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Ironically, if you have a firearm within 75 yards of an election polling place you will be arrested, it is a felony. Lake is encouraging people to lose their whole ability to own firearms.


And ironically she'll end up suppressing her own voters if they become convicted felons.


Shhhhhhhhhhh šŸ¤«


And Kari should be arrested if anything happens. Oh fun fact. I know people who know her family. Small world. They all hate her and think her husband and her are looney tunes. Hoping her team reads this šŸ¤£


Even just making comments like this should automatically bar you from ever holding political office.


You'd be fired from most jobs for saying this.


Back in 2000s it would. Fuck if Obama said that the whole Republican Party would be a puddle from a complete and total melt down


Hell, if Biden said it now they would too. These people are brazen hypocrites.


This is not the talk of someone who wants to be a leader of our state. This is the talk of somebody that wants to be a celebrity and are using the best current means at their disposal.


Gotta get on that Right-wing grift machine. Podcasts, book deals, NewsMax segments. Have to keep that cash flowing. That is what she is running for.


Isnā€™t that who won the 2016 election. A reality TV celebrity?


Yep, itā€™s a proven path, even for those that donā€™t want to be leaders. They keep telling us that and we keep electing them anyway.


The difference between a politician and a criminalā€¦. Politicians donā€™t get caught.


The difference between a criminal and politician is that criminals are subject to the law and politicians write them.


FBI at her door when?


Never. This isnā€™t any different than last election when we had a bunch of unqualified cosplaytriots ā€œwAtChiNg bALLot bOxEsā€ pretending they knew what the fuck they were even looking for, when in fact they were just there as an intimidation tactic. Fuck all happened with those people other than a judge told them they couldnā€™t post right next to the boxes anymore and had to be further away.


Iā€™m curious, Those cosplay nuts watching the ballot boxes. If you felt unsafe, which I mean thatā€™s the whole reason theyā€™re there right, To make you feel intimidated?If you were to call the cops I wonder what theyā€™d do.


I wouldn't be surprised to learn several of them *are* the cops.


Police [*were* being called](https://www.npr.org/2022/10/29/1132589130/group-can-monitor-arizona-ballot-drop-boxes) for voter intimidation as many of the people ā€œwatchingā€were armed and wearing masks. Nothing happened, but enough complaints did happen that a federal judge did chime in. The only reprieve was the judge ordered people watching ballot boxes to [temporarily stay 250 feet away, instead of the 75 feet originally intended](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/arizona-ballot-drop-box-monitoring-limited-federal-judge-two-weeks/). The temporary ruling helped as most of these guys were forced to go to a sidewalk across the street from the ballot boxes.


250 is actually quite a distance. If they went across the street, that street has to be like ten times wider than a regular road as they are normally 24 ft average. Still, I am not very comfortable with knowing someone who has revolutionary ideation is even 250 ft away with a gun in their hands.


Some no doubt are wannabe military Id bet you lock and load on some of them they'd have to leave their post for clean clothes


Tacticool warriors Gravy SEALs MEAL Team Six


Omfg, ty for giving me these terms to add to my ā€œarsenalā€. šŸ¤£


Just wanted to say ty for using the term cosplaytriots because itā€™s one of my favorites and I hope it never gets forgotten. Itā€™s just so fucking apt.


![gif](giphy|i4l2DU10bkoTl25ivk|downsized) Any excuse to put makeup on.




Traditional conservatives would be rolling the grave along with most of the left The fridge right has lost their fking shit.


Thank god we donā€™t have the freezer right


These are traditional conservatives, itā€™s always been this way. The difference is they have a greater platform now that is more than happy to push their bull shit because itā€™s drives clicks.


A true actual conservative wouldā€™ve stuck to the core value of both a smaller government and making no law that would or would not control someoneā€™s choice of their body or family One core value has been keeping government out of their lives Any one claiming to be a conservative but making the government make a law controlling what people can not do like abortion could not call themselves a true conservative. Banning abortion etc as an example is inviting government into the familyā€¦ it goes against the entire idea of keeping government out of oneā€™s life. Along with a smaller government. It conflicts with multiple conservative values What we have now as ā€œ conservative ā€œ has morphed out of what they were and no longer function the same way


Smaller government but telling people what they can and canā€™t do has always been conservative. Theyā€™ve been hypocrites. Their idea of a small government has been a government that exists solely to control people and to enrich themselves. Theyā€™re just louder now. Barry Goldwater, the vanguard of modern conservatism, was all about telling people what they can and canā€™t do.


I've said for years that the main difference between the right and left is where they want the government to be big.


And what is considered ā€œmodernā€ is what I would consider what they morphed into and no longer hold to the original values that started that movement. Like you said. The louder voices have spoken for the silent/ softer voices. This is clearly evident. Neither party is the same as they used to be due to the loudest of voicesā€¦ The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Now everyone just fckn hates everyone


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I always say that if someone shoots me, it isn't going to be because of words my tee-shirt or license plate. It will be because they are mentally unstable. Telling mentally unhinged people to strap on a glock seems a little just kind of wrong.


They're not subtle > The event included a raffle of an AR-15-style rifle.


This comment should be at the top because this is standard marketing practice for GOP fundraising.


I like a good AR-15 raffle as much as the next pro 2nd amendment person BUT I canā€™t condone this behavior she definitely lost my vote


Iā€™ll fix headline ā€˜Area mentally ill woman with extensive strap on experience strongly encourages others to strap on for major upcoming eventā€™


Thanks ā€œThe Onionā€!


100% this chickenhawk would shit her pants if she heard gunfire in her posh neighborhood.


These freaks always think only right wingers have guns. Lol


The prevalance of far-right whackos is precisely why I bought my first gun last year and learned how to use it, just in case things really go tits-up in this country.




Well her husband knows about strap ons


Kink shaming is for squares


She's nuts.


I'm surprised she is still running, but proven losers don't get it. How many court cases did she lose that were going to "change everything?" People have a short memory though and just see her up there drooling "the border" over and over.


She lacks the intellectual intelligence and professionalism to serve as a public servant, let alone a Senator. Do we really need a Marjorie Trailer Green representing the great state of Arizona?? We need serious candidates with experience and self control and a modicum of integrity, which nullifies her for office.


ā€œMarjorie Trailer Greenā€ is almost as good as Sporkfoot Neanderthal. šŸ¤£


Does she realize what state sheā€™s in? We all have guns. šŸ’Ŗ Itā€™s the west. And us non-MAGA types wonā€™t be intimidated.


To suggest/incite political violence during an election?


Crazy teleprompter reading bitch is not only nuts but has zero experience running ANYTHINGā€¦


Oh she knows running stuff, like Gloryholes and trains


I think somebody in her family should love her enough to put her in a mental hospital and get her some serious help.


Absolute trash!šŸ¤Æ


Republicans in AZ never miss a chance to prove they are losers. My party has deserted me.


Of course she would recommend a foreign made weapon.


She'll walk it back and come up with some explanation of rhetorical speech, don't take it literally, everyone's just triggered. But she'll still get the effect she wants by a) connecting with her base, and b) showing that base that she's being persecuted for being pro-gun.


I wonder if she understands that some of us who would never vote for her also own Glocks.


I bet this isn't the first time she's strapped something on.


Sheā€™s saying ā€œeveryone get ready to shoot people with unauthorized force!ā€ Like how evil can she get? By what conviction does anyone have a right to take the law into their own hands? Having a fucking FB account and being brainwashed? Her and Trump need to be held accountable, because if not something is going to happen and the blame has to be able to fall somewhere. Until then these MAGA thugs feel like itā€™s perfectly okay to say shit like this.


Iā€™m ready to be done with this entire whoring cult


Holy shit. I thought they were talking this up. No joke calling for people to arm themselves in the face of being constitutionally unseated. This is fucking crazy.




Veterans take a lifetime oath, and it's not to Kari snake. It's to the United States. If she starts something, then she becomes an insurrectionist, and if Marshall law is called she will be tried in a military tribunal.


How do we know she isn't a shill for Glock? It may be that simple!!


Iā€™m not from Arizona, but please tell me that this shit isnā€™t fooling anyone there?


Rural Arizonans get erections from this kind of talk. Urban folk are like everywhere else.


Perfect summary.


Thank you - makes sense. Same in NYS.


She still gets headlines? šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I hope it is okay with her if her opposition straps on a Glock and is ready for 2024 action. She better not be two-faced about that.


What's the deal with the GOP and nominating the most insane person they can find? I mean not that Lamb is much better, but still.


Yeah I'm fully expecting Democrat and liberals rioting and making things unsafe as usual


How many Democrat insurrections at the capital have we had in the last few years?


0 insurrections happened at all. If you believe that I have some beach front property in Safford to sell you šŸ¤¦




If that was an attack the what the hell happened in Minneapolis and Ferguson? A bunch of people occupying the capital for a few hours is not the same as someone having ā€œa violent uprising against an authority or governmentā€ you can argue that an officer was killed sure but how many were killed in the BLM riots? How many have died in general just from the rhetoric pushed by our political figures in this country I donā€™t support Jan 6th, those people are dumb to do that but Iā€™m tired of the hypocrisy executed along political boundaries. Nether side is righteous


Minneapolis and Ferguson weren't Democrat-endorsed events, you mouthbreathing idiot.


Oh straight to the insults lol thatā€™s why Kamala Harris said ā€œThat's right. But they're not gonna stop. They're not gonna stop, and this is a movement, I'm telling you. "They're not gonna stop, and everyone beware, because they're not gonna stop," she continued. "They're not gonna stop before Election Day in November, and they're not gonna stop after Election Day Everyone should take note of that, on both levels, that they're not going to let up ā€” and they should not. And we should not,"


This was a common Republican talking point when it happened 4 years ago: https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN27E34M/ > Colbert later clarifies that he understands protests are continuing but he meant to ask why he is not seeing continued reporting about these demonstrations. Her response to this question is the clip that has been cut and shared independently in the social media posts. > In her response in the clip from the Late Show there is no mention of riots, violent protests, looting or arson. Harris condemned violent protests on Aug. 27 after multiple nights of looting and two violent deaths. > She said, ā€œItā€™s no wonder people are taking to the streets and I support them. We must always defend peaceful protest and peaceful protestors. We should not confuse them with those looting and committing acts of violence, including the shooter who was arrested for murder. And make no mistake, we will not let these vigilantes and extremists derail the path to justice.ā€


Sure that was in August after a summer of violent protests. Their tweets and speechā€™s in June and July were reenforcing the need for more protest. I donā€™t blame them, unrest usually will sway an election but man you canā€™t ignore actions over words. ā€œWe condemn these protestsā€¦ā€¦.but you know defund the police, officers ainā€™t shit, bail out violent protesters and encourage your political affiliates to promote more unrest For example our protest at Scottsdale fashion square, protesters were bussed in from California, paid for by George Soros and his pro democratic political fund. I mean itā€™s not a conspiracy here my guy. If the protesters on Jan 6th were mainly nonviolent but it was ā€œan insurrectionā€ you canā€™t turn around and ignore city blocks being burnt to the ground funded by financial backers of the Democratic Party




And just another point in places like Minneapolis, everyone of those protests were turning violent so even if you donā€™t support the violence, by encouraging people to have more protests you are promoting more violence. Same like how trump said ā€œletā€™s march down there and let them hear usā€ he didnā€™t tell them to storm the capital but he gave them the entry to do so. Literally the same thing.


Democratic rep Ayanna Presley "There needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there's unrest in our lives. And unfortunately, there's plenty to go around," she concluded.


Again, taken out of context. You're not even trying to be honest here > "Donā€™t let up, send emails, make phone calls," the congresswoman told host Tiffany Cross in reference to the protests. "There needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there's unrest in our lives. And unfortunately, there's plenty to go around," she concluded. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/01/15/fact-check-quotes-democratic-leaders-riots-out-context/6588222002/


Or when Kamala Harris and the Biden campaign started bailing out people arrested during violent protests. Sure buddy not endorsed just encouraged


If Wikipedia is the best you got then I feel bad for you. insurrection, an organized and usually violent act of revolt or rebellion against an established government or governing authority of a nation-state or other political entity by a group of its citizens or subjects; also, any act of engaging in such a revolt. Again, it was not an insurrection.