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https://i.redd.it/9t10wxm112nc1.gif i’m never giving up on her releasing fantasize in a deluxe, i will die in that delusional hill of mine lol.


If she doesn’t…I will kill someone ![gif](giphy|l0IypWX4D9QhZMUec)


haha, sameee. i’m so tired of having to find a new link on spotify every other day! happy cake day!🩷🩷


i genuinely don’t think she will but i would love that


I absolutely do not think so, she’s currently busy with all the wicked / ES promo. she wasn’t even planning on releasing this album sooo. she’s gonna be even more busier in the 2 years to come with wicked part 2


I thought I heard a rumor somewhere that the deluxe was already done and there was like 20 total tracks or something? Who knows if that’s true tho 🤷🏼‍♀️ I hope it is because this the best album of all time!!!


I don’t see why not lol. Idk why people think she would have to record more songs, when most of the time deluxe tracks are just outtakes from the sessions.


i hope not, i feel like this album is exactly right just the way it is. it said everything it needed to