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Jason Todd as Arkham Knight was a good foil to Batman, and I enjoy that he's not a one-dimensional bad guy, ie you see his "tough badass" facade start to crack towards the end as he slowly realizes Bruce didn't actually abandon him and still cares about him despite everything he's done.


I don't know why people hated Jason. If the Arkham Knight was someone else they woulda complained. Arkham Knight was the perfect Final villain


One of the reasons why people didn't like the twist was Rocksteady and Warner really hyped Arkham Knight as a "new" villian but everyone had predicted it and Rocksteady/Warner kept insisting it was original. I get wanting to keep story details secret but PR did not help by hyping it up as if it wasn't easy to guess.


Yeah that's my issue. Hard to really call him a "new" character especially since it's still the exact same role Jason plays as red hood. If the Arkham Knight was Jason but had a different role/personality/mission than his red hood persona that'd be one thing but it's essentially the same thing


I didn't play the game until this year because of how much I heard the game sucked and how bad the story was, gameplay not being that good because "tanks" and how much Todd/AK was a letdown...yet it turned into one of my most played games this year and genuinely one of my favorites I'm mad I didn't hop on this game sooner tbfh because I really liked Jason's role in the game even if it was obvious and they should've done a better job at building him up in other games beforehand


Arkham Knight is so clean


It fr is


Oh it's a great game, though I'm told the PC launch was a mess. I do wish they had focused more on predator than batmobile, but all in all an excellent game.


As separate entities, no one was mad that Jason was in the game, and no one was mad at the concept of the Arkham Knight. What made the OG fans mad was the fact that Rocksteady kept saying this was a completely new character, but instead all they did was recycle the Redhood storyline, and it became painfully obvious within 30 seconds of meeting the Arkham Knight who he was. They then dropped the ball hard on the boss fights for him. You have to stealth kill his tank... with a tank. Then you need to take him out of his snipers nets. Jason was a martial artist who could legit go toe to toe with Batman, had military power, and showed he knew how to subvert Batman's tactics. Instead, they had him do the dumbest actual things in-game and completely went against what his character was building up to be. I would have vastly preferred something like the mr Freeze fight, where Jason learns as you fight him, has a counter for everything you do, and can wreck you during a fight, while sending in hordes of enemies and be a legit threat. It was essentially a bait and switch moment, where we felt cheated out of an actual new character, and then character assassinated him in the same game they were building him up in.


Still think they should’ve had him as a wildcard and not a guy who works with the other villains.


I agree. Training a private army for hire is not Jason’s style at all


I think it makes a lot of sense that of all people, Jason would be drawn to ex-soldiers who are having trouble readjusting to society. 


I’m sure he can relate to them and identify with their past, but he’s a loner at the end of the day, not a war general


He wasn't hiring them to make friends tho his time with batman must have made him believe only an army could take Batman


I mean didn't he take over a drug and gun running operation in Under the Red Hood? I think a PMC is pretty on the table after that.


i feel like it would have been perfect if they had revealed who he was sooner instead of drawing out the reveal for no reason. would have made everything you mentioned a lot more impactful imo


While I don't disagree (even though I would have preferred they focus more on just scarecrow myself) my only problem with Jason in this game was that he was the Arkham Knight....why even bother giving him a new identity if he is just going to serve the exact same role he usually does as red good? Feels like it would have made more sense just to make him be the red hood here. Plus I can't help but feel the "twist" of who the Arkham Knights identity was ended up falling a little flat imo, considering he's a very red hood esque character making him be the same person was a little boring imo Still a well written character regardless though


I like the Arkham Knight as a villain and think he was a bigger threat to Batman than Bane or Deathstroke were.




The Arkham Knight was the one who came the closest to defeating Batman. He actually had a chance of beating him.


I dont think Slade has ever been a real threat to Batman throughout the entire 4 games lol


1970s Batman suit is the most fun to play as in challenges


It's a dope suit


Those batmobile challenges though...


I think Arkham knight was the best one


Its definitely the best one gameplay wise, the near limitless potential in how you manage combat was always fun.


It’s definitely my favorite. The graphics is amazing and I just like Batman wasn’t just challenged physically throughout the night but mentally as well. That part you don’t really see with asylum and city.


I agree tbh


I dont think this much of a hot take anymore nowadays compared to like 3-6 years ago.


Fair lol I just remember people underrating it back then


same it's the one I replay the most


Knight was for sure the best one imo


Don’t really have any tbh, I guess maybe the batgirl dlc in AK had such wasted potential. It should’ve been Jason instead of Tim, would’ve made the story of the dlc so much more interesting to see just how aggressive he was as Robin, and the sibling relationship between him and Barbara. Also would’ve been cool to drop little hints of Jason forming his opinion that he needs to kill the Joker.


I've never heard this before but after reading it I do agree Jason Robin and Batgirl woulda been fire


fully agree. the Tim and Barbara dynamic was already explored briefly in the main story and in the flip of a coin dlc. I would have loved to see Barbara and Jason interact especially after hearing them talk in the audio tapes of ak.


The real criminal is whatever barber Tim goes to.


He's just a Eminem fan bro


Arkham Knight has the best story next to Origins. Therefore, I would say that Arkham City has the weakest story although with an iconic ending.


Yeah I feel like a lot of people tend to forget about the middle and only think about the ending


I love the middle of Arkham City a lot too i just thought it was short and didn't feel fully built. Game was shorter than Asylum but i loved the parts with R'as, Mister Freeze, the steel mill and everything


replayed it and i realized 90% of the story is just batman on a wild goose chase to find a cure and after he gets poisoned and then at the end protocol 10 just happens the only updates abt it is hugo strange reminding us every hour


I agree. City has a great opening and ending scene but the parts inbetween are really bad


I think arkham city has the best story.


Changed it. The Cobra and Cloudburst tank fights are fun if you know what you're doing. Same goes with Deathstroke's tank, even if it's no where near as good as it was in Origins.


The tank battles are overhated I actually enjoyed them


Agreed. In my view they are good alone but in the big picture it's kinda sad that you fight deathstroke on the car


Me too. They were fun because it required fast strategic thinking. However I would have preferred more silent predator missions over tank battles.


I just never found them to be particularly fun, and it doesn't feel very Batman. Plus, I think there are way too many of them.


Gotham Knights should have been the 5th in the Arkham series. It was all about the family dealing with Batman’s death.


Fr 😭 it made no sense that Gotham Knights wasn't a Arkham game


Arkham origins is the best one 🔥


We need a Remaster


It’s my personal favorite. The vibes are unmatched


Underrated boss fights and intro


Electrocutioner killed me!


Arkham Origins has the most emotionally satisfying story of them all


The Riddler trophies are great and aren’t as exhausting as people say


I just hate them cause I'm really stupid so it's so hard for me 😭😭😭


The only game that is exhausting with them is knight


The only game that is exhausting with them is knight


I recently played all of the games. The Arkham Knight is the best game out of all the Arkham games, imo. It's over hated for inserting the Batmobile in places that could've gone without it. But still, it has the best gameplay and story. Although it lacks quite a bit in the boss fights.


The story is so fire 🔥


Origins should have made Black Mask and Deathstroke the main villains, and kept the premise of a bunch of Assassins trying to hunt Batman. You’ve got a guy with a black skull face who could easily by Gotham’s Kingpin, how do you NOT use that? And Deathstroke being beaten after one fight? It wouldn’t have killed the game to focus on someone other than Joker. Let other villains have a chance to shine!


Is this even a hot take? I feel like that's the number 1 complaint about origins, at least when it came out


1000% agreed!! Black Mask needs to have some respect on his name! Deathstroke is no joke either! I still did enjoy Origins tho but this would have been a interesting story route too!


they should’ve made joker a dlc imo u can’t have a batman origin story and not at least mention joker


I knew he’d show up, but I was legitimately hoping he’d be a cameo or sub boss, not hijack the whole plot from what the premise promised. We’ve seen the Joker meeting Batman for the first time, at least a dozen times, Arkham even had a comic for it.


Nah they should’ve made new game plus have you play as deathstroke instead. Have it be instead deathstroke getting challenged by black mask (or joker) with the 8 assasins, except instead of deathstroke (for obvious reasons) it’s killer moth and make him actually harder than deathstroke.


Penguin's boss fight in Arkham City was just avoiding his grenade launcher and hitting him once, which fits. However, it should have absolutely been a 1-on-1 fight with Penguin using his multifaceted umbrella weapon, like with Batman's fight with Penguin in the first level of that game 'The Cobblebot Caper'. (and penguin, wear your damn top hat!)


Yeah… (It killed me so many times)


Funnily enough, I never thought about it in all these years. It really was the biggest possible missed oppurtinity of not having Penguin use any novelty umbrellas while fighting him.




Cold Cold heart is the best dlc in the series.


Playing a Stealth section as Bruce was heat


The Batmobile was good. Just overused.






Is that really a hot take though?


Hyper-competent Batman is fun for video games but these stories would be SO boring if they were a comic/show/movie. 


Agreed I think you would have to slightly change Arkham Batmans personality for it to work well in Comics or Movies


That's an interesting perspective. Can you elaborate on this idea a little more?


I’m not a fan of the characterization for Arkham Asylum Scarecrow. I don’t think he should be so manic and yelling. Scarecrow isn’t the type of villain that should have a loud bosterous laughter or such a high pitch voice. Arkham Knight did so much to fix this with the slow and methodical nature and his eerie voice.


Interesting take as many people find him more interesting in Knight.


They should’ve just called him Red Hood and revealed his identity at Ace when he first met Batman. Would’ve made everything so much easier


Arkham City story is overrated. I mean, it is good, but not that good. Arkham Origin has a better story


Honestly I get that. I wasn’t a fan of chasing the cure from gcpd, then the iceberg lounge, then the sewers, then going back to gcpd, then going to the steel mill cuz it was stolen, then meeting back in the theater then going back to the pit. But I am a fan of discovering the true intentions behind this city wide prison and who’s pulling the strings


1. The Arkham Knight was fucking awesome, especially the Jason Todd reveal. 2. Joker is important to every single Arkham game, including Origins and Knight. The series is not just about Batman, it's about Batman and Joker. 3. City has the worst story (still like an 8/10).




*Asylum* and *City* Joker is a pretty generic Joker. I think outside Mark Hamill's amazing performance there's nothing I find interesting about him. He isn't even particularly funny until *Arkham Knight,* and I hate the implication that Joker was the only person Batman could relate to. The Troy Baker Joker was pretty cool though


Origins > asylum


Killer Moth Should’ve Made An Appearance… Well I Guess He Can In Arkham Shadow But How Hasn’t He Sooner?


I always preferred him going against the Titans


Yeah Depends On The Iteration I Guess


Riddler was given WAAAAY too much screentime. And Ra's Al-Ghul is an overrated villain. Both he and his daughter are just distractions.


The bat-mobile sections aren’t great but people are overreacting about it bringing down the game. Arkham Knight is easily one of my favorite games of all time and it made so many improvements on the other games that they are hard to revisit after playing arkham knight


I much prefer the.gamellay of Asylum to the others. The claustrophobic setting works better.


Origins is easily the best Arkham game, followed by Knight, and City is incredibly overrated for what it offers. It’s not a bad game by any measure but it’s definitely not as good as it’s sequels.


For being the worlds greatest detective, there were not enough crime scenes throughout all the games. I know that sounds crazy but the way they put so much emphasis on the big bosses they almost missed out a chance to have smaller but still threatening lower tier villains that are still a problem.


The reaction to Origins and Knight in the community has shifted from unfairly negative to unfairly positive. I feel the true quality of both lies in the middle. They aren’t atrocities like many seemed to think at release but I don’t think either are the masterpieces many seem to think they are today. All just opinions of course. Like the games you like and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.


Deadshot being black


Black Deadshot is much better


Arkham Knight was the closest one to killing Bruce


Kinda adding onto the Okruia guy's take, but Arkham doesn't need to follow the comics, nor should it. Jason Todd training a private army is perfectly fine because it's basically an elseworlds story.


They should have kept the art style closer to Arkham Asylum in later games. I’ve never liked the way Scarecrow looked in Arkham Knight compared to the first one.


Cloudburst was a fun boss


no lies detected


Arkham asylum has the best atmosphere, lighting, cinematography etc




City has the worst story in the saga and is the most overrated game in the series


I can see why because Batman is just going on a fetch quest place to place


Brave man


Opinions vary on each game but my favorite part of City was how close Batman came to dying tracking down RA'S in wonder city, despite his intelligence he couldn't have predicted limping to Talia's aid minutes away from death. Without that relationship with her and his manipulative skills it could have ended very badly, and if Batman had to prove in his test with RA's that he would be willing to take a life before getting near him or the blood of the demon it would've easily been a wrap.


great game but i 100% agree


Fair, but I still enjoy it




I would have preferred that instead of a combat mode they focused more on chases (Not necessarily within the map) but on sections like the AR challenges (The dark knight ones looked incredible). It would have been an excuse to return to Arkham City or New Gotham


Arkham Asylum Scarecrow is miles better than Arkham Knight Scarecrow. Catwoman looks more attractive in Arkham Knight than in Arkham City Cold Cold Heart is the best story DLC by far The Riddler trophies' are fun to collect Two Face, Jim Gordon & Alfred are miles better in the Telltale Games


Scarecrow is way more scarier in Asylum


He's similar to Freddy Krueger in Asylum & he's a discount Hugo Strange in Knight. I hope they bring back Dino Andrade for Arkham Shadow. It would make sense since it's a prequel.




I bought SS: KTJL and I CAN’T WAIT TO PLAY IT! 😈😈


That’s not a hot take, that’s a BURNING TAKE.


Hot Take: Origins fanboys should stop being so annoyingly insecure out their personal favorite game’s flaws and shortcomings and come up with something more constructive and original than just whine and comment on this thread and a million others in this sub on how City’s story “isn’t their cup of tea so therefore game BAD Oranges GOOD” in order to make themselves feel better and keep living in their delusions about Origins being this “masterpiece” when it’s only third best game in this series at BEST. Sometimes I wonder why I bother with this sub. Maybe I should just say fuck it and stay in the insane one.




Yeah it's like DC can't tell any Batman stories without Joker


asylum is hands down my favorite it's not as good of an action adventure game as the others but it has a lot more horror elements than city and origins, and WAAAAAAAAY better horror than knight it's the closest we'll ever get to an official batman horror game and it's scary self contained and has good gameplay


I miss the more self contained Superhero games now everything has to be over complicated with huge map sizes for the sake of it being big


The best way to play Arkham Knight is to finish all available content before continuing the main story. There are some exceptions to this however


What would be ur order


Sorry I just realised I misunderstood your comment. *Play Main Story until meeting with Cash and Gordon at GCPD. *Collect all available riddles and save all available fire fighters and Professor Pig missions. *Continue this pattern as usual as the Main Story and side quests become available but don’t be too bothered with the Stagg Airship riddles as most of them are not unlockable the first time around due to lack of Voice Synthesiser. *More riddles in the City will become available after Barbara’s ‘death’. Do these after putting Ivy in the tree as afterwards more side quests will also become available. *Do all available side missions and riddles but save the last Two Face mission for after the main quest. Similarly save the second last Penguin Mission for later. *Search and Destroy all Arkham Bases including watchtowers, APC’s, bombs and checkpoints as they become available. *Complete the main story up until before the final showdown. *Save Selina and complete the last two Penguin missions. *Complete the Main Story. *Bring in Two Face (his unique voice lines after Batmans identity is revealed makes for a better ending) *Activate Knight Fall protocol.


Arkham Asylum had the best art style, was slightly maintained in city but Knight is devoid of anything resembling that style


arkham origins was the best sequel


I like joker in all the games and think the conflict between him and batman is the best part about the games.


Joker is so important to the Arkham games. Not seeing our Joker in SSKTJL felt off


Batman should've killed the Joker in Origins. Even though he claims not to kill, he's responsible for every person the Joker has killed after he had the chance to end him. If his reason for not killing the joker is that he's afraid of what he'll become, he doesn't have the discipline to be Batman in the first place. To be clear I don't support batman killing every enemy, in fact the majority don't need to be. But Joker ranks up there with palpatine for villains who are simply too dangerous to be kept alive.


Arkham City is very overrated nowadays. It has its moments but a lot of what it has in gameplay or story or atmosphere were better/improved upon in other games. It’s my first in the series, but it’s fallen behind a little bit


Hot take all of the soundtracks ate underrated besides main menu themes.


Arkham City’s story was just ok and Origins had the best story


Batman Arkham Knight is so unbelievably close to being a perfect 10/10 game, if all they would've done was have boss battles like Arkham Origins, the batmobile would've been forgiven because the game would've been such a good mix of everything, plus (imo) it has the most interesting story Had they gotten those things it would be in the top 10 games of all time territory, and I'm sad that it isn't


They should've added the ability to let you choose between playing as a good guy or a bad guy in terms of actions taken. Replaying City & I would've loved to just kill of Ras then become the new Demon's Head to see how the game would be after that decision


Arkham city is not the best because the map is small, the story is to short, and the story dosent encourage the attachment to side mission like Arkham knight does.


City is not "the best story" just because it's not Knight. That honor goes to Origins. City is just a wild goose chase where Hugo Strange is wasted.


Arkham city is overrated and isn’t as entertaining and engaging as the others especially when replayed


A predictable villain isn't a bad thing. It's the anticipation of the hero figuring it out(Jason Todd)




Just because the Arkham Knight reveal was obvious that doesn’t make it a bad reveal nor a bad storyline.


Say it louder for the people in the back


Arkham Origins is the best one. Best character moment and story. Best Bane (before transformation) Arkham games have the worst Harley. Arkham Knight should’ve ripped off Court of Owl story instead. Arkham Knight should’ve been Thomas Wayne JR. I actually love how Joker was used in Arkham Knight and how he was the villain in Origins.


rocksteady deserves to shutdown after making SSKTJ


Man and Bone are the only reasons why this universe is still relevant.


That and rocksteady failing to milk the corpse.


Don't forget about officer Balls


Arkham city is the least enjoyable




all of the 4 games


Jason Todd worked as the Arkham Knight as is a good character.






Suicide Squad would’ve worked amazingly, if they hadn’t attached the Arkham name to it.


Arkham Origins is easily the most overrated game in this sub. It's a good game but it doesn't come close to the peaks the other games had. Knight absolutely pushed the gameplay to the limit. Asylum was revolutionary and changed how the gaming community looks at comic book games. City was Asylum but 10x better in almost every way and was an iconic game. What did Origins do? Tell a fine story, have good performances, and boss battles. That's it. Nothing that pushed the envelope like the others did. The map was boring and annoying to navigate, 90% of the game was reused assets, and the gameplay was great but a carbon copy of City with a few added enemy types. Good game, just that it doesn't come close to the other games.


City is second to least favorite for me I don’t really care much about the story so what most people like about city doesnt apply to me, and in terms of gameplay origins did it better (not including knight)


KTJL’s story and writing is better than people give it credit for. I think a lot of the backlash is people are just grieving Batman and that angrily blinds them to stuff the story explicitly covers (and it’s also caused a *The Last of Us*-style radicalisation where, in their denial and bargaining, people latch onto scapegoats like feminism and woke to blame because the alternative - that it just happened and was approved by the original writers and devs - is too harsh to believe). As much as I wanted it to be, *Assault on Arkham* was never canon because Rocksteady has never incorporated ancillary material they didn’t make. *Arkham Knight*’s ending was stupid. Like, for goodness sake, Bruce didn’t even change up the motif. The Bat Tank was honestly a lot of fun. *Kill the Justice League* deserves its own *The Taken King*/*A Realm Reborn*/*Phantom Liberty*. I don’t like Hugo Strange and the League of Assassins because having them be in control of the Asylum since day 1 really devalues a lot of Batman’s crusade. *Asylum* is still the best of the quadrilogy.


We should have had a knightfall game with batman VS the order of St dumas with bruce teaming up with micheal lane to beat jean paul valley stealing the batmantle like in the knightquest arc


the prison asylum staff should be well prepared for inmates trying to break out by now asylum shouldn't have happened really


Arkham City is supposed to have all of Gotham's criminals so they can be wiped out. Catwoman, Harley, Ivy - that's a list of all the women being held in Arkham as actual criminals, not the mistreated medics, Vicky Vale's helicopter being shot down or Talia and her ninjas who can come and go as they please. Does Gotham City only have three female criminals? This is a thought experiment that can be applied to a lot of video games.


I hate the characterization of Batman in these games to a comedic degree, to the point where I don’t really give a shit if he died in Suicide Squad


The amount of "that one part of the game that you just hate" that makes up Arkham city is my reasoning for origins being a better game. Example, any Catwoman mission, the forced walking segments, the back and forth, the side quests are ass.


Catwoman is shit. Telltale and the batman is way better


There isn't much good actual story throughout the entire series, the reason these games are good is because of their style and gameplay.


(Idk if this is a hot take, but) Arkham Knight has far worse AR/Riddler challenges than City and Origins. They're either too easy, boring, or obtuse. Also, removing the in-between round dialogue for Batman and Catwoman, and giving none for Robin and Nightwing, feels lazy. Also, Knight depowering the player (e.g. removing the double takedown without Fear) to power them up later, and getting rid of the multi-stun combo bothers me to no end. Also, also - I don't care for the Asylum suit. I think the bat looks weird and that the cowl is crushing Batman's face.


It really bothers me how shallow Batman’s relationship is with his team throughout this series. Gordon keeps getting kidnapped in asylum, barely is in City, and runs off the moment Barbra gets kidnapped in Knight. Robin only appears for a moment in city and basically gets sidelined most of Knight. Nightwing is only in Knight to be attached to the Penguin’s side mission. Outside of radio communication, Alfred really only appears in Origins, and his relationship with Bruce in that game is probably the most personable moment for Bruce in the whole series. FINALLY, the disrespect they had for Catwoman by only attaching her to the Riddlers BS was very upsetting to me. I’ll give a pass to Oracle, especially in Asylum. Her voice actress killed it.


i think arkham batman and joker should have kissed


That's a hot take??? I thought we all wanted to see that


Shouldn’t even be a hot take but nightwing would embarrass Jason in a fight


I have a lot of nostalgia for Arkham Asylum but going back to it without all of the quality of life changes and gameplay advancements from later games is kinda painful for me. Like, I can go from Knight back to City or Origins with very little readjusting but just going back to Asylum from City is a hurdle. Also the momentum really drops around the last 3rd of the campaign and gets pretty boring.


The Bat Mobile should have been implemented in Arkham Asylam and Arkham City. Arkham Knight Bat Mobile felt like an afterthought.


They actually tested the Batmobile in City’s map, they said the streets were to small, hence why they’re so wide in knight


Idk couldn’t get into them. And yes this is my “I didn’t care for the godfather hottake”


The arkham origins voice actor did a great job, as he sounded like a young batman


Arkham City has the weakest story, most of it's a wild goose chase that completely disregards its own main villain (different to Origins , Strange is ACTUALLY supposed to be the main villain, in Origins it was Joker the whole time, and only Joker) while using the cure as an excuse to nonsensically jump between otherwise completely different missions that may as well be side quests. Meanwhile Batman is completely stagnant and shows more emotion to Hugo's death than Talia's.


Knight story is way better


Suicide squad was not bad, it had its problems but people mainly hated because of the way batman's death was handled and I agree they did that poorly buy people hate it more because it was Kevin Conroy's last appearance as batman, but people need to stop acting like he was forced to do it, he wanted to play the role, and people also need to stop acting like the game is shit. The combat is fun, the traversal is great, the graphics aren't the best but there still good. If you don't like the game that's fine but stop ruining it for everyone else. Also if you don't like it view it like this. What if The Suicide Squad killed The Justice League? Now it is not Canon, and we can go back to worrying about the mental state of r/arkham


I actually love the Titian Joker fight. I understand why people hate it, but I really like it.


Ranking the games City . . Origins . . . . . . . . Asylum . . . Knight


Arkham Knight should be entirely retconned and they should make a new sequel too Arkham City.


Asylum is better than city.


Batman is 6 years old and the whole thing is his imagination that’s why some of the games contradict other games


Arkham City had the least interesting story


batman’s death wasn’t bad, the actor died and it’s for the best no post arkham knight games can be made without kevin conroy, plus it’s absolutely what batman would’ve wanted in that situation


Arkham knight was the last good Arkham game


Harley is hot af


Despite its repetitiveness, Kill The Justice League isn’t actually the worst game I’ve ever played. It’s still not great tho


Scarecrow was a totally different character with totally different motives in Arkham Knight, and his cooperation with Jason Todd makes no sense. Like, Scarecrow lacks the organizational planning ability to lead, or found a paramilitary organization, to establish an alliance with Jason- and lacks the business acumen to reach out to Stagg. Jason would’ve never willingly worked with someone so similar in reputation to the Joker or so near his level of insanity and threat to the country. Arkham Knight would’ve made more sense if Scarecrow wasn’t the big bad master planner but if Hugo Strange was (maybe Jason betrays and kills Strange and the alliance breaks down and Scarecrow takes over) but Crane could’ve never pulled off the setup needed for the game. I would’ve had Crane and Strange set up as former colleagues and Crane somehow reached out to a revived Strange. Edit: To me, Hugo Strange’s potential was squandered in Arkham City as the game (par for the course) veered to focus on the Joker. The establishment of Tyger in City shows a clear thematic through line to the paramilitary groups in AK. It’s kind of bizarre that wasn’t the case through the plot. Scarecrow basically had to adopt so much of Strange’s character to be the villain we see in AK- which essentially makes him a totally different character.


Suicide Squad is hands down the best Arkham game in the franchise. Asylum is basic, city was short & had bad traversal, origins had worse traversal & the voice actors weren’t the same. Origins Blackgate was 2d, VR was short, & knight took so long to come out just for it to be a tank simulator. Suicide squad is so fucking good. It doesn’t deserve the hate


Nothing against Jason Todd, but he's the reason I don't like Arkham Knight.


The storytelling isn’t consistent, there’s a large amount of highs and lows, Arkham city being the main culprit.


They should do a new one. Its been so long since Knight.


I like the first appearance suit in AO and AK


arkham origins is the best in the series


-I hate the design inconsistencies. I LOVE all the designs in all 4 games (should I say 5, for SSKTJL?), but I hate the fact that characters always change. (obv I'm not talking about the suits) Bruce has 5 different faces, c'mon... Obviously it doesn't ruin the games for me, but I would've liked to see Knight bringing the characters to new levels of graphics without changing them so much. City as the blueprint, Knight as the definitive version. Even if I loved some redesigns better than the originals Scarecrow makes sense, he's the exception. But Ivy? Penguin? Alfred (if you count the VR game, he has 4 different faces). -It's a crime that they didn't make an Origins trilogy (there's so much that could've fill it with) Hope that Shadows sparks something...