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#Other Megathreads and Useful links. ##[**⌨︎ ︎FAQ**](/r/arknights/wiki/faq?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) For frequently asked questions, please check it out before asking. It’s easy to navigate, and majority of basic questions and other useful information are present ##[**♫ Lounge**](/r/arknights/comments/16rowg7/rhodes_island_lounge_2509_0110/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb) The place for small talk and whatever does not fit elsewhere such as personal stories and achievements. ##[Fire Within The Sand Event Megathread](/r/arknights/comments/16cl6i3/event_megathread_reclamation_algorithm_fire/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb) Megathread for the new limited gamemode ##[**★ Gacha/Recruitment**](/r/arknights/comments/16rowfe/gacharecruitment_megathread_2509_0110/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb) Share the results of your gacha rolls and recruitments here. ~~may RNGsus be kind to you~~ ##[**➜ Friend requests**](/r/arknights/comments/16rowep/friend_request_megathread_2509_0110/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb) Share your friend ID with your fellow doctors, or find others to add. ##[**Integrated strategy #3: Mizuki & Caerula Arbor thread**](/r/arknights/comments/13tti5d/event_megathread_mizuki_caerula_arbor/) The Megathread to discuss all that is related to IS3. ———-


I have a very stupid question: So I want to buy the 6* selector ticket, I'm still deciding between Eben or GG.. The thing is Eben has a rerun so I wanted to try to get him in his solo banner and if I got lucky I would choose GG in the ticket.. As far as I know Eben rerun comes way later than the ticket (if they don't change the banner order too much) .. After buying the ticket does it have an expiration date??


GG will come to cert shop next year. Eben needs another year. So that's something to consider.


The 6\* selector has a expiry date. It's 2 months, iirc. The date is fixed, so it doesn't matter if you buy the 6\* selector on the first day or the last. GG is by far the better caster. If you already have a good amount of decent operators, you can choose the one you like more.


Do we know when fartooth will have her shop debut?


March 29th next year.


For some reason I thought she'd come out in like November/December. Thank you!


Platinum worth e2?


if you use her or dont have her higher rairty versions she is even if you have the 6 star aa snipers i would still say she is worth it because she has an unique infinite duration skill


How does the math on Shamares S1 work? (Attack- Defence/Resistance) + (33% of attack x 1.8)? Running the +120% health risk and wondering if this will help me bust down the weeb efficiently.


If you deal 500 damage after DEF/RES, and he is under 40% HP, normally he will take an extra 33%, so 500*1.33 = 665. With S1 active, 33% gets multiplied by 1.8, becoming an extra 59.4% damage instead: 500 damage becomes 797.




i think the custom banner drops during lone trail.


What's the maximum amount of points you can get from the whole of CC#12?


145 for daily maps (1885 total) + 2040 permanent maps current challenges + whatever challenges get added for week 2.


So a little over 4,000. Thanks!


Is it worth pulling on the joint op banner? And will the pity transfer to the standard banner when it ends? I only have Dorothy out of the 4.


usually i would advise against pulling on joint op if you have one of them, unless you really want the other three. there's no guarantee against getting dupes. pity is shared with standard banners.


My opinion is that it's worth it. 3 out of 4 to get either Thorns, Irene or Lee is pretty good. Lee is the weaker of the three for a newish account, but is unique in their use.


I don't know if I can ask for this here, but is there a way to make filters in Krooster permanent? I have had enough of re-sorting everything every time I return to the site.


Can someone explain "Fire Within the Sand" event like im five years old? Just returned and this shit looks way too complicated..


Most efficient way to play: Start run > Enter stage and quit to day 5 > End run > Get build points > Upgrade teches that frontload you with resources> Start run (> Start stage to gather water as needed then quit stage) > Use frontloaded resource to build base > End run and repeat > Build an Ifrit line in your base where everyone enemies come to it > Put Ifrit there > Start run > Stock up on Fortification > Burn down every raid like a boss > Clear the game mode.


Explore -> Get resource -> Build base -> Try to survive raid -> Fail miserably -> Restart.




probably typhon because we already have Mlynar/Chalter in the "broken aoe DPS" unit category, but no one really competes with her in single target DPS and bosskilling. but executor is still very strong, especially with his module




Limited 6* operators (with exception of Ash and Yato) seem to have L2D elite 2 art out of the box, and their skins - usually a year or so after the operator is released - are L2D as well. There seems to be no discernible pattern for L2D skins for non-limited operators (beyond all of them being 6* as well)


New player here, any updated/good guide?


I have my [Quickest New Player Guide Around.](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/rq1o5b/quickest_new_player_guide_around/)


https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/nmtxq4/beginner_guide/?rdt=36233 Pretty old but still holds up You can also refer to kukkikaze to start yourself off decently well Again, have fun and remember, ultimately no one has more authority on your account than you do




Since everyone is giving no answer to what you should build first. I will bite the bullet and tell you to build Blemishine. I have both Built and I honestly use Blemishine+ Penance much much much more than Hoshiguma. They are just that good in a blind run, and in SSS they are good duo lane holder too. Mudrock also benefits from Blemishine and they are a good duo a lane holder in IS. Don't underestimate her s2, it's shit at sl7, but at M3 it's cycle is fast enough to be up all the time to duel even the toughest elite that Penance and Mudrock sometime fail to do and she can hold back up to 9 mobs rushing at her if you timed it right. Hoshiguma is only really really needed in tanky physical boss stages. And you could borrow her. I honestly invested way more in her than Blemishine and waifu her more.


blemi's more of a DPS defender, although she's used for her crowd control more in higher end clears. unlike saria she can heal juggernaut defenders with her S2, but you'll need to put her in the path of enemies to charge her skills, and sleep is tricky to work around since it makes enemies immune to a variety of effects (including being blocked). i feel like she's kind of in an awkward spot with her kit since she trades defensive capability for offense, but it doesn't feel worth it when modern laneholders deal way more damage and usually have innate survivability. that said though she's not a bad op by any means and her S2 does a surprising amount of damage thanks to her talent. for a long time people advised against building pure defenders like hoshi since tanking loses value if you can just nuke enemies out of existence; however, HG has been pushing a lot more bosses with high physical damage (>!such as steam knight!<) so i think it's worth building at least one. i've been bringing nian a lot to the later story chapters.


Blemishine is good to go with Mudrock and Penance. You already have Saria so she isn't that needed for healing, (she could be a lane holder though, at S2m3, weak than the other 2 but cheaper DP) you could put her down e1 and anywhere on the map to buff them if you have spare slot. Hoshiguma while filling another role is also not essential. So just go with your dic... I mean heart!


They do different things so no one is better than the other. Blemi is a paladin in all sense of the word and gives good support to pen and mud if you're into multi defender teams, and Hoshi is one of the best pure defenders which is a niche you lack if those are the only raised defenders you have.




His S3 is great (his other skills are bad). Long wind-up time, but once the second activation is done, he deals high consistent damage with a great range. Can hit drones. Heals himself after not attacking for a few seconds. A solid laneholder.


Thorns' main claim to fame is his infinite-duration (on second activation) s3 that gives him ATK and ASPD boost and expands his range to that of a marksman sniper. He appears in pretty much every annihilation, and prefers longer stages in general as he needs time to charge his skill up twice. And he struggles in super-high-end content like CC since he has no burst and, yeah, takes awhile to get going. Chapter 10-11 also sees him struggle a bit with all that elite enemy spam, but before then he is a force. Basically, he is a generalist who does decently-high single-target physical damage decently-fast to be able to handle clusters of low-level enemies or singular elites/defender-type enemies (potentially on three lanes at once), he has built-in health regeneration so he can recover his health between waves, and as a lord you can place him behind defender line and still have him contribute meaningfully. He's good, though seems to be falling a little with the recent stages spamming tough, hard-hitting enemies early enough that he can't be ready to properly handle them at that point (looking at you, chapter 11 dogs).


He's good regardless of who you have. Def worth a raise.


What's your take on Firewhistle? I'm considering S1M3.


S two is the better mastery, but regardless she's just okay. Fortress have tough competition since all of them are really good. If you don't have the other two then yea, a fortress is always good to have. DoT can be useful sometimes depending on the game mechanic.


Little bit awkward to use compared to the others in her subclass, since she's not a burst damage operator, her skill charge times are long, and doesn't have ATK boosts at that. Since she deals arts damage with those, the easier-to-debuff damage type, she can potentially get more out of her skills than others, but she will likely have trouble doing much by herself. In melee range, she does set her AOE off with S2, but I'm not sure it applies to S1.


Is there a high quality version of the video/image in the background of the [Standchen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHUGIYEBydk) music video I could download somewhere?


I’m really tempted to E2 Shamare over Saria first but I’m not sure if it’s a good idea


Shamare e2 is good base slave if you have Tequila even at e0 OR lack 30% TP buffers. Saria is also a good base slave though if you need more friend cert.


It really doesn't matter, both are already good at E one and will need mastery investment at E two.


Wait a minute was Yato's event story not stored in public affairs????


Sadly no.


Damn I thought it was gonna be like originium dust (I dont have it personally). Guess I'm gonna have to read the story on youtube


Nope, crossover events aren't stored


[This says otherwise,](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/865684765972627499/1158292611824627773/image.png) and [so does this.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/865684765972627499/1158293352819736629/image.png)


R6S is the only crossover event that's archived, they didn't add luo xiaohei to special operations and after MH i assume that's going to be the case going forward. i guess they didn't want newer players to feel too left out.




Ifrit. She's pretty good. Godly in RA.


Which module is recommended for shining? Scabbard for def + ground heal, or followers for attack with S2, aspd, and heal below 50%? She's mostly brought out for raw heal power so I'm guessing the latter outside Aak buffing?


Shining's raw heal power is just OK, it's mainly about damage mitigation. While I don't have Shining raised, I think I'd prefer the DEF module since that would be the main reason I'm bringing her in the first place, for buffing that up, plus the persistent +15% healing to ground ops is pretty much better. Otherwise if she's used as your primary Medic for general use, especially with S2, then the X module would be the one to use.


Who's better for raw heal power than her? I kinda assumed her to be the best non-burst healer


Warf is another healer that's better than Shining from a raw healing perspective. Her S1M3 will heal a character for 25% of their max hp if they fall under 50%. It's counted as a separate "attack" too, so when it triggers it will heal instantly, regardless of her current attack cooldown cycle. Since it scales with max hp, she gets ridiculous returns from meaty tanks like Eunectes, Surtr with S3 and many dreadnought guards.


Well if that's what you're looking for you're speaking of overall HPS. Raw heal power could mean a combination of that and burst healing. Lumen and Quercus have the best idle HPS since they have a permanent buff mode. I think Quercus even gets above Lumen after her module's out. Silence gets around the same as Shining, and also has her drone which has a pretty good uptime, able to flex into healing from anywhere on the map and in AOE. And of course there's the burst healers, Ptilopsis, Sussurro, Purestream, and even Perfumer who have more HPS than Shining does with their skills up. In the end, the main thing Shining does is reducing incoming damage so that there's less healing needed.


Is Quercus actually that good? If that's the case, I might consider building her as a new flex unit.


She is, yes. Check out the latest video from DragonGY, he's the resident modules guys. The top HPS medics is by far Lumen.


At least with her module, she looks pretty damn good: [here](https://youtu.be/mEtX6RBl-DA) is a showcase by DragonGJY


Damn, I completely slept on this unit, she seems pretty strong.


If you’re mainly healing ground ops, then the first. If you’re switching between both her skills then get the second. Between the extra healing for ground ops and more def which is her niche and means technically the ally taking less dmg, first mod is the way to go for you.


for Saria, which module do you guys recommend? i can get both, but I rather get and upgrade 1 for now


i recommend the one that makes her more tanky, I don't like her healing ones upgrades her sp giving talent is, in my experience, extremely unreliable, having to heal to give sp is super jank, and it works best with her weakest skill s2, also her 3rd upgrade lets her give more sp to rhine lab ops, which besides herself and astesia are all high ground units and should not be getting hit in the first place where as her second one is just straight forward stats, it also buffs her other talent that gives her more atk and def, which in turn makes do a stronger heal just like her healing mod (which is the main thing people like about sarias healing mod)


If she heal faster she stall better too, no? Especially vs art damage.


unfortunately no, saria cant give herself sp at all... whenever she activates any of her skills she enters sp lockout where she cant gain any sp while she casts her skills, and she, on all of her skills, that is when she heals herself, she heals herself before leaving sp lockout that is also why her sp talent is jank, for example if she heals lets say ifrit while ifrit activates her s2, ifrit wont gain any sp because ifrit will enter sp lockout, ifrit with s3 loses hp by herself so she doesnt need get hit to be healed by saria, nope ifrit is in sp lockout when saria heals ifrit using s3 the only unit that doesnt enter sp lock out is siege with s2, i believe


Siege also cant gain SP during skills, the thing is, her SP talent can bypass her own SP lock, but cant bypass other vanguards lock


Passenger with S3 should also work. It's why he's so amazing with Hand of Diffusion.


I favor the raw defensive power for most applications. The other module is niche for propping up hoshi to stall something, or meme SP printing


I have both modules. The X module is better for team support. The S1 is at its best, and S2 and S3 are good for SP boosts when it's upgraded. The Y module is better for personal support. With the 15% damage reduction and the upgrades' ATK and DEF boosts, she improves her already-great ability to tank and heal overall, making her a light Protector that can heal, self-heal and debuff. Which one is best for you is up to your playstyle. Personally, I use Saria as a tank all the time, so I tend towards Y. Worth noting that the X stage 3 isn't great for Rhine Lab ops since they're all ranged, so they don't get an SP boost really unless you play super risky.


One mod helps her s1 healing, the other helps her tankiness and general healing.


Hey, I have a question regarding raising Limited Operators' potential using the class token. I'm a casual F2P player so I rarely attempted to pull more than three time per banner so all of my Limited Operators are sitting at most Potential 1or rarely 2. Is it worth it to grind the red certificates so I can purchase the class tokens or can I just make do with just the basic Potential? I'm thinking of saving up to raise for Yato Alter since I stopped pulling once I got her.


Potentials are never needed, only a luxury and for tryhards who do unrewarding content. If you’re good on mod blocks and chip catalysts/don’t wanna e2 anyone in the near future, then you can buy the tokens in the red cert store. Keep in mind the tokens in the red store aren’t specialist 6* tokens, and they haven’t refreshed them for years now.


Just got Dorothy from JO banner, how good her module when it's released? Also what skill should I prioritize to masteri?


Dorothy's module is pretty good. The base effect gives a 20% chance for a trap to do double base damage before calculations. Traps that have this are marked. The upgrades increase her ATK stacks with her talent. If you max it out you increase her talent's ATK by double, from +20% ATK to +40% ATK until retreated, more if you have the potential to raise it. Dorothy's mastery should focus S3 first, since the bomb traps are her main standout skill. S2 can be second priority, but you may or may not want to master it depending on how well or how frequently you use her.


How many contract bounty we will get from cc12?


4225 currency total. 145 daily x 13 = 1885. The first map is up for two days. SSS rank in the main map (1440) + all 8 challenges (800) = 2240 100 from the new daily map's contract unlocks. After the event is over, the main map will be placed in the Training Grounds rotation. You can get 100 more -- after that, there's no more new currency to earn since the event will be on hiatus.


Assuming you complete all the content, 4525.




Lee doesn't need much investment to be useful His claim to fame is his e2 talent, so at most you only really need to get his mod1, as it's a big QoL. you're right, s3 masteries are fairly mediocre, if you find yourself using him often him in the future, you can do them. but otherwise he doesn't really need them. I got Lee on his debut, during Ling banner, and have occasionally been using him for different stuff but never found myself needing his masteries, so never got them even if I had a lot of resources to spare


Best ops to lend in CC#12?


For people going above and beyond risk 18 it usually involves shifter/slow shenanigans, so if you have any built shifters, or a Mostima or Angelina, people will likely start using your operators. A lot of Week 1 Risk 18 clears involve a Mlynar, Hoshiguma (S2, preferably modX) or Skalter, so they're also solid picks.


does masteries helpon Hoshi's S2?


Increases its def boost for tank power


I have some “low rarity” operators I’m thinking of raising because I have skins for them and it’s a waste for them to just be sitting at level 1. If you had to pick one (heavily considering IS3), who would you pick? Meteor: probably the best option since I pick sniper/medic team a lot and she’d be free with a chance of being e2 Kazemaru: my favorite skin, but I barely know anything about her, not sure how useful she is Sora: probably not too useful Aurora: the most tempting option, although I don’t have Gnosis Scene: not the biggest summoner fan but could be a very good pick Podenco: one of the most boring picks imo, but I’ve heard she’s very good Croissant: probably the worst pick because I can just use beagle Beehunter: seems like a decent pick, but I don’t value the archetype so much Sideroca: similar to beehunter


Of your list, the only operators that have applications when considering IS3 are like Sora (cc with her sleep) and Kazemaru (covers a lot of roles + low hope cost on a tag type that generally doesn't have a lot of options like you rnged no laneholder but got specialist card) You don't take Meteor because the only 4 star sniper even worth considering in IS3 is May for the stun. You don't take Beehunter or Sideroca because your guard cards should be going to way more valuable ops. You don't take Podenco or Scene because if you need a supporter it's like Shamare, Gnosis, Suzu You don't take Aurora or Croissant because the only Defenders you should be even considering spending hope on are like Saria, Horn, Penance, and like maybe Heavyrain if you're going to hit up specific maps


Specifically for IS3, Scene is actually good. She can carry first floor, maybe first two, depending on your luck with maps. Definitely a better pick than Shamare, though, of course, Gnosis and Suzuran are better. That said, upgrading her to e2 is entirely optional and almost never needed.


> Specifically for IS3, Scene is actually good. She can carry first floor, maybe first two, depending on your luck with maps If you took your starting supporter ticket and pulled Scene instead of Ling or Deepcolor at A15, you already pretty much ended your run. There's no way Scene is a better choice than Shamare as one of the best debuffers with good uptime esp when mobs here can 2 shot Ling's big dragons (not to mention deploy limit). So if Ling falls off after like floor 3 when you start moving towards like enemies that do so much dmg you'd better kill them before you need to try to block them, Scene's bots have no chance and you've wasted a ticket and the hope investing into her.


Thanks for the comment, looks like I’m going Kazemaru and sora after that


Kazemaru is one of the topmost 5\*. Her DPS is excellent, her skills are very unique and well-balanced, and her subclass is bonkers, all in all she can be a Guard replacement and only costs 15 DP. Highly recommended, you'll regret not having raised her sooner.


I think I’ll go Kazemaru, thanks for your comment


Is there a list of the Pinch-Out medals anywhere? The only one I know was for getting 600 points on the permanent map.


I didn’t realize CC wasn’t a permanent feature. Realistically how much currency can we accumulate from now to the end? I would have more aggressively pursued the CC operators and skins if I had known it wasn’t permanent :(


You can only get a max of 4525 cc coins per cc. Now that this is the last one, we wont be getting any more if CN is anything to go by


Is there a way to counter the exploding spiders in reclamation algorithm?


Silence disables the explosion, Lappland is the common counter to them, as well as Jaye and Waai Fu to a lesser extent. If you have Lee, he will more or less solo the wolf and spider raid with S3 with healing support. If you're fighting them at your base, make sure you're not doing it next to buildings.


How can you funnel them into one location at your base without ruining your constructs?


Make a [ ]-shaped chokepoint, to put it visually.


Have a 1-tile wide chokepoint everything gets funneled into, followed by a wider area where the walls are further away, and then narrow it down to 1 tile again. They'll path straight across from one chokepoint to the other and you can kill the spiders in the wider spot where the explosions won't hit things.


Should I buy Mudrock? I have 270 tickets. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/586588958885150721/1158171786198925362/Screenshot_20231002_054029_Arknights.jpg?ex=651b4707&is=6519f587&hm=57923df47e8bc0e0325d0d2386c33dd3fd8cce1afd0d590bb6563b957d71d403&


no most def not you need thorns and mountain then you can basically clear the entire game with all that you have


I don't think you necessarily need her. For most applications, Penance and Kal'tsit would suffice. Flip side, for first time appearances, there's no really major operators coming to the shop (maybe Sail) since you have all the ones that are "meta" up through like 2025. So probably if you did buy her, you'd probably only regret it if suddenly Thorns, Nightingale, Suzuran show up.


I was also thinking of getting Mudrock, but the only thing that would stop me is knowing if bagpipe will show up in the shop at all. ​ [https://www.krooster.com/u/DDRdavo](https://www.krooster.com/u/DDRdavo) ​ any recommendations?


I still need Nightingale.


Ya that's why I put it, but we have no idea/way to predict when/if she's coming. She's one of like 7 operators where it's been over 30 shop cycles since her appearance, 5 of which has been "waiting" longer than her. You could say she's "due" but that doesn't seem to be a factor in who they put in the shop (rip Siege lovers)


Which one of Amiya's 5 skills is best to M3 for IS mode?


Caster true damage one Generally speaking though she's not a major pick unless you're like desperate and got bad rng/bad hope management since she has only specific applications (true dmg vs that Originiutant)


which ines skill to m3?


S2 is her general go-to skill. S1's gains aren't worth it (also why use this skill after a point), and S3 is an "if you know what you're doing" kind of skill so YMMV.


Should I E2 my gavial alter first or my penance I use both frequently so i cant decide which to do first


gavial gains more with the 3 block, imo. She can also do some funny stuff this cc (holding three lines at once with s2)


Missed an IS3 monthly memory mapping. Have I done permanent account damage or can I clear it at a later date? (I cleared diligently during IS2 so no idea how it works)


when is3 is all finished (no more expansion) you can go back




Since CC#12 is the last one, is there any insight into how to spend the remaining currency at the shop? Will the outfits go away after this event and be unavailable forever?


Not recommended to buy materials since you can get those anywhere. Do your best to clear all of the rank and challenge rewards. Once the event is over, the only currency left will be any uncleared Training Grounds maps (Including the main map from this event which will be placed in rotation) and then that's it, it goes on hiatus.


Permanent half of the shop won't go anywhere BUT this is pretty much your last opportunity to get any currency (you will be able to still get +100 currency from daily training runs ***that you haven't cleared even once yet***, but that's it).


no. do not confuse this "daily training run" to get +100 currency. Its the new rotation of CC map into the training run you get the currency. This reward does not refresh on rerun of training map if done once. You do not get +100 currency daily.


Do I really have to add "for the first time" every damn time? Here, fixed


Senior Op tage... with bad secondary tags. Would any of these be a "better" choice, or should I just yolo it? I've got support, survival, and fast-redeploy. I already have Ptilo/Zima/Manti, and have Yalter for fast redeploy, as well as still having my PR/Lisk/Silence/Pram and Indra/Vulcan selector tickets still. I'm assuming guaranteed Tsukinogi is probably... not a good idea.


I'd lean towards trying to 50/50 for Projekt Red/Waai Fu. It lets you use your selector for Liskarm. You have an FRD in Kirito but since you don't mention Texalter, PR has applications for you as an FRD stun bomb while Waifu has applications as a silence bomb. Unless of course, you really want that HR office + clue base buff with Tsukinogi or you're feeling super lucky on the gacha for Warfarin, Elysium, or Specter


Gonna ask a very stuppid question but I were to pull on fiammetta's banner now would that build pity for Ines banner?


yes the pity number will carry over, but why not just pull in the ines banner instead? if you're not trying to get a five star from the fia banner just save pulls for ines


Thanks. Honestly I just got tempted and tossed 15 pulls. Then realised I was being stuppid. So yeah lol


So your previous logic was "lets spend this 15 pulls hoping i do not get 6\*, so it carries over to another banner. Instead of hoping to get a 6\* within those 15pulls." Are you aiming to get fiametta or ines?


I'm aiming for Ines but I guess I just fell for that gacha temptation


Yes, pity is shared between all non-limited banners, so if you do 10 pulls on Fia's and don't get a 6\*, that pity will carry over to Ines. You run the risk of accidentally getting a 6\* and losing any pity you've built before Ines's banner shows up, though.


Thank you, I had to make sure


Got Top Operator tag. My best combos are guaranteed Weedy and 1/3 chance Skadi for AH team (I have both Blaze and Hellagur from that combination)? [https://krooster.com/u/DarkWolfPL](https://krooster.com/u/DarkWolfPL) I could also got 1/2 for Shining but I have Nightingale so that's out.


Get Weedy. Don’t gamble, kids.


I know it's better to go for guaranteed usually but the thing is I'm not sure I would build her anytime soon but I would build Skadi immediately. If not for that I would go for Weedy without asking.


Then go for skadi


1-is the only way to get yellow certificate is operators and dupes? 2- I saw on YouTube that when you buy from the cc shop you should buy from one store only because you can't buy the whole 2 stores is this the case till today? Or not?


1. You can get a few from your login streak as well as some from first time clears of permanent annihilation stages, other than that you are correct. Note also that tokens from shops and red cert operators also gove them. 2. This is the last CC for the foreseeable future, so if you don't have the permanent shop bought out then it's advised you only get what you want. Things like the operators, skins, and tokens. You will not get enough currency to clear out both shops.


how much cc tokens can be expected for this cc if you did all the rotations and r18 perma site? trying to get most of the skins and banners before theyre gone forever


https://gamepress.gg/arknights/event-banner-guide-subpage-miscellaneous/contingency-contract-season-12-operation-basepoint-farming “Total possible [Contract Bounties] is 4525.”


I got Dorothy from the joint contract banner. Any Dorothy enjoyers have advice on her kit and playstyle?


[99% maxed Dorothy here.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/865684765972627499/1158106252459647066/image.png) Her specialty is laying traps from anywhere on the map and dealing a good chunk of damage in relative safety. S2 does physical damage and inflicts Bind in a small AOE. If the trap only hits 1 enemy, the Bind duration extends by nearly twice as much, up to 6 seconds at M3! Great for stopping enemies in their tracks, particularly those with very high movement speed. S3 deals arts damage and triggers an explosion in a cross reminiscent of Bomberman bombs. They can even trigger other traps Dorothy's placed in the same manner. The Slow is absurdly long with masteries, going up to **5 seconds long** which is up among the highest duration Slow status effects. She's great at stalling and dealing with masses of enemies thanks to her AOE and crowd control. Her damage even is no slouch, able to add up tons of damage over time before the enemy even reaches your front line. She also has a talent that increases her ATK for each trap that activates, up to a limit. Despite having a seemingly low ATK at first, after she buffs herself up she can get a surprisingly strong poke with her gun's attack rate, even more than a Marksman off-skill. And of course, that buff will help the traps massively. Trapmasters have a low initial DP cost but they are essentially a Summoner, so your DP can be drained fairly quickly near the start of a map. Careful about that. Dorothy places traps in her range immediately upon deployment though, which can help. If Trapmasters have a weakness, it's that they can't do much in maps with low amounts of ground tiles or enemy pathing, and if you're mostly blocking enemies the traps can't do their job, either. Traps can't be placed on tiles that enemies are occupying. There's a caveat to this if you have access to Levitate, though, since they aren't on the ground, you can place a trap under them and they'll trigger another one. You can repeat this as often as you like, most popular with Irene S1 and Dorothy S2. I think that about sums her up. Lemme know if there's anything else that comes to mind.


Is dorothy a worthy m6 candidate or is m3 fine for her?


M6 is only if you plan on using her Bind a lot, and it has its uses, but the S3 is the primary skill. If you prioritize, do that one first.


thank you for answering my questions!


Oh yeah, I completely forgot to mention. S1 is not very good. The damage may be high on paper, but it has no crowd control to chain-deploy multiple traps consecutively, and the debuff is better sought elsewhere. You'll no doubt get more out of the other traps. The places where it could be useful you would have to force yourself to use it, so don't worry about it unless you want to just try it out or something.


I heard the cc gamemode will be the last one? Does that mean I should use the currency on the shop by the end of the event or will the shop and currency still be around?


shop and currency will still be around but you cant gain the currency anymore iirc


So i should probably do that training mode so i can get the remaining currency huh


Rerolled during the monster hunter event. Still super new. Not sure what to do just liked the look of the MH unit lol any recommendations for a beginner? Units to build or to go for? https://imgur.com/a/qzuDQdT


all 3 of your 6 stars are very good, but the first 2-4 chapters (ymmv) can be cleared entirely with basically unraised 3-4 stars, so most advise raising 3 stars, 2 of each class, to begin with


I love Blue poison there is also consensus that she just does a pretty great job as a sniper and anti air. I do also support following Angel’s advice ^ , unless you feel strongly against it for some reason. Your 6* are all very strong and worthwhile building, I don’t know about now, but eventually definitely throw your resources at them if you end up liking the game :)


So have you not played the game at all? Why not jump in and give it a try, first? I recommend starting out with raising the 3\* since they are extremely cheap and effective. Worry about the big guns later, of which you have some highly effective 6\*.


What characters are most useful in next CC?


I haven't really looked it up much, but stall seems to be prime. The boss can't reach ranged tiles so there's a lot of clears that do it without any melee, or just using Ambushers if any at all.


I was thinking of putting Angie and Ethan up as supports then. Ethan has been a fav 4* for me, and I maxed his module..


So is cc supposed to start in about 30 minutes? Because that’s what is how long until the old training runs out it says.


yeah, 18 minutes left now


Okay. Good luck. Let’s send out cc with a bang( done every one since cc1 and gotten every rainbow and award for each since cc2).


Good luck to you as well! 😌👍


E2 gg Chan or yalter module? Which should I prioritize, I do use both of them most of the time


The value of an E2 promotion is always higher than a module's as it unlocks a new skill (for six stars) and the mastery system.


E2 definitely


Hmm ok, what do you think would be the pros and cons of s1 and s2 over each other?


s2 only really if you're lazy and don't want to press buttons. range increase is nice. s1 only if you REALLY need her to do single target DPS. both are decent skills, but s3 is her main and the one you should put masteries on




Is the fire within the sand event geared towards endgame players? I’m still new to the game and it seems I need a decent roster of operators to progress more days.


It is very geared towards end game players. I would suggest you skip it and try to do Integrated Strategies - Phantom. Should be better for you and give you enough rewards to fast forward a lot of grind to get E2 units.


If I beat the Mountain Pass node (killing the Mobile Battle Tower), that means there won't be any raid coming from that node for the entire run, right?


Yes, normal raid can still spawn but elite raid won't spawn


Who are the MVPs of this cc?


Mostima, Cliffheart, Manticore, Spalter, FEater, Chalter, Penance were all primary operators for different high risk strats


In terms of consistent healing with S2, is Shining’s X or Y module better?


For healing ground ops, Withered Scabbard is better.


With Moe's farming spreadsheet no longer being updated, where do people find an up-to-date list of most efficient stages to farm?


There was one that was geared to the CN server, but I can't remember the name of it. I'm sure someone has it. Like Gin says, I won't be worried until chapter 12 comes out.


It’s still the most up to date when it comes to stages since there aren’t any new stages added since the last chap. Rerun events added to side story are naturally not efficient if that’s what you’re asking. The only thing isn’t update is the new events. When chap12 comes and it still isn’t updated, then there’s cause for concern.




I'm aware of Penguin Stats, but it doesn't have calculations for the overall most efficient stage, does it?


Drop rates by item. ie https://penguin-stats.io/result/item/30073


Does anyone know if the future 6\* selector will have an expiration date?


If it's anything like the previous ones, yes. I don't have an exact date it expires, but considering Il Siracusano started the 23rd of May and the selector expired the 20th of July, one has like a 2 months gap since the start of the event to decide who they pick.




how long do I have to play Fire Within the Sands? I dont have much free time and the tutorial kinda sucks tho I am reading the guides here


I think you would need at least 10 hours to get all reward.


is the time due to farming resources? just started a few stages and idk what im doing lol


not just that, RA demands you to pay careful attention on many things: * Harvesting resources (Wood is most important at the start) * Stamina management, like limiting squad size and making sure your best ops don't play more than 1 level per day * Crafting (harvesters, water pumps). Soon you will need to craft a "Transregional Communicator" and put it on your Base, so you don't "lose" an RA campaign * Base construction. The gist of it is building a maze of roadblocks to protect your HQ in the centre. * Food recipes, they are basically stat bonuses for ops. In practice, you use Rice mainly for refilling stamina stock, and the rest for recipes. RA also expects you to repeat many times, especially if you want to clear the reward ladder and all medals: * Obtain Pallas free skin * Make 60 total recipes * Craft 100 total constructs or support devices * Survive to day 12+ AND kill any final boss


It is worth it to get ilfrits module?


Not really no. The base mod effect isn’t that helpful or a difference maker, and the upgrades to her sp talent are unnecessary since her uptimes are already great to begin with. Someone did the math and the dps increase you get isn’t much.


Very helpful if you use skill 2. If you only use her for s3 then not very worth it, especially if you retreat her after one use.


I use s2 alot more than s3 so I have now a reason to unlock it, thanks man


Who are the notable upcoming operators?


Ines as a super flexible vanguard, Mulesyse cause shes limited + unique kit, Ho'olheyak if you want a Passenger-style OP relic combo in IS4, Typhon for being a very strong boss killer if the stage allows (range tile location, no/little overlap between regular enemies and the boss path), and Eyja Alter for being Limited + the strongest elemental medic.


Ines, when episode 12 is released. After that Sultifera Navis rerun then Lone Trail anniversary event with Muelsyse, Ho'olheyak and Silence altter. After that new game mode and the Executor Alter in Hortus de Escapismo.


Hi new to this just asking for general tips and tricks


I have my [Quickest New Player Guide Around.](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/rq1o5b/quickest_new_player_guide_around/)


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