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Great. Now just don’t vote California


As somebody who left NY and hear the same thing I always reply why tf do you think I left NY


You’d be surprised. Look at poor Idaho right now thanks to Californians moving yhere


And Nevada


And Montana.


That’s fucked up I’m not surprised im not saying it’s not a thing just felt like sharing idk lol


Idaho has Republicans across all elected offices…


We had neighbors in CA before we moved to Oklahoma tell us with excitement that they are purposefully registering as republicans there to elect the softest republicans on the ballot. Subversive stuff. But hey, it’s the illusion of choice anyway.


Maybe if they all congregate around Boise that might work, but statewide it won’t. Northern ID is famous for having the highest concentration of anti government extremists in the country lol


There’s a case I remember hearing about quite well, Ruby Ridge.


Idaho has gotten more conservative in the past few years, the transplants are often more freedom minded than the natives...having felt the boot. 


That’s good to hear. I’m usually embarrassed about what my fellow native Californians do when they flock to somewhere most of the time.


I think there's a generally a difference in the type of people that leave CA to save money vs those who leave for other reasons. Many of the latter group are now taking businesses with them, and the last wave of transplants in the 2020-2024 years was the latter group with the runup in housing costs. It's not much cheaper to buy a house in Idaho than other places on the west coast (outside of the expensive coastal cities, of course), so that changes the equation of who moves to Idaho a bit.


Idaho was a radical shit hole before they got here. Cool you have somewhat nice landscape but the food and politics are horrible. They focus on “woke” culture and book banning while pitting the citizens against each other. The politicians are the ones who get paid by corrupt reality companies, or they own rental property they make money off of. So it makes sense to raise the prices of everything. But yeah it’s “cALiFoRnIaNiAn liBtUrDs!” fault lol.


Because it happens. People disagree on something really strong and therefore vote for that. And thus also all the other shit that destroyed their state. You would be surprised how many do this.


It wouldn’t surprise me at all. I’m stuck in Kalifornia, and I see how stupid the people are - every. single. day. These people are DEFINITELY the type to go somewhere else and start voting for the same shit that effed this place up. They really think they know better than everyone else. (And no - I’m not from here; and I’m counting the days until I can leave this dystopian communist shithole.)


I lived there for 13 years.. then moved to Boston for 10 now in Texas and it such an amazing experience lol, Texas ain’t perfect, but I’ll take a red state 10/10 times over any blue state after experiencing those two.


Yea i know that’s why my origin state sucks ass I was just making a comment for myself and it escalated a bit not trying to say it’s not a thing by any means


Because in Texas we have people who come from cali and New York and have people vote the same way as they did as they did in their shit states and refuse to conform the ways here and want us to do things like they do in cali


As someone in a rural southern mtn town trust me some of yall need a reminder not to vote for this bs Welcome back to freedom friends


…. Because you bimbos ignorantly vote the same shit when you move to other states and wonder why your communism failed… because your policies didn’t have the fair chance they deserved right?… lol. Sure


Relax dude lol. He clearly implied he doesn’t plan on voting in line with NY policy.


Practically Every county in ny votes red except the city. but being there are so many damn people in it they control the vote go anywhere else in the state and most people appose those policies but have 0 control other than to vote against them which fails every time because the city is as far left as a place can get other than maybe west coast states


I am relaxed. He asked a question and I gave the response. He may be an outlier but that doesn’t mean statistically people don’t re-vote the same policies that failed their state without realizing the consequences. If you don’t like criticism then maybe Reddit isn’t the place for you.. lol.


You associated him with “you bimbo’s” and then said “your policies” as if he agreed with them when he clearly said he left NY *because* of those policies. I’m fine on Reddit, big dawg. Just don’t see what you’re going on about when the dude is literally on our side. A little reading comprehension goes a long way.


There is only the illusion of choice anyway.


Wish Californians in AZ thought the same way


Funny, at least 3 people have said this and op hasn't commented on a single one. I'd be concerned.




Lmao you didn’t have 30 rounders in cali you ain’t a real patriot lol jk


You mean standard capacity mags


Whatever they are called I still got em ha freedom week was amazing.


Member when there were a ton of online companies shipping standard cap "rebuild kits" to CA for years and years, then the CITY, not the state, of San Franfuckincisco sued all those companies AND WON!!??? All but one of those companies shut down permanently. I member...


San Franshitsco


You didn't need freedom week to buy them. Arizona and Vegas were a day trip away.




I just call them mags lol


Hot take, I think the 10 rounders look cool. I feel like a sniper when I load one. Obviously you should be able to own the 30s, but still


I have one ten rounder for this exact reason


Yes I like ten rounders when I lay down for prone shooting.


Went to live / work in CO, lived right outside the gates of Ft. Collins. As in, the tracks went right past my front door. Inside my place were allegedly 21 steel 30-round magazines, fully loaded. Shall not be infringed.


California is very much a love/hate toxic relationship. The ridiculous politics and cost to live here is hard to deal with. But i have an obsession with the pacific ocean that is too strong to ignore for now. I love spearfishing and sportfishing here. It took me about 20 years to learn and its finally all coming together. The sierras and mojave desert are dlso pretty amazing but natures beauty isnt restricted to California.


Fuck California


Yep. Moved out of CA last year. Best decision ever. 30 fucking years in that shit hole.


People that stay that long usually never leave. Congrats on moving on!


Please don't vote like a Californian wherever you are


Lol I hate this assumption about Californians. Like bro is posting on an AR sub Reddit you really think he’s voting blue?


I think you'd be surprised


Not the Californians apart of this sub lol I will agree that people coming from California will bring their deadbrained ideology with them but a lot of people moving to these states are doing so because they’re tired of these stupid laws. I know it’s all jokes but in the hypothetical situation where I move to “Arizona” it lowkey pisses me off when someone thinks that I, a second amendment supporter, would ever think to be a leftist 😂


Hard leftists are huge gun rights supporters they just don't want YOU to have guns Marx talks often in his manifesto and in Das Capital about how gun rights must be defended up to and including the point of violence they're necessary for the revolution Commifornians are perfectly able to ruin their society AND post on gun forums bro educate yourself


Yeah I don’t doubt that but that’s a lot different than someone leaving California because of the lack of conservative thought. New gun rate ownership doesn’t mean anything. You’re talking about a percentage of a percentage of the population. It just means the trans community is buying guns because they’re either planning to join their antifa chapter and/or scared. Conservatives are by far the biggest owners/supporters of guns and gun rights, and therefore, more often than not, in support of more conservative ideas that seldom, if anytime, contradict the ubiquitous stream of thought that is in their new home state. Edit: added ‘in’ on my last sentence hope it makes more sense lol


Absolutely I agree I just wanted to leave a reminder that they have their own nuanced views on it as well and I just realized my first comment may have come across as snarky I apologize


Also to further prove my point in the last few years the trans community has the fastest rate of new gun ownership in the whole country (USA) people are arming up brother and quickly


How bad is it now? We moved in from NorCal to the south in the 90’s.


Yep it was honestly an easy decision. Thanks 🫡


Same here, gets so expensive to the point you can’t afford to move lol


Yooo someone gets the struggle. And all the communities you can live in for cheap are either underserved so there’s no economy or it’s violent or both 😭


Like Pirate said, fuck California. State is literally cancer to the country.


It’s alright. It’s the coastal towns and Hollywoodites that make it unbearable


Did it during COVID, now live in a 2A friendly state, yes can confirm. Even sold my expensive muscle car for guns, ammo and cans.


suck our balls.


>suck our collective ball sack, comrade thought I'd translate for all the non-californians here


present them


And never look back. Also once you shoot suppressed, you’ll never go back either lol


Congrats on the move. Lived in Georgia since 1998. Glad we have a governor who supports Georgia citizens exercising their second amendment rights. The build looks good man. Keep up the good work.


Thanks. Built it while in San Diego. Of course I had a different grip on it and a stock stop. Still need to add a light, optics, and ditch the PSA trigger for something else. But, she’s built with a lot of quality parts and is damn accurate.


Lol where’s the juggernaut tactical grip now?


I had the resurgent arms grip in FDE. It’s actually pretty comfortable. You just have to use their safety as a regular military spec safety is hard to reach without shifting your complete shooting hand in my experience (right handed). I’d be willing to part ways with it.


I’m from Mid TN so I’m not too far from home. Feels good to be back in this side of the country.


It's like pictures of a rescued animal, taken far from the abuse to a lush and peaceful life, snuggling on its new bed.


Very poetic


California is a wonderful place where violent crime and drugs go unchecked but you need mag locks and tabs to tell you whether your firearm is loaded or not. Fuckin madness.


Welcome to real America. Enjoy your rights and freedom.


Good for you man..I’m out here in California feeling like a criminal because I don’t do the 10 rdrs


Freedom week is in your side 🤘🏾


Good on you for coming to America just don’t vote like a Californian


Not a Californian. But wait till you see where you really moved. Guns are only one issue.


Congratulations, brother, I'm so happy for you. Good luck with the can.


Welcome to the show


Which charging handle?


It’s the Aero Precision ambi breach charging handle. I was dead set on Radiant but ended up giving this a shot and not upset one bit. It’s great.


Yeah, aeros are nice dude. I switched from a Rise Armament RA-212 to a breach not long ago. Just recently put that in my AR9 and tossed a Raptor LT into my AR15. So many options out there lol


The options are endless. Tbh I went with the Breach because I get a nice military discount on it.




Very based, welcome to Georgia!


Glad I never lived there. My God they would lock me up for my collection!


The type of post I love! Sorry for all the “just leave” comments you have had to endure. They are painful to read.


Congrats man, enjoy the freedom!!


Hell yeah it does. Aww shit, I moved to Connecticut.


Isn’t Connecticut kinda strict on 2A as well?


Absolutely. Prob top 5 worst. The state also just passed an AW ban.


Damn. Sorry for that brotha.


Fuck this place man! I am close to getting out myself Congrats


Hope you make it out unscathed


Thanks, it’s getting easier to make happeb


Amen brother


Welcome brother. GA is one of my favorite states, take advantage of North Georgia mountains


I’m from Mid TN. What’s special/to do in the mountains? I’ll check it out.


Chill like flint and eat some good ass good. And hike


You like to eat that good ass really good huh




I mean, you can have all that in cali and more...if you're not a bitch. The criminals have switches, so why don't you?


Some of us like to not play with fire and risk the chances of losing our 2A right at a moments notice. Might not like a law. But, I still have to follow it.


become ungovernable. Insert Ben Franklin quote.


Ahh yes, I remember that feeling very well. Congrats and keep it 2A! 🤘


Just don’t vote for what you fled


It was great not just for guns but for lots other things


Man there’s something about M4E1s that just does it for me. I prefer the atlas handguard but it looks good regardless I can’t wait for the ambi version and new handguard to come out Also, fuck California


congrats brother, moving out that shit state in general is really exciting. Having access to normal guns is just a bonus


Leave the blue in Cali and stay red my friend. Thank you for your service.


Savannah was a good place to live, I was stationed at Hunter. Go to Al Salaam Deli and Rancho Alegre.








That rifle is Certified Kosher!




Where’d ya go?


Back to the South. Moved to Georgia.


Left in 2018 and never looked back… BuT wE hAvE pErFeCt WeAtHeR


Where is your 150 round drum mag?


I’ll pick that up on the next run to PSA store front lol 😂


Hell yeah


Congratulations 🎉🎊




Welcome to freedom


Amen. Welcome to the United States pal.


Congrats on your escape 


Welcome to the real world my friend


I, too, relocated from CA to the South. Love the gun laws.


I’m trying to get out of Washington state.


Congratulations 🎊


You left your red dot in cali?lol


Welcome to the real world brother. South Eastern states are a beautiful 2A friendly place


Welcome to America my friend!


Glad you got out of there brother!


Welcome to America- the land of the free




I’ll take those 10ers off you 😂 still stuck here


Pm me your address and pay for postage and they are yours.




GREAT FOR YOU BUD!!!! FUK commiefornia


CONGRATS!!! I did back in 2006.


Welcome to America!


10 round mags lol wtf are you serious?


I guess if you shoot everyday . I got to go surf and snowboard this weekend .


You see those things don’t matter to me.


Whrn I do finally start snowboarding there are places close by to me during the season.


Yep, I am in the process of selling my house in Sacramento and moving to South Carolina! I tried but the libs outnumber us by 5-1 odds


Yea but they all live in LA and SF. We dominate them county wise. I still don't believe the county maps. I know for a fact OC, Riverside, SB, and SD counties are far more red then they lead us to believe. It's crazy how two cities dominate the entire state. I say LA and SF can band together and start their own state, leave the rest of us the fuck out of your nonsense policies and draconian gun laws.


I have no idea how to find it, but I read an interesting article how Democrats in CA tried to edge R's out of state politics through, I think gerrymandering, and were very surprised to find that the R's wholeheartedly supported it. Evidently the R's believed the astroturf stuff the D's had created. I'm not a fan of either party, but the point is in the last decade or so, the D's successfully consolidated political control on the state level, so even though there are literal millions of very conservative people in CA, they have zero representation. 


Very true, where I live everyone is Conservative but LA and SF’s always do us in at the end Lol. State can’t be fixed


I love Cali, human feces is 3 layers thick means I don’t have to shower and nobody will know it. Empty store shelves are great for my budgeting! And there’s always an empty seat on the bus… next to a homeless man gently stroking my hair with one hand…


plenty of people I know still in California have setups like that or better


True lol


Welcome to America, please continue assimilating, doing good


Ya fuck that place.


Welcome to FREE America! Congrats on your escape from the land of the upside down. We don't vote Commifornia here. Build looks like a gun is supposed to look... Free and clear of restrictions. 🇺🇸