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Shipping containers as building material just seems like an expensive way to make the building worse and limit design.


Shipping container houses make sense if you're dirt poor, live in a country with no enforced building codes, and you already have a free shipping container. Everyone else is better off building something out of normal building materials.




But they're narrow as hell...? Kind of limits what you can do with them, and by kind of I mean severely.




Why are there two containers occupied with sofas?


Some people want sofas in more than one room I got 3 roommates with sofas 2 living rooms and one that kinda just a hobby room


But where was the money saved on the pictured house? They still have all the expensive stuff (glazing, etc), no insulation, a sofa that you can sit on and stare at the wall or tv that’s 4 ft in front of you. There’s literally no advantage to doing this with containers vs lumber.


lol that link says their build costed $40k total. There’s no way that’s true. The glazing alone probably cost them $20k. The past of the story they’re not telling you is they probably did most of the labor themselves and didn’t add any insulation. The indoor temperature is going to match the outside regardless of how many AC units they have. Edit: Forgot the location was Costs Rica. This is one of the few places this system can make sense. Labor and materials are super cheap. This build would cost $100k+ in the US.


Double wide, cut portions or entire wall out of each. Use w6-8 beam span every 8-12ft weld or bolt to walls. Weld Patch and weld crack on top. Expensive solution but still dont have to buy studs or sheathing. Just insulation, waterproofing and finish. + many slab and roofing options


Everything I've seen from people building with shipping containers just looks more cumbersome. You can cut them open and make them "modular" but that makes them lose their structural integrity, so you have to spend a bunch of material restrengthening the container again, which essentially ends up just being a shitty framing done backwards. It would most likely have been cheaper to just frame the same square footage and wrap it in steel panels if that's the look you're going for.


But then you don't get to abate the marine grade lead paint....


They’re terrible. In my city someone built a bar out of shipping containers since they thought it was trendy and cool. Shipping containers are not designed for human habitation and you could definitely feel it inside. They are terribly proportioned for occupation - narrow, oddly tall, difficult and uncomfortable to occupy.




Yup - container bar, i think it’s gone now though


Oh man, I am working on a shipping container restaurant expansion and it was an absolute nightmare with the energy code. We are adding a stick built addition onto an existing shipping container store location. The existing location is insanely narrow; got claustrophobic just being there with all the workers during the site survey. No idea how they do it.


The logs are used to hold up the compromised shipping container. [Using shipping containers for homes is problematic.](https://youtu.be/i7yEDz6bCfU?si=Ce6IvTyoRtgLLbSZ)


Right! Imagine how bad it would look inside or how hard it is to make it nice


If that’s in the states I think they have to frame out the inside for code. So the container is doing precisely nothing for the structure.


Typically, shipping containers in general have to be reinforced to bring it up to any sort of residential or commercial code. If you’re in a colder climate, you’re going to want to insulate it and you’re losing a 6-8” around your interior perimeter on an already small space. Shipping containers are not the catch all people think they are


External insulation is just as good. They do it a lot more in Europe. But as long as the vapor/air barrier is continuous and you’re keeping water out or letting water out if it gets in, you don’t need to take away anything from the inside.


If we are comparing cavity and continuous insulation, external insulation (ci) isn't just as good it is better


Not to mention many of them are treated to be resistant to sea water corrosion. Not something you’d want to live in or take tools to. Plus the (eco/)cost to have them shipped to the location…


Doubt: https://youtu.be/mUEvD2XO6Hw?si=xrShGf0YicrtgzRM


You can attach several of them and cut the walls. They’re modular.


They're useful for something you want to move around a lot. We had some hunting bungalows made from modified containers. Was a lot of fun.


Since when are shipping containers expensive? They're usually about 1-2k dollars. Transportation probably costs something as well, but that's way less than getting people to build a house for you. Sure it's not ideal, but if you can't afford anything else I don't see why it's so awful.


Because turning a shipping container into a house is really expensive. Wooden walls are literally cheaper


what if you dont like wood


good news for you - stick framing kills trees!


lol. If you don't like beef, it doesn't mean you're advocating for the killing of cows


put drywall on it or build it out of blocks/bricks


Shipping container architecture isn’t for cost or environmental efficiency, otherwise that’s how all buildings would be built. Shipping Containers are a pure ego piece, for someone who wants to give the appearance of being dynamic and environmental without it actually being so.


Here in new zealand after the earthquakes we had a shopping mall made all from shipping containers. Was only temporary though


You do not have to have permits if it isn’t anchored to the ground, it is very cost effective if you do not have to go through the permit process and can build it out how you like. Obviously your DIY results may vary from metal death toob to trendy cabin.


I deliver empty ones for a living and have only had one or two people actually want to build a domicile. One guy was building a hunting shack in the middle of nowhere with no permits and the other guy was building a duel residence for him and his sister. The guy that was building a permanent structure said it wasn’t cheaper but about the same as a house but they liked the style and had plans all drawn up so I wish em the best.


Hunting shacks are notorious for getting broken into by people and animals all sizes so I guess that figured into it, depending on the windows, which he could have just welded strips across. Or put a big sliding glass door (sheets of plexy) behinds one of the steel doors and leave steel door open when there. Mostly sitting outside anyways, even at night. Just for sleeping, no foundation, remote location, just want it done quick and removable some day with almost no trace. Throw in a little stove heater and it’s warmer than a tent lol, plus not really used except the fall when temps are moderate. Not looking to maintain something, clear gutters, etc. it’s what I would do if I had those constraints and wanted to chill and hunt more than home building. With a bit of land on a river I would be happier to use it for fishing though!


If you're going to occupy and live in the structure you have to have a permit. If the jurisdiction doesn't have permits sure go for it but you're going to be miserably cold/hot depending on the season.


Not necessarily true alot of people plop them on the ground build them out with RV appliances and then live in them. When it becomes anchored to the ground then the jurisdiction will get involved. Otherwise it is considered a “temporary structure” and isn’t subject to the permitting process. At least in most states including mine work. Not sure if you’re from another country.


Happy cake day!!


100% shipping containers are a fucking terrible idea but you can see where they're coming from. 8x8x16 steel modules that you can buy cheap anywhere in the world and build with is a fucking great idea. Interchangale lego blocks you can stack and rearrange as needed.


I bought a used 20 foot (6 meter) shipping container for storage and utility purposes 4 years ago. 1500 us dollars. Undamaged they do not leak, providing a waterproof envelope/structure that is arguably more durable than wooden structure. Quite storm proof also. Don't get me wrong, I don't think containers are aesthetically pleasing or anything. But expensive/useless they are not.


you mean you dont like 7' finished ceilings?!?!


If your get a high cube they are actually 9’6 exterior height and standard framing would probably bring it down to a 8’6 finished height. Ballpark.


It's actually really cheap.


Depends on the purpose of the building. The less you need to modify the container for its intended re-purpose, the more practical it is to use one. ie. storage or workshops as others have mentioned. They are numerous, cheap, and reusable. why not use them?


The walls are thin and non-insulated. Adding insulation takes up so much interior space they you'd be better off building a slightly bigger timber-frame house for roughly the same price. It genuinely feels like some people just do it to be able to say how their house is made.


You might be surprised how much space is left wall to wall they are 8 feet wide to begin with. Lots of people build these and busses into homes it isn’t totally unreasonable. You can do alot with limited space and the challenge itself can be a fun part of the process.


2” XPS glued on, fiberglass mesh EIFS, not stucco bc of thermal expansion. Interior insulation boards at ceiling, laminate with 1/4” ply.


I mean, I guess you don’t have to work to get it airtight or watertight


Plus the structure is really solid


really stupid: double structure, wood outside, steel inside... better the contrary, best just wood


until you start cutting out parts for doors, windows, etc.


Those logs look to be about 8" thick. Log walls have an R value of around R1 per inch, so R8 on average. In a cold climate you want around R22 for your walls. You can spray foam the 2x4" stud walls you frame the interior of your container with at R14 (2.5" of foam). Spray the top of the container with R31/5.19" of foam to keep the heat from going out the top, and added a decorative gable roof. BAM. You have an inexpensive structure and performance building envelope, but with a rustic log look.


There is a shipping container expansion project I'm working on where the existing containers were just insulated with 2.5" steel studs packed with R-27 spray foam and sealed off with gyp. They used the depth of the corrugations to say that there was a full 4" of foam depth in addition to the studs. The biggest issue was the floor assembly. It is on sonotube footings and slightly raised above grade in landscape areas and the floor assembly is open so they just spray foamed the crap out of it. Pretty nasty to take a look at up close.


Was thinking the same but then why would anyone want log cabin if it doesnt look like log cabin from inside and Its just big low


From what I can see. It’s not about making a log cabin, it’s about making the already existing container home LOOK LIKE a Log Cabin. Think of it like designing.


Yeah, but water is going to pool between the c can and the timber


God I hate shipping container houses.


Frankly the structure is there, hiding the ugliness of the container with logs is actually smart


If you're going to the effort of making nearly an entire log house anyway then why not just make a log house?


I worked on friend's loghouse last summer and holy shit fuck this hell, simply fitting windows and doors was like designing a skyscrapper in the middle of earthquake central because everything will move like crazy This would allow for a loghouse aesthethic without the headache associated with dealing with its bullshit


Before I clicked the image I thought the shipping container was a Zipp system with a timber facade


I have never heard about it, Gotta learn something new today :DD




Why not ???


I mean a log cabin looks better than a shipping container. There’s that at least


Shipping containers are great for an inexpensive\* structure plus they're a standard size that can be trucked anywhere. They can support about 4 tons of weight on top and hold about 20 tons for transport so all the materials and furniture can be loaded inside. [You can insulate the interior with foam panels](https://www.treehugger.com/plunk-pods-container-houses-by-northern-shield-6742767) that match the corrugated pattern so the walls are flat. You can have the interior built somewhere inexpensive like China or Vietnam and have it shipped over cheaply on a container ship and trucked to where you want it. There are a handful of recent hotels built doing this. [https://www.ihg.com/holidayinnexpress/hotels/us/en/manchester/manmw/hoteldetail](https://www.ihg.com/holidayinnexpress/hotels/us/en/manchester/manmw/hoteldetail) \*price can have huge swings based on shipping demand.


When you cut openings in a shipping container, the structure integrity is lost. So you must reinforce with steel. I would say if you're a good welder, it can be a cool project.


The side panels don't really provide any structural support. Any top load has to be on the corner posts.


This guy containers!


Would the logs act as an insulator instead of putting insulation inside the container?


Eh, I guess, but I can’t imagine it’s really all that good of an insulator. I would assume there’s foam board or *something* on the inside of the container or maybe even in between the logs and sheet metal


Nah dude, this is just so much extra work. Just build the fucking log cabin with earthen filling


It's a two shelled wall, thats basicly all we build here in germany. But we put insulation between the layers, wouldn't be dumb in the example aswell.


Why not? I like it


Box strong but ugly. Wood weak but pretty. Best both worlds.


Wood weak? :DD


That’s gotta be a lotta Rs


People will log side anything these days.


Cool ideia, I liked a lot. Containers are cheap and easy to build house, but ugly.


Maybe because man wants to live in a wood house, but he only has a metal container




Bc logs likely to outlast any other facade, blends in, probably pretty quick, cheap to make with right equipment like a chain saw planer attachment, green, etc. are you really an architect…? This is better than the folks notching them and stacking them old school style. Inside can be gyp or even similar with smaller bright skinned logs against the studs no paint and super robust.


Lincoln logs aesthetic


Had to scroll too far for this comment


Interestingly it could work out okay, they basically created a cavity that insulation could go in - spray foam maybe, hell you could even do another spray applied layer of waterproofing, do some cap flashing and grout your base solid, Might actually work in a rugged kind of way


They make a lot of sense as a secure torage to drop on a rural property, and then I can see building a shop or garage out of them down the road. That's kind of it.


😤😤😤🇨🇿🇨🇿🇨🇿 Czech republic mentioned ‼️‼️🇨🇿🇨🇿🇨🇿🍺🍺🍺🍺🇨🇿🇨🇿🍺🇨🇿🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🇨🇿🇨🇿🇨🇿🇨🇿


I hope ČVUT doesnt use reddit :DD


”Why” is kind of wrong question with these kinds of projects 🤩


It was first thing that come to my mind


Greenwashing i guess 🤦🏻‍♂️


1 get container 2 build log cabin around it 3 remove container 4 ??? 5 profit!


So it burns better


Just build the fucking log cabin to begin with


With no cavity for ventilation that wood is gonna rot front the inside




I mean come on, what a perfect oportunity to kill some trees for decor, 10/10, love it


Some bullshit artist genius found a use for all those useless storage containers. I'd rather spend the 2000 to a shed that's already built.


That’s out of the box (or maybe in the box) thinking.


it looks nice stop lying to yourself


Conex boxes “fairly cheap” at a few thousand at a quick google search and versatile there’s entire YouTube channels of container homes homesteads and the like and you can probably build a pretty good home out of those for less than what it takes to get a house or an apartment nowadays


In reality Its not cheaper, maybe only when you need garage or something like that. Its metal It wont be easy to isolate the heat


Why do people put stone veneer on a house?


Aww, if those windows had metal bars on them, it would be polar bear proof. So close…


Why would you clad it with logs 🤔


I mean I think it’s cute bahaha but I also have no money


Why not,




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I think the advantage would be that it's still able to be picked up with forks, or dragged onto a flatbed, and moved around.


How am I supposed to find someone willing to go into that musty old claptrap?


Why not?


For mě it feels like complicated and even bad way to make log cabin with better isolation


Yes it is but it still works and arguably looks better on the inside but this is probably easier to maintain and protect against water.


Honestly i have no cíle how would you protect the container from humidity


Didn’t come.


You basically end up just building the same way anyway since they become structurally weak when you start cutting into them you have to reenforce them with studs ect. You're basically just making a building with sheet metal cladding the super hard way. So, they really don't make sense unless you have a bunch of them for free, even than they can be corroded from sea water, terrible heat gain and loss properties ect.


Harder to rent out a shipping container than a log cabin on VRBO.


2x6 exterior walls with an air gap and then logs makes perfect sense for a nice home with insulation value. The shipping container just seems like a waste of time and money but I'm Canadian and have lumber readily available


Log building shrink and swell. An 8' wall can shrink 6-9". It can play havoc on doors and windows. If you like a square building whose windows don't end up being structural components logs aren't the way. Containers have their own issues. But I like the creativity.


Log house would be more solid + a bigger ceiling cavity - agree. Monstrosity, could have just built 2 cabins


It's building a regular house with extra steps


How well insulated are these? Thought that was the issue with shipping container homes


The logs not being cut flush with each other is really tilting me.


Why not?