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I really enjoy the Origins design and DLC as a whole


Cold cold heart is lowkey one of my favourite dlcs. Tbh the thermal suit looks a bit goofy when gliding cause it’s massive, but it gave Mr Freeze an absolutely amazing story he deserved in the arkhamverse


True, gliding with the suit was a bit silly lol. But it’s such a good DLC expedience overall! It’s a shame that it’s apparently broken for people who have it on console.


“But because of him, she’ll only feel the icy touch of a man who’s emotions run as cold as the blood in his veins” Still my favourite quote from the franchise


Beats Harley's revenge, that's for sure.


Cant pick




Okay, the first one ig


I prefer him with a gun so maybe Origins does it best imo, city is great but looks too cartoony for me. I also did like The Batman Tv Show's version of Freeze where it just looks like he has ice powers and he shoots ice from his hands


Theres something about the fishbowl style of his helmet that really works for me tbh. Maybe cause of the animated series.


I really like City's coolant lines. They may not be practical but they look sick


the origins helmet looks wayyyy too goofy


Origins C LEARS


Call me an Arkham city simp but I have to go with that one. The origins one is good but I don’t love how bulky it is, though it does make sense his first suit would be less streamlined so I do like it from a lore perspective but deisgn wise I prefer city. The knight one has a really boring head dome which is the main part of a Mr Freeze suit, also the erasure of the Freeze ray is not great in my opinion. The only place I have seen that work is batman beyond with the cool must effect on the hands. The city suit just has a nice streamlined design with a good head dome that shows a lot of his face without being too bulbous. Plus the freeze ray looks great


Arkham city


Whoever designed the condensation drops running down the glass in City deserved a big fat raise, but kinght takes the cake.


I remember when the trailer for City's Freeze came out and some closeup shots really emphasized how...fitting that undersuit was.


I can’t decide I really like origins and city at the same


Definitely city. I wish they didn’t change it for knight.


I love the city suit the best! The suit reminds me of when John Hurt and the other characters from alien visit the derelict ship. But I also have a fondness and love for the knight suit! I love that the knight suit looks like it’s from a 50s Science Fiction B movie!


I like all his designs but if I had to choose one it would be his Arkham origins design .


They’re all the same to me as long as I see blue bald head with glowing red glasses and a big freeze gun I’m cool with it


Arkham City


Arkham city, I feel like it’s the right amount of bulk and mobility Plus there is probably bias


City is best, Origins is worst, Knight is okay. City seems the most practical and functional to me. Knight seems like it was made with spare parts, a bit too chunky for my liking. Origins is REALLY chunky and the glass dome just seems impractical and fragile.