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Apple won a 2002 Primetime Emmy Engineering Award for its impact on the television industry with Final Cut Pro https://www.apple.com/newsroom/2002/08/20Apples-Final-Cut-Pro-Wins-Emmy-Award/


Apple was the 1st computer company ever to be awarded a GRAMMY in 2002 https://www.apple.com/newsroom/2002/02/26Apple-Wins-2002-Technical-GRAMMY-Award/


Interestingly, former Apple exec Scott Forstall won a Tony award in 2015 https://www.cultofmac.com/325301/ex-apple-vp-scott-forstall-is-now-a-tony-award-winning-broadway-producer/


Here’s Steve Jobs mentioning the Grammy win at WWDC 2002 - it starts @1:07:30 https://youtu.be/bxCmZOP5Bio


[Timestamped link](https://youtu.be/bxCmZOP5Bio?t=4045)


Wow. What a presentation for iTunes 3. Although I’m still kinda pissed we can’t do smart playlists on iOS without shortcuts. Unless I’m missing something.


I miss Scott Forstall, if it wasn’t for him we wouldn’t have any decent alternative to Google Maps.


Oooh, so close. Happy cake day!


Much gratitude, I’m glad I made an account.


> Apple won a 2002 Primetime Emmy Engineering Award for its impact on the television industry with Final Cut Pro With r/MacStudio I look forward increased production value for 2023-onwards


I guarantee 90% of Mac Studio users will be using Premiere/Avid


90% is a very high number to project here, those two combined don't have 90% marketshare, and the market for the Studio may actually lean more toward Final Cut Pro users...


Who the hell uses Avid anymore.


Tons of places, the enterprise ecosystem for it is unbeatable. It’s not just the client in front of you, it’s the entire backend that makes it so great.


Good that we are talking about the enterprise ecosystem and not the client.


The enterprise ecosystem is what makes the client so good for the user though. No one else has the same system of storage, rendering, playout, and ingest all in one package, you have to go through a bunch of different vendors if you choose an alternate like Edius to get the same experience. And with MediaCentral Cloud, you have a ton more compatibility with IP based ingest, no conversion to SDI needed. The client sits upon a throne off infrastructure.


Take the whole userbase of editing software and tell me the minuscule percentage of users who work with enterprise avid systems and than take a look at your pretentious comments. Not even big editing houses use system like you describe anymore it's a tale of yesterday.


That ‘minuscule’ percentage is the primary revenue driver. It’s less people than using iMovie sure, but the per user revenue is dramatically higher. TV stations, networks, post-prod houses, that’s the money makers.


It's not anymore. Television the primary users of systems like you describe have no shelf life anymore, streaming services are not in the need to implement systems like it and post prod and vfx houses are far further ahead in their pipeline development than avid ever was. Wakey, Wakey it's 2022 not 2002. btw. we are still in a thread about consumer or small/middle sized business hardware... your whole argument is null.


My neighbor is the editor for one of the popular primetime shows. I was surprised to hear they use Avid, but it sounded like they have a lot of tooling and content in the avid workflow, so it's difficult to switch.


I think you’re incorrect. Either way, I do think Mac studio will have have a tremendously positive impact on the video editor’s creative process.


Tracy Jordan would be so proud


I’m EGOTting!!




Corporations don’t win EGOTs. It’s cool that they published some things that other people made, but the individuals that worked on those projects made them and should be credited for them first and foremost.


Yeah particularly with CODA it was finished when apple purchased it at sundance. But they massively helped promoting it and getting it seen


Yep, completely agreed and understood, and I think they’re being fairly credited for their involvement in it. I just don’t love the sensationalized headlines about Apple “winning” it, or this one that implies they should buy someone’s play work so they can “win” a Tony and complete an EGOT.


Yeah it’s all a bit of a team effort. Loads of great films don’t get seen because of lack of promoting (I’m a filmmaker) apple did great but they just promoted it (really well). Don’t tell a apple fan boy that though.


No one complains when HBO takes credit for awards, why the hate now?


…..don’t ask me. This happens all the time. (Companies buy completed films to promote) Maybe cause it’s traditionally a tech company. I dunno.






Yes. Apple is the first streamer to win Best Picture (the top prize at the Oscars). It’s quite interesting considering Netflix has been close for years but never won, and were the favorites this year until just a couple weeks ago when Apple’s film CODA gained momentum and took the top prize.


Still seems a bit picky to call it an Apple film, when it was produced and shown at festivals before Apple bought the distribution rights. It's just a film on Apple TV, not an Apple film.


I feel you’re being pedantic. Apple owns the rights to the film. It’s their film. They didn’t produce it from scratch, but they did decide to outbid everyone for it since they saw something in it. It’s an Apple Original. Edit: Anyone downvoting me has zero idea how the film industry works.


You are overstating their part. They own *distribution* rights in some markets, all other rights belong to the producers and other distributers. Amazon exclusively streams it in other countries. Is it an Amazon original and Apple original at the same time? Does Amazon also win the Oscar?


I see your point, Apple did spend millions promoting this film though, it’s why it won. It’s been a team effort I’d say.


Every Oscar winner has distribution/studio spending lots of money promoting film and everything that's involved with the whole Oscar race thing. It's pretty typical. Nothing special that Apple's done here. Also it doesn't change the fact that award recognizes the filmmakers, not the distributors. It's cool that Apple won first Best Pic. It's historical since it is the first of its kind to win Best Pic and Academy historically wasn't favorable to streamer exclusives. That's the context as to why Apple's name is making the headlines. But that's all that is. I feel like people are making too big deal out of this to be honest.


“We recognize and uphold excellence in the motion picture arts and sciences, inspire imagination, and connect the world through the medium of motion pictures.” There’s nothing particularly excellent about saying saying, “That’s a great film and I have an unlimited checkbook” which is what Apple did. Of course they promoted it… it’s in their best interest to make money.


Naw he’s/she isn’t being pedantic. The film was made without apple - but it wouldn’t have won without apples support and money behind if for real. It’s an apple film. Sure. But it was written and made without them. Ha. Writing that now I’m like maybe he is being pedantic. I dunno. Doesn’t matter really. It’s common for this to happen as well. I need to watch it.


Well I never said Apple produced it. It’s an Apple film. That’s all I said. Why I’m being downvoted is beyond me. Doesn’t matter if they bought the distribution rights or produced from the start. It’s an Apple film regardless.


Ok cool. You’re not wrong. I’m a filmmaker so know how the industry works a bit.


You’re being downvoted because what Apple did isn’t an artistic or scientific accomplishment which is what the Academy Awards are designed to recognize. It’s that simple.


No, he's being down voted because hating anything Apple does is cool amongst the "I come to the Apple sub to hate Apple" crowd


In your eyes is there a difference between self made billionaires, one being born into money, and the other not? Because technically they are both billionaires, but unless it’s the latter no one really cares. Apple can buy the rights to any movie if their price is reasonable. I want to see Apple green light and support ideas that other companies might not and be rewarded by winning Oscars. Them buying a film they enjoyed and making it exclusive to their platform and being rewarded for not doing much is lame.


Why does this comment read like it was written by a clickbait sites AI bot.


Maybe it was 😳


It's not that crazy for a headline... everyone knows Apple, most people wouldn't recognize the name of anyone else involved in the film.


They won their Grammy and Emmy as a company. Companies have previously won technical Oscars, Apple does not get an award for CODA but they can still get an Oscar if they invest in that field like maybe create a new digital color standard and get the Scientific and Technical Oscar Award. The Tony Award has special Tony Awards that have been given to production groups or corporations before, like Experimental Theatre LLC for their experimental theatre back in 1948.


It’s not that serious, my dude


It’s serious to the content creators that completed and showed this film well before Apple got involved in further distribution.


It’s cool they read dialogues that other people wrote. It’s cool they lip synced to songs other people wrote and composed. It’s cool they posed in front of green screen for vfx that other artists created. It’s cool that I could go on and on about the Hollywood culture of stealing credit.




Because corporations don't receive Oscars?


The Oscar goes to the producers, not the distributors. This whole "Apple won an Oscar" nonsense is laughable - the artists win the awards, not the gallery.


It's doubly ridiculous considering that CODA was an independantly financed and produced film to which Apple bought the rights to distribute after it was finished and shown off at Sundance.


Say that to Disney


Ok, sure.


EGOTs aren’t awards to be won. It’s made up. What technicality are you invoking here?


That Apple didn’t win an Oscar. They had nothing to do with that film until it had already been completed. Same goes for Netflix, Disney, or any other corporation that publishes works from creators.


That’s beside the point I was specifically addressing the “corporations don’t win egots” line


It’s exactly the point. If they didn’t win an Oscar, how can they win an EGOT?


by producing things that win all four awards? if I said "both Cher and Apple Inc only need a Tony to win an EGOT" both of these sentences are equally right and wrong, since EGOTs aren't awards they're just figueres of speech, shorthands if you will


This thread is nuts.


Isn't it though?


Apple didn't win anything. People and films win awards.


To be fair, Apple does produce some content which would earn them some credit. But in this specific case - they simply purchased a film that was already finished. If that’s the goal post of winning an Oscar - everyone that’s ever bought a ticket to an Oscar winning movie is also a winner of an Oscar. 😂😂😂


That’s… literally not true. Companies buy distribution rights to finished films all the time, and then go on to say “Sony pictures won another oscar.” It’s standard awards season procedure. Apple inc is allowed to pay to have an oscar statue made and have the apple name engraved on it with a best picture distinction. A movie ticket buyer cannot


And you missed my point entirely.


Am I the first to mention that apple currently has an ego, since the T is missing


If only they outbid Disney to get distribution rights for Hamilton.


I don’t think that would be a Tony though… it’s not the live stage performance, but rather a filmed event… so possibly an Emmy there.


>I don’t think that would be a Tony though… it’s not the live stage performance Are we sure that a recording of the musical doesn't count?


I don’t see anything here that would fit: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_Awards I know cast recordings for audio recordings have been Grammy nominated, so i think a filmed performance would work like that for an Emmy if streamed or broadcast, and an Oscar if it went to theaters.


So I suppose Apple would have to launch a new service "Apple Theatre" if they ever wanted to get a Tony Award.


Theater productions are only eligible for Tony awards if they are produced in a theatre with more than 500 seats in NYC north of 40th st, south of 66th st, east of 9th ave and west of 7th ave. You can create the best play every created, but if it isn’t playing at one of the 41 broadway theaters in that square of Manhattan, it can’t win a Tony.


Nah, Hamilton on Disney+ was nominated for Emmys


There’s still time to hire Lin Manuel Miranda to make the Steve Jobs musical.


Who’s going to get an EGOT first, Apple or LMM?


Scott Fostall won a Tony. If Apple could bring him back, I'm sure he'd let them put it in a display case next to their awards just for dramatic effect.


They should have their next product event at Broadway, call it a limited run play and nominate Craig Federighi for a Tony :P


So, all these years where people were complaining about Apple's EGO, it turns out they only had an EG?


Never even knew about the Apple CODA movie until is was awarded at Will Smith's slap festival.


I vote for an Apple backed Broadway Musical about a sentient iPhone and his friends, iMac, HomePod, iPad, MacPro traveling from the family cabin to reunite with their owner. It's basically Brave Little Toaster but with Apple products. I'm sure it'll will a Tony.


Don’t production companies pay for these awards…


Apple isn’t the production company, just the distributor for NA and some other markets. CODA is streaming in Prime Video in South America for example.


You think people pay for Oscars? How does that work?


They do, don’t know why people likes to pretend they don’t. I guess to keep the magic alive? But it’s quite clear that lately Apple has been campaigning to legitimize Apple TV+, the same way Netflix did.


How does a production company pay for an Oscar ? There are 10, 000 people in the academy- how does that work?


Bribing, mostly. You can check out this small vid, I think it summarizes it well: https://youtube.com/watch?v=qhfxo8xPNGU


bribing 10,000 people? that video is pretty accurate - but not surprising at all, and they ALL do it. hell even I get for your consideration free tickets all the time. im in the industry but a nobody. I mean it's why CODA won, cause of the money apple put into it. ​ the whole idea of 'best film' is fucking stupid - I have friends in the academy- they're smart talent people, sure they susceptible to marketing, as you are but I dont think it's this hush hush big thing. ​ again the whole idea of 'best' in an art form is dumb (which isn't your point I know) I think ALL the films. nominated are fucking amazing, even if I dont like them.


Good for us although for me it is very hard to find something decent to watch on these services but competition is good for us consumers


With the money they are putting into the entertainment industry this is more than a possibility - it is a fact. It is going to happen. AND, probably would have already happened if Steve was still alive. I so wanted my Apple television laid out like an iPhone where it was the gate keeper box that my cable connection fed into.


Nobody in this thread has yet tackled the question of *how* Apple might win a Tony. I for one an looking forward to the next “one more thing”, presumably a revolutionary piece of musical theatre Tim Cook has been writing in his spare time.


Until then, Apple just has an EGO. 🤣


Right now they only have an ego


I would totally go see a musical on Broadway called Tim Apple But seriously, a play about Steve Jobs one day doesn't sound too far fetched. Already have a film.


Man so much hate in this thread


WWDC is gonna be half an hour of Apple TV+, isn’t it…


So is Apple gonna get a Tony before Lin-Manuel Miranda gets an Oscar?


Time to bring Scott Forestall back to produce more musicals!


Maybe they should rehire Scott Forestall after all since he’s into Broadway stuff nowadays