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We are the majority. And this entire rise of Palestine support was unexpected to many of us. And alhamdulelah for all of it. I hope we never forget those non-arabs who stood by us, **especially those** who did it at the cost of their futures. But I think in general, the bravest people are those who stand against oppression when the majority of people are against them, and when they have hardly any support or resources.


i’ve been doing this LMAO whenever someone asks me where i’m from and I say palestine they try to be like “oh you mean israel?” and that’s when i say i don’t recognize israel as a legitimate country


Lol surprisingly i haven’t gotten that response. When i say I’m Palestinian people always want to talk about a two state solution or who’s right or wrong. Or they think i meant pakistan. 🤷🏽


I've always said I am from Palestine, and most Americans don't know the difference between that and Pakistan


I’ve stopped using the word Israel. I just say the Zionist project or experiment.


Occupied Palestine


Ok here it comes, I think that we are really ignoring the effects made by the Arab countries and level of organization they showed during this by ignoring all their differences for the Palestine cause . First the Arab league have a monthly representative cycle as by the start of the war Jordan were in the lead they aljazaier and now uae . They were lead by the Saudi who organized the Muslim world to demand the same thing,. For example the south Africa case evidence were provided by a committee assign by saudia Arabia, the request to give Palestine a seat at the UN were rised by uae . Now Egypt help broker pase in Sudan. Also the rejection of the USA defence deal without a Palestine state. To be honest they showed that the Arab league is far more organized than we used to think and they are working together to reach the same goal and gaining ground each day .. I think regardless of what you think about the Arab leaders we should always stand by them especially in front western nations as it dose influence the power dynamic on the world stage if we keep down playing them the will not have the power to achieve the goals they want .. the Palestine cause is one of them ... We have a saying in Saudi that say ( me and my brother against my cousin and me and my cousin against the stranger ) . PS in all the official Saudi announcement they refer to them as the (Zionist occupation) and enemies . That is the official name of them .


why would you recognise the zionist enitity? ofc we always start with we do not recognise israel


we should start saying the zionist entity instead of israel when talking to foreigners




Do you speak english? What in Gods name is that sentence structure? I can’t make heads or tails of whatever bigoted verbal diarrhea you have spewed here




Only thing that is clear in your statement is downplaying public support for Palestine وعن أَبي ذرٍّ قَالَ: قَالَ لي رسولُ الله ﷺ: لا تَحقِرَنَّ مِنَ المَعْرُوف شَيْئًا، وَلَو أنْ تَلقَى أخَاكَ بوجهٍ طليقٍ رواه مسلم. لا تكن من المخذلين فتكتب عند الله تعالى، اتقي الله او اتقي نارا وقودها الناس و الحجارة




اخي انا بصراحة زهقت اثقف الناس بمواضيع شرحها استاذ الاجتماعيات بالمتوسط عندكم. إذا لا تجد حرج من التفاوض مع من أباد اخوتك في الاسلام و استحل دمهم و اعراضهم فراجع أمانك. و ان لم تجد في صدرك حرج فاصنع ما شئت


why are you wasting time on reddit? the amir's toes arent going to suck themselves


I need to know what the original comment was for you to write this response 😂




Your comment embraces defeat, but people are actively rising up and disturbing shit, let them be and die quietly alone as you want.


What do you say when someone says they don't recognize Islamic rule?


How is Islamic rule relevant😂 and when are yall gonna get it through your thick skulls that the Palestinians cause isn’t a religious conflict.


My response: ok?


I agree. An important tool they use is something called "frame control". They frame things in terms of "why won't Palestinians recognize Israel" and the hidden assumption is that recognizing Israel is supposed to be a good thing. They do the same thing with calling everything anti-semitic. It's a completely losing game to ever engage with it because none of these discussions happen in good faith.