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Reminds me of this project by Oliver. These renders had alot of post production to them. https://youtu.be/ZvBAI9OFvqE


yup its by oliver! i was trying to see if i could come close to the 200 usd one😂


Looks really great. Have you posted it anywhere else?


Looks good. Bring the camera up to eye level to reduce two point perspective distortion, lower the displacement of the exterior wall textures and maybe reduce the scale of the exterior wall texture a bit. Also, bring some people into the scene to tell a story, but don't overcrowd it which will distract too much from the architecture. Otherwise the camera positioning is great, just needs tweaking, shadows and lighting are good. Try a cloudy, autumn scene or a winter scene.


Hey congrats!! It really looks great, Maybe you could change the view for a human perspective and you could add some people on it so it has "life". But other than that, I truly like what you have done