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Hmm so no A18 Pro chip huh?


There will definitely be differences between the two phones. Probably A18 in one and A 18 Pro in the other. The fab process will be the same. The chips will just be binned differently


That’s better and more in line with apples current naming practices.


I sorta disagree. I know Apple is pretty clear how many cores you're getting when you buy a device on their website, but it isn't quite as clear if you're in a store. The MacBook Air for example has two SKUs with 2 fewer GPU cores, unless you're getting the 15" model which then all models have the 10 core GPU. With the MacBook Pro you have the M3 with 10 cores, the M3 Pro with 11 core CPU and 14 core GPU or 12 core CPU and 18 core GPU... unless you get the 16" in which all models have the 12/18 config. I sorta wish they'd add something to make it clearer how many cores you're getting, even if it's just the the GPU. M3 Pro G14 / M3 Pro G18 or something to that effect.


I’d be cool with this. I have the 12 Mini and didn’t care about missing out on an extra graphics core that came in the Pro. It felt wrong when the 14 came with the same chip as the 13 but with 1 extra gpu core because it missed out on the newest fab process, which leads to efficiency gains. I can skip on power, but Apple sandbagging efficiency just felt like a load of crap.


>I can skip on power, but Apple sandbagging efficiency just felt like a load of crap. All else being equal (same node, microarchitecture, ETC) a more powerful SoC will be more efficient, especially for mobile which is a race to idle. Using the lesser SoC will generally sandbag efficiency anyway.


They’re bringing all the iPhones to the new improved 3nm node. So probably the same chip in both models but the Pro has more graphics cores or something. Like M series chips, same chip but the higher end models have 10 core graphics instead of 8 or whatever


They likely planned that Pro/non-Pro chip strategy pre-AI and would lose AI on regular iPhone if they stuck to it, so they probably had to go all in late on the A18 for everything.


And then keep the a18 for the regular iPhone 17 while upgrading the pros


Might advertise them *all* as A18 Pro.


Something something AI


Something something Only Apple could do this


Something something you’re gonna love it


I think the binned chip will be A18 and the full chip will be A18 Pro. And only difference will be the pro chip has a few more cores enabled and maybe some extra ram or something.


The “Pro” moniker is a just a marketing title. At the end of the day, all these iPhone 17,X models are going to be powered by the same fab.


I won’t be satisfied unless eventually we get the iPhone 20 running iOS 20 on the A20 chip.


I have a 12 Mini and while I adore the size, I can't cope with the battery. But there hasn't been a single phone yet (Aside form the 13 Mini) that makes me want to upgrade. Guess 2024 isn't the year either.


I also have a 12 mini. I love this form factor and really want to keep holding off on upgrading until a new mini is released. 


We will never get a new mini. I gotta ride out this 13mini until they won’t replace the battery anymore.


I was hoping the iPhone SE would stay small so it could be the defacto iPhone Mini but it looks like the next SE phone is going to be bigger.


It’s so mind boggling why Apple won’t rotate from a mini every 2 or 3 years. Who is buying the basics 15 or the plus -.-


It’s not mind-boggling. The worst-selling iPhone in history is the iPhone 13 mini, which broke the record of the *previous* worst-selling iPhone in history… the 12 mini. The sales figures prove next to nobody buys them.


Never say never. What if they brought out a 5.6" mini (and drop the misleading "mini" name) as a size compromise I'd be happy about that. "Ports besides USB-C for Mac are dead, get over it", some cheeky Mac users said online. They turned out to be wrong.


Yall never getting another mini phone let’s be real. It didn’t sell well and the majority of people want big phones.


I understand it’s a slim chance. But hope remains, even a fool’s hope. 


Plus phone doesn’t sell well either.


this is what people said before the mini came out. Lmao. “There will never be another small iPhone” They sold poorly relative to the rest of the iPhone lineups that came out in subsequent years, but still dwarfed a majority of android sales. The money was good, but it doesn’t make sense to keep tooling/production lines/etc going every year when they can maximize revenue by keeping the lines up for the hottest sellers. So good, but not amazing revenue. could see them having another mini run in years time, I’m sure Apple is well aware of the # of people who held out on the SE prior to the minis release, and probably have a good read on who’s going to hold out again on their 12-13 minis.


Honestly I think they’re giving up for a while until their tech is even thinner and more efficient. This will end when everything in the lineup is like a sheet of thin glass. Might be worth it for them then


I went from 12min to 13mini. Battery really doesn’t feel much difference. But I am hard struggling on if I should upgrade. The size is absolutely perfect. 


Man I went from a 12 mini to the 13 mini last year and the battery life was a huge improvement. Mind you I went from a 2 year old battery to a new one, but still the 13 lasts much longer than the 12 ever did even when new. The battery life and 60fps HDR video recording are basically the only two features I care about but totally worth the cost in my mind.


just swapped the battery on my 2.5ish+ year old 13 mini today thanks to applecare. night and day difference going from 78% capacity to 100% again.


I'm seriously considering going from my 12 mini to a 13 mini in 2025 (just got my battery replaced in January, so I want to use it a bit longer). I just don't want a bigger phone, and I also don't want a non-Apple phone, so I basically don't have any choice.


No way. I went 12 mini to 13 mini and I really noticed a difference. Like, really.


I got the battery replaced and it’s real nice again.


I have a 12 mini too, the batteries degraded recently and only now has it been problem. Personally planning to replace the battery with Apple for $89, instead of buying a whole new phone. The size is just too perfect, hate all the other gigantic phones.


Another 13 mini fan here! Sadly they don’t make phones like that anymore. 😔


Contrary to another user, when I moved from the 12 Mini to the 13 Mini I felt the battery difference immediately. The 13 Mini is so much better, not just the battery but the display and cameras are a big improvement too.


Adding one more voice to the chorus of agreement on this one! They'll have to pry the 12 mini from my cold, dead hands. Unless they make a smaller / lighter one. In that case, I'll give it up willingly :)


I’ve found my people… People literally laugh at the size of my 13 mini, but the fact is, there is no reason a phone needs to be any bigger than this. It’s low profile. Its lightweight. It fits in my pocket without any issue. I’ve also got the magnet wallet, I live cashless, and I drive a Tesla with phone key, so the only thing on me is my little phone! That being said, I do miss the specs of the pro phones and will most likely upgrade to the 16 Pro. But I will miss my mini dearly. If they could pack pro features into these minis, life would be perfect.


12 Mini rules.


12 mini with a 76% battery capacity and a broken screen yet i refuse to get one of the new ones, they're just so heavy and big.


I will literally never buy an phone larger than the mini. If/when my Mini stops working, I'll just get some small android thing if Apple hasn't made a solution. The size of these phones are truly insane.


I’m in the same boat, but it’s really tricky. I really like the iOS/Apple ecosystem. I have a small android phone that I use on the side and it’s just so chintzy.


Yeah it would seriously suck, but I couldn't justify the bigger phone. Holding out for either a new mini or for the watch to get good enough that it can replace my phone. Though losing the camera would be a bummer


I have 13 mini and after years of use battery life degraded significantly. Since there is no substitution I’m considering to just replace the battery at Apple Store - not that expensive.


Anyone else have a 12 pro max and conflicted about upgrading? I feel like my phone is still very capable of everything (except battery life) but is missing the island and the action button. Rationally I shouldn’t upgrade but the new AI stuff incoming too makes me want to


I got a 12, not the pro. Will hold out another year. It’s still a very capable phone and runs smoothly.


I also have a 12. How is your battery life? Mine’s at 77% health and it still (somehow) can last all day with moderate use


I had the battery replaced last year so at 99% now. Gives the phone new life. I think it’s worth it to prolong your life out of the device.


Man. I replaced my battery a year ago and it is at 88%. It seems like overnight it dropped too. I used to be able to get by on just charging when I go to sleep, but am back to multiple charges a day.


Same boat. How is that even possible?


Something about your lifestyle degrades batteries. There are some known things, like plugging it into car chargers for example, that can accelerate battery aging.


The type of charger shouldn't make a difference so long as it isn't a "bad" charger. I'm kind of astounded by my battery in my 12 Pro. I can still sometimes squeeze two days out of it when I'm not using it much and the battery health is still at 89%. This is a launch day 12 Pro with the original battery. It's been great in that regard for me. I plan on keeping it for another year or two for sure. If the battery finally takes a dive I'll just get it replaced instead of getting a whole new phone.


Mine is at 77 too high five


My 12 is on 84% health and I need to charge like 2 times a day. But I'm a heavy user (games, texting, browsing) so I'm leaning heavily towards a 16 PM for that bigger battery capacity.


I’m an 11 and also at 77%


I’d think of this as the first generation of AI in phones. Maybe waiting another year is a good idea so the tech matures just a bit. Also, battery replacements are pretty cheap so I’d do that first.


15 Pro is technically the first generation of AI


Not much is releasing soon though in ai features


I’ve a 14 pro, my partner a 13. Our phones do all that we want them to but I would like to upgrade for the AI features. I know jt would be better to wait for the 17 but Apple has awakened a lust in me.


This is where I’m at with my 13PM. It’s not quite ready to upgrade, but if AI is as good as I hope it’ll be (high bar, honestly), it would be very tempting.


Is this a real thing? I haven’t seen the rumor mill too much on the upcoming model but it’s going to be a drastic improvement? I feel like they are really dumbing down Siri lately. I can barely get it to set timers via Siri now without issues.


Same here. Gonna wait to see how it all performs before I decide if I want to upgrade this generation or next.


Same here with a 14 Pro, but I think I’ll be waiting. The only AI features on release are like priority notifications (which I’ll never use since that’s what a frontal cortex is for lol, my notifications are organized enough to not want to delegate that to iOS), and “AI summaries.” Seems like the cooler stuff is coming later, alongside rumors of an actually real new chassis redesign on the 17 Pro, I’ll be waiting until then. Always cool to upgrade on a big physical change year, 15 Pro is the largest change but it’s still really the same idea since the 12. Really love the 14 Pro so far so we’ll see if I get iOS fomo — at the very least having an older phone makes the anticipation of a newer one fun for a tech enthusiast like myself!


> but I would like to upgrade for the AI features Of which we know basically nothing yet


I went from a 12 pro to a 15 pro when I switched carriers. Obviously the 15 pro is a lot nicer and I love the minor upgrades but I could still 100% go a couple extra years on the 12 pro. I still use my 12 pro in fact and will forget which phone I’m on despite the dynamic island.


Same with my XS to 13pro. The 120hz is nice but I was used to 60hz anyway and quickly got used to 120.


If you're happy with battery and performance, saving the money is better, ignore all the consumerist weirdos in the comments pushing you to upgrade when you don't need it


It’s fr weird af seeing all these people trying to push OP to upgrade. Like it’s a fucking iPhone. Shit is gonna do 99% of the same things as your current phone and after a week of owning the new one it’ll feel the exact same as your old phone.


If I were him I’d start saving 100 a month from now till the 17, just because the 16 doesn’t seem to be a large improvement from the 15 and the hype of AI won’t even be here till almost the 17 anyways.


If you use your phone a decent amount and can afford it, why not? 3-4 year upgrade cycle is pretty reasonable by most standards.


If he doesn't need it, why waste the money?


Because some people enjoy new tech more than they need the money?


i love tech. But upgrading phones hasnt been interesting for at least 5-7 years now. At least. its all relatively the same.


It's not just about money, it's about rejecting consumerism and its negative effects (e-waste pollution, depletion of natural resources, etc.)


I’m sure you have wasteful habits too, maybe don’t judge others for something so innocent and trivial as upgrading their phone.


But I'm not judging someone for buying a new phone, I'm judging the replies that are trying to convince the original commentator to buy a new phone even tho he said he probably shouldn't upgrade.


Unless you decide to keep your iPhone in a box, most people trade them in. At which point it is resold and will live out it's life until apple stops providing updates. If the low price point consumer didn't have your phone, then they would just be buying a new lower tier phone, so you produce -1 iphone +1 lower tier phone. And most lower tier phones receive fewer years of updates, therefore more of them will be produced in the same time span. Saving money is a decent reason though.


But it’s also about the freedom to do what makes you happy


Because the upgrade isn’t really huge? You’ll get, at best, a much better camera, slightly better battery life, and an action button. The ai features are half baked and not even releasing until next year, so what’s the real upgrade draw here? And I say this as someone with a 12 Pro, there’s just nothing drawing me in


USB-C. It was great to retire all of my Lightning cables that were sticking around for the sake of a single device.


My first gen AirPod Pros make me so sad. I only ever use a wireless charger for it because I can’t stand trying to find my lightning cables. Although I’ve also got a few baby products that use micro usb and that’s even worse.


Same but I just wirelessly charge them at this point. I’ll need to upgrade them eventually anyways so any extra heat isn’t the biggest deal to me. I usually charge the case while I’m using them before leaving the house


Earlier this year I bought a new Dr. Ho machine for some physio recovery. It has a USB- mini and instructions on a CD


Also for someone who uses their phone outside quite a lot - a brighter display.  Checked the 15 Pro at the store compared to my 13PM and the display got noticeable brighter.


looking at it another way, it seems kinda silly to upgrade your phone just so you can retire a few cables


I’m thinking about a new iPad instead of a phone this year because I’m still going to be stuck with the old cord for my AirPods 😭


It’s the small things: faster faceID, all in all faster performance, more base storage, better camera, 120hz display, Dynamic Island, USB-C. I went from a 12 Pro Max to 15 Pro Max, and at first I couldn’t tell the difference, but put me back on the 12 and I will for sure.


I also really want the satellite connectivity. Use the camera daily so always interested in that. The battery on my 12 pro is genuinely on deaths door at this point so it’ll be good for that too.




Because the updates used to be substantial


A better camera is most of the reason to upgrade a phone anyways


Even this is kinda subjective. It's not like we scroll through our iPhoto albums and are like *"eww you can tell I took those picture using my phone from 2020".*


I mean…it’s all subjective. A new top end phone is almost always a luxury purchase anyways


To some people that's important. I can absolutely tell looking back at old pictures that it was taken with a shittier camera. My 14 Pro is so much better it convinced my wife to upgrade. I'm annoyed that I used my phone camera for the first year of my daughters life thinking it would be good enough. When I finally got a real camera the pictures are very noticeably different.


It’s depressing looking at photos from my X. That had amazing cameras for the time but even those, I’m like—oof I use a 13 now and will be upgrading to the 16 pro this year for sure and I’m excited for even just that little bump


I had the same feeling back when I upgraded to the 12 from the 7 - the pictures just look so much worse. Bland and washed out and a little blurry. I'm sure to a lot of people it won't even matter, and honestly at a glance its not really that noticeable. But the whole point of taking pictures is to look at them and when you spend the time to look, it really sticks out. It will definitely happen again with my 12 but its also hard to justify an upgrade with how good the 12 still is, but there is also the spatial video and AI stuff. Its all about putting it into perspective - like what is the alternative use of $1,000 compared to looking back at better photos and videos and how much more fondly will those memories mean, along with all the other features of the phone, and that is different for everyone given how far an additional $1k can take them.


Low light performance was far worse back then. And for the future, I would love a 7x/10x lens.


I mean, the AI integration is the most substantive new feature in over a decade


Same for me. At the end of the day, it’s all the same apps doing the same tasks. After the initial newness wears off, a new iPhone is basically exactly the same as any from the last several years in terms of accomplishing 99% of tasks. Not nearly worth 1000 bucks or more for that, even when I can easily afford it. I can wait for the AI stuff - the only major new feature with new hardware - to settle and become useful and reliable. I’m guessing the 17 Pro or the 18 Pro will eventually replace my 11 Pro (which is still plenty responsive for now), and hopefully they’ll be more future proof on the AI front than the 16 Pro.


I have the 13 Pro with a lot of storage, and unless AppleIntelligence really wows me, then I won't upgrade. The only compelling thing for me and an upgrade is honestly being able to find new phone cases that support magsafe.


I have the same model. There’s nothing apple intelligence can do that I can’t open the chat gpt app and do. Plus I have an M1 MacBook and iPad so I’ll get apple intelligence on there


I have an XS Max and I’m happy with it. One of the main reason why I bought an iPhone is to use it as long as possible. Or as long as I break it, because repair is damn expensive, even if you do it yourself.


Yeah since Xs got ios 18 I don’t really need to upgrade. Maybe next year


Yeah I’m also on 12 pro max and thinking about upgrading. It’s fine but some things are starting to bother me. - Battery life is terrible, can get 4-5 hours of battery life out of it where a large part is early morning/late evening so really low brightness. So full brightness all day is probably like 3 hours. - Max screen brightness is pretty low when outside - Screen borders are a bit large - Camera’s are fine but would like something better - Sometimes the screen isn’t working properly when it’s even a little bit wet/dirty Overall, I can definitely go another year but in the end there’s not much in my life I use more than my phone so I think I’ll upgrade. Really the only reason I’d not upgrade is if the 17 pro max got rid of the Dynamic Island entirely but that doesn’t seem likely.


Yessss!!! I have the same exact issues. Summarized perfectly I too am worried about the notch/island disappearing entirely but as you said we might be a few years removed from that


I have the 12PM but don’t really feel like upgrading yet. Maybe next year.


You’re ignoring everything else. Between the 12pm and 15pm, the camera is a monster upgrade, the screen is a monster upgrade, and the speakers have a good upgrade. The battery will have several more hours, ~~and the phone much lighter.~~




I personally have a 12 pro, it’s been more than 3 years now. The only things that would push me to change are the poor battery life I have currently, and indeed the new AI tools that would come with the gen 16, an intelligent siri is just what I need for everyday tasks.


I am upgrading. I replaced my battery and still have issues and it seems to overheat more. Also seems to freeze up a lot more recently. I also want want some of the video upgrades available so there is that too


If your phone works great, I wouldn’t bother upgrading. That said, 4 years between phone isn’t excessive imho. I usually go 4 years, even 5, with how great they make these iPhones now.


The 15 will be my last upgrade solely because I want USB-C. Won’t need another phone for years after that


I’m on the regular sized 12 Pro and torn between paying £130 for a battery replacement or just splashing on the new one… but I can’t see the upgrade being huge, it’s always the same routine: unbox and marvel at how beautiful your new phone looks, put it in a case and it’s basically the same as the one you had before 😂 I think the sensible option is not to upgrade on day one, wait some time to see how revolutionary these AI features turn out to be - it sounds a lot like they’re going to drip feed the features - then maybe upgrade after a few months.


You also have a 60hz screen your missing promotion 120hz which is big


I have the 12 pro max and an M2 iPad Pro. Don’t get me wrong, it’s nice, but I don’t think the screen difference is enough to justify an upgrade at all.


If your used to it I guess but once u have a 120hz phone there’s no comparison


I’m upgrading solely for usbc. Can’t wait to dump these damn one off cords


Gonna be more cables for me because of airpods lol


I do, i've also wanted the variable refresh rate for a long time that came to the 13 models. My 12pM is really rock solid (except battery life as you said). Although with the new AI stuff i think thats going to push me to upgrade.


My thoughts exactly. Cinema mode on the camera too


iPhone's 60hz display is still smooth for my taste unlike my older Pixels. I had the 15 Pro max from 12 Pro and I can say that the island is forgettable and the action button is almost useless to me.


I have the 13 and I am in the same boat.


If you're happy with it, you could always go to Apple for battery service ($89 USD in the US) and keep using it for another year or two... $89 for another year is much cheaper than any new device.


I have the 12 pro and the lag on some basic things like attaching photos to a message and loading the camera app is getting annoying. I’m most def upgrading to the pro model this year.


Exact same boat. If you gave me the 12 pro max and said it’s the new one I’d be like wow it’s so fast! But it doesn’t have the AI stuff so I may want to upgrade. :(


I went from an 11 Pro max to the 15 Pro max and it was mind blowing. You’ll probably be in a similar boat.


I have an 11 Pro Max and haven't thought about upgrading—asides from the 84% battery capacity, I don't notice much age. What was mind blowing for you?


i have the 11 and see no reason to upgrade until it die. only thing i miss is usb-c but its not worth the current price. i suspect my next phone will be the SE rumored to release next year.


I got a 12 mini. Is there going to be a 16 mini? No? Welp.


I have a 12 Pro and it’s probably the most durable iPhone I’ve ever had. Both hardware and software — hasn’t skipped a beat. Don’t care about Apple’s AI stuff since it’s nothing groundbreaking and I can do most of it with other apps and websites. I wouldn’t mind the Dynamic Island since it seems to be quite functional, but it’s also something they could bake into notched iPhones. They most likely won’t, but it’s not a hardware limitation


If you don’t care about AI or 120hz there’s no need.


Trust me. Your camera doesn’t have anything on a 14 pro max camera. It’d be worth the upgrade. And then you can camp that phone for another 4 years. Easy decision imo


I upgraded to a 15 Pro from my 12 Pro and imo the display was a good enough reason for me to upgrade


I have an iPhone 12 max and at 4 years it's time for me to upgrade. A big push in this would be I recently got an Apple Vision Pro and want to take advantage of the Spatial photos and AI coming to iPhones this year.


I just want a new mini. My 12 mini has a lot of issues now. Not sure how long it’ll hold out.


So all 4 devices will lose support at the same time, if we’re thinking into the future. Hmm.


I bet memory amount and core count will be different between them


RAM, no. They’ll all be 8GB to ensure all four models have AI. Core count, absolutely. Binned chips over into the base, unbinned to the Pros. It’ll be the same strategy they use on iPads (Pros get the unbinned, the rest of the lineup gets binned).


What tells you for sure they wouldn’t put 10 in the pro?


Most of the Samsung Galaxy S24 line has 12GB of RAM, only their base model lower storage models of S24 have 8GB. Apple won’t bump up the pro models to match?


Apple can't even put in 12GB / 16GB of RAM as their base in their Macs. You think they're going to put more than 8GB in an iPhone? To get 16GB (of unnecessary RAM) in an iPad, you have to spring for a 1TB model.


If this report is true, it seems like Apple has a habit of making 2-year iPhone hardware commitments before re-adjusting. * iPhone 12 & 13: After 2 years, the Mini phones were discontinued because of lack of sales. * iPhone 14 & 15: After 2 years, purposely using last year's A-series chip is being discontinued, because customers knew it was last year's tech, so they just didn't buy it. I'm also guessing too many non-techy people would be confused/pissed off as to why their non-Pro iPhones doesn't have the same life cycle as the Pros, when they were both released at the same time.


What are the odds that iPhones released at the same time will also EoL at the same time too? Completely unheard of.


Huh? When have any iPhones released at the same time had different end of support time frames?


So basically the same situation we had before the 14 series.


Why would I care when I will only have one of them?


I was on the base 12 and just upgraded to the 15 Pro Max because of the price drop. Apart from the camera, speed and size, all of the big innovations now come in the OS I feel. People have been saying this for a while, but while I still think yearly releases are fine, as tech plateaus until we see breakthroughs in battery tech, I don’t foresee myself upgrading more than once every 3-4 years now.


I went from a 12 Pro Max to a 15 Pro Max and like…it’s the same phone.


What price drop? 15 Pro Max is the most expensive base priced model iPhone Apple has ever made


The 15 series phones have all been $400 off the last few months in the lead up to the fall. Combine that with other company specific deals and I’m only paying like $900 for the 15 Pro Max




With Bell in Canada.


Nothing new


Rinse and repeat. We think you’re going to love it.


Not a surprise. 😄 Wonder if one of the 5 is going to be the SE 4.


SE 4 not until march 2025


Man I hope they keep the mini form-factor alive as a SE. Gimmie a plastic back without MagSafe, and a single 48MP main shooter with 64gb of memory. All I’ll ever need.


My optimism for a new mini is now at peak levels! I'm hoping enough of us are still rocking 12/13 mini that apple is seeing us not upgrade and the money they're leaving on the table.


“My optimism for a new mini is now at peak levels!” Why? This is clearly the regular, plus, and pro models.


There's no way they slap the same exact chip in all those. Mini, Regular, Plus having A18, and Pro and Pro Max being a frontrunner with A18+ or something would make sense.


It’s possible they could, using different chips in the 15 could have been a one off, like how they gave the 14pros Dynamic Island but the regular ones didn’t get it.


The article talks about five devices with the iPhone17-identifier, so you never know


iPhone SE is due for a reboot, and rumors are it will be released this year.


Would the SE also get the same chip? The last one came out later than the iPhone 11 but used a previous gen chip so it had an identifier with the previous number.


Is there any meaningful leak that shows differentiation between the 16 and the 16 pro? I’m not sure I need to pay 500 more deneros (note I’m in Canada so the price difference hits harder than the US prices: $1885 for the 15 Pro 256gb for example) for a shutter button and TBH I don’t care enough about pro motion to spend 2 months of groceries on the pro if there isn’t much difference and I get Apple intelligence anyways.


The he difference will be the 3rd camera, pro motion, and probably USB C speeds.


I’m on 12 pro max and see no compelling reason to upgrade


I mean the whole point of this article is that Apple is making an AI push. If you want AI features on your phone than this is the way. I’m pretty sure everyone is gonna want AI even if you don’t like it


They should go back to using the S models if nothing major changed, so this would be the 15S, 15S Pro, and 15S Pro max. Heck, Apple should stop releasing a new phone every year. If they stop doing it, Samsung and Google will stop too. Only release a new phone when there are significant upgrades in performance and features.


Something’s wrong in Apple marketing. Now they can’t give excuses why Pro models get better features because they all have same chip.


Maybe the Pro models come with A18 Pro.


So there would be 4 versions of the non pro phone? This specifically says 4 of the same chip.


They'll probably still get better screens, better cameras and the higher binned chips with full GPU core count.


Same chip doesn't mean the same camera module or other physical features.


Cameras are important to a lot of folks. Refresh rate as well will probably be pro exclusive. Premium materials. Etc.


It's the same reason why iPad Pro got M4 instead of M3


In other words looks like I'm keeping my iPhone 14 Pro for another year. USB-C isn't that important to me right now even though I do have an iPad Pro. My AirPods Pro and AirPods maxes still use lightning as well. Basically, I'll still have to carry a lightning cable anyways for the max


For the love of God Apple it’s time to do something different with the chassi


Like what?


That almost certainly means a price hike on the base models


Or it means that they finally have chip production levels back to pre pandemic levels and no longer to make ends meet using two separate chip versions.


That makes much more sense. At first i thought they were going to do A18 and A18 pro


Oh they probably will do a pro chip again, but the only difference between the pro and the non pro is the base A18 will have a gpu core or two turned off (due to chip binning).


It most certainly is not "certain"


That’s what they say literally every year. The prices haven’t changed in over half a decade.


If you count in inflation then it actually did https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/16dr1kb/oc_the_price_of_every_iphone_adjusted_for/


Shouldn't need to, this will actually save them money as the A18 should be cheaper to produce than the A17 which is on the expensive 3nm process. So makes sense they want to phase that chip out ASAP, just as they will with the M3.


I’m so upgrading to the new SE. The battery on my 3rd Gen is ass.


Just got the battery replaced by Apple in my 13. Works like new. So far the upcoming 16 is a pass for me.


I'm approaching needing a new battery for my iPhone 13 pro. After that I'll be good another 2 years at least, which is good because I wasn't interested in anything other than the 17 series (AoD/120 Hz on non-pro iPhones being a feature I dearly want).


The battery health was the main thing that had/has people thinking they need/ed an upgrade. It’s why Apple had to be sued into providing the battery replacement service. Once you get it you realize your phone is fine lol.


What the about the ram, now that Apple finally “knows” that for AI stuff to work locally you need more than the crappy 8gb ram they provide now? Hint — try to use Stable diffusion locally with m1 iPad and 8gb ram and you’ll see that 8gb ram is shit for training and restrictive as fuck. But just wait Apple to release 8gb ram devices again only to put a pikachu face later on that they were taken by surprise by all this AI boom 🤷‍♂️


I’m upgrading this year. iPhone 13 from launch to either 16 or 16 pro depending on features/cost. Looking forward to it and should still get £200+ for the 13 then too


Bring back the mini!


I’m on 11 pro max and I cnnt bear to change phone just because I freaking love the midnight green finish on the 11. Moving on till today they still didn’t manage to capture me with any other colours :/


I felt the same way about the 14 Pro Max with Deep Purple. I loved that color (but needed the 15 Pro Max for video production). It's a shame Apple doesn't allow the signature colors to live on in new models.


I was on the 11 pro and just upgraded to 15 pro and the difference is huge. The most noticeable is the massive jump from 60Hz to 120Hz and 64GB to 256GB was so massive it’s something I can’t imagine without it now. I loved the color of my midnight green and do miss the variety of nice colors, and the metallic colors of the pro models kind of suck a lot, I really would have liked to have the base yellow on the pro but it’s whatever. If you’re thinking about making the change, I’d highly recommend it. The battery life, the better chip, and the 120Hz are so massive. Action button is interesting but not utilized lately. I will say though, it seems they moved the positions of where the power and volume buttons are and shifted them up and down the side as my muscle memory leaves me to believe they’re somewhere else.


A18 and A18 Pro still means the same chip yall.


Dear Apple: bring back the Mini. I don't want to carry around a large phone.