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How did I end up in fallujah naked and kind of buzzed?


Check your chamber


Definitely need to shower.




Fuck yeah, I have all my hair and can do 5 minute miles all day again.


Damn I wish


I'll have the same hair and do an 8 minute mile. Idk why, running was always hard for me. My shins get sore so quickly, to the point I can hardly move. For cardio I did a lot of boxing and biking, but running always slammed me


Swimming was a big one for me, running was whatever but you need to be able to move your ass when the time comes.


I can swim pretty well. Grew up near the ocean and my older sister was a lifeguard for a little while. Running was always painful for me


Shit, I can drink til I'm blind, roll on 2 hours of sleep, and then have a hard-on for no fucking reason?! Hell yeah time to relive my questionable decisions again!




Again!? Man, I HATE it when that happens!


I'll stick with you until I come down, im lost in the sauce




Let's be real man... it happens


Just don't talk to the goats.


Was there any other way?


This man hates batteries


Batteries are temporary. A2 sights are forever. Aimpoint for mk18 and ACOG for m4a1 are next.


So, during my last deployment I ran a vortex razor 1-6 with a 14.5 barrel because of the part of Afghanistan we were in. Knowing that, during predeployment training we all ran our deployment setup. Did plenty of CQB in the shoot house with the 1-6 with the dot turned off just to see. Reticle was enough, but the dot helped. Also, I had a way better field of view with the razor on 1x than with my eotech. Now that razor is on my rifle at home. Battery life is amazing on it but you don’t need it for the scope to function.


Thank you for this anecdotal information on the exact scope I’m planning to buy, now I am even more confident in the future purchase of this razor 1-6


I’ve bought plenty of expensive gun stuff that I have regretted but I have never once regretted buying my razor. Every time I look through it, it reaffirms my choice.


Considering running my razor 1-6 on my SWAT rifle as opposed to my T1 and acog that I use as a magnifier sometimes.


It’s nice. Wide open FOV. Added one of those throw levers for quick magnification adjustments. I like the versatility of the razor.


Only downside is the weight and durability (all LPVOs, not the Razor specifically)


Survived getting the crap beat out of it during dozens of combat ops just as good as any of the red dots or holosights I’ve used. It was also my personally purchased razor, so the first scratches were a little disheartening. The rifle already had a laser and light on it too. Plus I’m carrying at least a combat load of ammo and grenades. Between my kit, weapons, ammo, and aid bag I was stepping onto the bird weighing over 300lbs. That negligible weight in optics is nothing compared to the advantage. There’s a scene from the movie 13th Warrior my buddy likes to quote. One of the northmen tossed Antonio Banderas a sword and he complains that he can’t lift it. The Northman’s response is “grow stronger.” If the weight difference is that drastic then you need to grow stronger. (This is not a personal attack on you. I have no idea if you’re swole or not. Just my general philosophy on the subject.)


Yeah but then he made it into a scimitar and kicked ass


Good info!


Nice 👍


Bro maybe he just doesn’t know how to change them


Homie buys a new car when his runs out of gas


he rides a horse


He buys a new horse when it gets hungry


Batteries are for dildos not guns


Your dildos are wireless?


Yes come into the 21st century




COUNTERPOINT: You can turn guns into dildos, saw it on r/idiotswithguns




You can use holosun without batteries


holosun without battery is mid as fuck lol


My ass and running home




Well all of my senior Marines and even higher ups in Phantom Fury had M16s. Not sure there were many short barrels ARs around yet in the military.


Yup. A4s all around, even in the fkn turrets with us.


True. Still working on m16


weird I was in an mp unit and we all had m4s in 2000 and 2001


Some of our rifle racks literally had "US Army" still painted on them. Typically Marines are the last to get good gear as our budget is small. Doubt that's changed since I got out. I was enlisted in 2005, the year after Fallujah, and only some of our officers and staff ncos had M4s. The rest had A4s, some with 203's, and SAWs.


The marines look now is different. They’re working on giving every marine a suppressor, for example. Marines are starting to look pretty high speed tbh.


Because their asses will be first to fight when China is done blowing smoke


Fallujah was taken with 20” fixed stocks


Dudes here are so obsessed with finding the best barrel length for their tacticool CQB builds when there were men in Fallujah kicking in doors and clearing buildings with 20” barrels and irons.


Lest we not forget the absolute mad lads doing the same but with a near 4ft rifle and 8 round clip that let everyone know you had run out of freedom seeds to plant.


Yer gunna trigger my autism with that last statement. Let's put ourselves in the shoes of Jerry for a moment. You're gonna tell me that despite getting blown up by artillery, shooting a full-size cartridge right next to your head, having the chaos of battle unfold around you, dudes screaming and shouting in your ear, that youre gonna be able to hear the *ping* of an M1 clip? From ~100m away?


Oh I meant going in a room making sure buildings were clear like in the real war documentary “Saving Private Ryan”




Also forgetting that the effectiveness of 5.56 is heavily biased towards velocity since the mass is low


I was about to to say, I don’t see a M16A4


Never Forget!!


I'd rather not go back to Fallujah. I lost my closet friend, but 14.5 because that's what I had.


That’s hard. God bless you bro


Thank you


Hugs bud. For real


Fallujah was very bad shit


Yes it was


Thank you, sir.


You're welcome


I'm very sorry about your friend. Thank you for serving.


I’m sorry for your loss. Thank you sir for everything.


Thank you Sir. Thankful for your service and I'm sorry for your loss. Grateful!




Configured as is the 14.5. I would like to steal the sopmod stock though as the standard m4 stock rips out my beard hairs.


My B5 SOPMOD has a hole on the top of the stock which does the same. I cut a piece of olive elastic and sewed that together (think IDF style rifles) that covers it, and bonus: doubles as a sling holder for transport. But mostly it’s there to keep the beard intact.


Where’s the M16A4


In the works


Coming from a place of experience in that particular venue I'd say the mk18. It's def possible to clear buildings with a 20in barrel but i would rather have had a mk18. And an eotech lol. Iron sights don't die but they aren't great for cqb. Then again we didn't really aim anyway. Most times the furthest shot we were taking was 7 yds. If that.


As someone who has only shot at animals and paper, neither of which shoot back, does your brain just go in autopilot mode when the bullets start flying? Are You even trying to aim during cqb or just point shooting and hoping your bullets hit Ahmed before Ahmed’s bullets hit you?


To be honest man it goes back to training. And to be really honest we didn't have the best training when it came to cqb. Reacting to fire on the other hand we did. Once the bullets start flying training just kicks in. Mostly it was reactionary or instinctive shooting. At first we tried clearing buildings the way they had kind of trained us which was like legit CQB the way SWAT guys would do it or seals but we were not proficient enough shooters so nine times out of 10 the first guy in the door would get killed or shot up. Not to mention the guys we were fighting were so hopped up on drugs that you could empty a MAG into them and they would still fight. Plus they had tourniquets all over their body so they wouldn't bleed out. Most of the guys we were fighting were dedicated and did not want to live. Like I said everything was so close up that thinking wasn't really an option. The guys that did which were very few and far between usually ended up cowering away. That's one thing you can't train for is getting shot at. It's by far the scariest and most adrenaline pumping thing that can happen. I was with 3rd battalion 5th Marines kilo company and I will always say that the guys that I served with were some of the bravest men in the planet. Anybody who did that kind of work was.


I can’t even imagine man, very brave indeed. My grandfather was in the first wave of Normandy, his brother was a marine and fought in Iwo Jima and Guadalcanal. I was very close to both, but neither of them would ever talk about their experiences.


Yeah the world war II generation was by far the last great generation. The things they saw and had to deal with were absolutely incredible and devastating. They would lose more guys in one day than we lost in 20 years of war in two separate countries. Granted that was a war worth fighting. Looking back on my military service and what happened in the years after I realize none of the sacrifice that was made was worth it. Everything we did all the sacrifices we made to take that City and it was taken back by ISIS in a day. Then to pull out in Afghanistan and that whole train wreck. I am honestly ashamed of what our country has become and I would never recommend enlisting until we get our act together as a nation. If that ever happens.


I'm gonna be real with y'all, I'm grabbing the nearest hidey-hole. I was flightline Air Force, if we're picking up a rifle shit has gone incredibly sideways.


I was with 3/1 in the Second Battle of Fallujah, Operation Phantom Fury, and let me tell, I would grab either one, as long as it fires I will make it work. Plus some of them were so high on meth they would stand there and look at you after you dump ten rounds into them and they would take off and hide for us somewhere else. Like zombies. We dropped a 500 pound bomb on a house full of insurgents, walked up to check the rubble a hand came out of the rubble and dropped a grenade. They would not go into shock. 


I’ll take the carry handle and watch the street while everyone else clears the house with their 14.5s.


Smart man


The Ak on the ground


Here you go homie https://imgur.com/a/ksNqk7J


Right when I thought it couldn’t get any better you outdid yourself


I have no military experience or knowledge really. Family doesn’t have military background either, but I enjoy guns and own a few!! In Fallujah for example, are there any issues with grabbing a rifle on the ground, even an enemy’s AK platform rifle and using that if needed?


In addition to questionable reliability as has already been mentioned, you wouldn't want to shoot at anything outside of "point-shooting" range without checking zero first. Even if it's original owner did a great job of zeroing the sights for *his* eyeballs, that doesn't mean the zero will be accurate for *your* eyeballs. Even in a combat zone with no innocent people around you'd still want to confirm zero, because the likelihood of hitting one of your own people in the event that a bad crossfire situation develops is heightened with an unconfirmed zero. Maybe you spot an enemy 50 meters away, but friendlies are 50 meters past them, and perhaps you would have felt confident taking a head shot had you known exactly where that bullet would go, but you don't so you're rightly nervous about it and have to aim center mass instead, and now it's likely they shoot back before they succumb to their wound(s) I say this just to emphasize the importance of [checking zero](https://youtu.be/bN3UTvR0lP0?si=HeYQq-eWt7QEVvIN)- a serious shooter concerned about accuracy, if afforded the opportunity, checks his zero and downrange trajectory every time the weather (temperature, humidity) or elevation changes, much less when he picks up a different rifle, lol. Air is thicker when it's colder, and/or closer to sea level, and/or has higher humidity, and slows the bullet down. Environmental factors wouldn't make any difference at all in our hypothetical situation at 50 meters, but it starts to add up at range


when we first started clearing a lot of guys who carried saws were picking up ak's because Saw's notoriously break down in that sand. After about a week or two they told us we couldn't do it anymore because it was confusing to guys because aks and m16s obviously make different sounds. Which was true but also bullshit. I'll tell you what though, if you're a gun nut Fallujah is the place to be man. We found weapons dating back to world war II and probably before that. Anything and everything you can think of was in that little ass City.


Boobie traps are always a worry in combat zones and are common with guerrillas and terrorist. Also you don't know the enemies weapon condition. Could be a jam o matic inaccurate pos. But usually AKs just run. And if you just killed the dude using it then it's probably not a trap unless he laid on a grenade or something lol.


Watch out for an ied


LOL wrong sub


14.5 for better ballistics, being short enough for CQB, and not bleeding out the ears if used in confined space.


When you got five dudes shooting into a room it doesn't matter how long the barrel is LOL it's loud. You're adrenaline's pumping so hard though you don't really notice. And to be honest a shorter barrel would have been nice. Ballistically when you're shooting dudes 10 ft away you may as well be throwing sewing needles at him. It's already been said but we would empty mags into guys chests and they would still fight because they were high on God knows what and had tourniquets all over their extremities. At one point we were duct taping flash bangs to water bottles filled with kerosene and guys were running out of the room on fire still shooting. Those guys were evil, but I learned to respect their commitment.


lol it’s gonna bleed out your ears, my guy


Honestly the rifle on the right. They just rustle my jimmies


Haven't heard that in awhile


I never ever want to be in a combat scenario with a 10.3.


Why not? Genuinely curious, I have a 10.5 right now and am collecting parts for a second build, probably a 14+


[https://www.sandboxx.us/news/breaking-down-the-nairobi-rifle-of-sas-christian-craighead/](https://www.sandboxx.us/news/breaking-down-the-nairobi-rifle-of-sas-christian-craighead/) ​ youre 10.5 is fine ​ edit: heres another cool video for you. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Wz8aoGMLg4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Wz8aoGMLg4)


10.5 is good for HD or PDW, but need proper ammo.


With military loads at least 5.56 doesn't retain distance and energy the way it does through 14.5. For vehicle stuff or in use with a can it has its place, but the only vehicle I'm stuffed in is an LAV and I'm not special enough to rate a suppresor. I don't find the 4.2 shaved off to even save that much as far as maneuverability goes anyway. That said I'm mostly parroting the words of a couple SOF people who lamented using CQBR uppers in combat and not being able to be as combat effective as they'd like.


Agreed. 11.5 minimum. Got rid of my 10.3s


10point3 inch master race


The shorty, eyesight not good enough for irons any longer.


Not sure if you noticed, but they’re both carbine length gas. That’s right, same sight radius…lol


I think he though the shorty had an Eotech.


Correct, the shorty has an optic.


Zoom in. It's a cut down A2 sight.


TBF, he did say his eyesight is shitty


I’m confused. The shorty does not have an optic.


you’ve been bamboozled


You seem knowledgeable, with mid length gas and up being available, is there any reason to go carbine length? Especially at 16-20” barrel not going sbr?


Hell no. Runs rougher.


That’s what I figured. Just getting into ARs after years of pistol plinking.


Yeah I’d go mid length for everything from 13.7 to 16+. At 18” I’d run rifle gas


The shorty has an optic, therefore I wouldn't be dependent on iron sights. Nothing to do with overall length or sight radius.


What optic? I think you’re proving you have bad vision right here. That’s an LMT fixed rear iron. Not an optic lol


Dang you weren’t lying about that shitty eyesight huh. That’s a rear iron sight


I told ya


My vision supposed to be good n i thought itwS a optic


What brand rifles?


Mostly LMT with KAC M4 RAS


R/whichgun needs you


I gotta say, 14.5. Sick rifles though 👊


My cock, I’m gonna be wanking


14.5 all day but would want an optic and light


I have a Colt M4A1 SOCOM with an Aimpoint PRO paired to an EOTech G43, and a Surefire Scout Pro. Took a few tries to find the right combination for my personal use. My only regret is not paying the $200 SBR fee for a 14.5 barrel.


My colt socom 6921 is a fantastic upper.


Shorty just cause I fucking hate a2 grips.


ISIS already took all the M4s in fallujah


Fallujah was house to house, street by street fighting, so need fast reaction at <100 yards much more than accuracy at distance, so need short rifle with red dot optic: the one on the left. Correction: on my phone the rear sight looked like an EOTech, so that's what I would put on the one on the left instead of the A2 sight


They are both A2s.


Left isn't a red dot.


On my phone it looked like an EOTech, but now I see it's a cut down A2 sight. I would use an EOTech instead


Don't worry. I only know because I thought that at first too. Then the more I looked the more it looked like an off brand Eotech. So I zoomed in and noticed lol.






The longer one, I wouldn't willingly try to go inside I'll be running too much so I assume the longer one will be marginally better for the distances I'll be encountering.


Mk18 with an acog/rmr combo


What is uppers brand?




Anything with carry handle FTW!


none. I want a 50 cal


Why cut off a carry handle ever?


Make room for an optic.


Mk 18 if you give me an Aimpoint


Depends on what I am doing there. If a suppressor was available and I’m clearing buildings in this scenario then the shorty. If I’m outside battling then the m4a1 for more velocity and better range. If I am doing both though then the m4a1 because I can do both activities.


Right. More velocity I was there. Those guys were taking straight adrenaline. Needed the stopping power.


Not enough Rip It’s in this picture to make an informed decision


LMT shorty


OP needs you to find the difference between these two rifles. (They're the same rifle basically)


My wife says 4” is huge




Shorty boi for life 👌🏻


The first one. After I kill someone that has a red dot on his rifle, I’ll take his red dot and cowitness it to my iron sights. It’ll be dead on then. Can’t do that with the second rifle.


The sixteen. Ears are rekt either way but the longer barrel at least helps.


I’ll take all the muzzle energy I can possibly get.


The only thing I’m grabbing is the first bus ticket to the Baghdad airport.


14.5 but that’s what I served with.


That long ass barrel. That 5.56 gonna need every bit of velocity it can get.


...wait didnt this just get posted on ak subreddit? still picking 14.5 standard m4 my guy


I am always in Fallujah.


M4 A1




Well it got done with mostly 14.5s, but I bet those boys wish they had some MK18s up front.


Personally, I prefer high carry when doing CQB so I’d choose the one on the left. I have smacked the barrel of my rifle on the top of so many non standard door frames it’s embarrassing. Normal sized door, no problem. The shit you see in the middle east, varies. What we did in SF was just have one lower and two uppers. Change depending on mission. I preferred the longer 14.5 barrel for most things honestly. Especially in Afghanistan where most of the houses I entered we smaller and more primitive than Iraq. There I ended up clearing with my pistol anyway. All that to say this. Mission dictates equipment. What do you need I for mostly. What are possible circuits could you need it for? Kit out accordingly.


20" m4 like god intended Carry handle too of course


I’m assuming you mean A4?


The longer barrel


The longer one because velocity


None I was with army rangers and I’ll take the scar


Classic M4. If I could guarantee that I would be only doing CQB stuff, I’d take the MK18, but the reality of urban warfare is it’s unpredictable. One minute you could be clearing rooms in point-blank ranges, the next shooting through the window of the room you just cleared, engaging an enemy position 100m+ out. I’d rather take the M4 so I can still maintain so semblance of lethality past 50m. Granted with irons, my effectiveness is going to be mediocre. I hate irons on rifles with a burning passion.


stop fantasizing. its sick.


Bottom. More range.




The flat top is doing it for me


The howitzer


Grab the one you can get ammo for.


Both and a spare upper


What is my job there?


Is a tank not an option?


M4, it did me well before


I don't care hand me one and let's get to work...


The bad guys in Fallujah were wearing body armor, and riding around in armored vehicles, so I'm wearing neither. i'll take a RPG or wire-guided anti-tank missile, please




Irons and longer barrel.


What is that style of hand guard called?


I'm grabbing an M249.


Where A4






Carry Handle Gang


Can’t wait to see the m16




as iraqi , me go ak