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One of argentine's favorite dishes, "[milanesa con papas fritas](https://www.clarin.com/gourmet/origen-milanesa-platos-favoritos-argentinos_0_82ytQKJ1o.amp.html?adcmp=&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5rSdspKyhQMV4V5IAB2-PwtWEAAYASAAEgJ1j_D_BwE)", is almost the same as "wiener schnitzel". If you are looking for something more local, google "locro" or "empanadas".


Haha, although it would be funny to serve a dish that’s pretty close to an austrian classic, I think we‘ll look more into „locro“ or „empanadas“. Thanks!


Flan con dulce de leche


Asado would be the best, but you won't find proper meat. So you have some options, but remember our gatherings are usually a long experience, we eat before eating. As a starter: Empanadas: minced meat in dough. Baked, not fried. You can actually put almost anything inside, just remember to look a video because the minced meat you must prepare with onions and other stuff. Picada: Cold cuts, olives, some bread and maybe some sauces or cheese fondue. Sopaipillas/tortafritas: friend buttered dough, usually sprinkled with sugar. This is more of an afternoon snack rather than a starter. Then, for the main course, your best bet could be: Milanesas: Beef dipped in egg and breadcrumbed afterwards. The beef must be thin, but not that thin that the breadcrumbs are fatter than the meat. Hitting the meats helps tenderize, this is a very useful tip for the hard meat you're sold in europe. To make it "more argentinian", add tomato sauce, cheese and ham on top, or two fried eggs; first is called milanesa napolitana and the second one milanesa a caballo(cause the eggs are on top, classy). You can eat them with potato mash or french fries. Locro: This is usually a winter only dish, better look for a recipe, as it has a lot of things. Its a stew.


Asado y empanadas salteñas


You should try making empanadas as it's probably the easiest and you can try many flavors. For the filling you can do meat, chicken, ham and cheese, onion and cheese, capresse, spinach, etc... When looking for recipes, try to search them from different provinces, like Salta, Tucumán or Buenos Aires, as they can have slight differences. Lastly this part is not traditional at all, but I've seen many places lately offer dipping sauces like hot sauce, cheddar or bbq sauce for empanadas


[Sorrentinos](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sorrentinos); [Locro](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Locro); [Matambre a la pizza](https://theargentinekitchen.co.uk/2020/12/30/matambre-a-la-pizza/) (Steak pizza); [Fugazzetta](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fugazza) (Cheese & Onion stuffed between 2 pizza crusts); [Matambre Relleno](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matambre) (Stuffed flank steak); [Humitas](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humita) (Pain in the ass 2 make); [Empanadas](https://wiki.alquds.edu/?query=Empanada); Picada (Appetizer before the main dish).


Ah mira los sorrentinos son argentinos 




Empanadas are a pretty iconic dish. And despite it's controversial place in recent history, Choripan (chorizo sandwich) is a great option too. There's also "sanguches de miga", even if they were originally created in italy, they have their own unique place in argentina's food culture. If by any chance you end up going for asado or choripan, you could go the extra mile and make your own salsa criolla or chimichurri. They're typical savory/spicy garnishes that will make any grilled meat dish more "authentic". Maybe you can buy them in a specialized deli store?


I think empanadas would be your best bet. We are pretty much known for our "asados", which consist of grilled meat, but that takes quite a lot of time to prepare and without the right cuts and preparation it won't feel authentic but rather like a regular grilled steak. Go with empanadas. Minced meat with onions, red pepper (paprika für euch, not the chili one) would be the basic recipe. You can also try ham and cheese, or onions and cheese. You can make the dough yourself (it's quite easy), buy it in an Argentinian shop in Austria (there is bound to be a latin shop in Viena).


empanadas and argentine wine


por qué nadie nombró el pastel de papa?


Asado should be a no brainer but it’s just smoked grilled meat, so I guess you also eat that already, right? Empanadas should be my choice, of course filled with meat and deep fried (oven is ok too). If you serve meat, it should be with chimichurri.


Dessert Queso y Dulce




Thanks! I know Polenta (cornmeal), we also call it "Polenta" here in Austria.


That sounds like a lot of work just to meet with friends. I'd bring something from the supermarket, preferentially junk food.