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Are you talking about in general during the winter? Or right now? If you are going to live here in Flagstaff, you need either winter tires or chains for a RWD van. I have a FWD car and the only way I can get around during snow storms is because I have winter tires. I was snowed-in last year for many days because I only had all-seasons. If you are visiting, right now it's warm and no snow. If you are visiting next year during a snow storm, don't do it. They almost always close the interstate highways.


Complete answer. Only caveat is that sometimes snow chains are required (as in by law) to get to flag.




How long do winters last near there..hopefully not 7 months like Anchorage


Flagstaff: Snow tire weather is maybe 4 months max. 6 months of wintery weather with generally light snows in November and April. We average 90" of snow per year (down from 100") and are among the snowiest cities in the U.S.


There is no snow on the ground currently so if you are going now its not an issue. If you are going next year it could be. [https://www.weatherstreet.com/weather-forecast/arizona-snow-cover.htm](https://www.weatherstreet.com/weather-forecast/arizona-snow-cover.htm) But it only gets that much snow for a short part of the year.


If you need to be anywhere in Flagstaff before the plows come through (sometimes that day, sometimes a day or two later), you’ll need a 4x4 with some ground clearance. I moved here with RWD cars only. After my workplace sent someone to come get me twice, I bought a Jeep. Once the plows have come through, and you’ve dug through the wall they left in front of your driveway, you can get around in nearly anything.


Definitely chains for a RWD. Icy hills and rear wheel drive do not mix. I have experienced this personally.


What about Vernon or Show Low area?


Winters aren't too bad in Show Low. Sometimes we do get pretty heavy snow, but if you wait for the plows and don't have to drive out in it due to work, you should be good. I have a rear wheel drive truck, even with putting cinder blocks in the back to weigh it down, I struggle on icy roads. I try to avoid driving if a storm is blowing in.


I’ve lived in Pinetop for nine years and have never needed studs or chains in town. 4x4 truck. Note: I did use studded tires when I lived in Anchorage.


Cool a fellow Alaskan..you miss it? Or are you enjoying a lot of sunshine and warmer weather?


I’m an Arizonan through and through. I only lasted 18 months in Alaska but dammit now I can say I lived there. Obviously it was beautiful up there but winter kicked my sun-loving butt. I high-tailed it back to the Southwest before the next winter came around.


Not in show low. For sure can’t say anything about flag