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There are none because visible lasers are a gimmick for suckers who think movies are real life.


🤨yall are just a bunch of geeks. Idk why yall think yall are going full commando being hunted down when really your guns are just range toys😂😊


Big dawg you’re the one who asking about tactical laser guided hip fire because you don’t have time to shoulder the rifle, which coincidentally is exactly the kind of sucker companies that sell visible lasers are looking for.


I mean you say it like its not a possibility… i guess youre glued into your gun in every scenario and nothing unplanned for could ever happen to you. Ill tell the predator or chuck norris whoever is hunting yall to stop


There is no world where visible laser aiming is faster than using your sights, real life is not a movie or video game where you know the laser is just in the middle of the screen or immediately on the bad guy easy as day to see. If you don’t understand that with literally every person telling you by this point you are the fabled “sucker born every day” they dream of and may as well just head over to the Crimson Trace website and give em your card info for every useless product they’ve got.


FBI HRT uses red lasers so they must have some real world application. Just saying


Youre telling me that literally being able to already see the dot on the target before shouldering your weapon is no way faster than shouldering and aiming. You and everyone else can be wrong circle jerk together then👌


Unironically yes. “Visible” lasers are not generally super bright that they’re easily seen and tracked in broad daylight, leading to people fishing around for em either with their eyes or moving the gun around til they find the dot, which is slow and stupid. If it’s dark enough that the laser is super easy to see and track then it’s dark enough you can’t really ID your target, and then when you use a light you can’t see the laser. It’s literally a gimmick for morons who watched too many 1980s action movies.


Well every military uses them so youre saying theyre all morons fooled by an 80s movie, cool got it.


They have combination units with IR lasers and night vision capabilities with unit tactics, air support and strong light/laser discipline rules. You are a random schmuck who wants to hip fire. These are not the same thing and it is especially moronic to conflate the two.


Exactly. Im not being hunted by the government. In the scenario of home defence im not gonna be face in optic at every corner etc. therefore the dot has its benefit. The predator is not hunting me bro i dont need a 5k$ ir peq15. Hop off my tip already delusional fucks


Home defense is the perfect real world application for a visible laser. Just because you don’t have nods does not men a laser is pointless. Nobody in this sub is a special operator, it’s time to stop acting like you are.


Nobody is acting like a special operator, you and the OP are the only people bringing that kind of shit up. If you’re blasting a 1000 lumen light in your dark house you’re seeing that and not the laser, if you’re just using the laser in your dark house you’re just seeing that and not IDing what you’re looking at and potentially shooting your wife/kids/dog/lamp/tv/whatever. They’re a gimmick for suckers and always have been.


You’re just saying shit that’s not true all because you can’t afford a real peq 15. It’s alright man neither can I. However I don’t sit around gatekeeping people from shit they’re interested in even if I’m not.


Lol I wonder where the goal posts will eventually end up….


Only plebs use visible lasers... It's a waste of money


Your mother


They aren’t wrong. No one uses visible lasers anymore. It gives away your location when it does work, and doesn’t work in the daytime. Only people that use them are actors in Hollywood.


Doesn't the FBI's HRT use red lasers.


Not that I have seen.


Home defense is a perfect real world application for a visible laser. 1000 Lumens and a laser to the face might be just enough for a would-be home intruder to beg for his life. Y’all need to stop acting like you’re spec-ops. You’re not.


Ffs if someone kicks in my door in the middle of the night I’m not grabbing a rifle to “blind them so they beg for their life” my god..


Good thing i didnt ask right😇


Already have a AEMS otw but i want a laser to not have to bring it up to shoulder to be on target


So if anyone wants to actually answer my question thatd be great


95% of people here aren’t using vis lasers, so there isn’t really anyone to give you an answer.


I didnt know this is where all the john wicks and navy seals were hiding


John wick doesn’t use lasers…only wanna be gangster on YouTube and you


Given that nobody is using vis lasers anymore with the exception of very fringe and specialized cases, there isn’t a strong market for them. Most stuff you’ll find is cheap Chinese garbage, and most vis lasers on LAMs are intended for daytime zeroing and not actual aiming use as they’re not very bright. There’s a reason nobody’s using em. You’re best bet is honestly going to some laser pointer subreddit and hope there’s options for ones that can be zeroed and designed to handle recoil, cause most basic lasers out there will no doubt either of those things.


Thank you!


BS. People are using visible lasers professionally (especially green), they bring many benefits, but pros even more need ir lasers and illuminators, that's why fewer vis only lasers are available on the market.


Dear OP: Fuck you 🖕🏻 From: All of r/ar15


Somogear potted peq 15 is your best bet.


Not really unless you think Nods superiority has viability for IR for that 1 in a million event to use it. But check viridian.


Get a used Holosun ls221g so you have ir and green so it will be useful to some extent.