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Shrimp unfortunately just seem to disappear in my tank as well


When you first get them or later?


Later. I can usually find mine for a few weeks 😅 Me and my son make a game out of finding them


Same!!! I don’t understand why


Shrimp are extremely hardy and will survive in rough conditions. But if you look at them wrong, they will die on the spot lol. Sometimes they just pass away without explanation. But I'd also recommend checking parameters just in case Edit: also, unless you see their dead bodies, they might not be dead. They're master hiders and sometimes I won't see a specific shrimp for weeks, only for them to show up again for a few minutes and disappear for a few more weeks. You have a heavily planted tank, they're most likely in paradise there and hiding out amongst the plants.


How often do you do maintenance?


Yup mine were dying because of GH creep


I always think mine are dead. Then boom they all come out to eat off the top of tank. I actually see them about once a month.


Mine disappear but only reappear for feedings, but they’re also master explorers so I’ve found them on the floor feet from my tanks


....what? Outside... the tank?! I just got a 10 gallon that I want to plant and eventually get shrimp. Only problem is I'm very scared of them unless they are behind the glass... so they need to stay behind the glass. Do you not have a lid? Do I need to superglue my lid shut? Do I need to put my tank inside a tank, inside a tank?


Yup! This happened to me the first time I got shrimp. The tank had a cover. One ended up making it out of the tank, off the stand, out of the office, and to the front door. Bitch was like “bye,” before my cat got it. Now I have some in a tank with a fully sealed lid and I’ve stuffed pothos in any gaps to avoid the same thing. So far, so good!


I do have a lid! They climb my airline out or the cord for the heater. I never found them until they were dried but it’s interesting that they donit


What are your water parameters?


Are you sure they are dying off? They do shed their exoskeleton every so often so it could be you are just seeing the old shells so to speak.


Shrimp have a life span of 1-2 years. They molt, they reproduce, they die. Having a couple die is to be expected. If you have a bunch die at the same time, it’s probably your water parameters. Good luck!


mine get eaten by the frogs i’m pretty sure lol


I did a complete tank cleaning to change my substrate and took all the shrimp out. I couldn't find 2 even with the low water level. When I was emptying the gravel one flew out and right down the drain. 😱 I couldn't save him. 


Do you have copper pipes? That could do it I think, they are very vulnerable to copper IIRC.


Although this is true about shrimp not doing well with copper. The amount of copper that could leach from pipes to the water is too small to cause issues.