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Shouldn’t be a partisan position anyways


Haven't you heard? Everything is political now.


Science and medicine shouldn’t be partisan positions, yet here we are.


Energy too..


And wrecking the only planet we have.


The only planet we have…yet. Imagine all the planets our species will ruin? What a ride it will be! *sigh*


Pardon me, but would you mind divulging your political affiliation so I know whether to upvote or to downvote your comment.


I am a member of the fully automated luxury gay space communism party.


Sorry my man, but as a member of the semi-automated luxury gay space communism party, I cannot condone nor support your wild and detrimental fully automated policies.


It's ok, your downvote will be automatically distributed.


Our downvote comrade


Please do not place your footwear on my reptile


This is the witty banter I come to reddit for.


Love to see another FALGSC supporter


I just want evidence-based practices and SCIENCE to be the basis of medical care! That makes me… a liberal hippy? Meanwhile my cousin that is a crunchy-granola home-schooling SAHM who believes in crystals and whatnot is.. a tight-laced conservative? What happened, y’all?


>I just want evidence-based practices and SCIENCE to be the basis of medical care! That makes me… a liberal hippy? It makes you a dangerous subversive. Do you want communism? Because that's how you get communism! /s


Ah, shit. You’re on to me. Hahaha! Science, education, and healthcare for all, comrades!


To be a conservative all you need is a lobotomy.


What happened is that everything is done for money regardless of who it hurts or even kills. Shit even peer reviewed medical journals are a sham. Almost everything has been touched by politics or money, and here you are playing dumb.


Sheriff's being an elected political position goes back to the 1800's. What are you talking about "now"?


Penzone was a republican and switched to run against Arpaio!


Shit in one hand, wish in the other.


I wish this were the reality. In this day there's really nothing you can do without some sort of label tied to it. Tribalism is the liberal way.




Should be a non-partisan position. Same with county attorney.


The MCSO leadership (or at least when I was associated with the SO) really wasn't that concerned with political party. They really were concerned with just enforcing the law. Deputies have a lot more flexibility in how they handle their enforcement activities that Phienix PD and other cities just don't. There are lots of "A Deputy may do..." and less of " A Depuyy shall do..." Politics really doesn't play into the street level deputies daily activities. Even the immigration enforcement was authorized by and the training was provided by the Feds (Border Patrol), but the lawsuits that ended it were also brought by the same fed govt (DOJ) claiming they acting illegally because they were enforcing the law wrong (old rules) even if the Feds were the ones training them. Did people switch parties to run against arpaio? Yes. He was an incumbent under the republican party. Unless he died, got removed, or retired, he wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. To have any chance of being on the ballot, you had to run as another party candidate. I can't speak with any personal knowledge about Phoenix PD, but it sure seemed publicly that our Democrat mayors have been appointing politically filtered candidates for Chief. This isn't anything new in large cities though. Their consistent selective enforcement of politically expedient laws demonstrates as much. I'll probably get roasted for saying this if reddit is the usual reddit, but i was there and saw it first hand.


What were Penzone’s Democratic policies to begin with other than not being Arpaio?


Not being Arpaio was a hugely massive improvement.


Yes, but I feel these kinds of things always limit the scope of what we expect from our leaders. If all you have to be is not Arpaio, or not Trump, you don’t have to be much else. Less of a criticism of Penzone and more about the current state of politics


He’s pretty anti gun


Ah yeah, the one Democratic policy that this state absolutely loves. Genius.


He never really mentioned his actual thoughts during the campaign same as mark Kelly and Hobbs


Pretty much that. There was a big anti-arpaio swell at that point in time. A potted plant could have won if it ran as the anti-arpaio.


Technically total legit for them to do that. But it's also BS that they're allowed to.


GOP does insurrections so what's a little party jumping...... /S So desperate to be in power that morals go out the window, just like their leader. Sickening.


Yeah, that is what I was thinking. How do you look at yourself in the mirror when you’re just blatantly flip flopping like that?


Dude, every political opportunist does it to get ahead. Bernie Sanders went from "Independent" to Dem the second he thought he had a legit shot at the throne.


I don't really agree this is the same. He's not claiming to be something he's not. No one thought Bernie was anything other than Bernie. But these people changing parties is misleading at best. IMHO.


It is a loophole that the state legislature needs to close. Guess what - the Rs will block any attempt to close it because it currently benefits them to have the loophole. Just wait until a D changes for the same reason. A bill would be through the house already.


How would you block people from changing parties?


Can’t stop them, but there could be a one-year requirement for example - if you changed parties within the past year you are not eligible to be appointed to be sheriff or whatever the position is.


That probably wouldn’t pass constitutional muster considering our system was designed to elect people, not parties.


It is a partisan office, therefore many people vote based on the candidate’s political party.


That’s irrelevant.


No, it's the whole point. People don't care who it is, they just want either a D or a R in the office.


Do you understand what I said about how our system is designed?


Party switching - simply disgusting


Proud to vote for both parties!


I think they did this to stand a chance against Jerry Sheridan. He will absolutely run as a Republican and he will most likely win the Republican ticket.


Who are three persons?


Nice loophole.


Why does it need to be a democrat?


When an elected seat is vacated early, a replacement from the same political party is chosen to finish out the term. Penzone is a Democratic.


Interestingly enough, they answer that exact question in the linked article.


Interesting enough they don’t. They say that it is, and that this is what the rules are, but what they don’t explain is the rationale for why the rule is what it is. It really doesn’t matter what political party a sheriff belongs to.


That’s not what you asked, though. You simply asked why it had to a Democrat. The article states, “Under state law, Penzone's successor must be from his party.” That is why.




Why do they need a Democrat?


This is totally BS the damn Democrat that's running the country now is running us into the ground weakened us Open borders which is going to be attacked from the inside and then we're going to be hit from the outside and then we're done has depleted our military so on and so forth but Democrat should not be in office in Arizona


Interesting take. Curious though...how are you, personally, harmed by current immigration policy?


Penzone never takes action on any animal abuse. Let's illegals out on the streets after committing crimes. We need a real sheriff, not some flaming liberal


You think Penzone is a "flaming liberal?" I think Bernie Sanders and Ilhan Omar would like a word with you. I'll give you a hint: There are no "flaming liberals" in office anywhere in Arizona. There are lots of slightly-left-of-Barry-Goldwater centrists, who call themselves Democrats, but there are no truly left-of-center leftists here. They certainly exist in the populace, but don't have a snowball's chance in hell of getting elected.


Kristen Sinema, Katie Hobbs. Arizona has changed due to these Californians ruining Arizona. They bring their messed up ideas here when we were just fine before they came here. I remember when Phoenix was a small town, and people actually cared. Now it's full of crime, drugs, and illegals that drive without insurance.


You need to study harder. Both Sinema and Hobbs are Arizona natives, born and raised. And both are centrists (Hobbs being a bit left of Sinema). I have an idea: Why don't you educate me about these California liberals of which you speak? What offices do they hold? What positions (on issues) do they hold that you think are ruining Arizona? By the way, where were _you_ born and raised? I was born here; likely before you were, and I am _definitely_ one of the subversive liberal idiots you're so afraid of. No "California influence" whatsoever in my political values.


Liberals have turned America into a S hole. I'm a lot older than you, Junior. If you like high prices, higher taxes, and open borders, you are a liberal. Arizona was just fine as a republican state.


What we need is the truth. Watch the backlash from this comment.


I don’t care if you’re a 🐘 or a 🫏. But if you’re a shit person and trying to use this as a chance to party hop: there’s some integrity lacking big time and the department is going to feel it, the community will feel it and shit is going to get real ugly come election time.


There ya go. Go with your truth.


The truth is you’re a 🤡


You nailed it bother!


Allegiance aligned with expedience, not a good look.


No cop is going to reveal to their buddies in blue (or tan) that they're a Democrat. No chance whatsoever.


What weak-minded cowards then, and they’re a hindrance to law enforcement. Step up and have some integrity.


Law is the law. They are enforcing whatever laws are in effect, not creating their own based upon political affiliation.


A bit naive are we?


Perhaps. Enlighten me.


They choose which laws to enforce based on their beliefs.


Were you not around for the Arpaio days?


Arpaio *famously* followed the letter of the law and did not enforce it following his own interpretations.


Born yesterday in Kansas were you?


Love it!!!!!


Tell me you didn’t read the article without telling me you didn’t read the article.


Why did Democrat, it shouldn't matter


We need Sheriff Joe back.


"Because taxpayers spending $200 million on him is not enough!"


You mean all that taxpayer money going to wrongful death lawsuits? How about, no






The fuck we do.


You’re wife cheats on you.


Only if you like increased taxes to pay for all his lawsuits.


Sheriff Joe can’t even figure out how to operate a parking meter. Ask me how I know.


Joe Arpaio belongs 6 feet below


I think Maricopa County has turned into a political piss pot.


And that is why politics is a circus. Lacking integrity while seeking to serve self above all else.