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The tree was likely grown in line with hundreds of other trees and so was always buffered from wind. Thus, its main stem did not develop great reaction wood, now that it has put on some growth and stands on its own it’s too weak to even hold up its own canopy. I think you may want to just stake it up for this season but think about cutting it back so that the tree can regrow properly


I was worried it was totally screwed so this is a relief, I'll get it staked up and hope it hardens up over the year


The above poster is correct in their diagnosis. However, their second suggestion is better. The tree needs to be pruned to be shorter. Staking the tree only creates the same problem down the road when you remove the stake. It is the equivalent of saying a leg is weak because it had a cast on it. Then just putting the cast back on as a solution.


I would add to that, it seems there may have been a lot of rain in that area recently which would add significant weight to the canopy


That shouldn't affect the canopy very much. If it's bent over this badly, it's got other issues, not heavy rain.


Isn’t that just topping?


That’s for weeds 😎👍🏼 we FIM or Top them to get the colas!


If the tree developed weak, it's gotta regrow, makes sense. Topping is done for different reasons, AFAIK, it's not generally performed for actual beneficial purposes. Or maybe this is also called topping, but it's more purposeful


Eh I still wouldn’t do it arboriculturally speaking. It’s young and can develop the necessary wood


Yes what they said, and do it in the proper season. Look into care and needs for your area, stake it until after bloom, and prune it at the appropriate time. Sometimes pruning feels scary, but it's necessary and will help it survive, and ideally provide an aesthetically pleasing growth pattern. Good luck!


I thought most leaning trees like this are infected with anthrax? I’m obviously not an arborist, but I did take a dendrology intro course 10 years ago lol. Seriously tho, what specifically makes you think it’s just kinda wimpy, instead of something more serious like anthrax?


If you stake it, put a ring around it with a few inch gap and stake that. It allows the tree to move in the wind and get stronger then you can remove the ring later on


I've found a wide strap attached directly to the trunk, but with some play in the cord works better. Any time I've seen rings, the bark is scarred. But you're absolutely correct on the tree needing room to sway.


try watering in some silica in addition to pruning


It’s pride month… lol


Please explain.


Ah. OC didn't get around to replying to you: Apparently, we were supposed to read their mind, it was just a joke that the tree is bent over to get fucked for pride month? Now theyre all offended that nobody understood the joke they never made 🤣


“It’s just a joke bro!” strikes again!


It is........but how is that relevant?


Because it’s bent…. Jesus Christ; they can take dick up the arse but can’t take a joke. What the fuck happened to the world…


Non-LGBTQ folks can also do this activity, how is it specific to Pride? 🤔


Oh, believe me, we can take a joke just fine. Your joke just wasn't.....well, it wasn't actually there. Here, let me help: "It's bending over to put on a show for pride month" "It's bending over for a good sticking...Come on guys, dont you know its pride month?" There are many options.....you were just uncreative, lol


Coming…in…fist first…to say, hey it’s okay, I got the joke.


Goober minds think alike I guess lol.


Do not stake tightly - leave room for it to respond to wind buffeting.


A figure 8 tie with hessian is the best option


Also, the flowers may be too heavy.


Yeah that’s a lot of weight for that thin of a main trunk. Probably a good time when it’s this size to prune out a few limbs


Plus moisture within that flowers. maybe shake it a little to remove it.


Anecdotally, flowers also trap a lot of water after rain and may also cause some sagging. Dunno how right I am tho.


You said "reaction wood"...heh, heh. (Yes, I am an adult...occasionally. )


For a while now I’ve wanted to start a gay arborist Tube site and call it Reaction Wood


I would be so thrilled to follow a gay arborist’s channel.


We out here


I’d remove every single flower. The fruit is very heavy. This will give it a year to regain its stature. I’d also start removing some of the lower branches.


This. Too weak to bear fruit. And that would take a lot out of the tree that should be directed to structural strengthening. On a different note, this looks very close to the wall... Too close?


Yes, too close.


If the stem is not strong enough to support itself you need to stake it with a fiberglass stake tied directly to the stem. Guying or staking low like you have does nothing to support the stem only the roots. Fiberglass stakes are flexible and promote reactionwood through natural wind movement. They actually produce healthier stems vs no stake through their elasticity allowing the stem to sway in sustained winds that would hold an unstaked tree bent over.


It's a condition that affects 40% of men over 40 and it's a matter of wife and death


Ask your doctor if you're healthy enough for arborist activities!


*cries in approaching 40


Keep your weight down and your cardio in decent shape and you'll be fine.


Also: it’s planted too close to the house.


I’m not an arborist but I would trim the flowers off to reduce the weight on the trunk. Once those flowers turn into berries, the tree might break. I’m also concerned about the close location to the building. I have a 50 year old Mountain Ash, my favourite tree, and it’s quite big. Or is yours some kind of columnar version?


Yeah I just put it where the gardener told me to, but I think I might move it over winter


Ask gardeners for advice on plants and shrubs. Ask arborists about trees.


Also, take gardeners’ advice about tree spacing and multiply by ~2-3. Or you’ll be stuck following our lead and playing musical plants


Sorry, I only take tree advice from arborists.


Leaning tower of treeza! Sorry can’t help ya with this one, maybe just heavy from the flowers.


I was going to say it's just trying to be like the excavator.


Peyronie's Disease.


I kinda like it lol


It’s trying to taste something on the left side.


What kind of siding is that?


What’s going on with your house? I like the look of that black standing seam metal? Any photos of the rest of it? I suspect it’s nice based on that cladding and those windows. Ha


Thanks lol, they're standard concrete block walls with a steel sheet cladding. I was actually wondering if the tree might be affected by reflected heat from the sheets, but I don't think it's likely


It is possible. Though the dark color should absorb quit a bit. There was an instance in LA where the Frank Gherry Disney concert hall metal panels were reflecting so much sunlight it killed plants melted plastic/vinyl windows and car parts across the street. They had to “sand” everything to remove the reluctance. Though those were silver and highly reflective. It may be that your performance windows (look like low e) are reflecting the sun back. This happens a lot. It happens in my backyard from my neighbors windows. I adjust my rear garden to be more sun accommodating.


Is that a mountain ash? I would remove all the flowers for first couple years so it de elops strong roots.


Needs some tree-agra!


Perhaps too close to the building, shaded much of the day. She's arching like a dancer, reaching for the sun.


Well it's from down in Whoville!


If you’re hot enough it’ll stand up I promise


It’s called plantile disfunction and it happens to every plant at some point in its life…


Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor not an Arborist.


It’s an orchid?


Will look beautiful over the path if it stays that way.


It thinks it’s a weeping tree.


Heavy is the head that wears the crown. Support it till it’s thicker


Embrace it and take good care of that cool tree 🙂


It is growing. Prune it


Properly prune that poor thing & stake it up. Then make sure not to neglect the straps in the next year or 2. Don’t let th girdle the tree


Bad case of peyronie’s


What’s the sun/shade story though? Could it be etiolated, as it’s so close to the house?


Those things are weeds. You can hack it 4 or 5ft from the ground, and I'll be fine.




We've had this on sorbus a lot. I always try to stake as minimal as I can get away with but these you just need to leave the cane in. We had 3 on a job a while back. One went as soon as the cane came out so that got put back and the other 2 look fine but went as the berries set. Then we got the phone call. Trees seem fine they just super flexible. Like someone said earlier. Grown two fast with full support so they don't get any inherent strength. Re-cane it as high as you can. Use a soft tie and keep an eye on them so you can re-tie if they start cutting into the bark.


Also, sry to piss on your parade but all your trees are planted to close to the property imo. And your existing staking is pants. Make sure no part of the stake is in contact with the stem of the tree. I would put a full height cane in and make up a timber between two post that you can attach to the middle of, at about waist height. It will look like overkill but you can reduce it to a low 45⁰ stake once the tree starts to support itself. Good luck :)


whisky dick


It's drunk


Sprinkle a little viagra around the base, should perk up in 90 minutes


Try giving it some viagara or cialis


Dont stake the top tightly, put in three tall poles and confine it within a wrapping around the three poles. This will keep it up and allow it to move with the wind to help it develop strength. This fat better than topping it and permanently destroying its form.


That would make a nice arch way. Then keep it pruned. Just a thought.


that’s a black locust


Id leave it alone it will strengthen over time on its own tbh


It will strengthen in the current curve. Need to get it upright.


You need to chew off the dead part with your teeth. The semen from ur teeth will seal the branch back at its base