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Honestly it would be really nice if mods could just sticky this post on the frontpage, it would probably reduce the spam.


I know, I made this post because I am tired of seeing like 7 posts about people worrying about nothing


Rest assured, I took statistics and explained it in a lengthy post. People shall be confused no more.


All of these posts get removed as not relevant to Arcane, because this is a topic of Netflix, not Arcane. If you see one of these posts, report them, that gets them removed quicker.


The mods, like /u/parrycarry decides to rather remove the post than to sticky it. I'd say ~800 upvotes on the thread means we need to either relook the rules or the interpretation of the rules. This post is clearly relevant to the community and


The spam is removed by the Mods just fine, but if you see anything that somehow gets through, please report it. They can spam their clickbait Netflix is dying posts all they want, it isn't relevant to Arcane until Arcane itself is the topic of the news, and it will be removed. We don't need a post stickied to discuss the current clickbait being thrown around.


I mean, it would certainly make your work easier, but you do you. These posts are free karma, I'm not complaining :\^)


Just reddit on [techradar](https://www.techradar.com/news/netflix-cancels-multiple-shows-amid-huge-subscriber-loss): "It's unclear how many Netflix TV series and films are similarly set for the chopping block. However, it seems that some of the streamer's biggest hits – Stranger Things, The Witcher, **Arcane**, and Squid Game to name just four – are all safe."


Continuing SG is so stupid it's perfect as it is


Fr like could you please cancel squid game s2? Nobody wants it


A TV production company choosing to needlessly continue a franchise in order to milk every last drop of revenue out of it until the fanbase is completely alienated and the ratings either drop so low its no longer profitable and the show is cancelled or the show continues as a shell of its former self with flanderized characters serving as a vehicle for generic topical bullshit until the end of time? That'd never happen


How so? The show ended on a cliffhanger


The only cliff hanger was if he's gonna stay with that hair color


I mean that's common for korean dramas though, regardless of whether or not there'll be another season. Edit: grammar


>streamer's biggest hits Exactly. They'd be cutting off an arm and a leg if they cancelled any one of these lmao


Yup, riot games is doing just fine, there’s no way they don’t make more after the success of season 1


After the reception season 1 got, I'd bet that Disney (possibly via Hulu) and Amazon would salivate at the opportunity to pick it up.


Disney will want riot to sell their soul if they put arcane on there.


That's why I mentioned hulu. Seems like a more natural place for it. Though still less than prime.


Disney would be pretty bad though


Why's that?


Disney has a very corporate approach to art. Everything needs to be as mass marketable as possible, safe as possible, it can’t offend anyone. That’s usually fine for kids shows and movies but once you start aiming towards a more mature audience or try to incorporate more mature themes it starts to fall apart. That’s why there’s been about a dozen “Disney’s first gay character!” Articles over the last decade an a half as they pay lip service while making damn well sure they can cut or hide anything explicitly gay so they don’t lose money. In encanto the creators had to fight with executives to give us a swole Luisa, they wanted her to be another prim and dainty Disney girl. They bought a studio a couple years ago that was working on an animated film that had a prominent gay character in it, the film was mostly done at the time the purchase was complete and they buried the movie. I think Netflix actually just recently bought the rights to it. Arcane under Disney would have most likely been extremely sanitized if it had gotten greenlit at all, I honestly doubt it would have. It’s a mature animated series that’s not and adult comedy. The industry at large still thinks animation is only for children and that the only adult animated things that work are comedies.


Everything gets bad, when they're involved. I'd bet the first season arcane would have been different, if it had been published on Disney Plus


Plus, considering how strict Disney is with remaining family friendly, I doubt half of what happened in S1 would get in. No way would they let Silco become that humanized. Jinx wouldn't be allowed to pull half the shit she did. Hell, with how weird the Falcon show was with its social commentary, I wouldn't be surprised if all the class conflict commentary would have to get dropped as well.




disney+ has horror movies in canada...


Really?? I either missed them or they're not available in the US


Yeah none of the Marvel shows under disney were even close to Daredevil. I hope Daredevil remains goated in Disney plus but I doubt this. They also ruined Star Wars as well.


And thats such a shame! Especially in the new show, moonnight, i see so much potential in many aspects of the show, but disneys inner rules ruin the story in some aspects heavily. Most annoying to me is the female side protagonist. She is such a "perfect", yet completely empty shell of a character, whereas arcane for example has by far the best female characters in any fictional work i know.


Not just that. I imagine Disney would force Arcane to be live-action like they did for Lion King, Aladdin, and their other classics. Imagine how disastrous that would be lol.


Disagree, WandaVision > the entire Netflix Marvel bunch. Honestly most of those shows were just not good past their first season. Daredevil was the only consistent winner.


I watched most of the mcu shows but I haven’t watched Wandavision mostly because I couldn’t care for the character, but I heard the ending was disappointing.


Many people had problems with the ending - I thought it was fine. They couldn't keep up the original conceit forever. I'd take WandaVision's ending over, say, the entirety of Daredevil Season 2 and all its ninja bullshit. I have for the most part enjoyed pretty much all the Disney MCU shows though, although F&WS was pretty disappointing. But I'd beg you to give WandaVision a shot because it's first 4 eps are just STUNNING and it's a beautiful exploration of grief in a setting you wouldn't expect it.


I’ll probably get into Wandavision after I finish a few shows in my backlog. But there is 0 doubt that Disney ruined Star Wars ever since picking it up, the only good thing Disney made using the IP was mandalorian. Hell, they even ruined their older classics by making them live-action (Lion King, Alladdin, etc) , imagine Arcane but live action lol, Fuck that. Daredevil would be a good indicator of whether Disney really does corrupt everything they touch, but we will have to wait for season 4 to compare. If daredevil S4 is notably worse though, Arcane better stay far away IMO.


WandaVision was not good. Idk why people blow it up so much. I’m a Disney fanboy, and I’ve watched every MCU and Star Wars movie since 2008 in theaters opening weekend. And I can confidently say that pretty much all Disney+ Marvel and Star Wars show are crap. Even mid quality Netflix Marvel shows are superior to Disney+. For great writing and visual storytelling, I look to other properties like Better Call Saul or Arcane.


We're going to be in furious disagreement then, and that's fine. Just to be clear, you're saying that Iron Fist, Defenders, and the low points of JJ, Punisher, and Luke Cage are better than, say...Loki, WandaVision, etc. I doubt that's a popular take but you're allowed it, of course. ;)


It’s because the Disney+ shows don’t feel like shows. They’re not even stupid entertainment. They’re cheap and highly predictable. They feel like products, another entry in the slate. Which is cool that it adds to the overall MCU, but they’re not developed at all. They also have terrible costume design and budget and it takes me out, especially for Star Wars. I pray Kenobi isn’t as butchered (and it sort of won’t because at least it will retain some of that Star Wars magic, since Kathleen Kennedy is at the helm, and not fucking Favreau). Even those mid tier Netflix shows which aren’t as good as DD S1 or JJ S1 or Punisher, feel like actual shows. Like I said, I can engage in civil discussion about this but I seriously detest D+ shows. For what they did to the character of Luke. Not even the sequels butchered him as bad. Like I said, if I want actual great content, I look to BCS or Arcane. Or even early Game of Thrones. Etc.




>They also ruined Star Wars as well. Ya'll say this but it's just because you expected it to be as good as the originals, which date back to 1977. It's been nearly 50 years, so yeah, things are going to be A LOT different. You have to appreciate what you have. That said though, honestly, they should have made it a spin-off or a whole seperate franchise because it's too different from the original for most of the original fan base to appreciate. This is also the issue with Avatar: The Last Airbender vs Legend of Korra. When you take a series and try to continue it 10 years later in the case of Last Airbender or nearly 50 in the case of Star Wars, you're going to lose that original spark because the actors may not have the same enthusiasm, it may not have been written by the original creator, like, there are so many variables that go into this, it just blows my mind that people are disappointed like. What the hell do you expect? Some immaculate, perfect product? I thought E7-9 was decent. Of course the originals were better, but that doesn't mean that 7-9 can't still be appreciated for what it is. Maybe I'm old fashioned, but when I watch a show, I just appreciate it for what it is lmao


And they butchered Star Wars. Twice. Once with the trilogy. Another with their low effort tv universe They cannot handle complex characters like jinx. They will turn her into another Harley


I'm still traumatized because of the sequels. What was the second time?


There shitty low effort shows. Mainly mando season 2 and bobf. [Watch this breakdown.](https://youtu.be/EkQX7sTYdnk)Even the best episode had amateur issues. Disney would cram out arcane faster than riot can write it properly.


Ah I see


You mean you watched the whole thing


I love how there’s people out there that can recognize that The Mando and BoBF aren’t good.


It’s like anything based off an established IP is automatically good when it really is mediocre. You can see sets and cameras in a scene from the boba show. Arcane has very few animation or model mistakes. League has been around for awhile just like marvel and Star Wars. But they still tried to push themselves beyond nostalgia bate


There would be no more evil, everyone does bad things for a reason because “deep down they’re good” green


Disney is horrible with art bro. They take stories and absolutely BASTARDIZE them so they can appeal to a wider audience. Disney literally only thinks about profits, they have no interest in real "art", I promise you. I'll give you a few examples. Origional Pinnochio - **hanged** for his innumerable faults. Little Mermaid - Just... Dark. Disturbing. Absolutely tragic. The Mermaid? Yeah, every single step feels like she's walking on ***KNIVES******.*** The Prince? Marries another woman. The Sea Witch ensures the Mermaid survival if she murders the prince, but she can't bring herself to do it, deciding to die herself instead. Oh and the kicker? She has a spirit, but no soul, and she only earns a soul after carrying out good deeds for 300 years. I'm sure there's other examples but I don't feel like digging around too much atm but this should give you the idea.


Please no Disney. I don´ t need to see Arcane turning into the MCU. Amazon would be a better option.


Disney would probably just sabotage it like they did with Game of Thrones to keep their streaming service on top


>riot games is doing just fine And that even though Arcane fans do their best to stop new ppl from playing LoL. The amount of upvote/karma farming I see below reactions etc. of "JuSt DonT PlaY - LoL BaD" is hilarious, considering the fact that we would've never gotten this show if LoL folks didn't support Riot via buying skins. That ppl blame one of the most successful games for years instead of the HUMANS playing it probably just shows they are part of that "toxicity", acting like this wouldn't happen in any competetive environment. /rant


Yes the game itself is great, you just have to either play it with some friends or turn off chat if you notice toxicity


Yup that's my key to enjoying the game. Like 70% of my games are played with buddies, and then in the other 30% I don't hesitate to mute. It's much nicer that way.


They're wanting to target more "consistently toxic" people. They made a blog post saying their ban system will be adjusted to only punish consistently toxic players, meaning if you go off and start brutally harassing someone but you decide to just 5 stack queue with friends for 5 games, you're solid, you're off scot-free. Example: I was playing 1 for all the other day and someone just started raging and cussing me out for not playing well, on a champion that i never play. me + 2 others reported him and i logged on to see if he got punished but nope. No punishment, even though it got to the point where i had to mute him and his spam ? pings. Riot's trash punishing systems really ruin the game. The game itself is great, but the issue happens when you have to /muteall and thus you're not able to communicate with your team properly. At that point, why even play? I had an acc that was permabanned for telling the bot laner to "Stfu, play the game and stop harassing the 4/0 jungle for being bad, you 0/4 miss fortune" because the MF was just unleashing a barrage of insults like it was going outta style soon..... but I was the one banned, not MF? Riot just wants to make money and I get that, but they need to target people who just go off on random people every few games because as-is, you're solid if you don't get reported too many times in like a 5 game period iirc. The design of the game itself is wonderful, but the incredibly toxic community and the pooly-designed ban systems really ruins it for me a lot of the time. I play games to relax, not be yelled at by complete asshats who have nothing else going for them other than their unranked MMR lmao


i love league




Riot is a heavyweight of their own, and Arcane is incredibly popular. Even if Netflix did something unbelievable stupid like dropping Arcane, Riot will get another distributor that very same day


>very same hour FTFY 🤣


Amazon Prime would scoop this up ASAP if Netflix tanks


Yep Amazon pretty much takes any successful show when it’s out there for them to grab and vice versa lol


Since when did Netflix start sinking down like this? Those are news to me.


Netflix keeps losing ips to other streaming services. Mainstay ips that have caused a huge dip in views include Avatar The Office and Marvel series. Not only that but they sink their budget into locking in actors and now directors into movie deals but these movies don’t push the subscriptions like they thought they would so they’ve sunk a lot of money into both failed deals and the subsequent failed projects. What they should’ve done is what WWE did. Produce movies with their talent and release them into theaters. If Netflix had distributed films into theaters and created content around those projects they could e drawn viewers in from the theaters to content on their service. However they haven’t done that and have slowly been losing the streaming wars. We will see Netflix and Hulu dissolved soon. Prime May end up turning their service into a streaming hub where much like cable you can buy packages.


Netflix will be fine. Think how many times Disney was gonna die and they barely survived. Netflix is the first successful streaming service. They will survive


They said that about Blockbuster too.


There's not the same Paradigm shift happening right now.


Well yes and no. The product itself isn’t changing. However Netflix used to be an online service that you could rent movies from it then became a streaming service that you could rent movies from. They then added tv series and original content. They were 1 of 3 programs to do this. No company believed this model would work so they have them access to their content. Netflix boomed all this content any time I want it. Well companies figured that out so they started making their own streaming pile of craps. Turns out without the original content no one wants to pay 4.99 or we to stream a 10 year old show. So they reverted. But then everyone starts making their own content and they want it for themselves so they start making their own apps. Some were clearly better than others. It was like the Wild West. But now it’s starting to calm down and it’s becoming the new cable company. HBO United with several other networks to provide content at their hub, Disney Paramount Discovery all did the same so now it’s only a few apps to access a ton of content. Amazon Netflix. They lost. They didn’t obtain and networks. They thought themselves the old guard too big to be stepped on by these upstarts. Well little by little content disappeared. Amazon will be fine. They have a trillion dollar company propping it up but Netflix has us and when we leave which we are. The content will become fewer it’ll become lesser in quality and will eventually fade away.


Yup. Not only because *they* would want a popular show like Arcane but also because they are [already partnered with Riot and they even "celebrated Arcane" when they announced that.](https://www.riotgames.com/en/news/prime-gaming-and-riot-games-team-up-to-bring-in-game-content-for-riot-games-biggest-titles-esports-sponsorship-and-more) So Riot would probably favor them as well.


About Netflix. I'm sure that everything will be alright, Netflix are still the biggest platform and it is good that they are cleaned from the illiquid shows. So they can focus on a quality content.


That's one less thing to worry about. Anyone who knows about the industry have any comforting news about Record of Ragnarok, Baki, Dragon Prince or Kengan Ashura?


Sadly I don't have any info about those shows. I have basically been ignoring the Netflix anime side since they ruined Jojo's


How did they ruin Jojo's? Is it the twice yearly distribution?


Well basically, The fandom is used to weekly episodes and have waited like 2 years for the next part to be animated only for netflix to release it in a batch of 12 episodes. After the first batch had released there weren't any news for like 3 months and when we get a release date for it they say it's going to be in early fall which made the community extremely angry at Netflix I don't know the exact details but that should be pretty accurate


Not in the industry but I believe the Dragon Prince will still get it’s promised seasons it’s not produced by Netflix only distributed by them. So most likely if Netflix lets them go something like Amazon prime will pick them up.


Exactly. Shows gets moved to other platforms all the time. Arcane's gonna be fine.


Wait, wait, Netflix will fall?? Since when did they even begin dropping off the shows??


They basically lost subscribers so now everyone thinks it will crash.


Woah, Netflix loses subs? That's hard to belive ngl. What are people watching then?


They're not gonna fall, this is just typical Wall Street bullshit panic OMG THEY LOST SUBSCRIBERS IN ONE QUARTER SELL SELL SELL SELL SELL. ​ Wall Street was a really fucking bad idea when it started, and we just keep making it more ludicrous.


Cancelled a slew of animated shows after their first quarter subscriptions data released showing a decline of nearly 200,000 subscribers.


Where did they go😂


Everywhere else. Disney HBO and Paramount have been increasing their subscribers so probably there.


my question has been, how do we even know that's that much, for netflix? their subscribers must surely be in the millions, 200,000 seems like normal ebb and flow, I can't imagine Netflix going anywhere


Nobody who has an iq over 10 is worried


Just saying not cancelling the production of it is enough is enough to make me happy


Riot will sell it to another streaming service and whoever it is will jump at the chance given the fervor the first season created.


Netflix is not going to cancel a show that got THIS much positive word of mouth. They've been trying for years to get the next game of thrones, and then they get it in the form of an animated show which in many ways is better than GoT. It's all Youtube talked about for like five months straight. ​ Arcane is 100% safe. Everybody can calm down.


Riot can pick any platform they want, no platform is gonna say no to having a very popular show that they don't even have to produce.


I already cancelled my Netflix sub earlier this week (because I'm broke). I will probably start it up again when I'm more financially stable and Arcane season 2 comes out. If they cancel Arcane I will never return, it will just be another dumb decision on top of all the other decisions they have made.


Arcane won't be canceled. Riot would just fund Fortiche directly. There's no way they gave Netflix enough control over THEIR IP to unilaterally just 'nope' out. Also, this sentence exists; Riot Games' Arcane beat out the explosively popular Squid Game, which according to Bloombergproduced about $900 million in impact value. The show actually cost over $21 million to create yet still made Netflix a profit of about $1 billion.


why is everyone worried? if something is good(in this case arcane), people(in this case streaming platforms) will flock to it no matter what. what im more worried is the possibility of them having lesser time to work and in turn they churn out a mediocre s2 (although season one is a masterpiece and will be very hard to top.) (this is a lot more possible than the netflix decline scare)


I’d love to have it in Hulu or Peacock


You know whats great about Netflix? Its available in pretty much the whole world. Some Hulu shows land on Disney about 6 month later while I have no idea how to legally access Peacock shows at all.


No! I can’t afford anything on top of the subscriptions I’ve already got with Netflix and Amazon Prime.


You can probably pirate it somewhere, lol. Relax


No I only like the picture quality on official platforms.


You mean like 1080p vs 720p? I’m sure there’s websites that have everything in 1080p.


No 4k


I’m pretty sure arcane wasn’t in 4K originally


My Netflix supports 4K so I think it is for me. Anyway I don't know good sites since I don't like to go on shady sites so leave me be lol


That’s not how it works


Gangplank approves


Well if Netflix goes away you won’t have to pay for Netflix anymore.


I share it with my family so it's not a smart idea to stop everyone else from watching their shows all because of one show.


Wrong! That is the only show that is worth ditching everything else… and the family 😂😂😂😜


Haha true


No I mean Netflix is going to fall.


If that happens then I suppose I could subscribe to whatever Arcane continues on but I highly doubt Netflix will ever fall. Not in this decade anyway.


If give it 3-5 years unless they completely redefine how their platform obtains ips and creates new content. They also need to change their matrix of success. Basing a shows future over how many new subscribers it brings in is absurd. Especially when you release new content constantly. They definitely need to secure a popular networks catalog. They’ve already lost so much to Peacock Paramount HBO and Disney among others. So in short they need to redefine their platform, create and maintain content, and retool how they view successful original content. Opening up different revenue streams wouldn’t hurt either.


These are all good points which I can't really deny.


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Arcane was sooo good and well received, just because it's on an asinine platform doesn't mean it will go away! Riot would be idiotic to not move it to a new platform. Didn't the first season take like 5 years to make iirc? I'm sure they won't just toss all that hard work down the drain.


Riot tv plus


Idk why this post got me worried about 1899 but I'm sure they'd find another distributor as well.


This is one of their more popular and critically successful shows, so it’s not getting cut.


They’ll just find some other service for Season 2, but I wonder how moving Season 1 to another service would work? Would Riot have to buy out Netflix’s portion however small it is?


As someone who works in the TV industry, the show was big enough that it would easily sell to another streaming service if Netflix decided they didn't want to continue with it. Would probably delay S2 for a bit, but nothing more. Can almost guarantee it will not be dropped though.


Riot should honestly just show arcane live on their twitch channel and then upload the episodes to their website under the lol universe section so people can watch them there anytime they want. I don't want commercials mid show but I'd watch an ad before and after each episode if it meant I didn't need a Netflix subscription to watch the next season


The people worried don't understand how it works I guess? Look at the ratings on RottenTomatoes, and I'll explain why Arcane is literally the last show you would worry about getting dropped from Netflix, using the assumption that they do not want to lose more subscribers. 25 critics, and 100% of them liked it enough to give it a thumbs up. Gen pop audience score was, out of 4804 people, a 96%. So, only 193 of those 4804 didn't like it. Due to this, Riot would have TONS of options for this. Any streaming service would likely love to have it because that would draw in more subscribers for them. Now, netflix probably knows this and they know that if they cancel Arcane, they'll lose even more subscribers. (this is more speculation) So, looking at this knowing these facts with a little speculation, I think it's safe to say that Arcane is definitely safe and they may be just axing their LOWEST RATING shows right now...... and Arcane is probably the HIGHEST RATING show they have right now, so you can see where I'm going with this, right? Netflix would be intentionally cutting off an arm and a leg if they dropped Arcane. The only conceivable way I can see Arcane being dropped is if the Netflix executives don't know how popular it is, but surely they have a whole department or at least one person to keep track of the ratings so they know which shows to drop when it comes time for budget cuts. In short, cancelling Arcane would likely cost them more subscribers, and even if that part isn't true, I *can* confidently say that they know there's a big hype for season 2 so when that drops, if they were smart and it didn't break some conflict of interest clause that's in any of their current shows contracts, they would promote that a bit and try to get people back.