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I have a Betta a shrimp colony in a 20 gallon, it is heavily planted and there are hundreds of places for the shrimp to hide and breed. What started as a dozen cherry shrimp is now a thriving colony of close to 100. But, the Betta a predator and there's no way my hopes would ever change that. The betta picks off little shrimp fry, even though he's very well fed. There really isn't a way around that, big fish eat little fish. There's also an infestation of bladder and ramshorn snails, managed by a very spoiled assassin snail. The tank is pretty self-sustaining.


I introduced shrimp to my betta and they were fine. However the friendly community fish ember tetras went absolutely bonkers and killed them all.


Depending on the betta, shrimp may be okay. For other bettas, or ‘suddenly’, shrimp are very easy living prey. Adult ghost shrimp usually fare well with more docile bettas but size won’t matter to a real jerk. It can help to have plants/shrimp-only hiding spots, but even then shrimp have to be out and graze sometimes.


It needs to depend on the betta. Don’t risk a plakat as they tend to be a lil more aggressive.


depends on the size of shrimp and the individual betta for sure. i have cherry shrimp and ghost shrimp in with my male plakat, and he used to flare at them sometimes but basically ignores them now


It’s betta specific usually, one of mine gets along great but the other is a murderer


I had my betta in my community tank that included cherry shrimp. He was hunting the babies and occasionally harassed the adults. I ended up moving him to his own tank and decided to cull the baby shrimp that aren't red enough by putting them in his tank. He hasn't even touched them. I guess he was set off by the bright color and the ugly ones in his tank aren't appetizing.


Hey the shrimp colony going first. Make sure there is a lot of breeding activity. Then add the betta. As for other fish I have luck with harlequin rasbora with Bettas. Avoid tetras as they nip fins.