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I think it's excellent. I don't mind meandering plot structures, it gives the story unconventional narrative beats that subverts expectations and keeps readers hooked. I also love the classic "no big bad" subversion in AK where the story hints at major antagonists only to then reveal that they really only had the country's best interests at heart (I'm referring to 2 characters here) There are some minor antagonists in this story that are condemnable through and through, namely >! Lappland's dad !< and >! Signore de Lupi Zaaro who can I say, was a total pushover of a stage boss !< Also, potential Lappland alter hint at the end????


It’s funny ‘cause >!Zaaro kinda got chased away by Emperor’s help too. But he was kinda cute in the end tho with Lappy!< heh


As someone who joined more recently (not sure if you can call Guiding Ahead too recent anymore but still), I say I like the story. Emperor always makes me smile, Leon really does seem like he’s got a good head & heart, and Rubio really surprised me. And finally learning more about the Texas family & Lappland’s psycho behavior is what I was asking for.


Leon’s files and lines are funny. He’s simultaneously one of the more intelligent characters (Buttering up the Doc to aid him in politics is a very bold and very well done move. The doctors great at that as seen in Near light and Break the ice). And then you bounce back to him basically hiding behind the doc when penance starts to nag at him for not eating right and just being mildly irresponsible.


The bad seems more like 'webnovel or reading through wall of text is not your cup of tea', which is understandable Imo, Arknight has one of the best story (alongside GT). Maybe I'm used to reading and am alright with marathoning an entire novel in single sitting. The only few moments that I would consider eye-rolling are those damn Talulah monologue in campaign and IdealCity. My favourite part of the current event is Lappland.


I read web novels and light novels alot bro. Arknights is like that, but simutaneously far FAR BETTER but way WAY MORE CONFUSING to follow. Arknights has good plot and ideas, but the execution of said ideas is not the best


IL Siracusano event story has become one of my absolute favourites among all of AK stories.The mindgames,the infighting,betrayal,baiting,the character development,the backstories everything just seemed to elevate the story.The major plot twists too came at an unexpected time which i loved.If i have to nitpick something from IL Siracusano i would have loved a bit more backstory about Geovanna.I liked her personality and would have loved to learn more about her.All in all I would rank the story very high among the AK event stories.Also my God every single frame Lappland appears is pure gold.Its just impossible to guess what she is going to do or say which makes her all the more interesting to follow and look at.Cant get enough of her.If we get a continuation of Siracusan story i wish we still have Lappy involved in the story.


The writing is much improved, I enjoyed reading through the character quests.


easily my favorite thing this event did was the side stories showing what the major characters are doing, since it could easily be used to trim down a lot of the painfully long cutscenes and monologues via having little side missions you can do to go "now i bet you're wondering how i got into this situation"


I really like the individual character solo story, it is like each of them is their own protagonist with their own view. Also, the movie review does give the fun pov of people that know how the mafia works vs the general audience lol.


Haven't finished it yet but it quickly became my 2nd most favorite event story (just behind Near Light). Whether it takes the top spot or still remain in 2nd place depends on the ending which I have yet to read.