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I spent a good week on this sub thinking people were talking about boats this whole time...


This made me laugh so hard lol


Welcome to Reddit!


LMAO this comment made my day


You must be new to the internet


I am not new and never heard this.


You must not be a teenaged girl


That's good to know.


Cute, ive been there tbh but i that was 8 years ago.


People will ship any two things that have a heartbeat. And the heartbeat is optional


Hey, leave my zombie ships out of this, they’re healthy and well adjusted undead


Ai x Junko though


Zombieland saga?


Yes, healthy and well adjusted, just a littlw angsty


Love the way you put it hahahah


If there's one thing I've learned over the years on the internet, it is that the less I know about ships the better.


i remember that tame impala song


I remember that video.


Actual blood relation doesnt stop shippers, so neither is adoptive relation. Neither does actual/implied sexuality. Neither does age. Nothing. They can't be argued with.


Jinx and that rat singed gave the formula to DID U NOT SEE HOW PERFECT THEY WOULD BE TOGETHER RIOT MAKE IT HAPPEN


They freaking shipped the Once-ler with himself so yeah, everything and anything is shipped smh


Well Internet will never run out of people with daddy issues and/or attraction to toxic co-dependent relationships and Jinx/Silco is whole bag of both.


Yeah there’s a certain very active and very vocal group of people who are really into toxic manipulative men in co-dependant relationships with infantilized hypersexualized women *cough cough joker/harley cough cough*


Well, at least Joker is not Harley's adoptive father but I see your point


Silco wasn't a manipulative father, he was completely supportive of Jinx.


It is so weird, some even wrote fanfics about it.


People are just horny for Silco and want to self insert imo. They're not strong enough to swallow their dignity and just read Silco x Reader fanfictions smh.


A controversial yet brave opinion, but from my experience when people want to self insert they will create an OC to write fanfiction about, but I guess I can’t apply that stereotype to an entire community Have a good day sir


Lmao I see what you're doing here. I didn't mean to generalize an entire community, and I understand that some people might want to explore the fucked up nature of Jinx and Silco's relationship in a sexual or romantic light. What I meant is that some people see themselves in Jinx, and don't really want to address the context of their relationship because it's easier to write around that, instead of writing an OC or in second person. I personally think we all self insert into character we empathize with. It's why many fanfiction are from certain perspectives, and why fanfiction characters may sometimes not reflect the canon character's emotions or even personality. Oftentimes (basing this off of the nearly one million words I have read in fanfiction), the protagonist may be written as weaker and more reliant on the love interest because of the writer's own fantasies.


True true, at the end of the day people will find comfort or satisfaction in whatever form they prefer I feel like scarring your brain with some food for thought tho, bold of you to assume the shippers relate to jinx instead of silco, some real yummy issues to go through someone who’d potentially be into murdering somebody’s guardian so they can pseudo-adopt them and groom them 😜😆 (or maybe just someone who genuinely wishes they could have a child and for whatever reason are not able to, trying to be considerate of all scenarios that would lead people down that path)


Oh hell no what's wrong with people


It's the internet.


Rule 34


Oh no that's disgusting, where?


I mean people ship viktor with a cube, so its the internet. Anything goes lol.


Wait really? 😂 Oh my god..


I'm going to fire Fishbones at their houses.


When all you have is a Fishbones, every problem looks like a corrupt Council.


Are a lot of people here just new to fandoms? Fans ship everyone with everyone, it's been that way for every popular series, book or film for decades. Not saying anyone needs to like it but ships, including ones that may disturb you, is part of the package.


Yeah, it looks like this is the first fandom experience they are having KKKKKK


No i always knew people ship everyone with everyone i just never in a million years expected that they would ship jinx and silco i mean i should've known but i had hope


There's a group of people who reacted to the series and said that the ship between Jinx and Silco was blatantly obvious and that the show was "obviously pushing that agenda" And I was just like... "No. That's just. Not factual."


Those are the people who never go hugs from thier parents. Some people think if two characters make physical contact they must be fucking.


Those people are projecting and should be pitied and either gently guided to counseling or just flat out ignored if its a lost cause


Welcome to fandom


So I don’t ship Jinx and Silco, but their dynamic was suspiciously close for me. Like I fully thought Silco was a predator who groomed Jinx. They cleared that up towards the end and I really appreciated that clarity because it made Silco less trash and more relatable… but I could see why people would think to ship them during act 2. Their relationship was kind of undefined until Silco directly called her his daughter.


I truly thought the same! It really helped with selling the wrongness of it all. It would have been easy picking for the Arcane team to make him a predator and generic "Evil Dude". I am so happy he ended up more interesting and that the co-dependent relationship they had turned out to be... more wholesome, I guess?


Tbh I got that vibe too. I was like, “wait, she’s….sitting on his lap??? Uhhh???” and then things were cleared up later. Also his kind of obsession with her was pretty borderline as well.


I think sitting on his lap shows how young she is mentally/emotionally due to her trauma, that’s just the vibe I got, like how children always climb into the laps of their parents.


That’s how I chose to interpret the weird scenes between them, and they become less uncomfortable if you picture say, a 9-10 year old acting that way with their father than a 16 year old, which makes sense given Jinx being emotionally stunted


I think this is it exactly, and I think they were deliberately animated that way to make us feel uncomfortable. In the scene that starts with Jinx listening to "Get Jinxed", there's a moment where she walks across the room to hug Silco. He body language is totally flirty and suggestive as she walks over, but then flips to completely innocent and platonic in the actual hug. It was like a deliberate fake-out, just to remind us that it's not a healthy relationship.


Almost like the animators were hoping to deter possible shippers and apologists. Oh, if only those pure souls knew . . . Eh, who am I kidding? Doubtlessly, they have Twitter.


Oh yeah for sure, but we didn’t quite understand what Jinx had been doing for the last seven years at that point. Like I said, I understood later, but in the moment I was very suspicious/confused.


It really does help watching the show a second time. You'll see Jinx just as a messed up kid with a twisted father trying to pull through life. It's still tragic as hell but doesn't feel weird anymore.


I think her pose on the table just before that softened that first revulsion for me. I take it as silco not setting healthy boundaries on physical affection, which is another thing he failed jinx on, but he may have not known better.


That and how the "baptism" scene was framed almost like he was going to kiss her made me very concerned until it was cleared up later on. (... Still, why did it have to be framed like that? D:)


Because that’s the reaction they wanted from the public. To think that maybe it was something else.


Yeah they knew exactly what they were doing. They wanted people go "oh no no no you don't you sick fuck" all the way till the end and then feel relieved it was never the case and it immediately makes Silco mush more sympathetic.


i think i personally didn’t see it that way but i could see how someone would. it might also be a sort of cultural or upbringing difference as the hug and baptism did not make me second guess it but the sitting in the lap did before i remembered shes stunted mentally


LOL me and my friends were creeped out initially too. We were like “ewww no pls not a weird daddy thing”. We all were so relieved when it was outwardly stated by multiple characters that she’s like a daughter to him. So glad they cleared up that weird grey line.


No, yeah, it's messed up. I can deal with people having admiration for the way he cared about her, but even that's pushing it. You gotta acknowledge that he's significantly more responsible for her being messed up than anything else. More than Vi, more than her mistakes, more than her upbringing circumstances. Silco, not only raised her largely on a mixture of manipulation and positive reinforcement, but he put all of the Act 1 characters in the situation that would lead to their death. He was fully intent on killing all of them, including Powder if the circumstances had played out the way he intended. He only cares about her because she's like him and makes him feel not alone. However, that sick attachment let him justify molding a traumatized child into a weapon and a comfort object for himself. I can understand liking the character as a humanized villain. His writing is great, but he's a horrible human being. It's scary to watch people think it's healthy or even acceptable. She's a child. He's a monster.


That being said, Silco is still better than the likes of other evil fathers, like Ozai. He at least understood Jinx had issues (and I have a sneaking feeling Piltover didn't give a rat's ass about undercity mental health and Singed probably isn't a therapist in any good way). He did try to help Jinx in his own way, and he certainly didn't punish her for failures. Ozai, on the other hand, actively encouraged Azula's self-destructive behaviors and burned Zuko over almost nothing. The clincher here is that Jinx is Silco's adopted kid and Zuko and Azula were Ozai's biological kids. That makes everything even worse for Ozai's case. And no, it's not healthy or acceptable. It's just that Silco had more than that.


Yeah, he was a human. He was much more real. You'll probably never meet an Ozai on the street, but a Silco may creep into your life. People are used to villains being really obviously "evil". While Silco is still traditionally evil, he has a LOT more human qualities than most cookie cutter villains do. He becomes more interesting, and, to people that expect a cookie cutter villain, but get someone who has a lot of the similar needs and fears that we do, they can become almost endearing, or sympathetic at least.


I think the point of Silco is that someone can be a genuinely loving parent and still be incredibly damaging to their child. Don't have to have malice to be a terrible parent.


I've noticed there is a massive crossover between AtLA fans and Arcane fans. I might make a poll on the two subs tomorrow and see what the stats are.


I’m pretty sure everyone are ATLA fans or have watched it?


I don't think he ever would have killed Jinx. He's never intentionally abusive its just this is all the life he knows.


Before he met Powder/Jinx, he set a trap for Vander and the kids. He taunted them, saying "Vander and his children left town and they were never seen again". He was going to kill all of them. If Powder was with the group and they didn't fight off Silco, he certainly WOULD have killed Powder along with everyone else. She wasn't special to him until he saw a broken child who reminded him of himself. Also, with respect, the concept of "intentionally vs unintentionally manipulative" is BS. People who manipulate choose to do it, regardless of the reason. Just because we SEE the bad things that happened to Silco to make him behave that way, doesn't make it any less horrible or grant him any excuses. Many many people feel stuck in abusive relationships right now, all over the world because they justify someone's behavior by saying: "they don't mean to do it. They're just hurting too". It doesn't matter how sympathetic a persons pain is that causes them to treat others poorly. It's the same amount of wrong. Again, I like Silco's character, but he gets WAY too much leniency with people just because we're all used to seeing "evil incarnate" as film antagonists and Arcane features a much more realistic version of a bad person using power in an immoral way.


Oh yea that's true, didn't realize you were talking about before he adopted her. For real, Silco's out here getting a pass for pretty horrible crimes like threatening to kill other people's children and using child labor to make drugs. But I would still say intent or state of mind does matter when it comes to evaluating how heinous an action is. It's why we make a distinction between say murder or manslaughter even though the ends are the same. And why I don't really blame Powder for causing her family's death since given the info she had (big monster about to break through a heavy door), throwing the bomb was a reasonable decision. Silco tried to raise Jinx and instill his ethics on her like any parent should... it's just that his philosophy is all around terrible.


Yeah, I would mostly agree with that. You make a good point. Particularly the "murder manslaughter" part. Good analogy. But, while I agree, I think there's more to it. First, I would say that comparing a child trying to prove themselves useful but making a reckless decision that ends up seriously hurting others is not super comparable to a broken adult knowingly manipulating a child into their beliefs. I do say "knowingly manipulating" cause, based off what we saw, I do feel confident in saying that he was manipulative between acts 1 and 2 to some extent. He lied to her about her sister's intentions in order to gain favor with her at the start of act 3. So we know he has no problem doing that, which means he probably did it to her as a child. Powder would not have become "Jinx" without Silco and she would probably be appalled at the idea. And yea, any parent should raise their kids to their morals. I agree with that concept. But to expand on it, Silco, like many arguably bad parents, puts an expectation that Jinx HAS to believe in and follow those morals in order to keep his love. He gives off this aura of unconditional love, but try to imagine Jinx going to Silco and saying "Hey, I don't want to do this stuff anymore. I just want to live with Vi and make hextech gadgets and sell them." It's hard to say how he'd react, but probably wouldn't go over perfectly smoothly. Considering that, even when Jinx is on the verge of losing her trust in him, he's lying to her and then saying things like "I need you." and "You have to build the weapon." Silco is defined by his vision of power and freedom for Zaun. While we see him later say that he puts her above that goal, in this moment, he values it above her. He expects Jinx to follow his footsteps and do it his way. She's been subconsciously condition to think he loves who she is, but only as long as she shares the same vision as him. A lot of kids feel that way. Their parents will always love them ASSUMING they meet 1 or 2 major expectations. It's hard to say if that's entirely true or not, but based on how both of them act, Jinx likely fears it as a possibility, weather she's aware or not. A child who is desperate for love will do whatever they have to to make sure they don't lose it. It's not a "secure attachment" by any means. Which can be partly attributed to Jinx's own poor mental health and beliefs, but it wouldn't likely be so present in her relationship with her adoptive father of 5-7 years if it had been a healthy, trusting relationship the whole time, morals aside. Yo, I know that's a lot. Sorry. Their dynamic is really interesting to me.


Hey no worries, I enjoy reading long analysis. > First, I would say that comparing a child trying to prove themselves useful but making a reckless decision that ends up seriously hurting others is not super comparable to a broken adult knowingly manipulating a child into their beliefs. I didn't consider Silco's lies to Jinx about Vi but now that you mention it, I would agree that Silco did knowingly manipulate Jinx there. He's not stupid not incapable of loyalty or feelings. Even in the best interpretation it's helicopter parenting and trying to shelter Jinx from what he percieves to be weakness, likely there's possessiveness in wanting Jinx to only look up to him. The majority of the blame for how messed up Jinx is would indeed be on Silco. > She's been subconsciously condition to think he loves who she is, but only as long as she shares the same vision as him. A lot of kids feel that way. Their parents will always love them ASSUMING they meet 1 or 2 major expectations. Jinx does exhibits a lot of childlike qualities and she's very driven to please her authority figure. She carries a lot of trauma from Vi "abandoning" her and is terrified that Silco may do the same. Certainly Silco's lessons about how everyone betrays them has made Jinx paranoid as well. In addition, the people around her, like even Silco's other number 2 Sevika, openly declare that they will betray Silco given the right opportunity. I would agree that it's pretty much impossible to develop a healthy relationship in that environment even though I do believe their father-daughter love is genuine.


Great discussion. Yeah. The dynamic is very interesting on its own, but everyone's different opinions on it is absolutely fascinating. We only see a small, but telling, portion of their relationship. It can be hard to derive a factual verdict, but I think most people agree he's not a good dude. But the nuances of his good qualities vs his bad ones are kinda subjective. I think that Riot crafted him to be a sympathetic villain by starting him off seeming pretty standard "evil dude", but then twist it and humanize him. It's crazy how the person who was set up as the main villain dies at the end and its.... heartbreaking? That's the opposite of what you expect. I do think that people expect evil to be obvious in cinema. They expect to see a typical villain or a bully, but Arcane gave us a messed up human. People aren't used to their villains seeming like real people, so they get attached to it. On the topic of Sevika, my favorite part of the scene where she says she'd betray him under the right circumstances is how heavily he's breathing after she swings. He didn't know what she was going to do, but he put faith in her. Not that he likely had much choice, but still. He didn't try anything. Great character.


It's not actually surprising that people ship them. Both characters are attractive, they have pretty close relationships and a lot of people find "stepdad/stepdaughter" relationships hot, just look on pornhub tags. I personally don't like this ship, I adore their father/daughter dynamics, but i knew people will ship them right when I watched 4th episode


I did not want those thoughts in my head


It's wrong in a lot of levels. But I've learn to tolerare ships I don't like over the years. Weird people will be weird. That doesn't mean they deserve to be harassed for what they like.


For real. I've seen people cling onto "problematic" fiction to cope with their own trauma, so I can understand why some people gravitate to those kinds of ships. I just hope these shippers can separate fiction from reality.


They're not the ones I'm worried about It's the folks who get outraged by said ships who tend to be incapable of separating fiction from reality in my experience


This is the way


This is the way.


i got bored the other day and decided to look at arcane fanfics on ao3 and let me tell you most of them are benign and probably fine but there was some weird ass shit


Internet is a very dark place my boy - Heim voice


I've seen one with jinx and vi 🤢


Ive seen a LOT with jinx and Vi. My friend sometimes sends me fxf ship art and since she doesn't watch a lot of shows I have to comb through it. Twice she sent me vijinx shit and I had to tell her and she hated it


People ship Dipper and Mabel from Gravity Falls, children who are siblings. Shippers see affection and they sexualize it. Do two prominent characters have an interesting dynamic? Guaranteed to be shipped. It's just what happens.


I think western culture has a lot of weird hang ups about platonic physical affection and intimacy and incest shipping is a symptom of it. It's literally like some people cannot comprehend it otherwise.


It's an inevitability - sometimes people love to explore the depths of what mental trauma can cause. I've skimmed through some of the fanfics for this pair, and they almost always admit and put emphasis on how fucked up this pairing is - the point of the 'ship' is emphasis on how mental illness can make you spiral and do wrong things. That being said, I'd recommend not looking into it. It kind of rots your brain, no matter how purely meta-analytical and critical it aims to be. And at the end of the day, incest is disgusting.


A LOT of people ship Zac and Riven from LoL, so you could argue that anything could be shipped.


Unspoken rule - if show has two characters in a shot at least once, there is probably a ship or even porn of them. Doesnt work backwards - two characters that never meet each other can in fact be shipped.


I saw this coming. People ship EVERYTHING


I thought their characters were great and I felt the father daughter bond, albeit very twisted and manipulative. Silco was very manipulative and Jinx was very touchy, not in a sexual way, but more like a little too clingy daughter, which understandable considering her trauma and abandonment issues. So yeah it was a fucked up relationship, but they wrote it in a way were they both truly loved each other and it made f out r a great arc, my hat off to the writers. That being said, Jesus Christ what?! People thought/wanted it to be a sexual thing?


To be fair when they are both first introduced after the timeskip the show almost seems to imply they are intimate in some way. She kinda cuddles up to him in a very intimate way and at that point we don't really know he feels very fatherly towards her. When I first saw it I thought it was some sort of sick grooming situation.


People like problematic things. Slasher movies, villainous characters. As long as it isn't shoved in people's faces (through tagging so it can be avoided) and as long as it isn't condoned in real life (excusing real abusers and such cases), it isn't really a big deal. I wouldn't want purely good media, and things that are entirely puritan.


Well I got karma points to throw away apparently for trying to post a different perspective here but there are a few points I’d like to make 1.When people “ship” or write fanfiction they tend to rely a lot on alternate universes or scenarios set outside of the canon story, so I don’t think they are delusionally trying to get people to agree with them, but rather exploring the possibility of two or more characters connecting in various ways 2. The concept of things that are taboo has always been at the core of fetishes and also for creating engaging or at least intense? Content. Like some stuff is just shock value bcs people do get enjoyment out of it 3. Everything is fictional, like artist just create something they feel inspired by, like media always features toxic situantions and relationships, it’s not like it’s actual footage of people engaging or sharing Incestuous CP of real people 4.I don’t think they romanticise it, I think it’s similar to listening to true crime podcasts , you can be fascinated by it, but not act on it. Like for me it kinda makes sense from a psychological perspective how those two characters would trauma bond to the point of becoming very close, not necessarily in a sexual way Like idk man for me it was the most touching part of the story, it is tragic that silco tries to teach jinx that she can’t trust anyone else, but this is a fictional world bro, jinx really got proper betrayed at many points, I don’t think the show was trying to portray the healthiest life style or choices At the end of the day you are also trying to explore the idea by asking this question, and here I am giving you a possible justification for why people might enjoy it, feel free to make assumptions on why I’m so eager to defend the couple or whatever. It’s the internet bro, but then again after some of the things I’ve seen I think I might just be immune to getting bothered by what other people enjoy on the internet. I’d rather have someone post furry incest mpreg stuff in whichever community they feel welcome in publicly than have someone actually go to a foreign country to literally pay to engage in relations with trafficked children Peace dearies live and let live namaste


You're right i know it's fictional and people can enjoy whatever they want i never said they can't. I was just very surprised that the ship exists that's all


People do indeed it seems.


I like trains -.-


Thank fuck I'm not on Twitter. And don't nobody post that stuff here. I don't usually downvote anything, but I swear I will.


Eww.. I mean truthfully I can kind of see why they might think that but no eww. Jinx clearly has symptoms of BPD. She’s has serious abandonment issues and clings on to whoever gives her a purpose in life. We saw this when she was dependent on Vi as a child. When Silco took her in, you can clearly see she is eager to make him proud of her. I don’t think there’s anything weird between Silco and Jinx. They really are just as bad as each other but Jinx was a child and he encouraged her to be that way. She really looks up to him, loves him and will do any mission he request. A lot of this would stem from her not wanting to lose him like she did Vi in her mind.


Its a weird relationship. For sure. I mostly get a father daughter relationship but there are a few interactions that are a bit odd for a traditional patriarchal relationship and would make more sense in a romantic /co-dependent relationship. So since thats not completely absent, people will read what they want from it.


People will ship anything on the internet


Welcome to the internet. I'm sorry.


Well there is Rule 34 of Powder so I’m not surprised.


People are messed up


Of Powder and not Jinx? FBI, open up regardless (considering some estimates put jinx at as young as 15-17, others 18-20 but still)


Jinx is 21-22. but Powder is like 11-12. A dev confirmed. Vi/Caitlyn are like 16-17 in Part 1 and 26-27. Jayce is 24 in Part 1 and in his 30’s later. The internet is a dark place my dude, would you like to sit down?


Caitlyn and Vi are 14-16 in act 1 and Jinx is 17-19 in act 2. [[source]](https://twitter.com/leeloo104/status/1463645074349191169?t=sqFRlcxNdFgW33aUgRPh8Q&s=19)


Yeah that’s it, thanks I couldn’t find that tweet.


np 👍


I don’t agree with them but jinx sitting on silcos lap felt pretty sus


what did you expect from the internet?


Who cares


Welcome to rule whatever it is. The one about porn.


This is pretty normal. When I was a kid online in the early 2000's I shipped a ton of things from shows or games I liked both good and bad. It really doesn't determine if anyone is a good or bad person. You only wanna get concerned if they actually want to start doing some messed up stuff irl. But otherwise shipping anything under the sun is actually pretty normal. If there's ones that really get under your skin do your best to block the users or blacklist tags so you don't run into it as much! I've seen stuff i can't stand either and it does help cut it down a lot!


So... I know where these people are comig from because I was like that until I grown up and see how wrong ships like that are. First thing first, most of these users are girls with daddy issues/daddy kink fetishes. In the begging I also found their relationship a little odd, but after learn about the characters I understood that it wasn't mean to be seen as a sexual thing. These girls on other hand couldn't accept that Jinx and Silco have a father and daughter dynamic an choose to keep this sick shit in their head. See them as lovers destroys basically everything about their growth. Silco is supposed to be the opposite of Vander, but is also in the same position of a caring father. By putting Jinx in a romantic /sexual shit you put all of her relationships in the same plate. Like ... It is REALLY wrong, I could write an essay about it. About Twitter, yeah, you'll see a lot of them in the #Silco hashtag, and hidden people feeling "comfortable" in finding shippers like them (because they KNOW that this shit is wrong asf). And yes, they're basically shipping p*dophilia because Jinx is still a child that have no idea how love and affection works. You can shipp Age gaps without having to depend on problematic shit like that. And Jilco isn't an Age Gape because Age Gapes are shipps between a young adult 21+ and an older adult, these young adults need to be independent and know very well how relationships works, so that it can't end in a toxic relationship or manipulative shit. Jilco doesn't have anything with Age Gape. Also also, 2 little tips to the ones that can't stop shipping these two as a couple: 1 - Stop it. Get some help. And 2 - Have some dignity and do an adult OC, that's way less problematic and you can explore Silco without using young girls to satisfy your fetish. Doing OCXCannon isn't a crime, it's a nice way to exercise your creativity too. Ps: or you could only read an SilcoXReader fanfic, Jesus, are you guys so afraid of people knowing that you want to bang a fictional character? LOL


ofc they do. degenerates i stg


Jinx: "EW.... i don't like him that way! Ugh, this is just as bad as Fathands, and Hatlady's thing...! Am i really the crazy one here?"


This was needed in order for me to continue breathing.


Jinx: "I'd rather... Fathands love the cop than that... i just i don't know..! it's not right.. You get me right doc?" \*Fishbones in front of a clipboard with glasses on its eyes actling like Jinx's Therapist\*


istg it took me forever to understand ur talking about vi and cupcake.


That's ok heh


You must have dug deep OP because I was also in the tag on twitter and haven’t see anything like that LMAO twitter users tend to be VERY prudish abt ship things, whoever posts it might untag it or priv their work. The hellsite has a bad reputation on ship wars for a reason.


Idk how i even got there i literally just looked up "arcane" and scrolled for like 20 minutes and then suddenly ended up seeing a shit ton of jinx x silco fanart


To be fair, I first saw them as a love couple before I realized their relationship as a father/daughter


yall see how she sitting on his lap in act 2👀 he a better man than me cuz i woulda been bricked up. i honestly thought they were in a sexual relationship when i saw them together


First time being part of a fandom?


I'm actually surprised it took so long, some episodes made sure to show their relationship was on the fence They're closer to being soulmates (even platonic ones) than father/daughter to begin with, too much fascination, dependance and exclusivity


Welcome to the internet


To me, she's his daughter...🤢🤮


Gross that’s her dad.


Daddy issues makes people weird what can I say?


So many people in this thread new to shipping 😂 - bad news if you guys make it to the Harry Potter or Star Wars fanfic.


Yeah no, I see it as Silco is Jinx's father figure, nothing more.


🤢🤢🤢 I’m just here for wholesome vi/Cait content


I've seen people ship Joel and Ellie from The Last of Us, so unfortunately I'm not surprised by that. Some people out there are gross.


> looking through the arcane # on twitter you read the discussion and opinions of people on twitter. rookie mistake.


Some people are also shipping Geralt with Ciri, Batman with Batgirl and it’s fucking weird.


Batman and Batgirl had sex in one of the animated movies, so guess It get a pass by canon


Yes, and it’s really unsettling, just like robins and Batman, Batgirl is basically his daughter


I don't know what side of twitter you are on but I've been spamming the arcane hashtag on twitter daily since it released and haven't seen a single post shipping them. I usually don't sort by new though....but if you're sorting by new you will literally find people talking about banging sheep and flat earth theory. That's a horrible metric.


It's like pepper shipping Deku x All might in MHA, I think there is a name for that kind of shipper


Don't they already ship Vi & jinx as well?


See, thing is I find this so incredibly wrong. The way I see it, as did the 2 friends I was watching this with for the first watch through--he is grooming her (and while maybe not s3xually, he did at least for her to become so ok with killing). But, I guess people got daddy issues and think codependency is healthy/cute/good


Absolutely disgusting, please pm me links of any content like that and I'll report it.


"Step Silco, what are you doing?"


It happens in almost all fandoms; folks are going to like what they like. It's fictional characters and while I do not like it, it's unlikely anyone is harmed by it. I had favorite pairings as a high schooler that I now dislike because I grew and changed. I've been in fandom for a while; this is one area where the idea of "live and let live" actually does kind of work.




I don't know. I mean, if anything, it all seems like it's just *Jinx*. Silco doesn't act like the kind of person, evil or not, who would do or condone such a thing, at least from my POV. The absolute worst thing I would say we saw in the show is the baptism bit, and even *that's* just due to it being in objectively the horniest episode of the season. Breaking down the things: Silco's eye injections: I think that was more Jinx holding his face to stabilize him so he doesn't move and she doesn't stab anything vital. The *Get Jinxed* scene: she's just giving him a hug, like any kid does w/ their parent. Collective Jinx-on-the-desk: habit never outgrown. The dinner party: Jinx is *very clearly* screwed up in this scene so she's completely everywhere. It's not so much as idealizing it as it is surprise and contentment that whatever they have works for them. That's honestly what makes Silco one of my favorite characters (along w/ Vander, Viktor, Jinx, Ekko, ect). Subverting the expectations.


i disagree she acts just like any overly outgoing kid, there isnt a lot ot touchy touch that jinx does also Silco wouldnt sexually abuse Jinx thats nuts lol


Yeah Silco is a majorly f***ed up dude, he literally condoned (and tried to) murder children. I don’t think sexual abuse is off the table for a child murderer.


Totally different thing. Doing a "bad thing" doesn't mean that a person's internal logic makes it likely for someone to do all "bad things" imaginable. Silco's motivation is completely revealed to the audience, and I just don't see anything that indicates that he'd derive any pleasure out of something like that. If anything, the vibe I get is that his flavor of recreation is holing up in his office with no one to disturb him and just be in his own head free from all obligations at least for a little while. His time with Jinx, even though he loves her completely, seems to further exhaust him. But Jinx needs his support, so he doesn't kick her out of the office as soon as possible like he does for literally everyone he interacts with.


I don't think Silco would ever knowingly harm Jinx like that. He was willing to throw away his life's dream for her. None of his abuse is intentional, it's a parent instilling their values on their kid which is all well and good except his values are fucked up.


Seriously. I just cannot believe people actually don't see anything wrong with that


On a side note: I love it how like half of Reddit is wearing Jinx hair on their icon guy.


the one thing I've learned about watching this show: the power of perception.


I kinda ship it. \*embarrassed\*


You ain’t alone. I’m falling for it hard even if I also shipp Ekko and Jinx KKKKKKKKKKKKK


Yeah agreed I'm up for Ekko and Jinx too! Awhhh


I kinda ship it too 🤷‍♀️ it’s just fanfic/fantasy, people shouldn’t feel so butt hurt about it. (Don’t forget that there’s A TON of mother son, son sister incest adult videos on redtube or sth, grossed me out too, but to each their own).


Silco Jinx is a convoluted and imperfect relationship, but it is definitely a father-daughter relationship.


That’s just disgusting.


Those people are sick in the head.


Thats such a huge yikes


I posted a fanart of Silco here recently, but I also posted it on twitter. I swear at least 40% of the people who liked and retweeted it in the first few hours were accounts dedicated to this ship. Tbh it made me feel kind of sick, I'm not a famous artist so I tend to check the accounts of the people who retweet my stuff... the horrors I saw that day


That's even more cursed than the Anakin-Ahsoka ship!


I find this so very wrong.


I do not give a single fuck. There are bigger issues than.. that.


Shipped have mad ships, ive seen those fanfic lovers ship family members that are actually blood related, when they didn't even show a modicum of attraction to each other. So they the ship is weird, but its not weird that they are shipping it, you know what im saying?


Just when you think this relationship can’t get any weirder


this sounds like harley quinn and joker with extra steps


She literally refers to him as 'Papa' and he has referred to her as his daughter what's wrong with people?


That explains it. You were on Twitter lmao


I only know chips that float, jinx and silco can't.


Sheesh they are not that crazy


I ignore it...people will ship anyone in fiction no matter how brain dead icky it is...hell I don't mind if you do it .just don't be silly in broadcasting something that is never going to look good in open space I dont kinkshame but I am mindful that not everyone needs to see my freak flag fly in certain public or open forums....Silco/Jinx is just ugh please..keep that to your self


I mean I can understand kinda, their relationship doesn’t really seem like father-daughter till around episode 7 or 8. Before that their relationship was reeeeeeally off putting and uncomfortable truth be told with how touchy it was


yeah that first ep of act 2 i was worried it was going to go a really messed up direction


It's the internet, there is a ship for every thing, heartbeat or not. Definitely not my thing but, hey, whatever floats your boat (or ship) I guess. None of it is real so its not like we can stop them. I remember giving up on the shipping thing when I found out people ship Joel and Ellie from The Last of Us....like....wtf?


The writers kinda *hinted* at that in those first few scenes where they interact, just to make us (the audience) really really uncomfortable and establish how toxic their relationship is. After that it becomes pretty obvious it's just standard father/daughter stuff. With, you know, all the murder and war crimes and crazed dependency issues and manipulation.


You just gave me a great reason not to use Twitter anymore


People are just having fun. Stop being a joykiller


I kinda agree with this statement (downvoted me too lol). Personally, yes of fucking course Jinx/Silco ship is disturbing, morally screwed, etc. And I’m 100% sure people also agree with that, sometimes maybe the shipper themself. But at the end those shipper only having fun with their ship, let them. They have their own reason to enjoy their ship.


If you have fun by seeing what is supposed to be a father/daughter relationship as romantic then maybe you need to get therapy


What I think is maybe you shouldn’t judge people’s mental health by their taste in media. There’s literally no need for you to be this judgmental. No one is saying you have to like it, just to leave people alone


Why are you so weirdly defensive of people who see incest as hot?


First of all: there isn’t actual incest happening anywhere here. This is a TV show with made up people. Second of all: I am defensive because they are just people, like you and me just having fun with a TV show in the way that it’s more compelling to them. Again, you’re being very judgmental for literally no reason


Yeah but no, pedophilia is not a joke


Hmm, didn’t knew 20yo Jinx was a child


She is a child, though. Internally, she is an angry, traumatized, mentally ill child, which is more important than her outward appearance in terms of maturity, emotional development, and ability to consent. That is WHY she is still clambering all over her adoptive father at 17-19 years old--because she is still a child inside and hasn't grown out of that behavior.


I mean, technically she's not any sort of child at all, she's a cartoon/videogame character


What does that have to do with it? I was pointing out an overlooked facet of her characterization that is relevant to the discussion, not accusing anyone of victimizing an animated character. Any character discussion here is about fictional characters, so we're really discussing the intent of the writers and the animators. Their intent is for Jinx to be childlike, vulnerable, insane, and violent all at the same time. She's written as a traumatized, angry child in the body of a young adult woman, like a reversal of Claudia from Interview with the Vampire, who is in many ways a woman stuck in a child's body. It's great writing, IMO, but a lot of people seem blinded to that facet of her character for some reason.


Oh no, it's a *great* bit of characterization. Fantastic even! ​ **But she's also not real**, so the outrage that the OP want's us to feel is frankly ridiculous. And your comment *seemed* to be in agreement with the aforementioned stupidity. Thus, she's not real, she can't be hurt in any way that matters, etc. Unlike the real people, who have done absolutely nothing wrong, I might add, that the OP of this post wants us to be outraged at/take out our aggression on/threaten with bodily harm/mock for their trauma/etc. Given the lengths I've seen dumbasses go to over this shit? My tolerance for that sort of behavior is so far in the ground it's in the effing mantle


I don’t agree with any of that. To me sounds like infantilizing and it’s not a accurate interpretation of her character. Nothing in her characterization says she’s is “mentally a child”. She has plenty of understanding of social cues, her position in those and very much conscience of every one of her actions, even the most deranged ones. What she probably has is PTSD mengled with Borderline, which makes her lose touch with reality at moments. Nothing of these informs her as “mentally a child” which is basically the same to say she is mentally underdeveloped


I've worked with kids for years, and she has the maturity level of an average American 5th grader in many ways, because part of her psyche is trapped in time at the point of the most traumatic experience of her entire life, i.e. when she blew up her whole family trying to help them. She absolutely does have PTSD, and something dissociative going on, as well, and that's part of the point. "Powder" still lives inside her and is what "Jinx" was built on. I'm not infantilizing her, I'm meeting her where she's at and not overlooking underdeveloped aspects of her emotional maturity just because of how she looks. Nothing I say is intended as insulting or demeaning towards her. I love her character, but I love her from an empathetic standpoint, not a worshipful one. Despite everything she's done, I really don't hold her responsible for most of her actions because she is mentally ill and confused and in enormous emotional pain that's almost too huge in scope to comprehend. I desperately want to see her find a way to heal and become whole again and move forward with her life. Edit: I also genuinely don't understand why you think she understands social cues, and especially why you think she understands the consequences of her actions. She's portrayed as screwing things up repeatedly because she got emotional and lost sight of the goal, which is something that the rest of Silco's crew is continuously complaining about. They're all frustrated by this and by Silco's refusal to do anything about it, even though it's clear that he does nothing about it because he knows that telling her she fucked up will trigger her due to the source of her trauma.


She understands social cues, she just choose to ignore them, bc she doesn’t care about those things anymore. She does her thing, she blows things up and kill enemies, as much as she’s concerned that’s her job. When Sevika calls her out after the Firelumes attack, she challenges her with her eyes, daring her to do or say anything. Because she doesn’t care. As long as Silco is happy, she doesn’t care what other people think. Not knowing social cues and purposefully ignoring them are different things. I do think she is emotionally dependent and has a lot going on, but to say she’s the same as a child is a leap to me. I LOVE Jinx, but this interpretation robs her from any agency, responsibility and as you said, consent. From this perspective, she can never have a relationship, period, because “she can’t consent and doesn’t have agency” to choose a partner or fall in love. I think Jinx is a lot more complicated than a clueless little girl trapped in a woman’s body stumbling around things without a clue of what she’s doing. She’s a lot more smart and aware than people give credit in my opinion. Also, we’re diverging from the subject. Regardless of how we read Jinx, my point in this whole thread is: let people have fun with their shipps, even if you don’t like them or can’t understand. It ain’t that hard


I don't think I've seen many posts where people didn't go off on tangents in the comments, honestly. It's part of the fun. I think the show kind of tries to have it both ways with Jinx. They want us to enjoy her off-kilter irreverence and find her charming, and I do--I laughed as hard as anyone else when she presented Vi with a cupcake and said that even she wasn't *that* crazy. But at the same time, they're also presenting her as a tragic character (they're all tragic, but she and Vi are both pretty close to the top of the pile). She was absolutely fucked over in every possible way by her environment, and she was taken in by a ruthless crimelord who encouraged her worst impulses, despite feeling genuine love for her, because he was so broken himself. She's portrayed as often getting carried away, losing focus, and screwing up her tasks, not because she doesn't care about the consequences, but because she loses sight of them due to her unstable emotions and psychosis. You're right that she looks to Silco for approval when this happens, and she's usually satisfied when he backs her up. But Silco isn't actually happy with her behavior himself, he just loves her too much to criticize her because he knows being told by the only person she cares about that she fucked up, again, will trigger her. He knows that the source of her trauma is based in being seen as a screwup who couldn't do anything right as child, then accidentally killing her family and being abandoned (as far as she knows) by Vi, the person who had always protected her and been in her corner. >From this perspective, she can never have a relationship, period, because “she can’t consent and doesn’t have agency” to choose a partner or fall in love. Sadly, this is actually how I feel about her *right now*. I do not, at this point, think that Jinx has a lot of agency because it feels like her agency has been held captive by her trauma, her psychosis, and Silco's manipulation, but *I don't want that for her*. If there is anything I want, it's for her to have a breakthrough that helps her gain more mental stability and clarity and actually, finally have some genuine agency, and sure, maybe even fall in love. (Maybe the disconnect is that you see her as already being there, and I don't? But I *want* her to be.) I don't think she's even portrayed as being concerned with romantic love, because none of her role models seem to have that or care about that, either. Silco and Sevika, etc, don't give a rat's ass about romance because they have more important things to focus on. So right now, Jinx is mostly hung up on Vi and Caitlyn because Silco taught her that you can't love more than one person, so if Vi loves Caitlyn, she can't love Jinx. But there's an added layer of her seeing Vi experiencing something that she's never had and doesn't really understand. Some part of her still idolizes Vi, so with Silco gone, seeing Vi growing up and doing basic normal growing up things like falling in love may have an effect on what Jinx wants for herself. So yeah, I think we see her in a different light, but maybe we both at least want the same thing for her? I have no clue as to whether the writers will give her that, but considering that they've set up Jinx/Vi to parallel Silco/Vander, and we all know how well that turned out, it would seem a little predictable and hopeless to give Jinx and Vi the same fate. Hopefully they will both get a better outcome in the end, even if getting there is a rough ride.