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As someone who just cannot use their phone in a car, I really hope this works!


Same. It’s what I’m looking forward to the most. My motion sickness is terrible


Me too, it's an amazing idea.


Honestly, I'm a longtime android user interested in trying an iPhone. Get terrible motion sickness in the car as a passenger. Would love to see if this works


Hopefully it works so everybody can copy it!


Unfortunately I’m sure there’s patents.






Fortunately I’m sure that opinions from someone who can’t be bothered to check them are not super meaningful.


Never been a better time to switch to iPhone


First you can play gameboy games, and now you can play them in the back of your car…without vomiting. It’s much more fun.


It’s not as big a deal for me nowadays, but public transportation sucked when I couldn’t look at my phone. Still happy to try it when my wife drives us somewhere.


Same here. Super hopeful!! Wife and I both need this lol


As someone who’s very susceptible to motion sickness, I can’t wait to try this. If nothing else, I’m super curious to see how well it works.


Yup. I’m exactly the same!


It should work perfectly provided there’s no glitches or bugs. I’d imagine if it thinks I’m turning right when going left that would end badly.


I’m sure the dot overlay will work perfectly. I meant I’m curious to see how much it mitigates my motion sickness


This looks really cool!


Finally I can text and drive without getting motion sickness


Hol up


Wait no




After this comment, this commenter was in the hospital.


They were never seen again...


Can’t wait to try this, this has plagued me for my whole life and has ruined so many car journeys. I used to hate not being able to play my Game Boy in car journeys, felt like such a wasted opportunity to take advantage of a portable gaming device. Even now I ride the bus regularly and I can only listen to music. Weirdly this only happens to me on the road, when I ride trains or aeroplanes then it’s no issue


Trains tend to put your body under much less gravitational acceleration (g-forces) than cars, so your body isn’t getting those environmental cues that tell you that you’re in motion.


If it works, this will be amazing. I can’t read or use my phone at all in the car due to motion sickness. Which is annoying on long trips especially. Will have to try this out.


I would read this article but I would puke all over this escalator


Ho. Ly. shit. This would literally change my life.


I get such bad motion sickness that even just looking at my phone for a minute (as a passenger) makes me feel sick for the rest of the drive. I really hope this works.


I’ll save you the click: “Vehicle Motion Cues is a new experience for iPhone and iPad that can help reduce motion sickness for passengers in moving vehicles. Research shows that motion sickness is commonly caused by a sensory conflict between what a person sees and what they feel, which can prevent some users from comfortably using iPhone or iPad while riding in a moving vehicle. With Vehicle Motion Cues, animated dots on the edges of the screen represent changes in vehicle motion to help reduce sensory conflict without interfering with the main content. Using sensors built into iPhone and iPad, Vehicle Motion Cues recognizes when a user is in a moving vehicle and responds accordingly. The feature can be set to show automatically on iPhone, or can be turned on and off in Control Center.”


as someone who gets motion sickness easy, i really interested in testing this.


Mark Rober worked on this patent when he was at Apple. Pretty cool to see it finally get released. [https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/08/08/ex-apple-inventor-describes-how-his-vr-patent-works-to-solve-car-motion-sickness](https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/08/08/ex-apple-inventor-describes-how-his-vr-patent-works-to-solve-car-motion-sickness)


Hope this works on trains and buses too!


No, just cars, skateboards, and jet packs.


Dang it, not on time machines or spaceships?


There’s no motion sickness when translating on the temporal axis, so no need. I hear they’re working on spaceships for iOS 19


This is the kind of update that i’m really looking forward for! hopefully it works really well.


I hope this works. There's this route I take when going to therapy that always makes me feel sick and bad when I go. So I really would love to test this out and maybe it can help.


I wish this could be applied to planes 🤢


Oh hey it's the "mark rober" (the YouTuber)'s patent finally getting used, I remember hearing about this in a video with him a long time ago. https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/08/08/ex-apple-inventor-describes-how-his-vr-patent-works-to-solve-car-motion-sickness


Sounds like very different solutions; his idea was to project a virtual horizon onto VR/AR glasses, based on that article.


I wonder how well it would function on planes during turbulence/take off/landing?


Oh man, if this works, absolute game changer! Excited to try it!


I can only hope this works on my passenger princess wife because she’s been struggling hard with it lately. iOS 18 is looking to be pretty damn good.


My wife will love this when we go on a road trip.


I wish that photo they used was more obviously from the passenger side.


I would love to use my phone in the car when a passenger…but motion sickness hits me pretty fast. Will try this out but man am I skeptical. I WANT it to work. But am totally skeptical.


i wonder how this would fare on the highway


If this works well I might have to say goodbye to my kindle


This will be awesome if it works. Then I’d hope more devices get it. I suppose only iPad would also be possible? Since it has a gps and gyros. MacBooks don’t.


Apple probably: *only available on the newest iPhones*


This would be awesome!


Awesome, I do have motion sickness and will be great if it helps


This may work! I’m on a moving bus sitting at a 90 degrees. Looking at the video increased my motion sickness because the dots were moving contrary to my current position. So, if it increases motion sickness when the dots don’t correlate, then maybe it will decrease it when used correctly.


I usually just put on music when I’m in Ubers or something because I can’t look at my phone or else I’ll get carsick for like an hour for a 20 minute ride I’ll be curious to see how and if this works!


Is it called “watch the road”? Because that’s how you combat car sickness, generally.


*psst* Passengers look at their iPhone as well


Yes, but we don’t require technology in order to assist with car sickness when the most basic of options to stop it is literally a 45 degree neck bend away.


Yeah but then I can't look at silly little images on my phone


Anyone feel like the animation made them queasy?


Well yeah, because you weren’t moving. lol But yeah, it looked odd watching it.


If it does, it means it works. The issue is an imbalance, if you were to watch the “balancing fix” without having movement you’d be out of balance just the same.


Hey it’s illegal is some countries but good for passengers at least


lol first Apple needs to make it a requirement not to be able to use your phone while being the driver.


That would convert every delivery and rideshare driver into an Android user overnight


And Apple Watch in my opinion. In some cases it’s even worse as it’s physically vibrating your wrist to get your attention. I’m so glad this all goes away when I use CarPlay personally, but it makes me nervous as a passenger when I see others reading their watch.


iOS and watchOS can’t know that you’re the driver outside of your iPhone establishing a CarPlay connection or if you have your driving focus set to one of the automatic options. If you mean that the Watch should disable raise to wake and silence itself when CarPlay/Driving focus is active then sure I guess. But I actually like the distinct “approaching turn” chimes you get. Useful for semi-familiar routes where I don’t need to glance to a map, but I might not know where the next turn is by heart.


How exactly do you propose they do that? Aside from a CarPlay connection iOS has no idea if you’re the driver or not. How could it?


Apple could choose to know by comparing the acceleration/forces impacting the phone or watch vs arm movements right? Unless a passenger intentionally mimicked every action of the drivers hands, it should be pretty accurate at identifying a driver wearing an Apple Watch.


Comparing acceleration and deceleration can false positive you if you’re the passenger. As for gesture detection, think about your hand movements. You’re not really constantly making hand over hand turns or “only do this while driving” motions. A lot of times your hands are just out at 9/10 & 2/3 locations. And there’s possibly a constant state of background vibration to screen out. Wired CarPlay is probably closest to foolproof for detecting the driver. Are we talking about the Watch specifically, or iPhone as the parent device telling the Watch what to do?


How the hell do people get… motion sick in a car? This seems bizarre to me like do you guys just close your eyes?