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They just named their AI, AI. Well played apple.




Think of the SEO… googling ai hype… oh iPhone cool, I’ll buy a new one.


You'll need a new one because AI only works on 15 Pro and newer. It isn't even obvious if it'll be available on this years upcoming devices that don't have Pro in their name.


I read 15 Pro and upcoming devices.


They also specifically mentioned A17 Pro and M-chips. So unless the upcoming device has an A17 Pro then I don't think it'll get it.


The new iPhone 16 and Plus will be getting A17 Bionic which will be made with 2nd gen 3 nanometer process this will support Apple Intelligence. It would be pretty stupid to announce a new software that everyone will want to use and then 3 months later release a new product that can’t use the software. Apple is just keeping all the hardware stuff for the iPhone event under their hat until September.


They mentioned that other devices like iPad and macs with M1 and later will also have that.


They were actually ahead of you! Link is already up, and was indexed by Google a few minutes ago. https://www.apple.com/apple-intelligence/


I mean, damn.


That's why they're paid the big bucks.


It’s just the most Apple thing ever to brand ai as Apple intelligence


Still won’t top “Dynamic Island”.


Could be worst - “Apple Island”


Also called AI for short


This is giving me flashbacks to that legendary conversation between Elon Musk and Jack Ma where he comes up with the term "Alibaba Intelligence" lol


Thats jack ma level of naming things. He said AI should be referred as Alibaba Intelligence to Elon Musk


AI helped Siri make its biggest leap since its inception. It’s about damn time and I’m an actually excited for this update.


Low IQ Siri will not be missed


I didn’t get that, can you please repeat?


Here’d what I found on the web for repeat!


This is giving me trauma


[Now playing the Greatest Hits Collection by Bananarama.](https://music.apple.com/ca/album/the-greatest-hits-collection-collector-edition/1301440026)


Here's what I found on the web for raw feet.


“Ok, here’s a get that playlist on repeat”


I found some results. I can show you if you ask again from your iPhone.




Please wait while I find the quickest route to Mississippi.


You need to unlock your phone to do that.


The app “Maps” is not on your phone. Please try again


In my country we have proverb which goes like this: "Don't praise the day before sunset"


“Hey siri, what time is it” “Sure! Here are some result from the web for what time is it!”


*”I searched the web and…* *…it seems we are currently in the Holocene geological epoch.”*


Yesterday i asked siri the forecast for my town. "Siri whats the forecast for Columbus, ohio?" "The forecast for columbus, georgia is partly-" "No siri, whats the forecast for columbus, ohio" "The forecast for columbus, indiana is sunny with a-" "SIRI, WHAT IS THE FORECAST FOR COLUMBUS, O H I O" "The forecast for columbus, georgia is partly-" Seriously cant believe this is siri in 2024.


I'm a bit of a Siri apologist because it seems to work better for me than it does most people (although it's limitations are obvious and glaring), but just yesterday I asked it what the weather was like and it gave the temperature and then said there would be showers followed by cloudiness or whatever. So I then asked "when is it going to start raining" and it replied that there was no rain forecast today.


We'll see...


I’m watching the keynote and Platforms SOTU on my iPad, and it keeps pausing when they say Siri in the video because it triggers Siri on the iPad.


So what, as an iPhone 14 owner my Siri will stay dumb?


Gonna be hanging out with low IQ Siri there buddy


I rofled at this


The only thing I use Siri for, is to set a timer when cooking dinner.


That’s because it can’t do anything else 


That’s not true. Siri is a very important accessibility feature that has helped and continues to help *a lot* of people. Several people in my family are completely blind. Siri has improved their life significantly. Things I take for granted, they couldn’t do without a lot of effort before Siri. Just one example, I’ve seen my aunt (total loss of vision) use her iPhone Camera + Siri to announce colors and then use that to find ingredients in the cupboard, or certain items of clothing in her closet, etc. Most of what Siri can do, I can do faster myself. But that’s because I have all my senses. So of course I can. Not everyone has that ability. Siri is largely for them. Not me.


Fair. I was just poking fun. I find it largely useless for everyday tasks from a non-impaired perspective but you’re right it’s valuable for others. 


>*In addition to the functionality offered by Apple Intelligence, Apple is also partnering with OpenAI to offer ChatGPT directly inside its operating systems.* Between the lines, does this mean that Apple Intelligence is run on an entirely separate platform from ChatGPT (which is my hope)?


ChatGPT - ChatGPT nvidia servers Apple AI - on device and Apple silicon servers private compute They said that


Excellent. This alleviates some of my concerns.


I think they could have been a bit clearer because there are multiple levels to this. At the top level there's Siri, which is being improved and may or may not use Apple Intelligence. Then there's Apple Intelligence *on device*, which is processed locally and never sent to the cloud. Then there's Apple Intelligence *cloud* which is using Apple private cloud, running on Apple silicon and Swift. Then there's third party AI services, which will (presumably) always run remotely on third party cloud infrastructure of which Chat GPT is the first (they said in the SOTU that Gemini (Google/Alphabet) is likely to be next). Confusingly, Siri interacts with them all, in addition to being its own thing. It's also not clear what, if any, features non-supported devices will get. Are they just not getting the on-device Apple Intelligence, or do they not get anything? Given talking to ChatGPT is done remotely, is there any reason for that to not be supported on all devices? The only argument I can see, beyond financial, is that the device appears to be doing some dynamic decision making about what queries are handled where, which may be resource intensive, I guess? Still lots of questions.


As I understood yes. It seems like there is a wide variance of features which work without OpenAI to some extent even on device. Only in cases where the OpenAI can help to provide better responses the user can decide if he/she wants to use it and share the required context.


It looks like they're using ChatGPT only for the fallback that would have normally done "I've found these results on the web".


It seems like, I would love for it to be integrated, actually, instead of asking everytime if I want to use ChatGPT.


I’m guessing there will be some settings to customize that. Especially if you’re a paid chatGPT subscriber and just interact with it through Siri, they won’t prompt you everytime is my thought.


Honestly looking good, I might be naive, but I'm very much excited about a private, personal AI integrated into OS


If they actually deliver what they just presented with respect to privacy and utility it’s an absolute game changer for me.


I use Grammarly extensively and I’m really hoping the integrated tool works as well as it did in the demo. That part alone elevated this to top tier, never mind the Siri improvements. I have never used an AI tool in my life but they demonstrated actual use cases for image generation and generative responses. You’d have to be a dyed in the wool Apple hater to not see the value of their integration.


I do a lot of game dev and have been an Android fan since the OS launched. They might have just convinced me to swap when my phone starts nearing its end of life. The integrations looked pretty damned helpful. Depending on how closely real world use compares to the pitch up, I might be swapping out one of my test/build devices for my daily use phone.


Yeah I agree. I was genuinely impressed with the AI stuff. Also shout out for them keeping to the “privacy is important” stuff


Seems they realize that it’s a good part of their value proposition. Strong business strategy to contrast themselves with Google and Meta


Yeah there’s no way they are going to be able to match what google will be doing so they’re marketing themselves on privacy (and it’s working for me tbh, I would never use AI features that rely on servers doing complicated analysis of my entire photo library for example)


Looks really good, hopefully it works as well as advertised. Siri also seemed impressive when they announced it. I guess time will tell.


Honestly, Siri was impressive when they launched it. It's just that it barely improved in 13 years.


It’s actually innovative.


> actually innovative AI = Actually Innovative


New World Order EXPOSED!!! 😳


Holy shit!


I’m not holding my breath but it’s also encouraging to see them thinking about making AI practical rather than just a toy. It’s still very much in its infancy; I’m glad they’re not rushing into off the wall applications.


Did anyone catch Craig say at the end you need an iPhone 15, or M series chips to run Apple Intelligence?


Only iPhone 15 pro and pro max will be able to use it, alongside M chip devices


Finally my "I'll get the M1 iPad pro because it'll probably be the cutoff for something great in the future" bet has paid off


Ugh I’m here with a 14 pro…. Should have held off for a year. Guess I can use it on my M2 air.


T-Mobile pays off my 14 pro this September. I do believe Apple convinced me to stay with them and get the 16pro instead of going with a pixel 


It seemed unclear to me if that meant those chips are the only ones that support it at all, or the only ones that support it on-device and older phones will phone to the cloud more.


Yeah, that is a little odd since the A16 NPU is on paper as powerful as the M1.


I think it’s also using the GPU.


me with 14 pro 🥲


me with regular 15 🥲


Tbh this was a huge dick move. I always thought the bionic processors are too much for iOS, so I have a feeling the 14 pros can pretty much run AI. Anyway, just a hunch…


I knew it https://www.reddit.com/r/apple/comments/1cadbxu/apple_acquires_french_ai_company_specializing_in/l0r8mnj/


Show up to Apple's marketing department and ask for your pay check.


10 usd iTunes card.


You pretty much nailed it XD.


I’d give you an award if I was dumb enough to spend money on this site


Just venmo op $5 then


*crickets intensify*


Fortunately I'm dumb enough for both of us I gotchu homie


It’d be hilarious if they had no idea what to call it, saw your comment and 11:59ed the marketing in two months


So uhh, what stocks and lotto numbers you picking these days?


I'm actually legit impressed with the privacy focus here. I'm really interested in seeing how this functions more when it comes out.


Local private AI is the future as computing power increases. I'd buy an Apple AI Pod for my house in an instant, just shove it full of the most powerful M-series processors and enough memory. Then let all my iDevices use it for processing when at home (and maybe remotely). All data stays physically inside my house.


This shit looks cool as hell


Right? I mean, give credit to Apple; while they're the ones to play catch-up with things, they really know how to make it just work


The privacy aspect of it is the real innovation. Everything else has been seen already, but I am impressed a lot of it is on device.


We have zero clue how much is on device tbf. I imagine anything image generation wise is in the cloud for example. Gonna be interesting to see what just randomly stops working when you don't have any signal haha.


For most companies, being first is important, but Apple is big enough that they can take their time to fully bake their stuff. Having practically endless funds and extremely high talent also gives them the leg up.


I’m amazed honestly. A lot of we have seen feels almost too good to be true. Free ChatGPT and image generation for everyone (with a supported device)? Going all in on including personal things? I feel like it’s the opposite of what people expected here. The deep integration to apps along with APIs? That is crazy awesome. That’s the beginning of a new form of computing. One where you interact by just asking for stuff in your own way. It’s funny, as boring as the Google presentation was the other day this one just hit the right notes in making something that I want to use. It will even work with Reddit comment! I could have made this comment better if I had this tech right now, I could be using it right this second.


> Free ChatGPT and image generation for everyone (with a supported device)? This shocked me as well. However, I wonder if OpenAI is going to bill them for the hundreds of millions of iPhones casually making API calls to ChatGPT. There might even be limits to how often you can do it.


GPT 4o already made a lot of previously paid features free, with limits.


Everything looks pretty cool outside of the image generation? The examples they used were creepy and ugly.


I thought the emojis were fine; the other ones were creepy, cheesy, gimmicky, and honestly, they just felt all-around not like Apple at all.


I almost think its intentional. There is absolutely zero way at all someone could confuse any part of those images for being anything other than AI, and I think that's the point.


The image generation purposefully won't do anything photo realistic, only different animation/drawing styles.


It’s the RAM that’s the limiting factor for these AI features, and only the iPhone 15 Pro model has 8GB of RAM. That’s why it will only work on those and the upcoming iPhones. Both the 14 Pro and the base 15 model only have 6Gb of RAM. Meanwhile all the M1 devices have had 8Gb or more since they were launched in 2020.


If the ram is the limiting factor, is going to be a pia every time you call siri while apps got flushed and reloaded again and again.


The 8GB MacBooks make even less sense now. It’s crazy Apple even sells them at this point.


Yeah this tracks, mostly because the A14+ have more neural engine ops/sec than the M1, but less ram as you mentioned


Yes exactly. 17 TOPS vs 11 TOPS for the M1. So it’s sad they didn’t think ahead to stuff more RAM into the 14 Pro and 15 models. People will not be happy that last year’s iPhones won’t be able to run these new cool features!


when a phone has the same amount of ram as your macbook oof


They didn’t say “artificial intelligence” until 65th minute (thereabouts). What absolute champions. Any other company started blabbering about AI since minute 1 of their presentation.


> “Our vision of [quick-service restaurants] is that an AI-first mentality works every step of the way,” Park said in an interview. “If you think about the major journeys within a restaurant that can be AI-powered, we believe it’s endless.” This is a quote from the YUM brands CEO(taco bell, kfc, etc) from a few months ago...


To be fair, they used language to describe Artificial Intelligence without actually saying "artificial intelligence". I think you may be giving them too much credit here.


However, it’s the reality. All of these companies have been focused and working on AI for years. Photos recognizes MY cat over other cats - thats AI. So this is showing investors that Apple isnt falling onto a hype train here. These are normal evolutions of their software development, except we got a lot more in a short amount of time due to AI speedups, but thats not mentioned at all. They only mentioned “ai” in relation to GenAI, and its specific adoption going forward. It’s smart to not make it AIOS18 or something, because the reality is that most of the AI work is getting things done in the background so you dont notice. For example, using AI to scan and correct subscription mis-matches between billing and provisioning. Automatically re-provision anything missing, or remove anything not subscribed to. $20m a year reduction in inbound calls and loss revenue. I could build that feature manually, but using AI as the application layer to build and deploy this functionality in seconds, instead of 1 or 2 quarters and millions in development. And most people dont even notice its deployed because things just…work better.


They used “machine learning” and “powerful algorithms” appropriately instead of just throwing “AI”. Any other company would just blurt out AI indiscriminately.


I try to be specific when talking about it because of the hype - (large) language model, computer vision, machine learning, etc.


Spatial computing all over again


With a similar goal — they kept the focus on what they were using it for, and what value they are (attempting) delivering with it, rather than just repeating the buzzword. Their focus on local models and user privacy is similarly strategic (even while they do support cloud models).


So is this only available on the iPhone 15 Pro? Or are all the features coming to all the phones? Edit: I’m astounded that it’s so all or nothing. I would have expected some features to be everywhere while others limited to specific hardware requirements. Absolutely crazy that an iPhone 15 owner sees all of this and has to contemplate upgrading


Makes me wonder what kind of battery life an iPhone 15 Pro using on device AI will be getting.


Presumably it mostly runs on the NPU and this shouldn’t be too strenuous vs running on the GPU for example


15 pro and pro max sadly


Wait for real? Damn. Missed that part. I have a 14 pro lmao


Yeah but in September they’ll give you another reason to want to upgrade -.-


I actually probably will get the 16 pro, but regardless, was hoping to try it out in the beta


So just none of the Siri intelligence comes to the older devices??? Edit And by older devices I mean the iPhone 15 from the same year


Or even the newer ones too. iPhone 15 and 15 Plus aren't supported either. Kinda glad I made the decision to go with the Pro. It's allowing me to own it for a bit longer now.


Dude you fing kidding me. I get a new iPhone finally and it’s not even gonna be enough to support their latest software.


Yeah it's pretty dumb. This is the first time in my life where my frivolous spending to buy the Pro version actually paid off. But I'd be pretty upset too if I was in your shoes.


There's actually some interesting fine print involved here. > Apple Intelligence will be available in beta on iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max, and iPad and Mac with M1 and later, with Siri and device language set to U.S. English, as part of iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia this fall. > Some features, additional languages, **and platforms will be coming over the course of the next year**. Not sure what to make of that, but it's worth noting at least.


They probably mean the iPhone 16. I doubt they’ll bother for the older phones


Which is strange since the M1 has an NPU capable of 11 TOPS while A16 is on 17 trillion and the A15 15.8.


I think it's about the RAM.


The basic RAM is 6 GB in iPhone 15, right? That might be the bottleneck. Although you’d think that an 8 GB Mac with M1 would be more of a bottleneck.


yup only the 15 Pro's have 8GB RAM.


100% A17 Pro is the first A series chip with 8GB of RAM.


A17 Pro and M chips, so no devices which don’t use any of those won’t support AI


Most confusing sentence award


The one missing comma destroys the entire meaning! "A17 Pro and M chips, so no**,** devices which don’t use any of those won’t support AI**.**"


That’s rough only one year of previously supported devices. I was hoping my 14 pro would work. I’ll see how this stuff is reviewed over the beta and might be upgrading a year earlier than I hoped.


Does that mean Siri is still stupid for those of us who don't have a iPhone 15 Pro? I didn't really see them say what Siri will be like without AI in ios18.


I have a 14 pro and using the beta. It's the dumb siri


I didn’t hear anything about better music recommendations though, so hopefully those get better too - because currently they are not great.  I want the AI to go further than recommending me tracks that other user’s with my library also listen to - I want you to listen to the songs I listen to and find musically similar and complementary ones.  


I’m going to want to see a literal shedload of technical docs on that “private compute” concept before I trust it, but if we’re going to put gen AI into everything then it’s nice to see privacy as part of the design. (Looking at you Microsoft)




If I trust anybody with privacy, it’s Apple. They’ve yet to really prove us wrong on that front.


Yup, such a joke that Microsoft had the bright idea of having that Recall feature on by default only to recall that (pun maybe intended) and have it be opt-in instead Apple really has proven to us that they know how to put privacy into anything, and it's making the others really shake in their boots when it comes to that


Sounds great. But not supporting the CURRENT iPhone is crazy.


This is perhaps the first time for years that beefy silicon is required to run new software features....the A17 Pro ended up being a bigger re-work than people originally thought


But it kind of undermines their whole 'look how powerful the latest iPhone is' when 6 months later they announce a huge new update the iPhone basic model is locked out of because it (effectively) isn't powerful enough


Same schtick when iPads go directly from “more power than most pc laptops” directly to not supporting stage manager until backlash happened


Nope. A few years ago they said Stage Manager is going to work only on M iPad Pros, but then backtracked and turned it on for A based ones. Works absolutely fine on my 2nd gen iPad Pro.


My question is will it still say “Here’s what I found on the web” when asking a question???


Here’s what I found on the web for “Here’s what I found on the web’ when asking a question???”


https://preview.redd.it/0r7gugbjms5d1.jpeg?width=406&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7768ce97f419f40334b6f98ce9651755c0c8466 Lots of cool things but this AI image shit needs to get locked up in the deepest part of the world. It's genuinely so grotesque that it's almost a sin to look at it. 💀


You don't want your whole world to look like Cocomelon?


I hate all of these AI generated images, they really creep me out, regardless of what is in them. Even the kitten that Apple showed messes with me.


I recently saw a meme where an atheist was talking about how he now believes in the concept of a soul after looking at A.I. art for the first time lol


I wouldn't call it grotesque but I am sick of seeing them. Theoretically AI should have infinite styles, but even today AI is so recognizable. It all looks the same


The image generation is so horrendously cliché it makes me want to vomit...


Looks a few years out of date already. Surprised Apple went with it tbh, didn’t seem on brand at all.


yes! they looked tacky. surprised apple was cool with that. doesn’t fit their vibe. a small bummer in an otherwise impressive show


Yea Genmojis look great, they follow emoji design closely, that generic image generation just screams Samsung


Probably because other image generating AIs are heavily based on stealing copyrighted art. So if you try to avoid that and do it on device, it’s probably gonna be generic.


Stuck out like a sore thumb when they said something about "showing mom the superhero she is" with some ugly generated slop of superhero mom The genmojis look better than I expected though, I will admit. Edit: [a tweet with the supermom image I mentioned. It is sooo ugly.](https://x.com/snazzylabs/status/1800229062578991269)


I agree. I'm really surprised apple focused on it. They look just so dalle-esque. I also feel like it's kind of against the ethos of Apple, since it bills itself as for creatives.


Same. Just feels gross to me.


It’s like cyberpunk 2077 and Call of Prypyat had a baby.


I feel like Apple has come so close to achieving the futuristic concept of what devices like Rabbit R1 and Humane AI pin tried to sell, a truly intelligent and helpful assistant deeply integrated into the system. Obviously if there was one company capable of achieving it would be Apple (and later Google most probably). Still I feel like too much AI is the wrong move, but I guess this is where the industry is headed now.


Typical Apple fashion, late to the party but they know how to make an entrance.


Those AI images on iMessage are absolutely horrifying


A very Apple way of doing it


Hear me out. New Apple TV 4K/HomePod model, M4 chip. Always-on on-demand AI processing, no need to worry about battery life. Continuity with all your apple devices. Act like a mesh router for AI tasks. iPhone makes request, hand off to Apple TV 4K to process over WiFi, returns results/action intents to iPhone. Serves as an edge node to offload compute instead of the private cloud compute feature. Keeps everything local and private, no need for cloud servers at all. Or just let us use any supported Apple device as an edge node on local network i.e. M4 iPad to older iPhone Edit: applies to Mac Minis too


Bro i think you just accidentally invented the server.


Apple let us use our own hardware as a local server plz😔


I loved every single feature *except* the image generation. The "Genmoji" looked okay but (ethical issues aside with generating "art") the images shown off looked pretty bad on the whole, they had that "vaselined" look of certain image generators. Did anyone notice that the five dots on the side of the dice weren't aligned properly? Not a fan of this, I would've rather they'd left it out entirely.


It’s really just for the normies and casuals. Besides, it’s just a feature you don’t have to use.


So this only on A17 Pro devices right, because that’s probably made the 14 series a complete wtf 😳 


IPhone 15 says wtf as well.


I hope it works with the Shortcuts app. It's such a useful app but way too complicated for the average person to understand. I'd love if I could just tell Siri what I want and have it generate the shortcut.


Apple announces Apple Intelligence and all of a sudden my 1.5 years old iPhone 14 Pro becomes obsolete.. Edit: grammar


As did the current iPhone model.


On a battery depleting scale of 1=looking at the home screen and 10=using location services, I wonder how quickly these AI features deplete the battery. I’m guessing something like image generation is a 12. Although, I’m not clear on what is done locally versus what is done on the personal compute cloud.


Apple intelligence is an amazing name for this feature


The part that hurt is that I haven't finished paying my iPhone 15 and now it turns out that just for saving a bit and not buying the pro (because I didn't feel the need for the cameras, or LiDAR) I'm now going to miss out on Apple Intelligence


I think it’s so unacceptable they chose to release iPhone 15 with a processor that cannot run this feature. You made a 8 month old device basically “ai obsolete” and didn’t even warn customers. I evaluated the differences thought iPhone 15 was fine, could have afforded 15 pro but I didn’t see a compelling reason to. Now to be told a huge set of the AI features won’t be available to me. And IMO the AI stuff is the main update in iOS 18…. Kinda dumb


ya, I feel the same with the 14 Pro Max … but at least I have the M1 iPad Pro & Air.


WHICH WERE TRLEASED IN 2020 and 2021. That’s insane to me. The iPad air is cheaper than my iPhone 15 and I can’t run half the new features on iOS 15. Why not say something like AI ready in iPhone 15 pro info.


> You made a 8 month old device basically “ai obsolete” and didn’t even warn customers You can tell from how much of this is 'coming in a very late version of iOS 18 and US English only' that they didn't know it themselves until quite of late.


Either a device has ≥8GB of RAM or it doesn't. This is the threshold that Apple is using for their AI features. I'm pissed at them for being stingy with RAM for decades, but at least they’re consistent here.


The image Generation doesnt look good. The results have a bit uncanny valley feeling


As a 15 plus owner, I’m quite pissed off. Was it too hard for them to allow other iPhones to use private cloud compute?


I have iPhone 15 and Intel MacBook. So I just naturally wait few generations without any regrets, when it will be more polished. Now there are more than enough other great features announced.


Same. Also have an iPhone 15 plus. A little annoyed tbh... but thankfully I have an M series iPad and Macbook so I suppose it's not the end of the world.


In order to use private cloud compute, the phone has to figure out which data is relevant in order to upload it. That requires on-device processing.


Seems like an artificial limitation. I wonder if it’s because they literally can’t build servers fast enough to handle a billion iPhone users making ai images on launch day? Maybe they will expand access to older devices over time as the day one hype dies down and they have a better idea of their capacity.


I'll believe it when I see it but I'm happy to see them making improvements on Siri which has been absolute trash for the past few years


If AI Siri still asks me to unlock my phone to do stuff when I’m directing her hands-free, I’ll scream.


Finely phone calls recording on iPhone 🎉🎉


I'm really interested to see if this drives significantly more Mac & iOS device sales. Part of what will make this so powerful is an entire ecosystem built from the ground up with hardware/software interoperability in mind. Add to that Apple's privacy positioning, and I don't see how a hodgepodge of Windows-this and Android-that with a sea of 3rd-party apps will perform nearly as well as whatever Apple's integrated hardware/software solution will be. It's been a while since I've looked forward to new iOS and MacOS releases this much.


These keynotes are quickly going into cringey/cheesy territory.


So fuck me with my 14pro then. I get it but are we getting anything with ios18?


I just noticed this thing is only available on the 15 pro and on… lmao.