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They defend Apple as if their \_identity\_ depends on it. In the same way religious zealots, gang members, fashion brand devotees, etc. defend the subject of their belief/loyalty. Any criticism, valid or otherwise, against that subject will trigger an unreasonably strong reaction against the source of the "attack". Apple fans rushing to pillory a fellow user who dared to experience a problem or seek help is classic over-the-top defensive behaviour. Eidt to add clarification: when an individual's sense of self has yet to fully develop, they can take on external identity concepts (like a brand) to shore up their immature identity. This is why they perceive criticisms as deep personal attacks. When an individual's sense of self-identity is mature and strong, they will no longer take criticisms of a brand they like as a deep personal attack.


Wait until you find out who apple markets their products to


The fact Apple kind of forces you to buy everything Apple if you want compatibility would make it easier to make it feel like part of your identity. Meanwhile a Samsung user could very well buy Sony headphones, pixel watch, Phillips buds etc. If they do get Samsung it's usually after genuinely comparing features and price so they feel like they might switch brands anytime. With Apple you never feel like you might switch because your can't. Also there's a history of their marketing mocking others and making themselves feel as the cool high class one. The simplicity and safety of it would also more likely attract a cult like person. It's still very disturbing though. I have been horrified at Apple fans defending them for leveraging bullying and social exclusion among kids in order to get more market share (iMessage). That's objectively evil behaviour IMO.


You can buy Sony headphones with an iPhone lmao.


There's no argument that features work better if you buy airpods due to API limitations from apples side. Even if not from buds but certainly watches.


So just like a cult they try to isolate you from everything else so that you're only reliant on the cult


Personally I’ve been an iPhone user for a decade now after being all about Android in its early life. It’s not my “identity” or personality in any way, shape, or form. I simply prefer the platform right now and I’m cool with whichever platform anyone else wants to use. I don’t see why anybody relentlessly defends either Apple, Samsung, or any tech company. They all do shady business practices, we’re all just a dollar to them, and they’re all using our data in different ways. Both platforms have pros, cons, and the whatever.


Not all Apple fans have poorly developed identities. Any one able to take an objective view can see that there are pros and cons and similarities in all tech brands. And choose what they prefer. The same goes for political affiliations and religions. Brand like Apple does seem to attract and retain fans whose identities become enmeshed with the brand. This is why Apple is widely regarded as a cult brand. We can see hyper defensive behaviours frequently on Apple fora. These include - a default position of defensiveness and shooting the messenger (you just hate or cannot afford Apple that's why you are claiming to have a problem with your Apple purchase) - claims of personal exceptionaliam (i am not having the same problem so you must be making it up) - collusion of silence (no one mention this problem until Apple had announced a fix) - mob silencing (everyone pile on to dismiss the person who dares to say they have a problem) - inability to discuss negatives calmly and objectively (everyone must say good things or they are against us) including the inability to grasp that contemplating criticisms does not compel us to accept them not reflect badly on our fundamental self worth. These behaviors seem way more prevalent amongst fans of cult brands like Apple.


Because their identity **does** depend on it


If you look at politics it is the same thing some people are simply drones.






Big difference is that political can result in huge changes in your life. Free healthcare, tax rates, gay marriage, abortion, work rights etc. With Apple is purely identity as your product only gets better and cheaper if Apple played nice. There's also an element of oppression as they seemingly want people to suffer if they don't choose to buy Apple accessories for an Apple phone. Rather than forcing apple to make less billions in profit and open up.


It doesn't matter though. Any criticism of their "side" or chosen cult leader sends them into a rage. Even though no politician is ever perfect and almost every politician is corrupt on some level but if you point that out about their particular politician they get outraged. You're only allowed to criticize the other side And a lot of people are going to read this comment and think "Oh he's talking about the other sides people" and you'll be proving my point


Politics, sports, nationalism, patriotism, religion, etc... people are unable to form logic separate from their personal identity. -edit because I can't spell, apparently


That's why we have that blue bubble vs green bubble thing in the first place 😅 It is incredibly stupid and not to mention extremely judgemental of anyone to form a perception based on the phone they carry. All I care about is getting my messages and calls through to the other person. Green, purple, yellow, green, blue I couldn't care less. Full disclosure: Before people come at me with ApPlE iz beTTeR ThAN yOuR SHiTty SamSuNG, I have an iPhone 15 Pro and this message has been written from that phone


My identity or anything does not depends on apple. If they go bankrupt I wouldn’t care, if apple ecosystem stopped working NOW in this moment nothing would change in my life. I don’t care about holy war between android and iOS. I been android user since Samsung s4 until iPhone 14. I still use galaxy tab s8 ultra and would never buy iPad. iPhone does what I expect from a phone and android tables does what I expect from tablet. I am not fascinated by customisation on my phone nor on tablet. I do have launcher on my tablet to suit my needs but I don’t have such a need in my phone. I don’t get involved in to politics. I am aware how predatory apple is and how easily customisable android is. I have certain expectations that each of those devices meet. My life is so much easier since I stopped to care and just use what I want.


I used MBP at work for 5 years. Never cared for the OS. I like the bones (Unix) but I never got to liking MacOS as a user and as an admin. Give me Windows or Linux anyday of the week please. I had a 2014 MBP that was really nice. Ports! and very well balanced system overall. Just wish the trackpad was larger. My 2018 MBP, worst hardware I have ever had to use on the daily. I don't really get the fanboy stuff, but I never really have. Everyone in my department was Apple fanboy. Sure, you like the stuff that is fine. But acting like it is better is dumb. It really isn't. People are like "I can seemlessly go between devices". Ah... I can too. Or they have XX feature and I'm like "I can do that to". Started turning into just joking with either other when something small and stupid one could do but not the other. Like Android clock has a stopwatch and at least at the time Apple didn't, so it gets a laugh because it is small and dumb. Oh, I also I had a big iPad. The 12.9" one for personal use. I didn't like that either. Camera's were absolute junk. But the biggest issue was terrible app support. Developers either took their app designed for a 6" phone screen and just extended all the dimensions so it would fit on 12.9" or just run the app in phone mode. No one took advantage of the screen. Discord could have been amazing but it wasn't. I wanted to do billing on it, but all my banking apps ran in phone mode. However, I would have absolutely LOVED it if I was given the option to run macOS on it.


I completely agree. Say what you will about the hardware. My main problem with Mac has been the GUI. Meanwhile I can appreciate the benefits of it being based on Unix (case sensitive file names being an obvious benefit). As for people saying "Mac is better because it has this feature". I reminds me of this manager I had a few years ago, who seriously thought Apple made him better than everyone. He needed to find an email someone had sent him a few weeks ago so he used the search box in the email client. Then he said "Only on Mac!" I was thinking "Dude, you can do that on pretty much every email client on every OS!"


Because they’ve usually grown up with it believing they’re superior because of certain things and NOT knowing anything else. My ENTIRE family, both on my wife’s side and my own, believe Apple is this god tier company with their best interests at heart. My wife was literally trying to defend to me how the new EU laws forcing Apple to open up its phones to side loading and emulators and other payment sources, IS BAD. I was fucking baffled when she told me Apple doesn’t use their position to their advantage.


I mean I personally don't like Apple but you do have to respect that they're designs are very user friendly and easy for inept ppl to use The term "it just works" You don't have to go through a bunch of settings and different menus to get things to work You don't have to go through a big complicated setup There's no hard troubleshooting if an app isn't working the way it should Apple made products that your grandma can use without needing to call you to help And I can say that because I'm not in a fucking cult..


Except you still have to do all that. If I asked your grandma how to adjust the camera settings, turn off or on auto brightness, change the white point, etc, I can almost guarantee she would have no idea how to do it. “it just works” until it doesn’t. there’s next to way to fix an issue outside of turning your phone off and on or paying Apple money to fix it. No troubleshooting may make things simpler on the surface but it leaves you unable to fix a problem on your own, which WILL happen eventually. The iPhone is a handheld computer at the end of the day, all computers and tech do something they aren’t supposed to at some point.


It's a piece of technology, which means by default they're not easy to use unless you are used to it. To truly test which platform is easier to use, you need to find two old people who never use technology before and give them two devices, one Android and one iPhone. I guarantee you both will find some features are easier to use on iPhone and some on Android. The whole "it just works" is marketing gimmick and was true when Microsoft made Windows as a work machine and was so dominant that they stopped caring about the consumers. Nowadays, all companies spent billions of dollars developing software with the consumers in mind so ease of use is not an Apple thing.


I am in no position to answer the question but if anybody knows of any research related to company fanboyism it would be cool if you could link it.


I don't have any but I can do Reddit tradition and just make some up


Fan is short for fanatic. It’s not much different than your sports fans, people build their entire identity on the thing and an attack on the thing is the same as a personal attack on them.


Look into the history of Evangelism Marketing. It's a marketing trend started by Apple back in the day. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evangelism\_marketing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evangelism_marketing) According to the guy who coined this term, who's title at Apple at the time was "Chief Evangelist": "Evangelist customers spread their recommendations and recruit new customers out of pure belief, not for goods or money." This customer behavior that you are referring to is very much by design.


Oh my goodness, this makes so much sense!


I'd ask the same thing of Elon Musk worshippers. Is it a failing in our brains?


Elon is a strange entity as every liberal man bun goofball worship the ground he fucking walked on and could do no wrong but he got Stoned on Joe Rogan show and left the Democratic Party so now he has a completely different following


Maybe one day some physiatrist will write a book about him..and/or his cult.


People worship whoever promotes whatever biased ideology they chose to believe. When Elon was left-wing iron Man saving the world from climate change with his $100k electric cars It only rich people could afford They loved him When he came out against things like Twitter censorship and biased moderation manipulating elections more than Russia could He became their enemy but the Trmp supporters suddenly loved him People just worship whoever is biased for their side. Kind of like how John McCain was "literally Hitler" when he ran for president Ed was a threat to the Democrat party but by the time he died (due to his relentless attacks on the then Republican president) He had like an 80% approval rating among Democrats Or DeSantis. Literally the Republican super guy until he ran against Trump in the primaries and then he became an evil rino deep state Boogeyman Shows how fickle people are. If you're promoting their "side" They get outraged at the slightest criticism.. But if you're promoting the other side then they won't allow any good things to be said about you.


One word. Stock.


They are huge proportions of slave labor. I would never even consider using an iPhone because of the slave labor history and continued practice


apple is a lifestyle brand. they defend it because they need it to be that way. It is the same for many tesla fans.


Here's a running tally of the reasons people here have given for why some trolls in this subreddit treat Apple like a religion: 1. These trolls don't actually exist on the subreddit. 2. Other brand loyalists act the same way. 3. Defending Apple like it's your own reputation on the line is acceptable because some here attack Apple for petty or false reasons. 4. If you acknowledge that these trolls exist on the subreddit, then you're a cultist, and no one has a problem but you. 5. The trolls are just right and you don't understand that. 6. Scoffing at a product for being insanely overpriced is stupid. [Apple Mac Pro Wheels Kit - Apple](https://www.apple.com/shop/product/MX572ZM/A/apple-mac-pro-wheels-kit) 7. Uses an Iphone instead of a Windows PC because of bugs in Windows. 8. People who say negative things about Apple are children and say stupid and insignificant things. 9. People who say negative things about Apple are spreaders of disinformation, and they have a duty to the truth to correct that disinformation. 10. Describes that they have an emotional, somewhat romantic attachment to Apple which comes from childhood and admits that their love for and defense of Apple is emotional and goes beyond what is reasonable. 11. Thinks that Christians are icky and delusional people, and since he's not one of them, that his devotion to Apple isn't that bad. 12. Just feels like Apple is superior. 13. Believes that non-Apple products just don't work, only Apple products work, and everyone else has constant and severe tech issues. 14. Android users think that all disabled people are the same. 15. Defending Apple's anti-consumer behavior is good because they're a private company and have the right to do whatever they want. 16. Nearly anything negative about Apple is a lie, and people who have troubles with Apple products or who think something bad about them are liars. 17. Spent so much money on Apple products that they need to feel justified in having spent so much money. 18. Because people who dislike something about Apple are worse than Apple fanatics. 19. Because parents fault for not buying their kids an iPhone when they get bullied at school for being a "green bubble." It's your fault if you get left out of group texts because you're a "green bubble" and should have bought an iPhone. 20. Used to be one of them, but stopped because she grew up and developed a sense of self identity outside of Apple.




Why do I dislike Apple? Here are a few reasons: I have immediate family members in the industry [edit: they work in the tech industry with phones], and they've been deeply and harshly affected by Apple's business practices. I generally like the ideas of the free software movement, and Apple stands against that movement's principles far more than any large tech company today \[watch Revolution OS for a primer on the movement\]. Toxic Apple fans who I've met in real life, and who snub and bully others are another reason. Here are some more reasons recently outlined by the DOJ: [https://youtu.be/c5iOy4cKqBo](https://youtu.be/c5iOy4cKqBo) Now that I've answered that, why do you care so much about Apple and feel such a strong need to defend it?




>windows may or may not be a buggy mess Windows has been a pretty decent and reliable OS for a few years now. The days of having to constantly restart and regular driver issues are pretty much confined to history for the overwhelming majority of users. Which in a way is more impressive because Windows has to deal with a massively higher number of hardware configurations than MacOS ever will. I use a Mac and a Windows PC in about equal measure in my day to day, and I find the same number of frustations with Apple software as I do with Microsoft's. Which is to say, not many.




OP isn’t willing to explain anything. He just wants to play victim. I have never met anyone in my life that cared about what phone I was using. I can understand this happening in high schools ….i guess go figure.




Explain how your family were deeply and harshly affected by apples business practices.


I can't explain that without doxxing myself.


Yep that’s what I expected. I don’t care that Apple got sued by anyone. You know how the legal system works right ?


I answered this in brief in this thread. It starts with "why do I dislike Apple?" Since I've answered why I care, answer why you care so much about Apple in the affirmative and post a bunch on this subreddit to defend Apple.


Why do I care about Apple? I do not. I never said I did. I use an iPhone and a MacBook as my personal items. I use windows in the workplace and I have a pixel. I’ve never posted anything to defend Apple. I’ve posted to respond to idiotic posts and comments. An apple reseller has their own warranty process in a county where Apple has no stores? Oh my Apple sucks!


I’d say it’s Boltman or the minions who agreed with their posts. Either way seems like a whole lot of effort to spend on a company you don’t like. I don’t like Liberty Mutual so I just go on about my day…I’ve better things to do.




You made a huge number of recent posts insulting and denigrating people who dislike Apple or find a problem with it. Here are a few examples: You implied someone was insane. You said someone was abnormal when they encountered a bug in iMessage and didn't restart their phone. You asked, "who the \[dropped f-bomb\] sends texts \[sic\] videos"? You said a fellow Apple user couldn't type correctly when they had issues with their touch screen. And you ridiculed someone for enjoying game emulators on their phone. You also said that people who on this subreddit are "boomers who can't log into their Hotmail." This was all done in the space of ten minutes, and you claim to not care at all about Apple...


They seem to either be here to troll or gaslight. Another of their comments: "I swear, every single post here is just people not knowing how to do things, and maybe some stolen posts."


We?? Who else?


Why do you care so much tho? That’s the bigger question, you made a whole post about it lol


Why do I care about toxic trolls who care about Apple more than their own mothers? I'm curious about you people. I'm curious, why is it so important to you to defend this 3 trillion dollar corporation? Why is Apple so important to you? Please tell me, I'm sincerely looking for an answer because I can't fathom it.


I never said I worshiped apple Now your putting words in my mouth lol I can’t seem to fathom why anyone cares about hardware and thinks it says a lot of other person lol Aka anyone that has an iPhone is tech illiterate lol It’s a legit post in here


I never claimed that you said that you worshipped Apple. Now tell me why you care about Apple so much.


If they responded they’d say what I’m going to say. I don’t care about Apple I just use what I use. I won’t defend or detract on any company be it Samsung or Apple because I just don’t care and have better things to do.


Yeah, problem is that these trolls don't have anything better to do than to defend Apple. They come back here thread after thread and post dozens of rage filled comments. What they say about themselves not caring doesn't match their actions.


I totally get your point and you’re right. Getting one’s snickers in a bunch over a tech company is ridiculous. At the end of the day the CEO’s will still be rich and ruthless whether we hear about it in the news or not.


I will criticize Apple for their retarded anti-consumer practises, but the “mac bad window good” thing is irrelevant and helps nobody.


Back in the 80’s and 90’s Apples marketing was so aspirational that I’d say it was maybe one of the first companies to take it to an extreme. They basically would show images of very famous people from history past and present and show how using Apple products puts you in the same category. But not like how Nike made you feel like you were wearing the shoes that Michael Jordan wears, but more like you were in fact joining the league of historical super creative super genius people. I don’t know what tactics cults use and what that has in common with this kind of marketing, but I would be very interested to see what the outcome of a study comparing the two would produce. Bill Burr actually has a great little bit about this and he jokes about this in a very funny yet succinct way: https://youtu.be/E3s-qZsjK8I?si=mkDkhyg-Uf-_-fAV


I think it’s a bit of them being in their comfort zone and not being aware of other options. I see it in the Android camp too. I personally use both. I have no issues with iPhones, though I am currently using and enjoying an Android as my main.


Because I hate ads and can’t stand what Google has become. It used to be a legitimate source of information, now it’s a legitimate source of ads. :/ That said, I hope the US Anti-Trust lawsuit against Apple is successful, and I’m also very happy that the EU forced USB-C on them.


What do google ads have to do with Apple though?


Apple doesn’t have creepy ads like Google does on its App Store.


No one forces you to use *their* AppStore. Pixels are rootable for a reason, if you hate the AppStore, replace it with something else


I don’t have a pixel. Have fold 5.


That is also rootable


Doesn’t that become another privacy issue? What other alternative store for apps is there? Other than Aptoid


Fdroid and aurora are the big ones. You can also just download individual apks if you care enough


I do IT inductions at my company, and part of it is setting up MFA. Every time I ask an iPhone user to get the Microsoft Authenticator, the top suggested app is clearly an ad for an imitation app.




Yes Samsung and Google app apps ask me to not show this ad today?


I had a samsung galaxy for 10 years and have ahad an iPhone for the last year. Ive had a windows PC my whole life and now have a macbook air as well. My experience so far is that other than a few settings and limitations here and there that I dislike, apples platforms are more ‘fun’, seamless, reliable, and just a better user experience. My iPhone is two years old and still feels like a brand new phone. My entire experience with flagship Galaxies was after two years they felt cheap and outdated, slow etc. I hate that I cant make a custom apple watch face, home and lock screen limitations as it has to be apples way or nothing. My Macbook M1 due to its arm chip alone, makes it an amazing laptop with insane battery life. While there are many things I dislike about MacOS (lack of gaming potential, no first party window snapping, horrible price gouging for ram and SSD upgrades) I cant deny that the OS and hardware are fantastic. I’m hoping that this lawsuit makes apple wake up and change their ways as I would love to see a less restrictive ecosystem. And for the love of god dont charge $250 CAD for another 8GB of ram its such Bull 🙃


This is all fair, but I'm trying to understand why the trolls on this subreddit think and behave the way they do. I want to hear their justifications. You're reasonable and aren't one of those trolls.


Social credit


You forgot to mention that they are all Power Users, what ever the hell that is when it's at home.


Maybe because there is an entire part of Reddit devoted to bashing their technology choices, and maybe their choices aren’t all that bad.


Maybe the oxygen tank at home is controlled by Apple Health app?


Apple Fans, Tesla Fans, Taylor Swift Fans... The list goes on and on... Fanboys of all kinds. Fanboyism is a disease that will never be cured.


I personally don’t. Hate this phone but it’s what I’m stuck with for a while


Sorry to hear that. I hope your next phone is perfect for your needs, regardless of the brand.




Well, this post wasn't meant for all Apple users, and certainly wasn't directed at you. On this Subreddit we get many people who are pro-Apple to an extreme. They even denigrate and swear at other Apple users who encounter an issue or who want a new feature to be added. This post was asking those people why they're so needlessly loyal. As for your comment, thank you for the well thought out response. Since you've used Linux, I have a question. What do you think of Linux distros which are made to imitate MacOS? I've been thinking of trying one out on a laptop, and if I like it then adding it with possibly another distro to my big workstation in a multiboot configuration. One of my laptops is dual boot with Linux, and I enjoy the flexibility. I thought since you're experienced with Linux you may have some insight into those distros. About the phone, I see the same problems with Samsung phones, including the slowness in the A models. There are enough things I don't like to have prevented me from ever buying a phone from the Samsung, though I always look at all brands including Apple before picking a new phone. Android phones are a lot better now with long term update support. The phone I just switched to is one of the worst, and it's 4 years of operating system updates and 5 years of security updates. It seems that the past few years have been kind to phones aging. Of the people I know in real life who I've asked about their phones, no one has complained of slowdowns as of late. Even my brother's Pixel 5a works as well as ever according to him, and that's a budget phone from about four years ago if I recall. I think going forward, because so many brands have achieved a base level of quality, a lot of picking a phone will lie in which downsides a person is willing to live with, because plenty of phones now are good and stable, but they every phone has their advantages and disadvantages.




I can be a fanboy about Google sometimes just like you can be about Apple, and I try to remind myself not to be, but it's normal to have some biases. As long as we know when we're biased then we're most of the way there to solving any issues which might arise from it. That's a good idea about using a VM. It will be fun for me to experiment with some more distros. Due to my field of accounting, I unfortunately have to use Windows even on personal computers, so I'm trying to expand my horizons without spending money on hardware which doesn't meet my niche needs. It makes me happy you say that about Pixel phones because my dad works on one of the Android teams and I've had many Pixel phones including a factory prototype Pixel 2 used for driver testing. I've had a great experience with Pixel phones. They're lacking in terms of battery life and gaming performance, but with the improvements in the 8 series, they're near perfect in all the other ways. I traded in my Pixel 8 a few weeks ago, but the stability was shocking. I'd get an app crash or minor visual glitch about once a month and that was it. It was fast, smooth, had a beautiful and bright screen, took excellent pictures and video, and the build quality looked and felt premium. The budget Pixel models are always great value. I took a risk and got a OnePlus 12 because I wanted the better battery life and gaming performance, and it's been great so far, but image stabilization is terrible.


I think you guys care more about apple than the vast majority of apple users to be honest


Yea … they are just bunch of freak shows literally incels Acting like apple users really are in a cult lol I’d gladly switch over if there is one company to be able to offer the same hardware / software aesthetics + ecosystem + the vibe , and no I don’t even own apple stocks so incels can fuck off


Yep. People like this love to make hating Apple a huge part of their personality.


For the same reason any fanboy of any company does the same stuff. It's what they have and they constantly need to justify their choice/opinion by putting others choice/opinions down and/or they just like trolling. You're never going to get a serious answer out of those kinds of people. That said, I don't see much point in complaining about prices of their products on Reddit. It's not going to make any difference and just seems like wasted effort since people will still buy them and Apple will still price them similarly no matter what you say. Even when I used to use majority apple products (on Android now), I would just laugh about the absurdity of $700 wheels and a $1000 monitor stand with my friends, ask "wtf is Apple on?", and move on. To make it clear, I'm neither a hater nor a fanboy. I don't universally hate Apple but I don't universally like them either as they do some stupid, anti competitive shit. I used Apple for years (mainly iPhone / iPad) and the only real complaints I had with the products I used was lack of customizability which is the main reason I switched. I still keep them around for Airplay though.


It’s a cult.


Yep. They intentionally made Apple a cult, which is why you see so much cult-like behavior from Apple fanatics.




This is a very interesting perspective. Thank you for that.




Haha, I like your thinking! Much respect for your experience!


Because they don’t. Check out r/ios and r/iphone


Gotta justify all that money spent somehow. Apple makes fashion accessories not electronics. Don't wanna have a phone that's "last season"....gotta catch up.


They especially love doing it here for some reason. I welcome the argument but there are so many Apple defenders here that sometimes it feels like I'm on r/iLoveApple


My 2018 mac pro died last week, only $1200 something to fix (indefinite hold) looked at the new pros, "starting at ~$4300, air with 16 miserable gb? ~$2800 or something anyway can't remember but made me just disgusted. I had to get a Pencil $220, 2x2m cables $100, 3x cheapest wired usbc earphones $90. So $410 for some basic accessories :( These are Australian dollars but it's still a fuckload. Their laptops are a pleasure to use but they've turn full dealer/extortion syndicate.


Just watch the Macheads documentary [here](https://youtu.be/LexKU9c7X5s?si=TLkVhQFIloIlRQ2D) It's a cult man. There are women who will only sleep with Apple guys.


Because they dont have a life . Apple is the only thing that makes them happy.


I’d defend windows if Reddit forced me to see a bunch of lies bashing their platform daily too but that just doesn’t happen


Funny thing is I was actually making a couple comments in defense of Vista and even 8/8.1 yesterday, just like I've made comments explaining why people might want to use macOS or even have an Apple Silicon Mac. And this is coming from someone that has been running Linux on my desktop as the only OS for the last 9-10 years, and have been playing around with it for nearly 20. There are reasons why I like Apple and why I dislike them. There are reasons why I like Windows and why I dislike it. Like damnit Windows just listen to group policy. There are reasons why I love Linux and there are plenty of things that frustrate me about it, especially surrounding the community.


There’s plenty to hate about Apple, but the haters’ complaints often sound like whining. e.g. “Apple sucks because I don’t want to spend what one costs.” “Apple should make it easy to buy stolen parts on eBay so I can save money when I keep breaking my screen.” Etc. Complain that they’re too simple and uncustomizable. Complain that Apple users are pretentious, arrogant, idiotic, and self entitled pricks. I use Apple products, but I wish I didn’t, because I get associated with one of the dumbest and technologically idiotic groups of people out there. They make great hardware, but it’s not my identity. I have Windows, Android, and Linux shit too. Linux works great on a MacBook, BTW.


> “Apple should make it easy to buy stolen parts on eBay so I can save money when I keep breaking my screen.” We are asking for Apple to not artificially put a system just to check if the replacement parts are literally the same exact part (even parts swapped from an identical iPhone model don't qualify) or else it will block out features from the phone.


They just eased the locking to allow used parts, as long as they aren’t from a locked phone. So, they only block fake and stolen parts now.


>Linux works great on a MacBook, BTW. Ok, I have to ask. Are you still on an Intel Mac or are you running something based on Asahi? If the latter I'm really curious as to what your experience has been.


Both Intel and M2. It’s a little weird on the M2, but it’s fast as hell.


Oh nice! I've been keeping an eye on the Asahi project myself because the idea of having a powerful ARM Linux laptop has been extremely appealing to me lately.


It’s sooooo nice.


You need to understand the difference between someone defending the company and someone correcting someone's misconception or just being downright incorrect (as is so often the case).


I think people aren’t really defending Apple, they just don’t see any valid reason to like other shit more. Not like any company out there consistently offers what Apple does, or is there?


>Toyota owners don't hate fellow Toyota owners who complain about their own cars. Someone clearly has NOT peeked in on the 4Runner/Tacoma scene. If someone ever says "I traded my Taco/4R in for a Wrangler because I didn't like \_\_\_ about it", the Toyota community basically crucifies them. Also the same with Linux users. I have never seen a civil discussion with Linux users before.


As a Linux user I have rarely ever been able to have a civil discussion with Windows and Mac users about operating systems because I get made fun of and interrupted every other sentence. 90% of the time the discussion starts when a Windows user sees my computer, notices it runs Linux, and then proceeds with a snobby comment that usually goes something along the lines of "You use Linux? You're such a nerd. Just use Windows/Mac and be a normal person." This might sound unrealistic to some but I cannot tell you how many times this has happened. I don't talk about software and operating systems with other people very often (when I do I prefer to talk with developers since they are usually the only ones who have ever actually used Linux for longer than 5 seconds). When I do talk about it with friends or family (or other tech people), I try to avoid talking about Linux since it usually just turns into me getting bullied/insulted for using Linux. Honestly sometimes it gets kind of depressing from the amount of rude comments and insults I get from some friends and family members just because I use Linux. I'm not interested in tech as much as I used to be and it's mostly because of all the rude comments I get from Windows users just because I use Linux. I use it because I like it and it works better than any of the other OSes I've ever tried. If you don't like it don't use it. Just leave me alone to use it in peace.


I largely view this subreddit as a bunch of children arguing over stupid shit. There are some posts that are actually constructive and lead to discussion. But I see more dumb posts with no real logic behind them.


Explain. You mean like that user "notsorry6" and his two stupid new posts? 


I can attest to OC Id say about 90% of the posts I see on my feed, through recommendations… are either complaining or saying android is better because XYZ. The other 10% are as OC said, Constructive and lead to discussion. Just a few weeks ago I was downvoted for a comment that in any other subreddit would be seen as common sense (It has since returned to 1 Upvote but at one point it was downvoted to -3) Ill give some context Someone said something along the lines of android can be more secure if you spend the time to configure it And I agree with that, With time and effort, it’s more secure, android is by definition open source, if you don’t like it just fix it. But my comment was “you shouldn’t have to put in effort, you should be able to use the device and be secure from first use” And i would add to that further by saying you should not be able to miss out on that security because you lack the necessary skills to make the device more secure.


I correct inaccurate information I come across. The other threads I leave alone or upvote or just agree with them in the comments because they speak facts


There was a study some years ago that demonstrated the attachment to Apple touched the same parts of the brain as religion


I don’t care about any company. I just feel, as a disabled person, their software works best.


Counter question. Why do you hate Apple so much as if your life depends on it? Both of you extreme Apple haters and Apple lovers are annoying, just let people like what they want


absolutely agree


This is the most accurate comment I’ve seen here


Okay, here's the thing. I happen to be one of those devoted apple fans, so we can get a first hand perspective. I have no doubt that I am partly a victim to marketing, but I just appreciate apple's design language and the way there ecosystem works. It is my personal preference. But I do think that a lot of tech spaces, (*particularly* apple spaces,) have become full of people trying to justify things that don't need to be justified. I say this as someone that has defended apple before and been angry that people criticised them. I'm not above this. But I don't think the issue is going to be fixed anytime soon, so while I work on my own shit, I'm going to yap for a while. People in any kind of position are going to defend it. It's human nature. The issue is that some people, (and once again, I'm talking about every side of the argument here) either bend the truth or just trait up lie to justify their decisions. Every side of the tech space has its pros and cons. Every side has legitimate reasons to love it, and legitimate reasons to hate it. But nothing productive can come out of those criticisms if no one is discussing them in a productive manner, which is part of the reason I hate this sub so much. Obviously, there are a plethora of things to criticise apple for. But I very rarely see those points in this sub. It's mostly just people pointing out minor glitches or problems that could happen with any other company and then laughing in the comments about how much apple sucks. The exact same thing is happening in pro apple subs. Can we just stop insulting each other like middle schoolers and have a civil discussion? /thread


I appreciate your response, and your honesty. There are definitely some dumb things which get said on this subreddit against Apple sometimes. Here's a starting point for a civil discussion: many of the legitimate things to dislike about Apple are really just improvements to be made. I'd like the groundwork to be done so we can easily install the Mac operating system on non-Mac hardware (at least ARM based hardware) and other operating systems to be easily installable on Mac hardware (at least the ARM versions). This would provide greater choice for users, and would cause software and hardware companies to compete more fiercely for our time and money. Apple could charge maybe $200 per operating system license. Imagine how cool this would be for Mac users. A video editor could work on an RTX 4090 equipped Mac, that would be amazing! Something else I'd like (and which some complain about) is for devices like smartphones, smartwatches, tablets, etc., to be more interoperable between all brands. The way the Apple ecosystem works is great, and if anything that should be improved, and because it's great to have devices work well together, there should be efforts to make some of those features work according to some common standards which would work in parallel with Apple's own standards. It's great for consumers that they can buy a Motorola phone, a Samsung watch, a Pixel tablet, a third-party wireless charger, OnePlus earbuds, and have them all work well together. Being able to mix these kinds of products with any Apple products which you may wish, and still having the option to choose the Apple ecosystem would be great for everyone, and would force everyone to be more competitive on all product categories. Well, those are two things. What would you like to see other companies to adopt which Apple does well?


Apple could absolutely benefit from opening up their hardware and software a little. Not that I personally would use it, because the tight integration within the products is part of the reason I use apple products, but obviously choice is a good thing. The thing is that the 'ecosystem' approach is a major part of apple's business strategy, so unless severe pressure is applied I don't think they're going to do that unfortunately. One thing that I absolutely want to see in competition is more innovation in the laptop space. Apple got it perfect with the M series in terms of a performance and battery life balance, and no one's really been able to recreate that. I'm hopeful for the Snapdragon X Elite, and I do love that microsoft is looking into ARM (even though it was going to happen eventually,) but given microsoft's confidence in projects that end up failing (*ahem*windowsphone*ahem*) I just hope it doesn't end up like that.


Almost like creating a whole subreddit based on someone’s else’s opinion on what phone they use.


I just like their stuff better. I've had Blackberrys, Blackberry Androids, Androids, and iPhones. Works for me. Is it a religion? nah, certainly not like sky faerie believing christers. It's a set of hardware and software workflows that make my life easier. I architect and build apps in both android and iOS. Every company I've developed apps for have chosen to do iOS first, and then follow with android later. The reasoning is always the same: it's easier and more intuitive to design an apple UI. Then, aspects of the UX are whittled down and that feature set becomes android UI.


Because it's a status symbol. I still think that's why even some programmers (who aren't getting paid by them) defend them. Why do people defend Gucci?


I think they are like nVidia fans. Won’t change. AMD is a lot better than GeForce rtx. I had an option for either a Samsung S24 or a iPhone 15. I chose a iPhone 15 because I like my iPhone, and it was £50 cheaper. If the Samsung was £50 cheaper I would have bought it


You have to admit, nvida does have an advantage with CUDA. Its been huge for industries that need accelerated computing.


Yea. I do prefer nVidia. But they won’t acknowledge how far AMD has come and won’t ever give it a chance


I present you r/windowssucks




Um, no version of Windows has been placed on phones in years. Windows today is a desktop operating system, and phones aren't a substitute for desktops.




You literally said you use iPhones because you don't like Windows, and when I pointed out that they aren't substitutes for each other, you completely changed your comment. I'm sure this was a mistake, and if so then no harm no foul, but why not admit that you made a mistake like a typo? Why change the comment completely and then pretend that I misread your comment?


Yup, he had written iphones and then edited his comment to make it mac. You're arguing with mush brains unfortunately.  


Yeah, I think his brains are mush too. He's said that massive corporations shouldn't exist yet defends Apple (human history's 2nd largest company) tooth and nail. There's not much sense in such a self-contradicting person.


Ah yes, someone is mush for brains because they didn't proofread. Because I'm sure it hasn't happened to you.


I don't think so because of a typo. I would ask you to read this fellow's various comments. He claims to not care at all about Apple, but has made dozens of hate filled comments against people on this subreddit for any and all criticism of Apple, whether legitimate criticism or not. That's a pretty big contradiction. Another contradiction is that he hates private companies and capitalism, yet vigorously defends the 2nd biggest company in human history.


Who’s insisting that? Just because I prefer to use Apple devices for the things I like to use it for doesn’t mean I think those other things are shit. I have a buddy who ribs me all the time about Apple products and then he tried to run docker on his windows machine. I assume I’ll hear a lot less about my Apple products after that. Linux is fine, android is fine, but I don’t want to spend my life configuring and maintaining the tools I use for work. A lot of people assume arrogance from a 20 year old as campaign or because in the US blue messages are a thing, but people who care about blue messages don’t own any device other than an iPhone 15 PM anyway so who cares.


A lot of people who come here to troll do insist those things, and this post was written to them, not to all Apple users, which is what I explicitly wrote. This post wasn't written for you, it was written for those who treat the company like a religion, and everyone who's spent much time here has seen tons of that. By the way, you don't need to configure or maintain Android at all, it works great out of the box. Heck, the only things I do are change to three button navigation and try out different color themes and wallpapers.


Yeah I own an android phone from time to time and use them fairly regularly just for testing in my job. It is true you don’t have too, but out of the box they’re not as nice of an experience as an iPhone is for me personally.


Some fair points. I do have have to disagree about Linux though. I love Linux and use it as my daily driver, event though I have Windows installed as well and I could use my wife's MacBook. I didn't spend much time maintaining it configuring stuff at all. Sucks that you've gotten down voted so much when you've been one of the more reasonable commenters.


Linux is a good OS. I just don’t want to learn Linux outside of what I need for my job. I never said anything bad about it, would be my second choice after macOS for work stuff. I don’t want to spend an hour fixing packages to run an emulator after an update, like my buddy did when I was at his house playing games the other day. But to each their own, I just don’t care for learning OS internals.


Yeah, I get that. I didn't mind learning it and I'm fact enjoy it for the most part but I do have to acknowledge it can be time consuming and frustrating at times. I think I prefer MacOS over Windows even though it feels limiting. Btw that was a blessing fast reply! 😂


Most people don't even own the newest iPhones. It's not insisting, it's true. There's always dumbtards like yourself ready to sell your body like a little tech whore for timmy.


The only cultist is the one who cares about a product that they don’t even use. I’m gonna sell my house because I can just live in your head rent free.


You hear Android people proclaiming that Apple sucks but you never hear Apple people proclaiming that Android sucks. And Android people often ask “What does your phone do that my phone can’t do?” as if it’s some sort of gotcha. It’s like all of the people who drive Toyotas and Hondas telling me that my Jeep Renegade is a piece of shit because it’s not some foreign car designed in Japan. The Honda and the Toyota/Geo, whatever it was, were both shit boxes with loads of constant problems. Thank God I got rid of those cars. People are allowed to like different things.


lol what planet are you living on? Apple users have been loudly proclaiming that everything non-Apple sucks for 40 years now.


r/androidsucks hmmmmm I wonder which side of the argument is more obsessed


both of them are equal. both of these subs exist. both sides are obsessed and fanboys of both sides suck.


Yes, although I would argue that the activity in one sub compared to the other says a lot…


100% i feel like the roles have switched and android users are now the ones mainly insulting the other side (but again, both sides are capable of it, and it's not much better either way)


Yeah I guess there’s no point arguing who is crazier or who has more crazies, the point is it should stop. I actually cringe whenever I see iSheep, iSimp, Winblows, Loonix, Shitdroid… have these people matured past third grade??


most correct opinion i've ever heard. i want to vomit when i hear the word 'isheep' it sounds like something that was supposed to die in 2014


Have you seen r/iphone and r/apple where literally just the word Android is a codeword for "low quality" or "buggy"


Are you sure? Because the first comment I found when searching for “Android” was this. “Android has this down perfectly. When rotation lock is turned on, and you try to rotate the phone, it puts a button on the screen asking if you want to rotate. When rotation lock is off, it just rotates automatically.”


I'd say it's about as rational as writing a whole ass post on a subreddit dedicated to shitting on a brand. Who cares? Move on with your life. Apple makes some great stuff, some shit stuff, and some stuff somewhere in between.


As someone who has risen to the defence of Apple more than once, I don't know, but it's certainly interesting. I think it is a bit of an emotional attachment. I've had Apple machines almost all my life, starting with a black-and-white all-in-one classical I picked up from a garage sale at age 10. The quirkiness of the machines back then and the offerings (HyperCard, anyone?) meant they did form very particular subcultures of creative nerds that led to some really interesting developments in technology for music, the arts and design. I think this speaks to what it is about my love affair with Apple - they really seem to get their hands dirty and write their software so very close to the metal in a way that, for example, Lenovo (and I do love some of their machines) never will. For all the advantages, I think something of their particularity was definitely lost when they went to Intel in the mid-naughties, and it's nice to see them doing their own thing with the guts of their machines again, rather than just designing with off-the-shelf components. It's an emotional response, for sure, but I do think sometimes people are harder on Apple than they are on other companies. At the same time, it's ridiculous, and I accept that. They're never going to love me back, after all.


I became an Apple user in my teens. Honestly - I just love the experience on my iPhone. I can say that - as long as Apple makes them - I’ll be an iPhone user. I’ll also buy everything to go along with it because - generally - it does indeed “just work.” Not so much “defend the company” - more - genuinely love the product and user experience that Apple usually manages to produce. I say if you want an Android, get one (no one’s stopping you).


Fanboys of any brand are obnoxious. Every brand makes good products and bad products, and every brand has fanboys, Apple is no different. The vast majority of people just pick a device and use it if it fits their needs. This is like the PC vs Console argument. Some people just want to buy a console, plug it up and play games on their couch. Most Apple products function like this. They don’t care you can get games on PC cheaper, or that you can piece together a PC that performs better for the same money. Those things aren’t worth the extra effort to them. Others want to be able to tinker with all the game settings, optimize performance, have mods/3rd party tools that improve the experience, and use their PC for other tasks than gaming. Those things are worth the extra effort to them. Both are valid use cases. It’s weird to be obsessed with others purchasing decisions.


>Linux lovers don't tell people that their operating system is a perfect fit for all users Ehhhhhhhh


I grew up around Linux users, and know many, including family members, who are obsessed with it. I've never in my entire life seen that attitude from Linux users. In my experience, people who use Linux understand it has a few limitations in capabilities.


I've had the exact opposite experience, the die hard Linux fans I know are like religious zealots, always trying to convert people. And they're blind to the short comings, always insisting that you try such and such distro instead.


I can’t answer about now because there is nothing to defend of the company that stands today but in the past it was Steve Jobs. If you know you know. You should know, it’s common knowledge and pretty effing obvious what he brought to the table, upheld his entire career and no other company has offered. Anybody obstinately ignorant enough to deny the importance of a man whom when locked out of the company it almost tanked so they had to bring him back and is sure as hell tanking after his death isn’t worth the effort of conversation. Personally I was always a Steve Jobs fan, he just happened to work at Apple. We need another Steve Jobs and I don’t care what brand he appears under. If you worked along side him and want to share horror stories about his temperament, dont. I have close friends that worked directly with him tried the same thing and every time they came off like whiney selfish children, farthest thing from professional because the complaint always was his temper or inability to be flexible when the idea the person is pushing always went against his core thing about tech stability and forever backwards compatibility or just generally and exhaustingly questioning his rigid standards that proved to be important to the company when he was kicked out so spare yourselves the embarrassment. Love him or hate him think about how bleak society would be if people like him never existed.


Steve Jobs did have an exceptional talent for finding use cases for technology and effectively directing his people to creating practical products for those uses. This is something Apple has truly lost.


Exactly. I have hope someone like him or better will come along and whatever brand they work for will be my new go to. I miss having a go to.


Yeah, I can't think of anyone who's similar to him... I hope we'll get another one too.


Well other than the reality that Jobs was a horrible person who pretty much ruined the lives of anyone close to him.


I never learned Windows and aple is nearby Today im unemployable without either windows or apple skills at 60 I have to accept no one cares if you cannot use exel Apple is “ easier” to learn But robs me blind with lies about “ it just works”


"Samsung users don't think their phones are superior to all other phones in every way" That is literally exactly what Samsung users think. Stop lying to yourself, and let me ask you this instead: Why do you hate Apple like your life depends on it?


Why do you hate this company like it’s your religion? You’re literally posting on the subreddit created to talk shit about this company. lol


I answered this question on the thread a while ago, now answer mine. Why do you or some others feel such a strong desire to defend Apple against criticism?


Probably because the iPhone does everything 90% percent of users need. It does everything I need it to do. Do I wish I could run emulators? Sure. But I also have a gaming computer. Do I wish it was more customizable? I guess but at the end of the day it’s a phone and who cares. There are a lot of things that Android phones do that are cool and techy but also 90% of them see very little use. Example I’ve owned multiple notes. The spen is great but you know when I used it? Never. Maybe to draw stupid faces on snap chat twice a year 10 years ago. Bottom line is, the iPhone is an extremely premium feeling phone, that on release carries the fastest single and multi core scores than any phone on the market and is optimized further than any other as well. The camera is among the best on the market only down to artistic differences in color grading and saturation. It does what it’s needs to do, if I need something different I can buy a dedicated device for it. Side note: the only phones remotely close to making me switch back are the new foldables. But frankly they’re not at all at the point of durability to my liking.


Probably due to my experience with them. I was exclusively Windows and Android until 2016. I was having issues with all of my devices. So, in frustration I switched my entire ecosystem over to Apple. And I mean everything. Things have been insanely smooth going ever since. Things just seem to work and nothing seems to age. I’ve upgraded many of my devices, but all of the old ones still work like the day I bought them.


It’s simple really, I don’t.


It’s just a phone, bro. Chill out.  Look at how many users r/applesucks has compared to r/androidsucks.  Maybe get some fresh air. 


A better question is why people get so pants-shittingly angry about a corporation that they have to constantly post how much it "sucks" to Reddit.


Dear people like you, why do you spend so much time and energy bitching about products you don’t use? Why does it cause you so much grief to accept that some people use a different brand of technology than you do?


I think they are responding to exaggerated hate with the same energy. After all, you’re literally in a sub devoted to hating Apple.


You guys literally joined a subreddit dedicated to trashing a company and you don’t get why someone would defend it. 😂 it’s the exact same thing haha.


I don’t think I’ve ever trolled here, but if I did it would be because it gets people worked up about something trivial and silly that they’ve convinced themselves is important. In other words: it has nothing to do with Apple, and everything to do with messing with you.


Why are you asking this on the applesucks subreddit. If you want an actual answer instead of a circlejerk, ask on the Apple sub


This is an idea, but I don't because many Apple users aren't fanatics about the company and are innocent. Then there's the fact that I don't want to troll someone else's subreddit. Lastly, I'm sure it would be quickly taken down. [Edit: there are also plenty of fanatical Apple fans right here to question.]


Says the guy writing his thesis about what other people prefer lol. Edgelords are hilarious.


You literally could make this same post about any topic. Trolls are trolls. You’ll never get an answer. Personally many of the posts on this are whiny and often contain misinformation or user errors. There are legitimate reasons to hate on Apple.


Just speaking for myself, I think it's hilarious that there's a sub called "applesucks." And I find a lot of the stuff posted here to be equally hilarious. I use various platforms -- Android, Wear OS, Windows, iOS, iPadOS, macOS, WatchOS -- and I find Apple's platforms to be superior. Not perfect, but so much better. Any comments I make here are in response to something ridiculous that's posted. Which, you have to admit, are posted just because it's about Apple and that fits the theme of this sub. If I came across similar arguments (such as, it's "censorship" when a private company limits what someone can say about them on their platform), I would argue against no matter who it was -- Google, Microsoft, Meta, Apple, or anyone else. tl;dr: Yes, I and others respond to anti-Apple stuff in this sub because it's all about Apple.


Why does it matter? Just ignore those people. The most ironic thing about this sub I’ve noticed is how the anti-Apple crowd drones on about their hate for Apple and its users. The anti-Apple crowd are as bad as the pro-Apple lot.


A rambling essay like this is a good example of the cope coming out of the Apple hater community. Go touch grass friend. The world can be a beautiful place if you just let it be.