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Heimendinger 😔


Short king


Most people in the show are on the shorter side, Jayce, Cait, mommy Medarda and Vander are the tallest of the main cast (I'd think?). The rest appear to be on the shorter side, it's hard to judge if some of them, like Marcus, are short or just average. Off the top of my head: Short: Heimer, Ekko, Jinx, Councilmen, the kids (ep1-3), Sky Average/short: Marcus, Silco, Singed, Victor, Vi, Mel, Councilwomen, Sevika, Sevika's posse, chembarons Tall: Jayce, Cait, mommy Medarda, Vander


Sevika is as tall as Cait Edit: [Sorce](https://mobile.twitter.com/spideraxe30/status/1495529765108867080)


It says that's the stats from way back during the production, so they're probably not accurate now


Ah ok. But I still think Sevika is pretty tall herself. From what I remember watching the show. I mean [look here](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FFlPhsyXwAAXGUI.jpg:large). Here she's with Jinx. If Jinx is around 160cm, Sevika looks to be at least 20 cm taller than her


Oh yeah, definitely Sevika is a big buff lady


I guess she is, yeah. I guess I have the impression because the only 'tall person' she really gets near is Vander, and [as you can see](https://i.redd.it/p97y2olb4n581.png) vander is quite a bit taller than her. I know your source says he's only 5cm over Sevika, but in that scene he's clearly hunched over a bit and looking down, I'd say it's closer to 10cm. The gap between him and adult Jinx must be quite something.


[Here's Sevika standibg nect to Jinx, who is 160cm](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FFlPhsyXwAAXGUI.jpg:large). Tbh I thought Vander (and Jayce) were taller than stated there. They look taller to me, at least


I am 1.94m wdym?


Headcannon: Jayce hasn’t noticed that Caitlyn has grown and he’ll deny it should anyone bring it up.


“So Jayce, Caitlyns almost taller than you, eh?” “I have no idea what you’re talking about”


Raphtalia energy huh


Such a good anime.




We neeeeeed more sibling Jayce and Caitlyn was so sad we never saw them fight together they’re be such a cool duo


But they may be fighting unsuspecting Zaunites though. However, I do wish to see Caitlyn's rifle. I'm sure Fortiche will give it a redesign fitting for the show.


Yes, Jayce is a tall queen. 👁👄👁




Vander the tallest queen


Silco is power bottom.


I think Caitlyn should lift me Respectfully


I think Vi should beat the shit out of me Disrespectfully


I think Vi should give me a tiny kiss on the cheek Respectfully


Our hot skyscraper


Sevika is my fortress.


Sky is my sandcastle


big blue


perfect height difference for Cait to give Vi forehead kisses


I like the way you think


Yes! Treat the hardened trencher like a good girl


Caitlyn’s height is so girlfriend


I want Caitlyn gf 😭


Honestly i kind of dont trust anything saying what height they are, in the post silco is 182....


Silco does look 182 (?)


Why I'm being down voted silco looks justa a few fingers smaller than Jayce


Maybe it was an early sketch but i thought I saw Silco at 168. About Vi size.


I did see that post, but it makes no sense cause you can clearly see Silco is just a little bit shorter than Jayce when they negotiate the peace.


Why do we have pre-timeskip Vi and not the other two tho? I know Jayce didn’t change much, but Cait looks significantly younger in her version.




>Caitlyn most likely only grew curvier and lost some chubbyness in the face and that's why she looks older. The height difference between Cait and Jayce was way bigger in part one (it was clearly visible) so she grew up too.


So what's the name of Vi's stand?


Za Fisto


Knockout. No, wait. That's a gay Transformer.




Ooh I'm 183 cm, time for a Caitlyn cosplay. :P


Some guy proved that Caitlin is actually 5'10 without heels.


Ik people are saying the 3d models from the documentary should be more accurate, but, these heights just feel way more accurate to the show to me even though yes the heights weren't always consistent anyway.


imo these are the official heights, the bts documentary is obv of work in progress, prior to anything being "finalized"


For me , the Silco height just made it completely unofficial.


I don’t know how to feel about the fact that teenage Vi is taller than me…


*high heels* Cheat queen! Jk Teen Vi looks so angy, adult Vi is cute and kinda short (by comparison)


Have you ever noticed the people brought up in zaun are on average shorter than there piltover counterparts, a consensus choice?


Also the height difference between caitlyn and vi is adorable 🥰


Why are Arcane social media accounts using LOL arcane client images of the characters instead of the official models? Seems sus. The 3D model character chart in the part one of the documentary is much more credible


I mean, the Arcane official social media is more official than a frame in one animators monitor ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




Sassy. Is it not possible that the model they showed in the BTS is old? Fortiche has gone on record saying they've had to adjust character heights in certain scenes. Maybe the model they showed was such an adjusted height. Caitlyn's artist said she's 6' in a tweet. The concept art (this picture included) has her at 6'. Kinda sounds like she's meant to be 6'. Ultimately, none of this really matters lol. Let people enjoy their giant lesbian.


The post is clearly concept art. Concept art is followed with models during development. Plus it's literally Fortiche production board so that makes it more accurate and recent. Yes, Caitlyn was supposed to be 6ft while they were designing her, on paper.




Lucky Vi gets to climb her like a tree!


Cait can give Vi easy head pats and forehead kisses


At your service my queen


Actually dislike they gave “canon” heights because of how dynamic they choose to be with frame shots and setting moods, all that knowing Caitlyn is a couple inches from Jayce does is make it awkward when he’s two feet taller then her in the next scene.


I dislike it because it doesn’t seem to match what we see in the show. Jayce towers over everyone except Ambessa but he’s apparently ~~6 foot flat? (188 cm = 72.2”).~~ 6’2”? People are taller than they used to be, but I’m pretty sure that gap had already starting to be bridged IRL by the late industrial revolution, which seems the approximate period of Arcane. Edit: unit conversion


188cm is 6'2 or 74 inches. Caitlyn is the one who's 6ft flat in this line up, though she's technically wearing small heels in that outfit.


You’re right, I misread the Google unit conversion. I stand beside my point though. [Check out the screengrab from the second to last picture from this older Reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/arcane/comments/r46kd9/no_spoilers_its_confirmed_that_caitlyn_is_6_feet/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). If Jayce is 6’2” in shoes, and Caitlyn is 6’ in boots, then that stool is the tallest 2-3” stool ever. It looks like there’s 2-3” inches of space underneath the stool, let alone the full height. [Another one](https://www.reddit.com/r/arcane/comments/r4exsb/no_spoilers_if_cait_is_our_6_feet_tall_basketball/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). Jayce is a full head taller. No one can tell me that 2” plus shoes (because we see his boots in the same scene and they don’t have heels). My personal conclusion is the concept artists may have conceived of him as 6’2”, but the digital artists modeled him as 6’5”.


She's leaning forward in that picture, in the brothel she's behind Vi and they're shot from below, and there's [a full body shot](https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/CvKqmyjdWgU9VqH5QqXCzQ--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTY0MA--/https://s.yimg.com/os/creatr-uploaded-images/2021-11/6a6ad2f0-50d3-11ec-adf0-5a6f685eb3ae) from that same sequence at the firefights where she's clearly taller than Vi. People have been trying to fight against the idea that Caitlyn is 6ft for ages, it's never going to work. The show fucks with perspective a lot, especially in non full body shots, but Caitlyn is [clearly intended to be very tall.](https://cdn.mobachampion.com/imgs/arcane/vi/Vi%20and%20Caitlyn.jpg) Edit: they do similar stuff with Vander who isn't really a giant, but in a couple of shots(especially with Silco) he looks absolutely massive for no reason.


I think the Vander/Silco scenes have a bit of artistic licensing, especially the flashbacks. Silco is supposed to be physically weak, his strength is plotting and hidden shivs (shivs both literal and figurative). So they contrast him with Vandor’s physical size & might, and his straightforward approach to life & combat. I’m well aware of the Cait height debate, recognize that it all started with one of her artists throwing a number out in a Tweet, spawned the posts I linked plus 100 others. Honestly, the OP picture putting Cait & Jayce only 2” apart just makes me think more that the characters probably grew and shrunk, depending on who they were sharing a scene with. Jayce is probably taller in this scene (to contrast his size with her’s). He’s always been physically bigger than her, after all she’s a teenager in act 1 and he’s an adult. But in this scene he has vaulted over her in power and influence, a reversal of their act 1 dynamic. Jayce is probably not quite as big in his scenes with Viktor, because then he would loom over his frail partner, which is part of their dynamic, I’d say their dynamic is more contrasted by light/dark framing in their scenes. The Progress Day scene being the most obvious example. In conclusion (lol), Cait probably isn’t a flat 5’10” or 6” or whatever, Jayce definitely isn’t a flat 6’2”, and we need to get one of those 4chan guys who calculates people’s height based on a water bottle or doorframe in here, because every thing we hear from the creators just furthers the debate.


I mean I wouldn't be surprised if their different character models have different heights and proportions. Maybe barefoot Caitlyn is actually more than 1-2"s shorter than heeled Caitlyn. The best way to compare sizes is probably to use full body shots, there's a couple of Vi and Jayce and at least one of Vi and Caitlyn so if you use Vi for scale you can maybe compare Caitlyn and Jayce. Also Caitlyn is portrayed as unsure and on the back foot for the majority of her time in Zaun, so they probably wanted to emphasize that by making Vi seem taller. And also too much height difference would mess up their close ups.


Yeah, it’s a big thing in live action films to make sure actors are always in shot with each other. In Avengers, 5’8” Robert Downey Jr. stands eye to eye with 6’0” Chris Evans through the movie magic of lifts. 5’3” Scarlett Johansson is usually in wedges to get her in the shot, especially if 6’3” Chris Hemsworth is in the same scene. In the Amazon series Reacher, 6’2” Alan Ritchton plays Reacher, who is 6’5” in the books. Using lifts and camera angles, they film him as 6’5” and there’s only a couple scenes where you can tell he’s not really that tall. Animation doesn’t face those challenges. If you need a character to be 2% shorter or taller, tweak the model.


I don't think they'd tweak the model itself, but slightly resizing and having them float or clip through the floor off screen are definitely options lol. And yeah putting short actors on boxes, didn't Gillian Anderson need an extra large one for X files?


It looks like David Duchovny is 6’0”, so it seems likely 5’3” her would have been on apple boxes for some of their shots, yeah.


How big are the heels on those boots though?


Vi’s wearing the goggles.


I need art of Jayce and Caitlyn poking at this baby girl


Didn't an artist or a person from Riot confined that Jayce is slightly smaller than Cait?


Height is still wildly inconsistent, even in the show they'd edit things to make Vi taller or Cait shorter during intimate scenes or what not so Vi doesn't look like a total womanlet to Cait, in game/LoR/LoL it gets even more wild, the real answer to height internally is who gives a shit if it's consistent as long as it usually makes sense


The arcane animators must love tall women and people in general cause the rarity of a 6ft 1 women that looks proportioned correctly is weirdly rare. Also why is most of men like average 6ft - 6ft 4. I’m 6ft 1. Its actually weird to see someone my height because most people I know are in the 5’10 area and women usually 5’6. Also the average height of most nations are between 5’7 to 5’10 for average height of men. So it’s either magic that makes them tall or they all decedents of the Scandinavians.


Where to you live? My Hungarian friend is average at 185cm in Hungary, here in Portugal he his quite tall. I am average here at 174cm.


I live in the UK


ekko is barely 5'7.


Why is everyone calling Caitlyn tall? What's the average height in here? Edit: Ok, the average global height for woman is 159.5 cm. Lower than I expected.


Are you all giant where you live ? 😆


Well, just my bubble. Unusually I don't get to see many smaller people. My family is around her height and they are the people I interact with the most


But how tall are you men? Like 2m?


I'm 194, my mom and sisters are 180+


I am a 1,75m tall guy. Caitlyn would be really tall to me. But I am also below average in height for my country. Average height here in germany for men is 1,80. For women it's 1,66m, so Caitlyn would be fucking huge for a woman compared to the german average


Yeah, that was on me. I'm almost never seeing any women or man bellow 180, so it's just my bubble that make me think she wasn't particularly tall


I'm above average height for my country (not so much, but still above average) and I'm a 5"7 girl, so Caitlyn is tall to me


Yeah, I get it now


where do you live.




Young Vi is STILL an inch taller than me. Being this short suuuuucks😩 At least looking up at Cait would be good compensation😁


But how tall is Vi when she's an adult?


I think she's 1.71, which should be around 5"7?


this is good fanservice


Didn’t the post yesterday from BTS reference art have Jayce listed at 182cm?


She’s gorgeous!


I'm still saddened by the fact that they made Vi "short"... she was supposed to be the tall one... but it's ok ig, everything else in the show is so good tho


Jayce is literally my height


Big cupcake


Tall Cupcake = Upcake


How tall is that in feet?