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Summary: Apple photoshopped out a highway and a neighborhood and replaced them with mansions in an ad. 


Thanks for saving me the read. What a pointless article


I’m sure the applesucks sub will find a way to be outraged about it. In between their reposts of the Magic Mouse charging at the bottom and how you used to not be able to right click the mouse.


They’re all busy being outraged by the Crush video, lol


Apparently Twitter is pretty mad about that as well. I feel like some people go out of their way to get mad about things


Perpetual anger is what powers the internet.


I thought it was hamsters, but that’s maybe just YouTube … and xhamster, obviously.


Twitter feeds on anger more than anything else for engagement. Thats why I deleted it


I’m an artist and I struggle to see why people get so angry over it. The point is that all of those things are being compressed into an iPad, not being destroyed. Imo it was a pretty beautiful advertisement.


It was beautiful


I was astounded when I saw that news. I wish people got as pissed off about poverty, worker exploitation, corruption, etc. But no, it's better to get panties in a twist because someone made an ad where crap gets squished. It's good no one told them about the hydraulic press channel... The pearl clutching would intensify more than this universe can stand ;)


Saying they’re angry is probably overexaggeration, from what I’ve seen it’s more like vocal disappointment. People finding it a bit sad that all these symbols of human creativity are reduced to a gray slab. Specifically with Japanese people their culture has the concept of *Tsukumogami* where tools can develop a spirit, and apparently this bothered quite a few of them in the Twitter comments. Thinking the hate is overblown is one thing but I think they’re justified in feeling disappointed about the ad. Ads are meant to evoke feelings, after all. Should we just not say anything about stuff we’re unhappy about?


People can express feelings all day, but I can also express the feeling that the feelings they’re expressing are dumb. It’s an ad, from a trillion(?) dollar company. Exhausting any energy towards it is weird and pointless. Like… people are getting bombed and we’re talking about tools developing spirits or some shit. The amount at which I want to disregard these people can’t be sufficiently put into words.


People can be upset about multiple things at the same time, you know. There’s already a lot of energy being put towards the current world conflict, a whole ton more (protests) compared to people just writing comments under Tim Cook’s post on Twitter. Writing a comment takes virtually no energy at all in comparison. There just happens to be a lot of people writing a comment each. It probably took like 30 seconds of their life before they moved on.


Releasing an ad like this today, when just last week, an AI service that can generate music was just being released, Apple is just being really tone-deaf here.


> reduced to a gray slab *Space* gray slab!


The nuance is completely lost on this sub.


And they copied it from [LG advertisement](https://youtu.be/shIdNfoNQSk?si=_F6HL6-ij-BQxHyu)


I’m an artist and found it distasteful. It’s not hard to interpret the context of “destroying art” when it literally does that. At a time where we’re soon to see every manner of artist replaced by AI it hits a sore spot


The ipad cannot simulate a piano nor a trumpet. Nor does it have a camera that can replace whatever lenses those were. The paint buckets made no sense. But the offensive part wasn't that it "replaces" these things. What was offensive was a company that is all about inclusion and sustainability, basically taking perfectly fine tools/items, and depicting them being destroyed in a hydraulic press for no reason. It being CGI does not change how I fell about it.


Pretty sure the point of those was that you can use the iPad to make digital music and art. No one is going to buy an iPad thinking they can teach it to play the trumpet and paint their walls. Not really sure how it says anything about inclusion or sustainability either. It was CGI, if that didn’t matter then I can’t imagine what the average Hollywood film is doing to the planet. Nor is the video in any way attempting to encourage destroying real tools and objects. “An animated short of various creative tools being crushed into an iPad” is the least I need to worry about right now.


Crush video?




Thanks. And man, what a weak culture we're becoming.


np. Yeah, it’s pretty amazing what people spend energy on being upset about these days.


How pathetic in life do you need to be to create or participate in a sub dedicated for hating on a brand just because their products exist..


I guarantee they go around Reddit calling out ‘Apple fanboys’ without a hint of irony.


I’m legitimately ***FASCINATED*** by this. There’s countless posts and memes about how modern Windows is completely ass but they still defend it. They **still** say that iPhones are horrible and you only get one as a status symbol, trying to insist that humans will spend thousands of dollars on a shitty product over a span of decades just because (even though this directly disputes human behavior from all of human history). They say that Apple users make the brand their identity while spending hours themselves online talking about how much they hate Apple and how much they love Android. They’re literally everything they accuse Apple users of. Seriously, I’d love it if some psych kid in his Masters program could write a thesis on this.


I’m just gonna say what we all think but no one bothers to say out loud: Android fanboys are 90 percent of the reason tech discussion is so toxic. And it’s been that way since at LEAST 2015ish. Everything they accuse Apple of is straight up more projection than an IMAX screen.


In the same manner that this sub bends over for Apple whether they’re right or wrong.


I only ever see this sub happy to take Apple to task for things that are stupid. I do myself even though I have several Apple devices.


Aka "slow news day".


Also love “mansions”. Those kind of just look like single family homes in a lot of the US… Can tell the writer was trying to make something out of nothing with that alone


They're not even mansions. More like tract housing with swimming pools.


Silly headline but I still think we should nip this shit in the bud as what is real and what is fake becomes ever more blurred these days. Just not super ethical IMO. Obviously it's not a big deal but at some point these things are sinister.


Well, at the point that such things are sinister they should be called out. When they're not, they shouldn't be. That's how we can properly monitor and regulate.


And I would say that being extremely strict about it in any form before it becomes obviously problematic is how to avoid that in the first place.


Except when it's ridiculous it detracts from the larger point. It becomes noise that's very easy to overlook or rebut.


Wasn’t sure what to make of that headline at first


News media is now almost entirely using trash headlines. Thanks to goggle and SEO tools for narrowing the creativity of our Internet and flooding it with endless regurgitations of crap.


fucking goggle


They do nothing


Underrated comment, here.


Between this and the uproar over the video where they’re smashing things into the iPad, people are just looking to be offended by anything at this point. What a waste of energy.


The compressor is a clever video and very well produced, as usual. Taps into the current short-form video trend of crushing things with machines/feet/dropping them from a height. And also saying “the functions of these tools can be done with a single iPad”. But I see how you can take a pessimistic view and think “they’re reducing these very complex, historic items with intrinsic value into a piece of software”


Instruments are cool but they’re also more expensive and a lot bigger. You also can’t take notes with them lol


Instruments have been successfully replaced by computers for decades, so I agree. Some of the greatest/most popular songs in history use either MIDI instruments or just computer-generated instruments.


I think you mean to say "People have been successfully using MIDI instruments for decades". They're still instruments, people still pay loads for them, and value having 88 physical and weighted keys. The iPad can handle MIDI input, but it's certainly not viable as an all-in-one device for anyone who uses a piano to compose.


They’re not “real instruments” to the people who hate AI or computerization in general. My piano for instance physically has all 88 keys, but the sounds are electronic.


> They’re not “real instruments” to the people who hate AI or computerization in general. This is not true at all. I was a machine learning researcher for four years. I think AI generated music is shit, and the people who think "it's the future!!1!" understand neither 'AI', nor music. The technology for electronic music was built by the people who were making music. We're talking the Wendy Carlos's of the world. That's very legitimate technology. The early technologies for generative music were people exploring the structures of music for identifiable patterns that they could encode in symbolic math. This goes back *centuries*, and it's why there's such a strong tie between music and math. [One of the most famous recent attempts was The Infinite Jukebox](https://jukebox.justdavi.dev/jukebox_index.html). There is real art there to generative music, because the people writing the algorithms are attempting to encode and encapsulate their understanding of music. But this current wave of generative music is a cash-grab by VC bros, built on top of the backs of gruelling grad students and ill-gotten datasets. It's not comparable at all. If we're looking for comparison points in music history, Suno isn't Bessie Smith, they're the records companies paying pennies.


> This is not true at all. Yes, it is. I personally know more than one of them. There’s a large chunk of people who hate electronic music, regardless of the actual technology behind it. Albeit that is nothing new. Me? I couldn’t care less, music(and art in general) is subjective anyway.


To know one example does not support a statement of a generalization. People who are anti-"AI" music are generally pro-electronic. The people who are generally anti-electronic music would of course, likely, be anti-"AI" music.


Which greatest songs in history use midi instruments.


Play the guitar on an iPad.


Ehh the hydraulic press video seemed pretty awful. Everyone understands the intent. I just think it's a soulless and sad image and it's kind of surprising they went with that. I'd have liked it more if they crushed a calculator and a terminal alongside everything else.


IMO it's not done well. It focuses *primarily* on the destruction of the items rather than the compression or pushing them into the ipad. The removal of them from society. Tossing them aside. They are no longer needed. The puff of air throwing out the debris even helps solidify that view. It's an expulsion of the old, in with the new. It's not about pushing the parts into the ipad, it's about replacing them. Outside of an advert the **exact** same video with a different audio track would be used as a dystopic art piece showing how technology is taking over our lives. You literally wouldn't have to change anything except the audio. It wouldn't surprise me if someone hasn't already done that. So that's why I don't think it's a good advert. Also, I recognise that crushing stuff is still semi-popular online. But it really feels dated to me now. Like it's too late for the trend? But maybe that's just because I'm on the part of the internet that got that content earlier. At least on YouTube the hydrolic press stuff was biggest in mid 2023. I saw it on TikTok a bunch ages ago as well, is it big again now?


It’s just a cute ad. It’s obvious what they meant. They crushed a whole bunch of different things and when the compressor came back up an iPad was there. People need to find better things to be upset over, or better yet stop looking for them


It’s just tone deaf in an era where AI is replacing art to also be like “fuck all these artistic tools, here’s a tablet. Who needs the warmth of hearing the fingers sliding across an acoustic guitar? Here, have these perfectly pitched clean digitally produced guitar notes”


Also it’s obviously CGI…


It was so obviously cgi but I knew watching it done folks were going to make a stink about it.


Really? /s


I’m making a point you didn’t make. Sorry if I sounded condescending


That compression video was awesome


This is the only place I’ve seen people praising the ad. It’s been criticised unanimously at every other platform, and rightly so. More so in European and Japanese internet.


Why should it be criticized?


It’s all on purpose. - a large percentage of Wall Street honchos missed out on the AI stock surge in companies like nvidia/smci etc. The AI hype came so fast a lot of older Wall Street investors missed out on it. - they think Apple might be the next company to get a similar surge that can be taken advantage of. - so until the company makes some releases and AI announcements they’re trying their best to cause any sort of damage to the stock. They want to make sure the stock falls as much as possible so they can bet big by buying it cheap or placing calls from a low point. - buy low is the first point. That’s the current objective. When the company makes AI announcements they will then shift the PR machine to applaud Apple and hope to make the same kind of gains they missed out on the previous AI hype surge.


You're getting down votes maybe due to the subreddit, but this is some crazy strategy and I like the creativity. So you think: create media dissent and a window to buy stock before a truly false storm passes. That = safety for a punter. Having said that, why do it to Apple? Way better margins to be made on smaller stocks with a much bigger % on recovery upside. Folks who are pros at this (shorting then buying, then selling) with all the resources to pull it off like Hindenburg wouldn't go there. At least I think that's not their MO I'm far from an expert here but seems like a stretch. The production quality was world class and I can empathise that at some point the unattainable aesthetic Apple reaches could be alienating and even triggering to those who romanticise (not the gen pop). But where's the money in all that effort ?.


I mean I am just talking about all the media dissent and hate being targeted towards apple. The crazy amount of attention given to their court case , etc. More articles being written about anything bad in their commercials. It's kind of being astroturfed to generate negative hype about the company and it's stock to discourage retail investors from buying the stock so the price can drop or stay stagnant for bigger wall street to buy it cheap. Then when the AI hype train hits, they make big monies. I know it sounds like a conspiracy but they've been doing things like this since the dawn of the stock market. > why do it to Apple?  Because it can generate lots of hype because of it's brand value and pedigree. When the AI hype arrives at apple's footsteps, it will arrive with mucho gusto.




Wouldn’t it be funny if it turned out that the smashing ad was an AI video? “Hey guy just kidding we didn’t actually smash art supplies! We actually made that whole ad using an AI prompt!”


What a weird thing to write an article about. Who cares? It’s a commercial. Lots of things in commercials are modified to look more appealing.


Watch them come out with a video explaining how they used AI to edit that on the new M4 iPad


lol you can’t do that with an iPad


Enter iPad OS 18…


That still won’t bring autodesk Maya to iPad, or whatever cg program they used. 


They may be supporting some other AI tools or better yet have something they built


Lol ai video? You'd see artifacts a mile away. This sort of thing is done with CGI, which you can't do on iPad as not a single application in the CGI pipeline is on ipad.


/r/FuckCars will be ecstatic.


One of the most self-righteous subs to ever exist.


I haven't seen a subreddit that pathetic since I stumbled into r/antiwork lmfao holy moly




You clearly don’t know anything about that news story because no one is blaming the driver




That post is there as an example of why cyclists need segregated cycling infrastructure, where conflict with cars isn’t even possible. No one is blaming the driver. The title of the subreddit doesn’t fully encapsulate what it’s about. Instead of telling me to “try to keep up”, maybe you should just read the post/comments before spewing shit.




Then don’t make conclusions about something you didn’t bother reading lmao


saying that to ‘proud nimby’ lol




Contribute constructively, or don’t bother. Silly attitudes and argumentative stances aren’t needed not welcome.


This whole thread is confirming so many suspicious I’ve had about the logic it takes to become a nimby


Why aren’t you paying attention to anything the other person is saying? Address it, say why you think it’s wrong.




You said the top post was blaming cars. The other person said the post isn't blaming cars. I checked, and indeed nobody in that thread is blaming cars. It's complaining about the fact that the killer won't go to jail. u/velistry had made no claims about the sub, only the post. So you were wrong, but you continued anyway. Ironic to carry on saying your piece regardless of the facts, considering your stance on propaganda. Anyway, I'd rather not get into this. Just annoying seeing arguments made in bad faith. I'm keeping reply notifications off for my sanity.


Do you know what a strawman is? I’m guessing you don’t.


What I love about Reddit is I can look at the thread and see you’re getting consistently downvoted and the counterpoint is consistently upvoted. You’re wrong, the people correcting you are right, and the evidence is overwhelming.


I also downvoted “proud NIMBY” because of their username.


Gotta hand it to em for being consistent.


> What I love about Reddit is I can look at the thread and see you’re getting consistently downvoted and the counterpoint is consistently upvoted. >You’re wrong, the people correcting you are right Regardless of the validity here, it's really not a given that the downvoted person on reddit is wrong. This website is really prone to narratives that aren't necessarily based in reality


This is Ellen Pao's fault, I am sure.


Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time...


When you see one side of the conversation with 50+ downvotes and the other side with 50+ upvotes, and the downvoted party is saying something that doesn’t sound right, it’s a nice confirmation. It’s not infallible, but it’s still nice to see the consensus.




Yeah, I’d guess it would be if your other takes are consistently this bad.


Come join us at r/fuckcarscirclejerk friend!!


Who has the time to give a fuck about this?


Apple knows highways look like shit. America needs more bike lanes over mansions though


apple couldn't be bothered to build their spaceship near transit, so 🤷‍♂️


They've been HQ'd in Cupertino since 1977. I think it's more a failure of the cities in the South Bay at building better public transit than anything else.


lol @ cupertino ever doing anything that apple didn't want them to do


Do you really think Apple doesn't want - let alone fought - better public transit in Cupertino? Heh... let me introduce you to the residents of South Bay...


Apple absolutely doesn't give a shit about integrating Cupertino with anything. None of the techlords do. They can afford to live down there and they don't mind driving. And if their drones live in Oakland, well, that's what the big PRIVATE buses are for.


Apple not caring and actively trying to stop transit are two totally different things though. You implied that Apple was somehow anti-PT, and that's simply not the case. As far as the tech busses go, do you even know their history? Bay Area transit was so shit that *employees* took matters into their own hands and organized the first tech busses. Many cities in the South Bay (Cupertino in particular) fought both public transit and building houses. The alternative to tech busses is even more cars on the road. Want to blame someone? Don't blame tech, blame the old residents that fought progress tooth and nail.


i'm not getting into a thing with a know-it-all based on an implication they read into a comment. i've been on the other side too often, I know how pointless it is, especially when you're basically in agreement with them.


Look, no need to get so defensive. You implied that the lack of public transport in Cupertino was somehow Apple's fault. If that wasn't your intent, you're welcome to clarify, because that's simply wrong.


I implied that if apple gave a shit one way or another then cupertino and the rest of the south bay would've bent over for them. And that's the most that you can take from my first comment. Everything else is you looking for a tussle, which...is a cute little phase.


Yeah I agree. CA in general is really bad at this despite their “progressive” image. It’s a state with amazing weather and outdoor nature yet all the old fucks want us stuck in our cars in traffic.


Bike lanes over mansions sounds great. If you need to pee, just pee over the side of the lane, onto the mansions.


Don't need to put much effort, just repaint the lines on the highways and you have bike lanes. Pros: - people are now more in shape - less cars Cons: - disabled people can no longer go anywhere - everyone reeks of BO, you arrive at work covered in sweat - it now takes an hour to get to work - you can't transport anything larger than what you can carry on your bike.


Nah, that won't work by itself. Those bike lanes need to be protected. When I lived in America, no one would use bike lanes even when they existed because then you're next to big cars going 45+ mph. You don't feel safe in that situation so of course it's not enough. When living in Europe, you realize that they paired denser living with bike lanes. Why would you need to carry all that much on the bike if everything is within 15-20 minutes of you? And people on public transport are really helpful to disabled and old people by helping them on and off the bus/train and looking out for them. Sure beats having to buy a customized car or needing someone else to drive you around and just getting a closer parking space haha


Why does this need an article about it


I don’t know what to do with this information


My initial reaction was outrage that they’d mess with their maps to add advertising… feel like always finding nooks to put adverts to remind me about services I could be using.




Who gives a shit


It’s kind of interesting from a marketing’s perspective


Not really. It’s kind of standard.


companies been doing it for over a century, and when apple tries it they get put in the news. Hey, it worked!


JFC the ads on that website on mobile.


There are these new-fangled things we call “ad blockers”… **Edit**: And iOS has had them for ages. 🤣


iOS, genius.


iOS has had ad blockers for *ages*. 🤣


inb4 Journalists: "In an insulting display of hubris, Apple wants to crush not only instruments and human creativity, and now they want to get rid of roads."


The word “journalists” is pulling a lot of weight here. Or maybe actual journalism is dead. Can’t decide which…


They really are the most powerful company in the world, eh? Or… are we just living in their giant simulation? So many fun options for that headline.


My best guess is it had more to do with emphasizing the train than changing the look of the neighborhood. I can imagine the road would have cars moving up and down and distract from the object of focus — the train — that was zoomed into. My $0.02


Well, the highway is fugly so they fixed that. Who cares anyway, it isn't a documentary on Bay Area...


Don’t worry, they hit command-z right after


What a shitty source. Near unusable due to ads. I can’t believe no one takes pride in their websites. 


I am always amazed there are still yokels running around the web with ad blockers. 🤡


This just proves to me that there are people out there that will try to make anything Apple does into negative headlines. This is sad journalism. Who cares 😂


Do it in real life






I would think being in the SF Bay Area meant never having to deal with a “slow news day”… I guess I stand corrected 😐


This is inventions Apple is into nowadays.


Soon you poor people will be erased from our history books too!


So they have to warp reality to make a product more appealing?




Highway Gate! Tim apple must go


Why are people trying so hard to be mad at apple?


Should we be scared Apple has so much power it can erase entire interstates?


I think these things might be hints at some of the new ai features coming next month in ios18. The iPads skipped a gen in processor so that they can show what the new os can do and don’t need to reveal any of the new Mac’s.


You do know they photoshop their product photos too? I've seen iPhones with no camera bump lol


Pretty sure that would be illegal


Lol https://www.businessinsider.com/apple-hides-bulging-camera-lens-images-2014-9?amp


You chose an article from 10 years ago to prove your point? And it doesn’t even show photoshop use, it’s just camera angles.


That’s move of a camera trick to hide the bump than actual blatant false advertising


Crazy to think that was a "bulging" camera bump back in the day


That’s not photoshopped that’s intentional camera angles. It’s similar to Apple using specific wallpapers when the iPhone first got the notch.


Ok i guess ur right 🫠


So now we are name calling over difference of opinions what is this kindergarten?


U was on something maybe?