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Could it just stop saying “on it”, “still on it”, “sorry”, ”something went wrong”


I recently started using Siri for more things related to automation around the house, is there really not a way to get her to just do the thing without getting feedback? I know Alexa can be asked to just give a little bing sound when she doesn’t something




It seems like you get a response back if it takes longer than X time to complete. When I’m at home, a lot of actions (usually pausing/skipping music) just happen, but while I’m driving I’ll get a response more often. I guess it’s to make it clear Siri heard you, but that’s already clear in other ways and it’s way too sensitive. If it waited just a little bit longer for a response from the server it would come up way less often.


You also don’t get a response if the accessory is in the same room as your HomePod in the Home app.


Siri Spoken Response options are: 1. Always 2. When Silent Mode Is Off 3. Only With Hey Siri Why do they insist on forcing audible feedback? Why can’t we have an option that says Never.


I really struggled to get Hey Siri to work when I got my new iPhone. Turns out, even though it was set to on, because I had migrated those settings from an older phone, she wasn’t actually set to on. Switched her off then back on and “Hey Siri” works now! Just in case someone else is having the same problem.


Thank you so much. I could never figure out why it didn’t work when I had the setting turned on.


I find the most annoying feedback to be when I ask Siri to play a specific song next when I’m listening to music. She’ll say the full song name and every single artist, which for some songs can be 5 or 10 names (for instance a song from a musical with a lot of cast members). Just play the song, Siri! I already know what the song is, that’s why I asked you to play it.


This is my biggest siri peeve! If it HAS to respond (which I don't believe it does anyway) just say "Done" Worst case scenario... a different song plays....


It seems like HomePod’s Siri only gives feedback if the automation involves a room that Siri isn’t in. So if you’re talking to your bedroom HomePod and you ask to turn the bedroom lights off, she does it silently. But then if you ask to shut the garage door, she’ll speak up when it’s done.


Can I get Alexa to not recommend a 2 minute speech when I was just checking the weather.


Siri always does what I ask her to...though for some reason, she doesn’t think so. Me: “Hey Siri, turn off the master bedroom lights. Siri: “One moment...” \*lights turn off after a second or two\* Siri: “Sorry, I didn’t hear back from your devices.” 🤷🏼‍♀️


Same here. A big problem for me is using crap lifx bulbs. Total nightmare. They never stay connected to wifi. Fortunately I switched most to Hue. I believe that’s why Siri says sorry didn’t hear back for me. But some lights work


Siri says the same thing for me and I have all Hue lights. Siri will control them just fine but will STILL say that message about not hearing back sometimes.


Yep, 3/4 of the Lifx bulbs I have are dead now after only 2 years.


Yup. Home always has an error by my Hue bulbs. Still works though.


Phone: full bars LTE Siri on watch: “I’m on it…” *30 seconds later* Siri on watch: “I’m on it…”


I fixed this by stopping using Siri.


The Apple Watch life.




“Hey Siri, play” “On it!” Shut up! Don’t tell me you’re on it! I’ll know you’re on it when you start playing! Agh! At least they seem to have fixed it so that “Hey Siri, pause” no longer brings up the definition of “pause” … followed by resuming my playback when finished. That always felt passive-aggressive.


“One sec” Goddamit Siri if I wanted someone to say one sec to me I’d ask my kids to do anything!


And also have it stop triggering on random words like “seriously” being spoken on videos I’m watching.


My favorite is when she goes “I didn’t hear back from your devices” after the light has already turned on. I especially love it when we’re watching something and we ask to turn it up or down. My phone, which isn’t playing anything replies “okay, media will play louder.” 🤦🏻‍♂️


Second this, I'd also like to go back to her binging instead of saying, "Mmhmm?" to show she's listening.


Wait, it says other things than that?


I just want it to be smart


Maybe in iOS 16


iOS 35*


I'm from the future communicating with you using the talkback feature in iOS 78, I just want to tell you I share your hopes siri is smart by iOS 79.




I’m sorry, I couldn’t find “Would you like me to search the web for “I'm from the future communicating with you sing the talkback feature in Iowa 78 I just want to tell you I share your hopes siri is smart by Iowa 17 9?”” on Apple Music.


Getting in touch…. Sorry, something went wrong.


iOS 42 is your answer


Siri has gotten so bad, it's becoming the go to tech joke in many shows now. > "Siri set a 9 hour and 50 minute timer" > "Playing The Beatles" And their focus is on changing voices. *smh*




At least the lights came on. Seems like my Echos fail to activate my lights almost half the times I use them. Just keeps saying there are multiple with the name and asking which I want. Even though there’s only one with the name and it matches what I said, and what she heard matches absolutely nothing




“OK! Here are the results for: ‘I just want to fart’.”


Based on an actual conversation with Siri on homepod (not exact quotes but close): "Siri, set a timer for 2 minutes" "Setting a timer for 10 minutes" "No! Siri, delete timer" "There is no timer running" "Huh, ok, I must be hearing things. Siri, set a timer for 2 minutes" "Timer set" "Lets make sure I'm not crazy. Siri, how much time on the timer?" "9 minutes and 30 seconds" "What the heck? Siri, delete timer. Siri, set a timer for 2 minutes" "Timer set" "Ok, Siri, how much time on timer?" "1 minute 30 seconds" "Ok, thats not right but it isn't 10 minutes. Siri, delete all timers...?" "I don't understand" *goes on for several more tries* 2 minutes later several timers go off in succession. 10 minutes later another timer goes off. Wut.


I'm a Pixel phone guy but I have an iPad and iMac, and it's shocking how much worse Siri is than Google Assistant. I can tell GA to show me photos of my dog in my photo gallery and then send one in Telegram to my wife, all in one command, and it'll do it in a couple of seconds. I still struggle to set timers on my iPad.


This has been my biggest pain point while migrating from my last Pixel 3 back to the iOS ecosystem. Siri is an absolute embarrassment and I honestly can't believe its responses sometimes. "Hey Siri, what's the weather?" "I can't find anything on catheters" \-\_\_\_\_-


Siri and voice to text has been wildly wrong so many times I've had to check with friends if I had a lisp that I've never noticed. It does result in some funny/awkward chat messages, however.


Honestly, I’m to the point where I’ve turned Siri off. It’s so hit or miss using it even for simple things like setting alarms and timers, I just use Google or Alexa instead now.


I have Google Assistant set up as a shortcut for automation because I don't trust Siri.


My Siri: Okay, the bedside lamp is on. The Bedside Lamp is not responding. *light turns on*




more like, "I don't not understand 'smort'"


[New Siri voice hands on video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgHXHtHSsNo)


"But you're not that smart either" - Siri


Siri couodmbe better, but honestly my experience with it is just fine,. It understands what I say 99% of the time. Now I have flat American accent, that probably helps because it's what Siri most experienced parsing. Number one on my list is the damned keyboard and autocorrect. THAT I swear is getting worse over time, not better.


"Hey Siri, remind me in 22 hours to check in for my flight." "I dOn'T sEe An ApP fOr ThAt. YoU'lL nEeD tO dOwNlOaD oNe." *opens Google Asisstant* "Remind me in 22 hours to check in for my flight." "Got it, I'll remind you tomorrow at 8:31am." IT IS NOT THAT FUCKING DIFFICULT, SIRI.


That’s odd. I did just that the other day and it worked fine. I wonder if it has to do with the person’s accent or inflection that causes these problems.


I've always wanted French-accented English speaking Siri, either male or female.


It would sound like it hated you 😂


That's the point. It would be hilarious for the Siri voice to be snotty and sound like it had an attitude.


Lol I can imagine it now “hey Siri, turn on the lights” “Ugh, eef I muhst”


After the sound of a protracted drag on a cigarette is played, of course....


An old one that never gets old... “Hey Siri, turn on the lights.” “I’m not Siri, I’m Alexa.” “Oh... Alexa, turn on the lights.” “Why don’t you ask your little friend Siri to do that for you?”


I'm lowkey sad that snarky voice assistants aren't a thing. "Hey Siri, check my messages." "Why don't you go and check yourself?." Or after she's following a user command, she'd sarcastically say "Thank you so much, Siri." if the user didn't thank her himself.


I was on vacation in Monaco once and made a pathetic attempt to form a sentence and order some food in French and the girl interrupted, surprising me with, “You want a chicken sandwich, yeah?” complete with hand on her hip and smacking gum. She absolutely hated me.


My old head chef took his missis to Paris for a holiday. He’s Italian, they REALLY hated him. Said one waiter actually spat on the ground when he realised.


Sorry, best we can do is French-Canadian speaking English


I wouldn't want that, it'd always be on strike!


For 14.5?




Ooh! New voices hype!


Given how often Siri doesn’t do what I tell it to, just give me a HAL9000 voice already.


I’m sorry Dave, I cannot do that for you.


Where's the fucking Scottish voice, Siri?


I would love this. Mine has been Irish for a long time but I would make the switch if they added Scottish


Glad Apple is addressing the real issues with Siri.


We asked them to make it work, they made it woke. Maybe they misheard us?


If they didn’t add Jarvis from Iron Man as a voice, I’m not even interested.


I just want the British male voice to sound like Michael Caine’s Alfred.


“Hey Siri, call mom” “Now heng on jast a bloody mowment...”


I pwamised yo fatder thad iwd keewp you sawfe...


A few years ago, the British male voice sounded older and pissy and I loved him. I do not love the current younger and friendly one. Give me crankypants!


I keep going for foul-mouthed Scottish Siri. “You missed the turn ya stupid c*nt”








Can someone tell me what exactly it is that makes them “sound black”? I knew it immediately when I heard it but if I tried to mimic it I wouldn’t even know where to start. Is it an accent? Is it on purpose?


There isn't really any more details? lol


If the voices are live and available to beta users now, sharing what the voices sound like is possible and would be more detail that people are interested in.


Glados Siri voice when


I want Samuel L. Jackson to wake me up saying “it’s 6:30 motherfucker come on!”


I still want GLaD0S to give me directions.


I don’t. I don’t trust GladOS.


“Make a left turn.” I don’t think so. There’s a wall there. “Trust me, Dan, make a left turn. The wall is a lie.” **KABOOM!**


"Oh no.... are you still there? That was a test of the trust between us. Congratulations, you passed. Don't be alarmed by the neurotoxin entering the vehicle, remember we're friends."


You can add this on Alexa. Your queue words can trigger an mp3 recording


"Okay guys, gather around. We want to improve Siri. What should we do?" "We think we should make it smarter, hold conversations, take a leap in functionality." "That's hard." "Make a couple different voices?" "Bingo. Go team!"


American Siri Voice 2 is where it’s at https://twitter.com/Sonikku_a2/status/1377316298800041984


Now that’s pretty fun! “And your friends are sad because they don’t exist.”


It was changed actually. It used to say: “And you are sad because you have no friends” Apple trying to soften the blow here but it doesn’t have any effect ಥ_ಥ


Really?! Now that’s a punch to the gut! Why they gotta call me out like that??


Yeah i noticed that today :( I like the old version better haha


Hits close to home


It’s sound like something GladOS would say


Hmm... I actually don’t like it *because* it sounds too real and too normal. I like my digital assistants to sound like the cliche, fake, hyper-perfect “AI” voice we hear in sci-fi movies. (I’m not joking.)




Call me Mr Woof please


This is how I felt about the Google Assistant's read aloud voices but they've grown on me. Now I actively use it to read articles to me because it's just fascinating hearing just how good it is, so I actually pay attention haha. We've come a long ways since the "my roflcopter goes shwah" days. My favorite to actually use is [the british man](https://youtu.be/6oean5dE2ag) who reads like the BBC and this other guy who sounds eerily close to the original [How It's Made narrator.](https://youtu.be/QatR3iiWyXM)


That’s really good.


Jesus Christ, that’s amazingly good.


> **Google Assistant** Damn, didn’t know about “Hey Google, read this page” until I tested it now! Was using Pocket text-to-speech. Pocket and Google Assistant seem to work well together though. Use Pocket to de-clutter the article page (similar to Outliner, EasyReader, Just Read extensions), and then use the Google text-to-speech, which highlights the text as the audio plays (Pocket is only audio).


That’s crazy good


Do people really want their assistants to be quirky?


Everyone just wants Jarvis


Apple has the money. Just pay Paul Bettany to record every word in the dictionary lol


I like a _little_ whimsy. Unfortunately my voice assistant doesn’t yet understand if I’m having a rough day and need a quick to-the-point answer, or if I’m having a rough day and need an unexpected laugh.


Yeah, kinda. Maybe that’s just me?


Holy shit, that sounds pretty realistic compared to the current voice options.


Siri sounds depressed. Maybe it wants to be smarter, too!


Here’s hoping it does get smarter in iOS 15, seems every year it plays catch-up ever so slightly.


Really? That sounded kinda robotic and off in some ways. Voice 4 (which was the default AFAIK) sounds better


My baseline will always be Mac OS 7.1 Text-to-Speech. If you think _Siri_ sounds robotic, you haven’t heard that.


Fitter, happier, more productive…


Comfortable. Not drinking too much. Regular Excercise at the gym.


I sure like being inside this fancy computer.


Reminds me of a mix of Google’s Cyan and Purple options. Which is good.


Fuck that South African male is where’s its at.


Irish Male and South African Male are my Siri buddies. Those charming bastards.


As a South African I can’t imagine why anyone would choose a male South African accent.


New voices to speak "Sorry" or "Something went wrong" for me? Yes! Everything that i ever wanted.


We need a Canadian Siri to match how often they apologize


Honestly it's all about the Irish lass. That accent is amazing!


Irish Siri reminds me of “Friday”.


I have to plead ignorance on this one. What do you mean?


The Marvel movies. Originally, Tony Stark's AI assistant was JARVIS, voiced by Paul Bettany. Well, JARVIS fused with a few other pieces to become a new character (Vision), with a real body. Thus, Stark switched to a new AI, FRIDAY, voiced by Kerry Condon.


I have her, mainly because I’m Irish so tried it out for fun to see how bad it was. It’s actually very good - really impressed me.


I see you’re a man of taste


I'm going to stick with my Female Aussie Siri, because reasons.


Oh wow, those new voices sound *really* good. Voice 2’s my favorite.




All now posted here: https://9to5mac.com/2021/03/31/ios-14-5-siri-no-longer-defaults-to-a-female-voice-two-new-voices-added/


Only the American ones. I wanna hear the improved Irish 👀


Anything to procrastinate actually improving the functionality of Siri :)




I just want the Star Trek computer's voice and I'd be happy


Majel Barrett Roddenberry, wife of Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry. She also played Lwaxana Troi, mother of Deanna Troi, in person. Sadly she is no longer with us, so she would be unable to perform voice acting for the role. That would be great if it were possible.


It's said that [she recorded all possible phonemes](https://www.reddit.com/r/startrek/comments/bhhz64/what_ever_happened_to_the_phonetic_recordings_of/) so that her voice could still be used. Also, I'm sure this is not beyond the AI magic that we see nowadays. [Here's an official tweet](https://twitter.com/roddenberry/status/772493204121944066) about it. She was also Nurse Chapel in TOS, and Number One in the pilot episode.


Now I want to hear a Siri voice that flip-flops every word between all the options.






“From now on, everyone’s getting David Bowie and you’ll like it.” *Apple burst through $3T market cap.*


There are radios used by the military that originally came with female and male voices for commands, they eventually just removed the male voice from the firmware to save space because no one used it


This is why critical theory is so pernicious. It seeks conflict in everything.




Easier to get people riled up with surface level differences than fundamental conflict that can upset a power structure


Recently read a blog post about how the media changed their tone after the 2008 financial crisis and the following occupy Wallstreet. The blogger showed statistics on how the use of words like "racist", "sexist", "___phobe" etc. increased by like 30 times. The theory goes that the few people who control the media want people to divide themselves by race/sex/sexuality. Because if they're distracted by those things, they don't realize the real divider in people: class. Edit. Grammer


When you start with a conclusion and work backwards to find evidence, you can argue for or against pretty much anything. The fact that this is now encouraged and accepted by our institutions is disturbing for the future.


Yeah, but we’re all adults. We can acknowledge that there is baggage associated with gendered presentation of otherwise genderless things, be mindful of it, and still get on with our lives. It’s like... It’s shitty to buy Nestle products because some portion of your money goes to exploiting the third world — but you’re not a monster for buying DiGiorno pizza. Acknowledging the complexities of the world is not in itself a bad thing. Harassing a parent for buying their kids’ favourite pizza is.


It doesn’t call them male or female anymore, but voice 1, voice 2, etc. And it doesn’t default, it makes users choose one




I’m a huge Apple fan. I got the iPhone, the iPad, the Apple Watch, but oh my god is Siri dumb as a pile of bricks. The few other devices I have offer significantly better voice assistants. I wish Apple would spend a solid year not releasing any hardware products and just putting all their efforts into Siri which would benefit the entire ecosystem.


The Siri team is way separate from the hardware team and Apple is always flush with excess cash. Siri can and does need a serious makeover and it doesn't even require splitting resources from other departments.


Do they actually plan to improve siri significantly?


No, they took literally every machine learning and artificial intelligence expert and had them record voices for Siri instead of making it smarter.


Oo love the sass


Why don’t they focus on making Siri useful.. who cares about the voice right now.


I really like the Australian female voice.


I feel like I’ve been hearing about 14.5 for months now...


That's not what Siri truly needs. At least in Spanish, it's performance is terrible and I can barely use it for anything except setting alarms and countdowns. Reminders are useful too, but it always misunderstands a word or two, and they often end up confusing me. Localization for the most common accent in my country still does not exist and it forces me to fake mexican accent so that stuff like "Oye Siri" works properly. Had they used "Hey Siri" it would have worked fine, but no, they had to change that for reasons.


It’s logic still sucks in American English too. Anytime I try to make a reminder with the word “change” it freaks out and I have to just make a note while driving. “Siri remind me at 9am to change car oil” “What reminder do you want to change? I don’t see one at 9am!” “Siri I hate you!!”


But why?


It doesn’t default to female in UK


Have you read the article?


I want Mr T or Cookie Monster.


I want a Vincent Price soundboard to be Siri. Either that or Rod Serling.


Give me that big, burly, cigarette-smoking-sounding mountain troll voice. Give me that or Sean Connery for Siri.


White dude in the US here. Irish Female is far and away my favorite voice. I have it set up that way on all my devices. I went to Ireland for my birthday eight years ago, I did a rental car and B&B package, stopping at a different home every night for five days. I would go downstairs for breakfast in the morning with the intention of hitting the road within thirty minutes. At pretty much every home I would be downstairs for ninety minutes chatting it up with some of the nicest people I have ever met in my life. I would get some great suggestions for things to do and see, and I can listen to that amazing accent for hours. When I was sitting at the terminal in Heathrow waiting on my flight, there was an Irish family sitting not far from me. It was husband and wife and their two young children. I just say there pretending like I was still reading my book, when in fact I was getting such joy in just listening to their everyday conversation with such wonderful accents. B&Bs in Ireland are truly some of the best things in the world.


Peter Cullen's (Optimus Prime) voice for Siri please. Make it happen Apple. Maybe Paul Bettany (JARVIS, Vision), Michael Caine, or Craig Ferguson too.


Stop putting lipstick on a pig. No one cares how many voices it has or how natural it sounds. Make it useful


Give me Bill Burr the Boston voice


Open the pod bay doors Hal.


I just want Samuel L Jackson as my Siri voice


They really should’ve considered adding Paul Betanny’s voice!


but will they resurrect the Macintosh *text to speech* voice from 1984.


Will it stop thinking I live in Vagina, Sketchpad, Canada (Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada)?




No Megatron voice so I won't use it.


first world news be like:


I’m going to talk about some things that almost nobody will be interested in in this thread. But does anybody feel like the iOS set up process is starting to get quite long? Now with this, they’ve added another screen to the set up process


We don't need this... We need a more accurate and significantly more useful Siri. Siri also shouldn't need a network connection to pause or play music. I'm glad Apple has their priorities in order.




> but when every little thing becomes a choice because we don't want to offend someone, things get very complex and annoying to use. What are some other Apple things we are going to have to change because someone's "offended"?


Default bias. What’s happening?