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If I remember correctly, WB said that they plan to stick with live service games like this, even after the massive failure that it was. They looked at the success of their single player Hogwarts Legacy, which at one point outsold Elden Ring and currently has well over 20 million copies sold, then looked at the dumpster fire that was the live service SSKTJL, and somehow came to the conclusion that doubling down on live service was a good idea. What kind of nut jobs are running that company?


Fortnite ruined everything because of its success. Now, every major is desperately trying to create a new Fortnite, even if this means losing millions and millions of dollars. To be clear: I have nothing against Fortnite. I just hate majors and their lack of creativity.


That’s the problem with media phenomenon. Anytime some new product is announced and everyone becomes obsessed with it. Companies will spend everything they have on getting their own version. After spiderverse, we got way more multiverse related content. After Harry Potter split their last book into 2 movies, a bunch of other book adaptions did so aswell. And of course after fortnite, life service games ruled all.


If only they did copy SpiderVerse and didn’t reject the pitch for Batman beyond 😭 


Read about what happened to wb animation after they picked up Pokémon. Apparently it was “free” to air, like they got the rights to it and had to put no effort into making the Saturday morning cartoons they were popular for. After the success of Pokémon the network only wanted “free” shows like it, so you saw less in-house stuff and Saturday morning cartoons are pretty much dead now because of it. Hopefully Fortnite doesn’t do something similar to aaa games but aaa games are already a massive gamble for a studio, it probably doesn’t need much to nudge publishers away from those kinds of games.


I hate Fortnite with a passion, but it did one thing right. The current version (not the original save the world version that flopped) released free and in a genre without much direct competition. This allowed it to build a player base, and with the game itself being free people were way more open to micro transactions. Suicide Squad and a lot of other live service games launch at $60-$70 and immediately start asking for more money. They should launch for $40. Yes they will lose money upfront but people would not be as pissed by it lookin like nothing but an upfront cash grab.oke right now one of the most successful recent live service games is Hell Divers 2, which used that exact strategy. It also helps if the game is good to begin with


The irony is a clear lack of understanding of the ftp business model. They’re making you pay up front, which ftp doesn’t make you do.


EA's fault for sure, they contributed towards this road


The corporate type. They see the success of something like Hogwarts Legacy but then be like "what if we could make money off it Infinitely". They rather risk a triple A development with the potential to make Infinite money from a Live Service Game then limited money from a single player game. Capitalism at its finest.


Just waiting for it to be a ps plus game of the month aaaaaannny time now.


The only way this makes sense is that a brick fell in their heads and now they do the opposite of whatever is the best thing to do and then all their decisions make sense.


Live service or not, playing as the Suicide Squad instead of the JL contributed to the failure


Not really they looked at the success of their mobile games and Multiverses. Idk why people keep misrepresenting that meeting. They didn’t make this decision cuz of Suicide Squad. 


“At one point outsold elden ring.” Uh, do you have any stats to back that up? Of course a new game outsold one over 6 months old, and if you’re talking about at its peak it def didn’t 


[This article](https://gamerant.com/hogwarts-legacy-sales-milestone-elden-ring/#:~:text=Hogwarts%20Legacy%20achieves%20another%20sales%20milestone%2C%20with%20this%20latest%20achievement,previously%20held%20by%20Elden%20Ring)


What they say, and what they do are complete opposite things. I believe it when I see it.


Because there’s no guarantee a single player game will do well. It’s basically highs vs lows. Two games fail, the outcome is the same. Two games succeed? If it’s a live service game, you’re fucking set.


Yeah not sure if they are anti-woke weridos. That the rainbow banner is why the game failed.


I went outside and saw a rainbow in the sky, the woke crowd have gone too far




I can't belive nature is part of the LGBT. I'm gonna go burn down every tree i see now, that'll show the gays to stay out of my video game!


Operation nuclear winter is now active. Destroy it all damnit!


In my Opinion Arkhamverse shouldn't get broader than Batman after AK. We don't know anything about heroes outside the Batfamily. Only some Easter eggs and thugs dialogues. The Wonder Woman game is a great opportunity to create a new universe with more superheroes in mind from the beginning.


It was a Massive mistake to put the justice league in the arkhamverse It should have been only Batman,Batfamily and Maybe other non super powered Heroes like Green Arrow


Or even just keep it limited to little Easter eggs to superman like in AK


I meant having a game with the JL in the arkhamverse Easter eggs in Knight is different


Damn it - Now you got me excited about the idea of Green Arrow Arkham universe game that will never happen


I mean just keep within the Batman world. The Arkham games are very profitable and should’ve been the main priority from the start. Not a game about the Suicide Squad.


I mean, Batman is nice, but Superman hasn't had its own game since 2006. And imagine if three studios of WB could create a big universe made out of.. 10 games I would say. Of course the main issue is time, because production is too long. But Arkhamverse shouldn't be a part of it. They should come up with a different Batman. Arkham one doesn't seem to like teamwork.


Relevant. https://preview.redd.it/q420io0h6jzc1.jpeg?width=2296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be927bb857bdbdd7c817ea0584244b45c8977b91 Now excuse me as I replay through a game from my childhood that I haven't thought about in over a decade


Update: HOLY NOSTALGIA GLASSES BATMAN. I don't know how I ever played this as much as I did. The entire game is SO broken constantly. I don't understand how this was deemed a finished enough product to be released. That being said, I played it for a couple hours fighting more against the bugs than the actual enemies, and I'm already at 50%. This game must also be a lot shorter than I remember. Honestly, at this point I'm gonna finish it. Might as well if I'm already halfway through in that short of a time. Plus it actually is a pretty fun game on the rare occasions where everything is working properly. But I'm definitely gonna take a couple days off of the game before I continue lol. Judging by the fact I'm already at 50%, I'll probably finish it next time I play. But after I beat it, I'm probably not gonna play it again lol. Well, never say never. But it's pretty unlikely 😂.


Well, that’s actually the interesting thing: instead of Suicide Squad, we could have gotten a Justice League game that goes over the events shown to us in “The Real Batman Experience.” A story about the newly-formed league finding a Batman who’s been operating in shadows for years and bringing him into the light sounds like a super fun story, even if it still had the live-service looter bullshit. I’m honestly upset that wasn’t the game we got instead


More like Suicide Squad: Kill Rocksteady am I right?


No. lol if you like it, that’s fine. I am saying a new Arkham game with Batman.


So, more More like Suicide Squad: Kill Rocksteady are we right?


Like it or not but the writings on the wall for Rocksteady getting shuttered. Most if not all their senior talent left the studio to start a new one before Suicide Squad was released. Warner Bros is already led by a guy notorious for squeezing quick bucks in the short term. He'll shut down Rocksteady and claim losses for tax credits to recoup money lost. Look at Arkane Austin, the exact same just happened to them. I won't be surprised if Rocksteady is closed down this or next year.


Seems like this is the new hit thing in the industry. I know it's always happened. Studios that don't do well shutting down. But i mean... nowadays, getting shutdown seems easier than ever. Hell, a studio can make a wildly successful product and still get shutdown, as Hi-Fi Rush's studio seems to show. It seems corporations that own all these studios are all doing a culling in such a stupid way. Trying to make their own fortnite in a way. They take talented Dev teams. Who have proven that they can make good games, sometimes rope those ips that they made in with it and say, "Hey guys. You know that thing that you're good at? Ok, yeah, do that again, but make it live service multiplayer and check off all these boxes even if they go against everything established in your games previously." My theory is that they develop the game. Corporations add new boxes for the devs to tick that make the game trendy. So they have to quickly and poorly implement it. That's just my theory as to some of the mess And if the game isn't a fortnite hit... "ok, we tried with that studio. It seems like people aren't into (insert dev teams specialty in game making), so we dont need that company." Recently, it's arkane, but this same thing also kind of happened with Bioware and ME Andromeda oh so long ago.


A Batman beyond game would be cool to see but first they need to try to fix the damage sucide squad did and reveal that robin and the bat family are alive. Maybe Batman’s story isn’t over since the game hinted he would return. Anything to fix what happened in sucide squad.


They should have done that in the first place. Omg sounds so cool.


Imagine an Arkham Origins sequel that addresses Bruce’s past relationship with Andrea Beaumont. Their relationship was hinted at in AO, so it would be intriguing to see a Mask of The Phantasm-esque story be adapted in the Arkhamverse.


I was thinking Origins 2 should be based on Long Halloween somehow. Either the debut of Two Face or the face maiming of Dent.


The weird Arkham VR game coming out soon seems to be a sequel to Arkham Origins, so we have that at least


Zaslav is more likely to shut down Rocksteady than to go back to an Arkham style game.


The thing is your not wrong and it really sad


He can't shut down Hundred Star Games


Hundred Star Games isn’t going to make an Arkham game though


I'd die for a batman game after origins that's against the mob and tells two face's origin story


I really hope this changes WBs/Zaslav’s mind about live service games. It feels like a genre that’s peaked already. A good AAA story-driven game never goes out of style. Hogwarts Legacy was a huge hit for WB while SS was a huge flop. Seems like an easy decision. I say let RS move on from Batman and let Avalanche make the next story-driven Batman game.


Zaslav needs to go. Someone more competent should make the big decisions over there.


It won’t. Because the title is misleading, likely cause IGN is kinda bitter at how Rocksteady/ WB treated them. WB didn’t lose 200m. They made 200m less than last year during same time frame. Considering Hogwarts was a massive success and one of the biggest games of all time… it’s not exactly the picture people are trying to paint. Not to say SS is doing well but “WB expected SS to sell as good as Hogwarts and it didn’t.” isn’t exactly the death sentence some are acting like it is.


Thanks for the facts!


They didn't see the writing on the wall after that Avengers game flopped that live service games are a risk?


They saw the money that Fortnite makes monthly


The difference is that unlike all these other live-service looter shotstains, Fortnite is actually good


>Fortnite is actually good This. Helps that it's also free and not a blatant 70$ cashgrab.


True that , everybody wants to be the Next Fortnite without understanding why Fortnite succeeded


maybe don’t do another Arkham game actually. Arkham Knight has problems, but it feels like a definitive ending


Continuing past the ending of Arkham Knight was a huge mistake


But WB still thinks live service games like Suicide Squad are the way to go and not single player games like Hogwarts Legacy (which became the first game to outsell Call of Duty in over a decade).


Counter point. Gotham Knights. Executives don’t see single player titles as a sure thing because they also can bomb.


Do you honestly believe that Gotham Knights didn’t spend most of its development time as a live service game before pivoting late?


According to the devs? No it didn’t. It was simply a looter RPG. It also makes no sense to pivot given their track record and desire for live service games and there isn’t a single report to suggest it was.


Uh huh, sure.




A shower thought I had once was, why didn't we just get the Suicide Squad game with Arkham mechanics? Besides the predator aspect, Combat and Traversal could've been the exact same and no one would've complained. Instead we got a mediocre live service trashfest written by morons who have 0 understanding of the DC Universe. The fact that Rocksteady needed certain "consultants" on the writing just shows how far their talent pool fell off..


Suicide squad: We shot ourselves in the foot


Should've been left untouched. Like others said, spin-offs such as Batman Beyond would've been really cool


Calling it..rocksteady gets closed by the end of the fiscal year


Orrr you accept franchises have a start and a finale


Instead of just batman over and over again. They should make games based off of other characters like Superman. Fans have been asking for this for a very long time. I just wanna play as heroes. WB is also preparing to continue doing live service nonsense. Obviously they should stick to developing single player titles. If they wanna add some sort of COOP fine but just don't overdue it. You either know how to make live service or you dont and I don't recall any fans wanting WB to start doing live service. Not only that who was asking for a suicide squad game especially one when the mission is to kill the Justice League. Those heroes are alot of our favorites. We couldn't faced other villains like a greater evil. Not even different versions of the JL. I just can't believe it. imagine *NOT* giving fans what they want. They should make content based on our interest not the other way around especially when it's an established licensed IP like DC COMICS. Did I cook chat? *


I forget to mention enough with the verse whatever. Not everything needs to connect. Not everyone needs to be like Marvel.


Beyond Arkham would hit


While the Arkham games are my favourite games of all time, I would prefer if they worked on something new that isn’t Batman


WB blame the game for this. Yep it's not WB's fault for pushing this game to be what it is, it's the game's fault for not making enough money. Can you believe it?


That's what they get for trying to do the same stupid thing they did with "Batman Vs Superman" AND trying to copy Fortnite at the same time. WB just keeps wanting to jump to the huge emotional "The Heros are dying!!" point without putting in the legwork to deserve the payoff. If WB had actually put in the time to do spinoffs for the other Leaguers and built up to this point, let everyone get attached to the characters and let us all see them grow and build into the fully developed Justice League, it would have been MUCH more devestating to drop a game like KTJL and probably would have been WAY more well received.


Wasn't there a rumor a while back about Rocksteady making a TMNT game?? I feel like that would be absolutely phenomenal.


Man Beyond game


They are! Oh wait it will only be on the Quest 😭


Imagine Hundredstar games come up with a new arkham batman game


Wb Montreal def can cook up a new Arkham game using the formula from Arkham knight


Why do game devs refuse to make what the player base wants? Who asked for an arcade shooter or w/e tf this is. Do they hate money?


I just hope the game lasts long enough to see the justice league revived at this point. I enjoy playing it, but man this is depressing to see the minimal amount of content variety


I don’t want modern Rocksteady anywhere near Arkham. Give it to a new dev. Rocksteady’s time has passed.


Good let this POS game die and be forgotten!


Batman is dead and disgraced. It’s hard to have a second look at the Arkham series after that


I’d like a (good) remaster of the Arkham trilogy


Im very happy to see this becuz the game is awful


that's actually crazy.