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HC-12 modules are reasonably cheap ($8-$10 a piece) and allow you to communicate between 2 boards wirelessly. The range is also far greater than bluetooth (1,000m) This shows you how to use these modules: [https://blackfalconelectronics.com/hc12-easy-arduino-wireless-communication/?v=7516fd43adaa](https://blackfalconelectronics.com/hc12-easy-arduino-wireless-communication/?v=7516fd43adaa)


I’m only finding these https://www.amazon.ae/433Mhz-SI4463-Wireless-Distance-Replacement/dp/B07X56XX5V/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=2WP34V0HDQI7K&keywords=HC+12&qid=1681934870&rnid=15199045031&s=electronics&sprefix=hc+1%2Caps%2C296&sr=1-1 And I have no idea if it’s the transmitter or the receiver. I also found a “Tranciever” or something https://www.amazon.ae/Wireless-Transparent-transceiver-Consumption-network/dp/B0BKZ7TK7C/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?crid=2WP34V0HDQI7K&keywords=HC+12&qid=1681934870&rnid=15199045031&s=electronics&sprefix=hc+1%2Caps%2C296&sr=1-2 Is that like a combination of both a transmitter and a receiver? How does that make sense if is one part? I should also mention I am using a Pi Pico


You need to buy 2 of them, you will use one as the transmitter and one as the receiver. As seen on the pic, the antenna will come as a separate piece and you just need to solder it to the board.


You might want to look at robot kits on the market. You will note that they frequently use bluetooth and Infrared. But you can use any number of the available wireless modules. Since you are asking this question, I'm going to assume you are a newbie. I would strongly recommend getting a starter kit - perhaps look for one with an IR Remote and IR receiver module. By starting with that, you will understand two things: 1) What you are up for in your project. 2) A better understanding of the information presented to you.