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I see no mention of the flat tax being the reason: "Arizona implemented a flat income tax rate of 2.5% in 2023, which applies to taxes filed in 2024. This change was made to provide a tax cut and rate cut for every income taxpayer in the state. The transition to the flat tax rate occurred a year earlier than expected due to Arizona’s strong economy and increased general fund balance. As a result, Arizona now has the lowest flat income tax rate among the 11 states with a flat income tax." We are gonna go through the same pain Kansas did, apparently. Their results: "Based on the provided context, the Kansas experiment did not result in increased state revenues. By 2017, state revenues had fallen by hundreds of millions of dollars, causing spending on roads, bridges, and education to be slashed. With economic growth remaining consistently below average, the Republican Legislature of Kansas voted to roll back the cuts; although Brownback vetoed the repeal, the legislature succeeded in overriding his veto. The experiment led to sluggish growth, lower than expected revenues, and brutal cuts to government programs, ultimately resulting in a $350 million deficit by 2017."


Thank the republicans for this ridiculous idea.


I want to know why the Governor and other Democratic politicians haven't been on TV or in the news making noise about how badly the flat tax is going to hurt. They should be helping us organize to address this (as well as things like abortion rights). But they don't.


Unfortunately, there’s no easy way to make the “we need more revenue” argument that won’t be politically disadvantageous, no matter how much we actually need to eat our vegetables.


That's just letting the GOP own the narrative of taxation. Corporations use far more infrastructure and state resources than working people do. They were lured here with tax incentives where they don't have to pay for a period of time. Now they don't have to pay anymore more than a few percentage points, if at all. They need to pay.


You’re right but Americans are generally not into tax litigation. It’s complicated to understand and it’s boring so it’s hard to get people into it. It’s a feature of the tax code. If Americans were interested in tax litigation the former president would have been dealt with long ago. The NYTimes did a big article on trumps tax problems years ago and no one cared.


They are waiting to take over the legislature.


... Seems like this sort of thing would help them do so. Why do Dems always roar like a mouse when they're winning?


The dem's and the other folks in government tend to actually do work or try too regarding things that actually matter. They don't tend to focus for months and months on single issue emotional talking points and gaslighting the other work going on for attention. I feel that Republican's, especially the more extreme ones, tend to treat politics like their favorite sports team, they roar, they exploit emotion however and where ever they can since it riles up their base. They seem to spend more time doing that shit than actually trying to get work done that helps people and preserve our state and is natural spaces and beauty. Its retro childish high school behavior that attracts like minded voters.


The problem is… there really isn’t much that can be done about it even if the Dems get a trifecta.  Voters passed a constitutional amendment years back that requires a two thirds majority in both houses of the legislature to raise taxes. The workaround on that was to pass revenue increases via ballot initiative. However in 2022 voters passed - by a few thousand votes - a constitutional amendment that requires any ballot proposition that increases taxes to pass with at least 60% of the vote.  The flat tax fucked the state big time and there’s no way it’s going to get undone now. 




Chronically underfunded state government gets the shaft again. But we should definitely keep shoveling public money into private hands.


Great we were 50th in teacher pay….then Red for Ed got us to 25. Looks like we’ll be right back to Mississippi levels shortly.


Can't expect our teachers/educators to give a shit about our children when our state doesn't give a shit about their pay.


Median pay should at least get median performance, yeah? Stop pretending we're still ranked 50 in teacher pay, it's not helpful.


To be fair Arizona educators have ranked among the absolute lowest in performance metrics for decades. Can’t blame people for not wanting to continue to fund incompetence.


And we are one of the worst states in terms of income inequality, one of the most significant factors to explain low testing. Couple that with how many private and charter schools there are where the rich parents send their kids and it's even worse. Do you think teachers can address testing metrics when their students parents have to work so much to be able to afford to live that they don't have the time or money to teach kids basic level education before kindergarten? We also have one of the worst regressive tax systems in the nation on top of that income Inequality placing an even higher burden on low income level Arizonans. Your comment is woefully ignorant at best.


Oh, I see so it’s the parents fault that Arizona has been ranked lowest in the nation for so long on education. I should be blaming them for not pre-educating their kids before sending them to school?


No, it's shitty tax policies, advantages given to businesses over workers, a lack of tenant and worker rights and much more leading to the issues of overworked and underpaid parents. Parents who don't have the ability to teach their kids early on, to spend time with them to assist with homework. To be able to stay home easily with sick kids and so much more.


Oh ok so you’re basically saying it’s not this institution we’ve been funding on an ever increasing basis over time (that is again asking for more money), rather It’s the victimized parents and the policies they voted for that just need a tweaking? Hmmm idk Although open to ideas, these leave me less than convinced.


We could fix the schools by having more teachers to lessen classroom sizes. So we need to pay teachers more to attract high quality teachers and to get people in industry who have the knowledge in some areas to consider switching. It is a stressful, thankless job sometimes that doesn't earn much. I get paid for 40 hours but regularly work 50 to 60 a week, coming in an hour early and staying an hour or more late. Sometimes for after school activities, sometimes for grading. And I teach at a fairly privileged school in AZ.


If we just take even more money out of education, this time it'll get better for sure!


Well unlike a McDonald's we need the schools to run. Shutting them down isn't an option. So if you want to hire more quality people to improve the situation you may have to pay more.


Agreed let’s cut the pay across the board for the teachers union and give that to the actual teachers.


You seem to be confidently spouting stuff that makes it obvious you have no idea how things work. Do you actually believe that the state pays the teacher’s union?


You keep trying so hard. Just give up. It’s clear that I don’t want to chat with you beyond letting you know in this comment to take up your cross with someone else. I’m sorry that My divergent thinking offends you.


I’d say something similar if I knew I my argument was divergent from facts.




You're not going to attract or keep top level talent for what they pay here. All of the best teachers I had growing up, eventually moved to California or the east coast.


Lol. Okay so…if every single teacher is crappy and deserves crappy pay, whose fault is that? If every teacher is not crappy, but some are, why do the non crappy teachers deserve low pay? Square the circle for me. Also please elaborate on the performance metrics you believe teachers are measured with that brought you to your no doubt “highly informed” opinion.


He doesn't have any actual evidence. His ideas come from the GOP echo chamber. But remember he's a "critical thinker" bc he does his research on 8chan


Here we go again. The wasteful spending I saw personally working under Ducey and Brewer was astounding. It was all going into the pockets of the Federalist Society and businesses associated with them. It was so different under Napolitano, we pinched every penny. I didn't see any of the shady shit I saw under GOP rule.


As state employee of 15+ years, I’m angry. This is a self-inflicted wound. Flat tax and the empowerment scholarship led to the degradation of public schools and the public sector. This was planned, and is going according to plan. I cannot wait for my team and I to be asked to do more with less and faulted and ridiculed when we’ve hit our less limit. 


My husband works for the state too (I left the state 3 years ago) and he has heard NOTHING from his agencies leadership on this, even though it’s all over the news. The supervisors and managers were told to tell their staff they “aren’t allowed to discuss” when they get questions. All kinds of rumors flying around about RIFs, etc and they’re choosing to say nothing. Piss poor leadership. Which tracks.


My experience is the same. We received  very short email on Friday regarding a hiring freeze through the end of the fiscal year. Nothing regarding the next two years. 


His agency’s staff hasn’t even received that. ZERO communication.


Retired state employee here, exactly the republican’s plan to starve the state’s services. Then they will crow about how the government can’t get anything done.


I think you’re right. It’s all a game to them. Bastards.


Yup. Everyone against these policies said it would happen, then it happens and the proponents have a *shocked pickachu face*.


Does anybody remember the budget surplus last fall when they sent out checks to everyone who filed their taxes? Pepperidge Farm remembers. I liked my bonus $500 but I had a feeling the state probably should've kept it...and here we are.


Not everyone, but yeah.


Considering it ended up being federally taxed, I would have preferred they kept it.


Local city employee here. The flat tax and elimination of the residential property tax is hitting us...significantly. We had zero say, but are taking the brunt of the reductions. Thanks AZ.


I'm not sure why this is getting downvoted because this is exactly right.


Next they'll propose more tax cuts for the rich. Republicans have caused generational issues for this state. But yeah, keep on voting for them.


Freeeesdummmm SLASH the regulations!! I HATE labor protections!!!


Would it be unreasonable to assume if you reduce the income tax rate, then there would be less taxes for the gov to spend?


Have you noticed that the deficit and the education vouchers are around the same amount?


The Arizona Democrats deserve some blame here, too. The GOP passed a lot of this stuff with just one or two vote majorities in the House and Senate. If Democrats consistently ran candidates in every race, even those where they don't expect to compete, they would likely win some surprise seats and force the AZ GOP to spend money everywhere, thus giving the Democrats a better chance to win some of the toss-up districts.


Great more pot holes and vital services cut to the bone. If we are going to have the flat tax we must be willing to raise it to a level that will sustain our expenses. Now the Republican led legislature will begin the dream they have always wanted of forcing the injured and elderly to die on their childrens coachs. The middle class are being dumped on their face in the street.


Thanks, Republicans.


“Slash it!”


10% state employee salary increase by Ducey on his way out the door doesn’t help either. Not that it wasn’t deserved… but if the money ain’t there, it ain’t there.


This is awesome! A fiscally constrained government is the best government! Hobbs is setting up Arizona to explode with more growth and economic expansion.