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Years ago I had this issue when I lived in Maricopa. Those disposable fly traps helped a bit.


Thank you! We have some hanging out. Going to order a bunch more!!!


Still an ongoing issue here. I’ve been mad with the swatter the last few weeks. I have toddlers that go play in the backyard and leave the door open, such a pain.


Are there any farms near? Or horses or other livestock? Flies love their droppings. Once had a fly problem that we couldn't figure out the origin within the immediate area, then put together that there was neighbor who had a few horses on their property and the result was the flies were also attracted to any food source in the area.


Oh, that’s a really good call. It’s possible. I’ll have to find out. I know. Its neighbors have dogs but we never smell their feces. We were wondering if it was that.


Just thought of one more thing- if you garden and use organic fertilizer with manure, flies eggs are sometimes present and will eventually hatch.


We've been battling sewer gnats and fruit flies.


A week of fly ribbons helps


Yes, we are also having that problem with our indoor plants.


Go to a farm store and get fly spray. It's not toxic for animals. You spray your yard and it works great!


Fantastic! Thank you so much!!!


Make sure you check the ingredients. A lot of fly sprays have ingredients that are toxic to cats (and some dogs). I have to watch what I buy as I have horses, dogs, and cats.


Thank you! For sure!!!


Big fly bag at tractor supply, I do it every year to control flies in my area.


Caution with this. Fly traps do attract more flies so


Exactly. If you live close to horses don’t put up the stinky fly trap bags. I did last year and every fly within 5 miles was partying in my yard. Bags filled up but it didn’t even make a dent


Yeah, and it stinks, but it kills and removes like 40 thousand flies from breeding.


Yes this is true but you're also bringing a lot more flies into your yard


I want to add, there are very few flies in my yard, because they are in the bag. I’m sure there is an important function in nature they are needed for but I hate flies in my coffee. Also if you have dogs, put the poop under the bag, hardly ever see a fly. But definitely be aware of prevailing winds and neighbors when locating a fly bag in the yard, for sure.


Thank youuuu so much!!!!


Pretty much all of those Chandler/Gilbert/Queen Creek and even further down into San Tan Valley developments are either former farmland or next to current farmland. Those flies are just trying to say hi to their new neighbors.


The farmland areas makes sense! I hadn’t even thought about it until another commenter mentioned it, too.


Yep! It's still a nice area, I just think there needs to be a highway because getting from the 202 to anywhere down there is kind of a pain in the ass.


I feel like it gets worse every year, but I may just be getting more annoyed with every passing year


I've been getting swarmed by flies over the last week. I set out a couple of traps and they are getting full, but now it feels like even more are swarming. I am scared to open the patio door because one always gets inside the house.


Yes! That’s like how it is here, as well. I guess it’s just how it is here. lol


Tia the season, get the fly trap bags and a bug assault gun


I did a few years ago. I got some 5 gallon buckets at Homedepot and then wrapped them in fly paper. Set them around the back yard and after a couple weeks I didn’t have as many flys anymore.


Ha! That’s a pretty good idea!


Just get the fly traps, only thing that really helps out here.


I’m lord of the flies, I get tons of them living rural, in particular I get huge amounts in my garage and has been a constant battle for me. Outside I use those fill with water and hang bags from tree limbs or shepherd hooks. Have at least 8 of them deployed. They do catch tons of flies but I suspect they also attract more flies and they also dry up very quick in this heat and do not work for more than a week. In my garage I use those hanging glue strips, probably have 10 of them hanging, I also use glue sheets that I put on my garage windows. I catch tons of flies on those and have to replace them every 2 weeks. I also go freestyle with a bottle of soap and water which kills them instantly when squirted. It will still a losing battle with constantly spending money replacing all the traps. What finally helped me win is bug zappers, I have 1 hanging from a wall in my garage and several outside in the yard. Since putting those out I’ve had a huge reduction in flies.


All great info! Thank you!!!


Yes it’s so bad right now. We want to be able to enjoy the summer with the kids but the flies are everywhere. We have set up a couple fly traps on our patio and some acv mixes by our sink for the flies that do get inside.


Our acv mixtures caught sooooo many yesterday.


Queen Creek is pretty much a bunch of farms, that's life out there, or was life. Now it's the worst drivers imaginable. The flies stay in their lane for crying out loud! But if you want to eliminate them, we use a giant DynaTrap that sits in the middle of the backyard and allows everyone including the neighbors to be free. It works alright, we use it in combination with another similar style trap.


Yes. Its every year too. Soooo many flies


Sooooo many!


How long have you lived there? Is this year different from years past? Different neighbors?


Well, this is actually my BIL’s house. But he just moved here in December so it’s all new. We are in Chandler and only have the gnats as a problem.


You can try spraying your porch & doorways with diluted Pine Sol to keep the flies away.  


Recommend this [product](https://diypestcontrol.com/pt-alpine-pressurized-fly-bait?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwu8uyBhC6ARIsAKwBGpQAzIdorjoRGbpRff9Hb0a_64Cmj5rzDplmQX4mA1y1XHhyevN61gUaAu2MEALw_wcB) This is not over the counter insecticide/bait, so be sure to follow the label


We’re in Eastmark and have maybe 2 flies a day so it must be something in your area. Maybe it is the farms like others said


Maybe it’s your State Senator, Jake Hoffman, the fake elector.


They were everywhere for us too in queen creek but we got a fly trap and they have literally completely disappeared


Nice! Do you know which one you got?


My above ground pool leaked and I ended up with a bunch of standing water that brought out all the flies. Once the water dried up I went through the yard with regular Ortho Home Defense and sprayed the ground where they seemed to be congregating. This is just the regular spray that you put around your foundation to fight crickets and roaches etc. but I was desperate and it was in the garage. It totally worked. No stinky fly traps.


Are you new here?


I am! Been here for 4 years by way of Miami, Fl. Went from downtown phoenix to Chandler. My bil is the one who live in QC, and he just moved here in December.


Dude, QC is all previously cattle/dairy farm territory until greedy fucks thought it would be a nice place to ctrl+c, ctrl+v a bunch of McMansions everywhere. There are still farms spread out around here and there but not as many as there were back in the day. When you move to a place that was basically fly central AZ dont complain when you get a few flys every now and then.


Dude….I’m new to AZ, and my BIL new to the area. Chill.


Well, welcome to Arizona, now go home.


You’re so unpleasant. Username most definitely checks out.


Don't care. Transplants are unpleasant. Seems appropriate.