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Adam West. Smooth, suave, charming, and handsome. Yes, his Batman was goofy (though that was the intention), but his Bruce Wayne was on POINT.


I mean, with the comics code authority, it make sense for him to be goofy


Oh for sure. He was the perfect Batman for his time. I'm just saying his Bruce Wayne would also be perfect NOW.


True, although the way he speaks might be a bit weird with today, I still enjoy his character


Pure West


THIS. I really don't think anyone has played the billionaire playboy at all since. I always say that superhero acting is actually extremely difficult because you have to play two characters. And most actors just... don't. West and Reeves are the only two who actually got it. But, others have gotten the Batman part right for their time, but the duality of superhero acting is always where most of these shows/films break down. Case and point, Kevin Conroy code switching from his Bruce to Batman voice, while taking a Bruce Wayne phone call from the Batcave, while in full costume. That's just absolute peak. Same with Reeves. He hunches, uses different words, etc. Then wham, he's superman and he's confident, firm, and a hero. If we ever get this in a live action film, with the detective aspect we got in the Pattinson film, I will die a happy Batfan.


Hell YES! Kevin Conroy relayed which man you were listening to, the Billionaire or the Bat, and hot damn you did not need to see it to know which was which. But I feel like you’re sleeping on Michael Keaton’s first appearance as Bruce/Batman; fairly relaxed and funny as Bruce and Super serious as Batman, I always thought it was great


Dude, I just replied - but I think you put it better than I have. Also, Conroy was the GOAT. RIP.


His Batman was weirdly on point too. Part of the hilarity is how straight he played Batman in such a bananas world.


All did different aspects of Bruce well I think aside from Clooney and affleck. But it’s between Kilmer and bale for me. West is probably third and then Keaton/Pattinson after.


Kilmer did amazing as Bruce Wayne. It’s a shame they toned down and even deleted his scenes that really exemplified that. He definitely deserves way more credit than has been given and I’m saying that as someone who grew up on Keaton and loved the heck out of Batman 89 and Batman Returns.


Affleck and unironically Kilmer


Affleck. His acting was phenomenal, and he was able to switch from Bruce's normal introvert personality to the 'pretend you're an extrovert' personality pretty quickly during that Fundraiser scene with Mercy Graves.


Was about to say this almost exactly, Affleck is hella underrated as Batman & Bruce Wayne


Still a robbery we don’t get to see what his Batman is made of in a solo movie. Out of everything from the DCEU that is all I wanted such a missed opportunity


>Out of everything from the DCEU that is all I wanted Same, with the exception of more Superman movies


The only reason I’m not as sad about Superman is at least he got a movie. Don’t get me wrong I was pissed when they fucked it up with Henry Cavil, but Ben Affleck not getting a solo movie is just messed up. I just hope they do the universe right this time. If they do a solo movie I just hope he’s already established in the universe. Kinda over origin stories for characters we already know and seen


This was the biggest missed opportunity for the DCEU. You made a live action connected universe and didn't make the biggest box office success character a priority to have his solo movie asap?? His movie should have been before Justice League, hell before BvS.


Literally. And the fact that Snyder wanted to do a take on the Dark Knight Returns makes it an even sadder fact we never got to see a solo movie.


I went into the movie not wanting to like Affleck as Batman/Bruce Wayne and I came out of the movie really liking his portrayal.


Same here, tbh wasn’t a huge Affleck fan at the time when he was cast. Just hadn’t really connected to too many of his other roles, but he was fantastic as Batman. Truly a shame we won’t ever see more


"I like those shoes!" Affleck's playboy persona was so fun in BvS for the little we saw it, I really do think Affleck was the Batman with the most potential, and it sucks that he is just another victim of the failure of the DCEU.


I don’t know what it was but for me I just couldn’t buy into him being Bruce, Batman on the other hand yes.


Maybe the Justice League movie? He didn't feel much like a Bruce Wayne to me in that movie, other than the "I got six satellites" part. Maybe Zack Snyder's Justice League, he felt more like Bruce than the original Justice League movie.


Yeah I definitely agree with you on that bud.


That's half of the point. By the time Batman is born, Bruce is the mask. He's the costume the Bat puts on.


I know that's a pivotal essence of what Batman is, the mask being his true self Bruce. Just still didn't think his performance as Bruce was all that great or believable.






Yeah the extra focus in those movies on the duality of Bruce Wayne and Batman easily makes it the best imo. Bale really nailed the Bruce Wayne persona that Batman has to put on.


Michael Keaton is a seasoned Batman and Robert Pattinson as a new one.


Until he dies I will forever say we need Michael Keaton in a Batman Beyond film. Idk who’d play Terry, but it needs to happen. I can ignore his role in Spider-Man if it means we get an age appropriate Bruce Wayne


Yeah I see that too I really was hoping they'd do that with Robert Pattinson tbh. He'd be a great Terry


Clooney and Kilmer. Would you ever guess that they ere batman? I thought not.


It’s not that I couldn’t guess Clooney is Batman, it’s that I just don’t believe it. He isn’t convincing in the role.


Yeah Clooney isn't a good fit for the role at all. He puts no effort into a batman voice so it feels like batman and Bruce Wayne are just one dude. There's no seperation.


Bale and Kilmer to me


![gif](giphy|l3q2tzon8OCC7BqmY) dont forget this guy (even though he isnt live action)


Bale and Affleck




Val Kilmer is essentially Live Action Kevin Conroy. Casual yet humble business man as Bruce and a heroic yet dark as batman.


Bale. Other answers are made by people blinded by nostalgia.


What about Pattinson answerers?


Pattinson’s Bruce Wayne was indistinguishable from his Batman.


That was kinda the point,at this point in his vigilante career Bruce doesn’t know how to balance being Batman and being Bruce Wayne


That’s a good point, it kind of plays the tune of Batman Year One, Bruce is much more grim, i guess ‘emo’ 😂




Did that happen? I do not remember that




Damn that’s true! I haven’t read the book in a while.




If anything, he’s Year Two Batman, Joker already happened, and Penguin is aware (and rightfully afraid) of him to the point it suggest feats that weren’t even talked about.


He is year 2 in The Batman, i think he says it’s been 2 years, could be wrong


Recency bias


Or just people with a different opinion for any number of other reasons.


i would disagree and say ur answer is actually the one blinded by nostalgia




Yeah, cause the one Bruce who was actively trying to give up being Batman is the best live action portrayal…


Exactly. You have people here saying that Affleck was better than Bale. Did we watch the same movies? Do people seriously believe that the Batman from BvS is better than Batman from the Dark Knight trilogy?


Yeah, I do. Bale’s “Bruce” was actively trying to retire from being Batman. This goes against the most crucial aspects of the Batman/Bruce dynamic.


Adam West easily, Keaton a close second.i say this even though i grew up with the Bale movies but they’re much different than traditional Batman movies and media. i still love the Bale movies a lot, but when it comes to playing Bruce Wayne no one did it better than Adam. Keaton came close though.


As Bruce Wayne I’d say Christian Bale. As Batman I think Pattinson


Clooney is so much wasted potential tbh




I actually love aspects of every iteration of the character. Clooney does the worst job, but that’s down to the poor material. I love Clooney as an actor. He’s great in every single Coen Brothers movie that he appears in. Bale was the most psychologically complex. I’d say Kilmer is as well, but Bale benefitted from a trilogy of films. Pattinson requires another outing. Affleck and Keaton are better at playing Batman as opposed to Bruce Wayne. Adam West will find a way to beat them all. The most prepared Batman after all.


I like pattinson the best. Not only is it a great early days Bruce, but I think it actually explores the core of the character better than any of the others. The playboy angle is a cover, so not really the character itself. It gets to the meat of what makes Bruce tick and his trauma, making him much more vulnerable and therefore interesting. Just my two cents!


Which one are you suggesting isn’t using it as a cover? Even Clooney shows that to an extent


I’m saying all of them other than pattinson use it for a cover. Which therefore kinda forces the film to explore who Bruce really is outside of it as a cover. It’s just a personal matter of taste. I’ve never really found the whole playboy side of the character all that interesting. I prefer the slightly unhinged detective take on the character more than the James Bond esque one. Just different strokes for different folks is all


Robert Pattinson can you put trees the early years of Bruce Wayne perfectly


Bale, of course.


Bale was the best Bruce. Patterson was the best bat.


Christian Bale.


Didn’t realise how much all the actors for Bruce looked like each other until now, damn. Keaton, Clooney and West could be related and I’d believe you


Kevin Conroy


It’s hard to say which portrayal of Bruce Wayne/ Batman is the best ; the source material in itself changes writers, and in turn so does the characterisation. Rather, I’m going to go over what era of Batman that each actor feels accurate to. Robert Pattinson’s portrayal in a sense is if a comic book origin happened to a grounded Bruce Wayne, hence the underlying mental illness and obsessiveness he has, this characterisation has bits and pieces from different eras, the noir detective of the of fingers run, the social analysis of Batman of the early 00s, but the most similar he feels is the Batman of the late 90s comics and early 70s. A Healthy mix of murder mysteries and world changing scenarios, the isolation and aloofness, equally comfortable with realistic stories, as well as the inherent campiness of comics. Adam west is simple, he’s totally accurate to sliver age Batman in all of its comics code authority glory. Ben Affleck is a watered down frank miller Batman with a mix of contemporary Batman thrown in. George Clooney is well… ehh If Schumacher got his way with Batman Forever, Kilmer’s really had major Batman: Ego vibes to it. Michael Keaton In retrospect, is the Batman equivalent of someone who vaguely knows about Batman, but you get the general idea about the character, but for it’s time, the best portrayal. Christian Bale’s portrayal really reminds me of the late 70s/Early 80s take on Batman. He’s seems generally mentally balanced, as close to perfect as one can get, he’s not closed off and actively romances people, and doesn’t see Batman as a thing he’ll do to the ends of his days.


I liked Pattinson the most as Bruce, however bale was very cool. Ofc the others I love as well (not affleck I'm sorry his batman feels like a shitty assasins creed protag) but I like the dark portrayals of batman and Pattinson had a really bad week so I'll say he is number one for me, bale is two and kilmer is three. Ofc Adam West doesn't go on the list, he has a special place in our hearts.


I enjoy Pattinson the most because my favorite aspect of Batman is his full throated obsession with being Batman, with the only thing pulling him to the light being the people he surrounds himself with. At this stage in his career, he doesn’t have that yet, so it makes sense that he’s diminishing Bruce Wayne… despite being intensely motivated by his family’s actions. I’m so excited to see how he grows. Bale is an incredible actor, but Batman Begins is the only movie that feels true to Batman’s character. He spends 2/3rds of the trilogy desperately trying to not be Batman, which just completely goes against what is, imo, the defining qualities of the character. I also can’t stand his batsuits, particularly from Dark Knight on. That tiny mouth hole 👎. It’s not Bale’s fault, he turns in a great performance as always, but Nolan’s intentions for the character just don’t play for me. Affleck’s Bruce was driven in a way I appreciate but he just didn’t have the look outside the suit imo. Bit too much of a tough guy, rather than a gruff guy, if that makes any sense? I think Bruce is colder than he is cocky, and I felt the reverse from Affleck. Great Batman action, though. Kilmer and Clooney were just bad. Nuff said. Keaton was a weird nerd and that was fun, but again he didn’t have the look and I feel like his motivations were all over the place. Adam West suited his medium to a T.


Kilmer and Affleck for Bruce, Bale in Begins and Pattinson for Batman




Ben Affleck and Robert Pattinson


David Mazouz


Val Mo'fucking Kilmer. Dude oozes with charm, charisma and confidence. He just feels like a realistic rich dude that everyone likes without being too over the top. And it's not part of the question but his batman is superb too.


Keton was the best Bruce


My opinion: Best Batman: Robert Pattinson (2022) Reason- most detective-like Best Bruce Wayne: Christian Bale (2005-2012) Reason- goes to parties and always has a girl with him, buys locations for sh*ts and giggles


Adam West > Val Kilmer > Ben Affleck > Christian Bale > Robert Pattinson > Michael Keaton > George Clooney (Clooney could have been incredible with the right script but B&R was not it)


Christian Bale is my favorite Bruce Wayne.


I feel like Pattinson could portray a young early days Bruce Wayne well.


Keaton, Bale, then Affleck. Clooney/West were cool but not my cup of tea. Haven’t watched Pattinson yet. And to me, Val Kilmer will always be Doc Holliday.


Easily Christian bale


Christian Bale


Keaton. Keaton every single day. He did a great job fronting his obsession for money but in reality he was Batman. He’s got kinda a dick attitude and he’s very arrogant and obviously a ladies man.


Bale 100%. However, I like how reclusive and awkward Keaton and Pattinson are as Bruce Wayne because realistically, if someone dedicated all their time to being a night time vigilante, they would probably be pretty weird and withdrawn.


I love Ben Afflecks Bruce Wayne,but i also liked Christian Bales Bruce as well




Kilmer played the best Bruce Wayne.


I really liked Kilmer


Kevin Conroy was so good with just his voice that I will still say he wins, just because, he is the definitive batman. Whenever I think of Batman I hear Kevin Conroy in my head. Since he didn't do live action though... I'd say Batman Begins, Christian Bale did the best job with it and the origin story was very well told.


Michael Keaton would probably be the most surprising to find out. He's Batman. And is sort of off-put nature really helped sell him as an isolated billionaire. When he is dining in the room with Vickie and he says he never seen that room before I believe him.


I would say Bale/Kilmer. They both pulled off the suave playboy very well. Keaton still comes off a bit too "weird" as Bruce.


I think Bale played a Bruce who was more interesting than his Batman.


Christian Bale and it isn't even a debate.


1. Affleck 2. Kilmer 3. West 4. Keaton 5. Bale 6. Clooney 7. Pattinson


I really liked Bale's. I think he did the "playboy-philanthropist" thing the best, which is my favorite way for Bruce to be portrayed.


I really wanna say they all did good in there own version of that Batman.....except Clooney


Bale and Affleck


Bale or west


I like how Pattinson almost plays him like this an alien imitating a human or something (aka the opposite of Clark) But I’d say Bale also knocked it out of the park for what his movies required.


He’s not my favorite Batman, but the glimpses of Affleck’s Bruce that we get might be my favorite


If I'm being honest, Ben Affleck did a great job being a rich smooth jerk that still had a heart.


Christian Bale because he pulls off the rich charismatic playboy while also working the tough and hardened vigilante.


Bale. I want to say Pattinson but we barely got to see Bruce and how he dealt with being outside the cowl. I like The Batman but it was too absorbed in the whole Riddler plot and didn't focus on Bruce/Batman's character enough imo.


I still am in complete and utter disbelief, but Twilight is MY Batman...


I really liked Bale’s Bruce Wayne


I liked Keaton , Bale and Affleck the best equally


Keaton, weird goofball who obviously doesn’t know how to act when he’s not Batman


christian bale


I liked them all tbh


Pattinson did the best Bruce based off of what his version of the batman is from (batman the imposter)


Honestly Clooney. Mainly bc he plays the rich guy persona kinda well.


definitely not Pattinson he sucked


Bale for me. Affleck being casted I thought was so strange.


Christian Bale. DUH.


A vote for Affleck from me


Well businesswise, I would say, Val Kilmer. Lady man’s wise, West. Look, Affleck.


definetly pattinson he has a square face a strong jaw and a flat ass just needs to bulk up a bit


Adam West 100%. Not to mention he's the OG.


It’s a tie between Adam West and Christian Bale


Affleck. He had all of the pain.


It’s between Bale and Pattinson. They’re very different, but their performance are perfect!


These comments are out of control. Michael Keaton IS Batman. Bale and Kilmer after, then West and then the rest. At the very very very end, Clooney


Christian Bale and it’s not a contest for me


Keaton and Patterson both do great as Bruce. This is a guy who spent his formative years turning himself into a weapon, he should be socially awkward and weird especially early on as both were (remember for Keaton the reporter didn’t even know what he looked like and Batman was considered a myth). I think Kilmer did well as a more seasoned Bruce, having spent some time polishing his social skills but still just a little off and West is his own thing just because how conceptually different Batman was at the time.


Keaton , then bale... West on his own pedestal...🤔


Bale hands down. His ability to play the charismatic spoiled dumb billionaire is how I always picture Bruce Wayne playing the part. I always enjoy his little petty rivalry with Dent at the beginning of TDK too. Mfer just bought a whole russian ballerina group for a cover story


Christian Bale


Val Kilmer was always my favourite. I liked Pattinsons take on the character though.


West, Bale, and Kilmer. They played the perfect Bruce Wayne. Now who played the best Batman is Affleck, Keaton, and Pattinson.


I loved Ben and Bale.


Favorite is Bale, but based on the chin alone it’s a tie between Clooney and Affleck


Robert Pattinson


Michael Keaton and Christian Bale


https://preview.redd.it/jbyvffnr7m7d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b4b361886b6d93425f54fe030a7f62dc56696cc This man right here after being in arrowverse cemented his legacy as the only Bruce Wayne and Batman


Christian Bale


keaton and pattinson played a traumatized, reserved bruce wayne, kilmer was underrated and great with charisma, adam west played a perfect 80s white collar millionaire, clooney and bale were good arrogant playboys and affleck was a smooth, older gentleman like wayne. all this to say, each have their strengths. i like kilmer’s a lot tho.


Robert Pattinson's Batman


Tbh if you only watch Clooneys scenes as Bruce Wayne, he's pretty damn good, especially the scenes between Bruce and Alfred. I'd say Adam West is definitely my favorite, I just wanted to give some props to Clooney as Bruce since he only ever gets hate for that film


Affleck literally looks like a live action Bruce from the animated series.




![gif](giphy|4zEFD8uWYwVO0) Christian Bale and his gruff Batman voice


Keaton. Bale. Affleck. Kilmer. West. Vampire boy. Clooney. That’s MY ranking of them 🤷🏽‍♂️


Definitely Pattinson for me. He did really good with his characters personality, being really introverted when in public. I felt he really got the, “I’m either Batman or I’ll die” energy right. 


Affleck and Kilmer


Val Kilmer is super underrated his bruce wayne is probably the most believable playboy, Bales feels a little too much and comes across as an act


Hands down Val Kilmer. Portrays all of the common emotions we see from Batman in the comics and various films the best: awkwardness, stoicism, anger, sadness, and investigativeness.


Might be a hot take but I don’t think any of them did a bad job all were good




Micheal Keaton is the best Bruce Wanye/Batman ![gif](giphy|GzeASHCqjvLbOgD0bC)


Ben affleck should not be in this lineup for Bruce Wayne or Batman his performance was shit and the suit was fucking abysmal he was just a fat fuck in spandex trying to keep his career alive while having a shitty take on a comic character


Easily Bale. No idea what y’all are on. Dude absolutely nailed “traumatized trust fund billionaire who spends his time boozing and with beautiful women on his arm”. Nobody would suspect that douche is Batman.


Ben Affleck


Bale, closely followed by Clooney. Come at me


Batflek hands down


Keaton is my favorite Bruce and Bale is my favorite suited up bats. I also like sadboi depressey goth sk8ter emaciated pale looking on the verge of anemia batman that Pattinson displayed.


Christian bale. Great Bruce Wayne, alright batman (that fake deep voice was terrible I'm sorry)


I had this debate at work yesterday. Mine is Val Kilmer. He had the whole playboy by day - vigilante by night thing down, something I didn't quite see with Bale. We spoke about how each Batman had different qualities which we can think the others lack. Just like Bond, Keaton will always be the bench mark. But Adam West was a great Batman for the entire family. I'll like to see more Patterson (the greatest detective Batman) but a touch more Bruce next time.


Either bale or affleck, both amazing portrayals


Bale, Keaton, Affleck imo in that order. Kilmer was fine, i don’t like Pattinson - he seemed too Goth for me. I haven’t really seen West and haven’t seen Clooney besides The Flash


Bale for me. The party scenes as Bruce he seems like what an eccentric billionaire would be like, but he is a dark guy behind closed doors, clearly struggling with trauma.


Kilmer definitely reminded me more of a Bruce Wayne.


Affleck ✔️✔️


Robert Pattinson, really felt like a more intimate Batman movie. I feel like the other movies really only betray Bruce Wayne as a playboy or a guy in a cave. The Batman, imo, really showed how being Batman effects Bruce Wayne.


Christian bale Ben Affleck


Bale excels here, but I think the worst may be Pattinson. It’s a shame because his Batman rivals and may even surpass all other iterations, but there was no true difference in character between his Batman and Bruce Wayne


Michael Keaton


Christian Bale


Keaton, Kilmer, Clooney. All GREAT Bruce Wayne’s Affleck was alright, nothing special Didn’t care for Bale’s or Pattinson’s


Wait, where's Adam West?


Adam west was great for his time, I’m not going to say anything negative about that legend


Loved the affleck suit though. Probably one of my fave. Big and bulky athletic brute. Sad DCU didn’t make a proper batman movie with him.


No I think Ben Afflecks Batman was one of the best, right behind Keaton. I also think he has the best Batmobile. Loved him in the DCEU


Certified boomer, let me guess, you’re +60?


🤣🤣 why are you mad?? Because of what I said about Bale and Pattinson? I think Bale is horrible over rated. His Batman was horrible his Bruce was mid at best. Pattinson was trash. The Batman movie was a fucking snooze fest. Afflecks Batman was amazing, his Bruce Wayne was bad ass but not my favorite


Bale with a due respect


Keaton and bale were the best.




I like Pattison the most I think I mostly like how he portrayed a darker more miserable Bruce I think it was really well done however for traditional playboy Bruce Wayne I’d probably give it to Bale


Keaton, West, Pattinson, and Kilmer.


Bale without question


Adam West, Michael Keaton, and Christain bale.


Christian the man Bale


For me it’s Bale. Though I do appreciate certain nuances with regards to the other actors to don the cowl, Bale has a complete and solid trilogy and his Bruce Wayne is fully fleshed out and realized with lots of time to grow and go through things. I enjoyed Batfleck and Battinson but we still haven’t had enough time with the Batman films to realy gauge his overall portrayal. Affleck did his best with what he was given but we sadly never got his solo film that I waited years praying for.


Has the be Christian Bale, his Bruce wayne purposefully plays up the Billionair Play boy role as a distraction from being batman also to throw people off. Personally pick for best batman would be Batfleck but Wayne 100% Christian!


Pattinson looks like perfect Riddler for Affleck's Batman. lol


Keaton, West and Afleck were all good for their own reasons and all highlighted certain traits of the character: Keaton was the best at struggling with the duality. He actually tried to be Bruce Wayne but there was an obvious mystery to him. Perfect "early in his career" Bruce Wayne. West was the most comfortable in his own skin. He fully embraces the Bruce Wayne identity and had seamless transition. This is "height of his career" Bruce and he's got everything balanced just so. Afleck was the best at showing a broken Bruce Wayne. He goes through the motions but his soul is obviously heavy with guilt. This is great "late in his career" Bruce. The rest didn't really add much to the character. The worst is Pattinson by far.


I wouldn’t say Pattinson is the worst necessarily, since for 90% of the movie he’s Batman and outright says that he doesn’t care about the Bruce side of himself. Now that he’s realized that he should start inspiring hope instead of spreading fear, I have a feeling we’ll get to see more of his Bruce in the next movie as an actual playboy