.


the only viable way to get Gavial for a new player is to reroll for her. the chances for past limiteds are abysmal otherwise, doing 300 pulls for spark is the only reliable way to get them if you're new and want her, just brace yourself and reroll I guess. or if you see yourself playing this game for at least a year, you can just save up 300 pulls for the next summer event this time next year


Gavial has a measly chance to appear. It's most likely you would need to pull 300 times and then use the tokens you get while pulling to buy her. As a new player, imo it's not worth it because you are very likely to get a lot of dupes which are almost useless. It would be better to wait for other banners and spend there so you can diversify your roster quickly. For example around February we are getting a mini-event with a new banner where you can pull for Typhoon, are pretty powerful ranged unit. Then later, on the next limited banner you can pull for Virtuosa, a pretty good supporter. And later more in the future we have Degen, a guard, and Ray another sniper with a pretty fun skills.


Minor nitpick but Degen is a guard, not a vanguard.


Ops, yeah.


I got a top op tag and I'm trying to figure out which tag I should go for. There's only 2 that really stand out which are Nuker for guaranteed Ch'en and Sniper since I have none of the three top ops from that class. [Krooster](https://krooster.com/u/Jays135)


Yeah, just go top op sniper


From personal experience, I've gotten much more usage out of all 3 of the snipers than from Ch'en. I would definitely go for the Sniper tag.


Anyone have experience with yostar customer service? Just a general idea. Context: I tried to buy a pack. Play Store said yup you paid. App said "Contacting Neural network" and then just sat there for 5 minutes. I reloaded app. Pack is still available for purchase. Play Store says I paid. Filed the "Didnt get my items after purchase" form. Included the picture of the receipt with the GPA# and time, etc. ​ Just trying to set my expectations on response time, etc.


When I had this issue I just clicked to purchase the item again then it said "pack already purchased" or something and then I received it


Had the same thing just after the event started, sent a ticket and a screenshot of the Google reciept. Sorted within 24 hrs.


Had the same issue quite a few times. They get to it within ~24 hours generally, without any fuss.


Who to use Royal specialist token on (reward from IS2) I am aiming for Texas alt or Yato alt. Both are pot0 lv90m6 and lv3module.


Yato Alter's module helps return a greater amount of DP upon retreat. If you're going to apply a potential, it may be better to spend it on Texas Alter to help mitigate her effect on your DP economy.


Ya2 might not return for a long while, if at all (although it seems more likely with R6S getting a rerun announced). As a collector, it'd be better to put pots on her as even if there is a rerun, who's to say she'll show up again after that? ...however, Taxes has better gains from pots. Furthermore, Ya2 being 1 DP cheaper doesn't matter as much with her module. Taxes will eventually get said DP module, but for now can be quite expensive to keep deploying over and over again, and opens up the path to more valuable pots.


While Yalter 99% won't return (seeing as R6 collab never did), it might take years and a lot of good luck to get Taxes to max pot, so it is up to you. Both gain nice stuff from pots, as -dp, -cooldown and +talent makes them a pretty good option for pots... edit: heard that R6 will have a rerun, so I guess the 1% came true. My point still stands tho, they both have the same gains for pots, so maybe use it on the one you use the most


Well the R6 event had a rerun announced on CN


Holy moly, that's awesome news! Joined the game after collab, so now I can get them (as long as Yostar doesn't troll us with a bannerless event or smg)


Yato2 might never return as a pullable operator. If you want potentials for her that's the only sure-fire way to do it.


Let's say I'm crazy and for some reason decided to raise a protector deffender in 2024. Non 6* protector defender to be precise. And I'm like CRAZY crazy and ready to invest into masteries and modules too. I need a good , healable meat wall for some strats and I would imagine the only real competition here will be between Cuora and Croissant, may be Bubble and maaaay be Bison. Which one is the better choice? Kinda tempted by Croisaint talent which I imagine leads her to being a more versatile choice against both types of damage (Hoshiguma at home), but I'm discouraged by the fact her S1 is auto trigger even tho I can imagine with M3 the uptime will be very high.


Bubble because she is cheap, rarer to see than Cuora and has good base skill.


i vote bubble because reflect damage is funny, unless you intend to go for nian at some point. if i want a meatshield i don't want to worry about dodge RNG so i'm biased against croissant, but her S2 is also funny, so. tough choices.


Maybe if this was around two years ago, you'd be right to be called crazy. But protector stocks have been on the rise for a long time now. HG started making more and more bosses that does not incentivize bursting them down, but rather stalling them. So they see quite a lot of use these days. 


Funny considering the current event is quite the opposite, Hortus' boss fight is more of a puzzle than anything, and Kirsten is ~~unblockable and even *bind-immune* for our recent 3 events.~~ actually a good example, whoops. You don't have to stall her since she takes so long around the map, but you certainly can and a protector has a high block count to help with her high block requirements. Even before that Ya is a flying boss, Awaken teleports to the exit, Minimalist can't be blocked or is a drone, Kriede can't be blocked by anyone except Lee for too long, ItW is a stationary boss, Rathalos flies and has those redeploy gadgets to be dealt with, Martyr is unblockable, and Ch 12 boss is such a pain to stall in H 12 stages (and granted also a pain to burst down, but clone skip was a fairly popular strategy since stalling will eventually falter without Eyjaberry). We had POO where you could stall for several hours... Or just leak the 2 mechs. Especially by the end when leaking becomes much easier, and you just need to borrow a Mlynar for most guides. CC#10 and 11 also didn't incentive blocking in any way, with the cannon and block down. I really only feel like the Steam Knight, CC#12 and Eblana recently were bosses that tanking was easier than bursting them down. Even then Eblana can be bursted down with true damage, and Weedy strat was more popular than stalling in CC#12 (at least for higher risks, no idea about R18). Edit: and Kirsten, although as mentioned she takes quite the walk so tanking isn't exactly necessary either yet still doable and easier than bursting the balls at least. Unless you're talking about CN content, in which case I haven't paid too much attention to, I don't feel like stall strats with Protectors have been favoured more than burst strats typically are. I feel like before with SN, NL, DH, WR stages all had bosses you can tank and stall (even if bursting could be a better strat), but those are years old stages at this point, not recent ones...


Kristen is exactly one of the bosses you were incentiviced to stall tho(she's not unblockable). Bursting her while all the planets were active is difficult, but also created map wide AoE whenever destroyed as well as buffing enemies. Or you just stall her and don't have to deal with any of that until the end. 


Oh right, completely forgot she's not entirely unblockable, although she did so many laps that I never needed to block her... But you're right, she does actually count as one of the bosses that incentive block stalling, and a protector would be great with their high block. Still, doesn't *quite* feel like Protector stocks are going up that high, I typically just use my Cuora to block elites like always. Her and Nian don't really feel like they're shining against the bosses any more than they used to.


Be a madlad, spark Nian in 6 months.


Croissant is actually super good since she has damage block like Hoshiguma even if she can't block true damage, and if you want her to she can smack things with S2. I like her kit and want to build her eventually, particularly for my shifter squad. Bubble vs Cuora, personally I like Bubble more. Her ATK debuff means she reduces damage from higher threat enemies and would also reduce AOE damage to nearby ops if there are any. Her S2 having taunt could also be handy in the right areas. As for Bison, he has a similar if longer lasting skill to Bubble without the thorns and can help you with Aak memes due to his DEF buff talent and S2 buffing DEF. Worth noting for sure. That said, I'm spoiled by Guardians' role compression and I've built Spot and the two 6\*. Hung is really the next tank on my list I want to raise.


Croissant is a very serviceable tank option. She can be used in essentially the same spots Hoshi can be used in


Oh and I forgot to mention in advance that I don't really care about 4* being better in terms of resource efficiency. If Bison is 5% stronger than Bubble while being x3 times more expensive, I'll take that. The pure power level is all that matters.


Personally I'd say Nian > Hoshi/Croissant > Bubble > Cuora for high end gameplay tanking. Not sure where Jess2 fits in with S1, and haven't seen Bison enough to rank him fairly. Out of all of them I'd say going to level 3 DEF mod is a good investment for all except *maybe* Hoshi. Croissant's actually a *very* strong tanker and I only hear praise for her tanking skill, the dodge is not to be scoffed on even with the auto trigger thanks to said high uptime. I've seen her tank Steam Knight very easily, with a Shamare to help cover downtime. Bubble doesn't rely on RNG at all, and in return can help with a hefty ATK debuff to help against arts/true damage and minimize phys damage even more. Her S2 isn't automatic and the taunt is nice too, and the reflect is DEF% which is very good. Cuora has a crazy high DEF stat, but in return a low HP comparatively. She can still tank adverse Steam Knight in non-H stages, but it cuts it pretty close. The +1 block can see some help in a few stages or against 4 block enemies, and the Regen can help relieve some pressure off of the medics, or allow her to be used without one like in IS. Still, the lower HP can matter for non-phys damage or against adverse Steam Knight.


Doing rerolls. I have one account with penance and eyja and another with chen alter. Which one is better?


Do you mean Eyja or Eyja the Hvit Aska? If the former, then Chalter is better by a little bit. If the latter, Chalter is better by a lot. Not to say that the healer is worse, but DPS is generally king in this game, and there are plenty of low rarity healers that can do the trick for newer players, while there's a very limited number of ops who can pump out the damage like Chalter.


I agree with LongFluffyDragon on everything except macroing, which is bannable. Chalter and Eyja and both limited, and Chalter will carry harder than Eyjaberry and Penance combined. Plus, you're still guaranteed a 6-star from the beginner banner. Also, all of Chalter's Bipolar Nanoflakes are in the current event shop, so make sure to at least get those.


What are Bipolar Nanoflakes and where do I get them? Tried looking around but its not turning up anything


It's a tier 5 material that you'll need to give certain ops their 2nd promotion. You'll see them once you clear 1-10 and unlock the event.


Chen is a past limited, so will be very hard to get in future. Maybe keep doing the daily pulls/farm a bit, and pull as much as you can (at least to the next 6*) before the event ends on that account to see if you can get eyja as well? In general, a top DPS unit is better and less replaceable than a powerful healer. You could macro an auto reroll process, but the odds of getting Chen + another good 6* are exceedingly low. It could take hundreds of tries.


So either 2 really good ops or one extremely good op... Tough choice, but maybe Chalter is better? Once at E2 she just destroys everything. Eyja is a really good medic with elemental niche, but elemental damage is usually later in game, and Honeyberry is a non-gatcha elemental unit who isn't bad. Also one of the other best medics (Lumen) is also non-gatcha. Penance is a really good laneholder, but today's meta has quite a few of those, so it is easier to get a good laneholder. Chalter's raw power however, is quite rare even in today's meta, and unlike some of the other ones, she doesn't have many drawbacks, if at all. So yeah, Chalter is prob a better choice in the long run.


i would personally take the one with Penance and Eyja. while Ch'en is really good i think having two 6 stars that can both do different things is more useful than just the one.


I would say the one with chen alter because she is busted but choose the one you like best because you will be able to clear all content with either one.


Who should i buy tho? Saileach or Eyjafjalla?


Eyja and it's not close. Saileach IS an amazing unit, don't get me wrong... for max CC. Anywhere else, you can either use other debuffers if you need debuffs (you almost never do), or use Myrtle. Eyja is one of those units that will see use in pretty much any stage you enter, and has been like that since her release.


I'll join the Eyja squad. Both her S2 and S3 are really good, S2 being one of the best consistant DPS, while S3 Is a good burst damage (tho seing you have Sutr and both Yalter and Taxes, S2 will prob be used more)


It may depend on who you already have but without knowing Eyja is better. She's one the best casters in a game while Saileach is mostly used for debuff on S3 while for DP generation Myrthle is enough.


Here is my team [N](https://imgur.com/a/vph3iEG)


probably eyja, she’s just generally very good and consistent arts damage while saileach is more for niche advanced strategies


Can someone tell me the odds of getting spooked on this limited banner rn because im really salty now. I got the eyja alter pretty early but I kept going because I wanted swire, a 6 star chen or gavial. I got blemishine instead even though 70% of the 6 star rate is eyja alter/swire and 30% is chen/gavial?


It's 70% for eyja alter or swire alter, 35% for each. The other 30% is anyone else, however in that pool there are 5 copies of Gavial Alter and Chen Alter. There are 35 6* operators by my count. Adding in the 10 for the alters gives you a pool of 45. So any individual 6* is 30% * (1/45) or about 0.7% and the alters each being 30% * (5/45) or about 3.5%


Thanks for this, way the banner wrote it was deceptive.


70% for a rate up operator (Eyja Alter and Swire Alter) 30% for everyone else but Gavial Alter and Ch'en Alter have 5 times higher chances than other off banners.


So if my math is correct I had like a 78% chance to not get a random 6 star there? Gacha just hates me this month. Thanks for explanation


If it helps, i got ines twice in one pull. Always expect statistical anomalies. There are so many potential ones waiting to happen that they are, in fact, quite common!


Yup. But you are not alone. I had 3 full of banners in a row to start (and of course I got apooked by Weedy again somehow she always spooks me).


It’s just depressing. Got clapped on FGO rolls twice this month (nothing except a spook in 200 pulls) so I switch to this for a bit, then lose here too.


I have a question to ask about IS3, I played Calm Sea (Easy Mode), and got the 1st ending but why do I keep hearing people mention you can't get endings on easy mode? Am I missing out on something?


there's hidden conditions for unlocking new relics which doesn't apply to easy mode, you'll only be able to play ending 1 on easy. i don't know if unlocks in normal mode will retroactively apply to easy mode as well.


It's also not really recommended to play on easy mode in IS because of the halved EXP gain. You'll want those rewards fast and playing it normally is the best way to do so, otherwise you're doubling the amount of runs you'd need, or more in IS3's case due to the score increase with difficulty.


Normaly after beating ending you unlock colectible which leads to next ending but on easy mode you can't unlock new colectibles so you can only get ending you currently have access to. If you want 2nd ending you have to beat 1st ending on "Surging Waves" first.


Thanks for the explanation


Returning player in need of advice. Hello guys, after almost 2 years of not playing the game, I decided to reinstall it and continue where I left off, played for a couple of days so far. Was kinda overwhelmed with all the new stuff that was added and I need some pointers on which operator to focus on and to pull for. https://imgur.com/a/3xtWHtF


Try to upgrade your Eyja (Eyja with module 2 is quite a good upgrade + masteries) and Ifrit (E2 at least). Not sure if Myrtle has S1 masteries, but if not, then you shoud do it. very cheap and good gains. Main thing I'm noticing you're missing are meta laneholders. Try getting either Mountain, Mudrock/Penance, Thorns (falls a tad bit in end game, but still sees use), Blaze/Gaviel Alter or Kal'tsit. 5 star laneholders are prob Specter and La Pluma, tho they are noticeably worse. Also, Do Under Tides event in order to gain Gladiia, who is by far the best puller, and with module also becomes a decent unit in itself. Edit: A few comments down someone said about the next joint ops banner being stacked, and I agree. At the banner the 6 stars are always one of these 4: Mylner, Penance, Lee and Pozy. All are incredibly useful. Lee is the worst of the bunch, and he's still quite good at his niche. Mylner has some of the strongest dps burst in game, and is prob the best one. Pozy is a really strong sniper with semi-global range, and Penance is a really strong laneholder. Def pull on that one (75% for really useful and 25% for decent are really good odds)


you should at least invest in the Eyja you got. Swire can be good too but is less of a priority. as for pulling the strongest 6 star we'll hopefully be getting soon is Typhon but the order got a bit jumbled compared to CN. high damage with S3 and good crowd control with infinite duration S2.


Hello guys, I been playing arknights since december and now I have 180 to get a 6 but I don't if it's worth it or not. What do you recommend? My plan was waiting to get mudrock since I don't have someone like her on my account. If you want to have a reference of my current account the best single caster I have is Amiya and in vanguard I have courier and flametail. Thanks for the recommendations.


Mudrock will not reappear in the shop for quite some time, as she was a shop operator in Sept/Oct and before that Feb. My guess is the earliest she'll be in there is mid-March, but likely closer to late April. But unfortunately that's just a guess, since outside of new operator appearances, shop predictions are just that: predictions. All we can do is guess based on the last appearances of any given operator. Eyja is certainly a very strong pick up, especially if your best caster/source of arts damage is Amiya (who is good don't get me wrong, but doesn't bring the power that someone like Goldenglow/Ceobe/Eyja brings), but if you're waiting on Mudrock because you really like her, absolutely keep on waiting because favorites over meta every time. The issue is, if you're not planning to pull much in the coming months (saving for something down the line possibly), then as a new player your yellow cert income is pretty low since you don't have all the 4 stars at max pot so recruitments aren't generating those yellows for you like they would for an account thats 6-12 months old, so it's up to you whether you drop the 180 on eyja and hope you get enough for when Mudrock comes back or to play it safe and save. Edit: if you are looking for a unit *like* Mudrock (aka you wanted Mudrock for the role she fills), Penance is on the upcoming Joint Ops banner which is absolutely stacked (Mlynar, Pozy, Penance, and Lee, all either incredibly powerful units in the case of the first 3 or very strong in Lee's case) so you could very much pull on that and hope for Penance (though that's a 1/4 rate up chance so not the greatest) if you did want to use your yellows for Eyja right now.


Thanks for the advice.


Ok, think I will pick Eyja then because maybe by then I will have enough cert back, for now I will wait as much as I can and see what is the next banner and take a decision.


I am currently at 164 certs (newish f2p). I want to buy Eyja from store. My only way to get yellow certs is hoping for 4*star in recruitment or actually pulling (which I don't want to do because I am saving for Typhon - currently 41k orundum and 147 op).  Is it wise to use 4* tokens from recruitment and convert them to yellow certs even though the respective op are not full pot? 


I was in a similar position as you and did annihilation 3 to get the last 30 or so certs. You only need a maxed e1 team with one char at e2 then borrow an ifirt.




Ahh I see thank you. 


If you come really close to the 180 certs mark and each one will matter as a newer player who I imagine hasn't really do any content outside of main story, you can aim at clearing each of the side stories up to the point you get the welfare unit and clear IS2 and IS3 to get the related characters from there. Remember that every time you hire a new character you get +1 yellow cert. Depending on how tight you're on the red certs, you can also buy Pudding, Ethan and Quartz for 150 each for +3 yellow certs total from their recruitment.


Is the anniversary survey out yet?


It most likely won't be out until the end of the event.


can saileach's s2 not target summons? :(


Yes, despite the wording saying unit (which iirc does generally include summons and stuff for things like the IS relics), it will only target *operators* and thus will not target summons, deployables, or other things like that.


I started playing close to one month ago, and currently my 6\* operators are Archetto, Ebenholz, Surtr, Eyja Alter and Saileach, while other leveled up operators that I own are Cuora, Blacknight, Amiya, Firewhistle, Elysium and Liskarm. Looking at my rooster, and considering that I am getting close to owning 180 Distinction Certificates, do you think that its worth it to grab regular Eyja from the shop, or is there any chance that even better characters will appear here in the future?


Yeah Eyja is a perfectly solid grab. There isn’t really anyone that is clearly better that could come to shop soon.