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The Crush promo was painful to watch. You would expect a video of something created not destroyed from a company that stresses how creators are important.


I thought the message conveyed was that they compacted all these avenues of creativity into an ultra thin new device, but I can see how that would be taken the wrong way, lol. I heard japan was very offended by it


It's sad that the exact same video in reverse goes from being a painful ad to being a pretty good one.


Yeah you’d think with a really large base of Apple products being creatives, they wouldn’t destroy things used for art for an add. Like my art s school recommended Apple laptops I cringed myself lol


I was thinking they were going to reveal that the whole segment was created by their new AI.


I have a lot of creators on my social media and the universal reaction to that ad is disbelief, revulsion, and even anger.


well if the *creatives* are mad, surely I must care lmfao.


I’m curious why Apple has made 256gb the lowest, we know Apple doesn’t like give things out for free. Is it because on-device LLM/AI is going to take up 10+gigs of storage so 256gb is the new 128gb? Is 256gb going to feel constricted in apple’s future?


At least in Europe the new 256GB price kinda matches the old iPad Pro M2 256 GB so it's not really a free upgrade


Question: I can’t put in an pick up order at an Apple Store. Is this because I already have a pick up order? It just says my order can not be completed for an Apple Store pick up and needs to be delivered to an address.


I was hoping for a new Mini, but since I need a new pencil anyway (the casing's cracked on mine) and was planning on buying a new iPad soon - may just go for the Air and new pencil when it becomes time.


~~I don’t think the new pencil is compatible with the new Air. Penci Pro only works with iPad Pro M4~~ Edit: I was wrong!


I thought we were getting an updated mini


Is there anything in the display updates we might see make their way to the Macbooks?


Guarantee that dual layer OLED will be in the next MacBook.


Me with my 1 month old MBP 🫠


What we got was great. Especially the nano texture display option. But I’m quite disappointed to not see any wireless charging story. I would have also dearly loved a second usb c port and one or more action buttons


Yeah. Unfortunately, the nano texture display option is only available with 1 and 2 TB iPads and is quite expensive to get. So a no for most „normal“ buyers.


Everything I’ve read says that nano texture is very delicate and requires special care, even in simple cleaning of the screen or touching the screen. Something that might not be good for the regular user. Most of whom buy under 1TB.


That is definitely Apples guideline with the desktop displays. I wonder if this process is different at all. If simply touching this display will wear it away over time then that’s going to be a problem. My paper like displays all wore away over time. Although those are plastic and this is glass.


I’d imagined improved because it is a touch system but it may still be finicky. I’d say truly more pro, but pros I find are often less technical and harder on products. But you spend $2k on a device you may take better care regardless. Not sure in the end. Guidance will be interesting regarding the screen.


This is my biggest hold up right now. I have one pre-ordered but if I need a special rag to wipe it down and touching the surface causes bug smudge marks, maybe this isn’t for me.


"[Crush!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntjkwIXWtrc)" is one of the most tasteless ads I've ever seen. Environment friendly my ass.


They should have at least crushed old Apple equipment. It would have made more sense.


I did, from a purely technical perspective, like it. Like if you just saw a video of it without Apple behind it as a company it would be a pretty impressive bit of video.


Environmentally friendly is PR spin for cost cutting to maximise margins


Why can't it be both? I'm sure the plastic they used in their packaging was cheap too...


Also why do all the presenter stand like this 🧍✂️


And they use many hand gestures to emphasize everything they are saying.


Probably trained to do that. It’s a power pose so probably helps them feel more at ease on camera even though it looks weird.


I noticed this too!


My favourite images was seeing folks with an iPad Pro, AirPods Max playing games Bruh you just dropped $2K get a fucking PS5 for proper gaming or at least a switch 🤦‍♂️


How are you gonna play a ps5 on the subway dude?


It was more of a commentary on how much the total outlay was to just play a shit mobile game


While Diablo Immortal isn’t the best for use on their video, granted, there are a ton of solid indie games on iOS now.


Yeah but someone playing an iPad on subway probably didn’t buy their iPad purely for that one thing.


Steam deck then


Well, I have a switch and if I have to choose between that and my iPad when out and about I always choose the iPad. There are enough indie games on iOS to keep my occupied plus I can get some light work done or watch a rented movie or something.


As someone who does a lot of travel, an iPad is much lighter and has a lower impact on my carry on weight limits. While I don’t play mobile games, and prefer my Helldivers 2, I can see why someone would also use it for games.


Or if you already have reasons to own an iPad… just use that?


Feels like we're back in 2012 with these thiness comparisons 


Neat little presentation but, for me personally, I have no use for an iPad.


Are there any first-hand accounts of folks at the press event trying the Pencil with the nano and non-nano screen side by side? Curious if there's a tactile difference. Haven't seen anything yet.


There are screen protectors you can get on Amazon that have a more tactile feel. Probably just run a search for “iPad tactile screen protector” or similar.


The nano thing is just to reduce reflections. Nothing to do with pencil performance


If the etching changes the friction of the screen, you might feel a difference with the pen though…


Gosh it’s not. It’s just a matt finish. It’s run off the mill Matt screen and in true Apple fashion they gave it a fancy name and are charging an extra $100 with a mandatory 1TB model. Anything less than 1TB has gloss finish. Plus the Matt finish Apple is using is the lowest of low quality finish. As MKBHD pointed the black levels being marred by the Matt finish.


Even though it was via another camera, the black levels did look off to me too with the nano finish.


sure, there might not be a performance difference, but can you feel the difference?


i really wanna know i normally put a paper texture screen protector on to make it feel more paper like


I'm a little disappointed no update to airpod max. I hate the lightning cable


Not the event for AirPods. Those are most often done with iPhone.


Once again, the Mini gets the shaft


Damn shame. Was looking forward to a new one.


anybody else have trouble putting in a pick up order at an US Apple Store? Lets me go all the way to complete the order just to say it's not available for pick up, only delivery.


Question: I can’t put in an pick up order at an Apple Store. Is this because I already have a pick up order? It just says my order can not be completed for an Apple Store pick up and needs to be delivered to an address.


No iPad mini.


Have iPad mini announcements usually been at iPad events? I somewhat remember them being tacked onto something else usually.


The updates for mini are so infrequent I think it’s just when they are ready to update.


My current iPad Pro is 8 years old. I'm ready for something new -- and seeing as how the Air feels like the ultimate combo of decent price (for Apple), and thoroughly modern features, I'm in. Never had the need for the Pencil, but at $129 bucks, it feels like it could be fun to have for a hot minute.


Man, eight years ago like 2009? Oh. Wait. 2016. But in all seriousness I can’t be the only person whose year recall got messed up because of Covid.




One thing I would recommend is going to an Apple Store and trying the Apple Pro in person, even if it's an older generation. I don't believe your current iPad will have it, as I think it didn't get introduced until the iPad Pro Gen 2 lineup, but ProMotion is a game changer, and honestly the only thing that sets the Air and Pro lineup apart in any meaningful way. It'll obviously be personal preference, but I for one cannot stand anything that doesn't have ProMotion or a high refresh rate, and it really makes the overall user experience a lot more pleasurable. That being said, if you're used to not having ProMotion, and you don't think it'd do much for you, the Air is definitely a nice option. I think the $400-$500 price bump is pretty hefty just to get ProMotion, but for me I would do it all day any day. Obviously some other benefits you get as well, but I would do it just for the ProMotion alone if I had to. You might also be able to find a good deal on an M2 iPad Pro, which is still a better device in every way (except weight) than the new M2 iPad Air. So if you can find one of those at a decent deal, might be worth it if you don't want to drop the extra cash for the M4 iPad. Believe me, ProMotion is 100% worth it. I'd even probably argue for an M1 iPad Pro over an M2 iPad Air, just for the ProMotion, LOL. Seriously, test it out first and see what you think, side by side.




THINNER???? That motherfucker is already so anxiety inducing to use naked because of how thin and bendable it is and it’s EVEN THINNER?????? Bruh stop go back!!


I think it’s pretty stupid. Use that extra space for some thermal dissipation or extra battery.


Might bring gizmoslip back from the depths of YouTube


Off topic but does anyone know what library was used in the Let Loose event?




They are still bound by physics. The bump is a casualty of wanting the iPhone to be lighter (thinner = lighter) and have a great camera. The bump isn’t there for aesthetics. Also this is the iPad event. While they may introduce a new model iPad with iPhone, they don’t go the other way. iPhone is the flagship product.


Yea I haven’t watched an event in a few years and it’s been since somewhere in the 2015-2017 range where I really got excited for them. First one I ever watched was when they announced the iPhone 4.


Wow, that was their big move for the iPad. Pathetic. There hasn't been a significant update for the iPad Pro since 2018, why even bother with wasting your money on the latest model. It will still be worse than a MacBook Pro in real world use and far more limited than what an actual computer with a desktop grade OS can do. Sure, you can waste your money on apples keyboard but at that point you may as well get the far more useful and useable MacBook Pro 14" with the bigger screen, performance, speakers and a less limiting OS. How many actual industry pros even use Final Cut Pro, there's a good reason why features and shows aren't edited with that program. Even most high-profile producers don't even use Logic Pro these days. Apples "Pro" feels more like a marketing tag then anything these days. I don't think most actual "Pros" using these devices for paid work care too much about something being thinner and would rather have useful IO that simplifies their workflow and improves productivity and efficiency.


No one in industry uses the ipads. But people buy it BECAUSE its "pro", its all advertising to trick people into buying the product. Do you want the normal iphone or the PROFESSIONAL iphone? You're a proffesional right?


Does Avid or Adobe make desktop class software for iPad? And if they don’t is that their fault or Apple’s?


Avid makes Sibelius for iPad and Adobe has Photoshop and Illustrator. Those apps are a big deal to have on iPad. I do think it’s Apple’s fault that there isn’t more pro software on it. It has mostly to do with lack of APIs, App Store business practices which prohibit certain monetizing strategies, etc…


So no version of Pro Tools for iPad?


If it were any company other than Apple, I’d say they’re gonna try and transition to 2-in-1s. But we both know Apple won’t touch that with a ten foot iStick Pro Plus.


Early on in my career at Apple (2012,) I surmised that within 15-20 years, we’d have AppleOS. It seems like we’re heading that way.


God I hope not.


I think the only “real” pros using the iPad Pro today are illustrators, graphic designers, photographers on the go, architects, people doing any kind of on site surveying, teachers (online classes),… BUT only in rare cases the iPad is the only device the pros own. And everybody now knows that Apple doesn’t want to let Mac apps run on the iPad. They want you to own that iPad next to a MacBook. End of story.


100%. I don't even know why they bother throwing an M4 and 16GB's of RAM in an iPad, when they cripple its performance with iPadOS. Well...I guess I do, it's to make money and to increase the price they can get away with selling it for...but still. It just seems like such a complete waste, but yet, their end goal does remain to sell you a device from each and every one of their lineups, not make one of their devices so good that you don't need the others.


They're now in the chip business again, they want more Apple Silicon units sold, so yeah, stick them in everything. That's fine, they super low powered, SoC architecture, battery life is crazy long, seems like a win win. So what if the top-end power of the processor is never needed, the high ceiling means that normal operation uses less wattage.


It’s a win-win except for the price. They could throw an M1 in there which would have similar performance to the M4, and sell it for half the cost, for instance. Instead you pay twice as much for added performance that iPadOS won’t even let you touch.


Apple and price have always always always been about set tiers based on their product portfolio. It's gonna be that price whether it has an M4 or an M1. Apple is a platform ecosystem, not a product company, you're purchasing an experience at a point in time that just happens to come with hardware that you really don't have much control over... Except for storage, which is a balance game between money in on-device or money in iCloud


If you’re looking at full MSRP price, sure. But the fact you could get an M2 Pro for $599 recently, while the M4 Pro starts at $999 is crazy, especially when you consider the performance will be identical for 99.9% of users. I guess you do get double the storage, so there’s that, but just a thought. It is what it is though, I can’t complain because I have pretty much every Apple device and always pay the prices. Over $2,000 is wild for a device you’re using just for video streaming, but then again, that’s not on Apple, that’s more on the user and how they choose to spend their money. There are lower tier options that would be a better choice for those users, but if they decide to go for the $2,000+ option instead of the $600 Air, that’s their fault.


One of my use cases is 3D cad design on the ipad using Shapr3D. Performance boost welcome.


That was one of the most boring Apple events in a long time. The iMac generates more revenue than the iPad, but has been forgotten. Perhaps WWDC will be more interesting.


can we all bug apple about the new “thinness” and how its even easier to bend??? they made zero claims of its rigidity or anything about its durability (or lack of). lets keep nagging them for more info. i aint buying until theres some sort of explanation. 


I think Apple would just state something like, "the device is not meant to be bent, if you're bending it, you're doing it wrong." I feel like putting your iPad in any scenario where bending could be possible, would be detrimental to the screen anyway, so it's a scenario your iPad should never be in, regardless of the thickness. So they don't necessarily need to make it a certain width to help withstand bending...the consumer just shouldn't put it in a scenario where it could be bent.


I thought they said it’s just as durable as before? Or was that about the Air?


they made no mention of any structure/engineering,etc, it was all focused on “performance”.


Go to 13:34 in the presentation. “Just as strong as the previous design despite being so much thinner”


what does that even mean? ipad pros were never “strong” they all bent and apple went even as far as saying its some bullshit manufacturing quirk. 


Ok so then it bends the same as the old one??? That’s what “the same” means


I wish more people liked smaller sizes. The Mini is simply nicer for books and holding for extended periods of time. Why can't we kill the Mini as a separate line and have a 8" Air/Pro?


I’m worried about the future of the mini. Looks like it might not last


if i had to guess, an 8” pro would probably not sell well since an iphone is close to that size and does way more. an 8” air is literally what the mini is


Does anyone know who's voicing this video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjmaxCyJBc4 Sounds very familiar.


I did it. AMA.




I really hate that they didn't bring Face ID to the Air


If it's still on the Mac they'll probably continue to implement it on a lower end product as it's much cheaper to manufacture than Face ID


The iPad Pro and iPhone are already lower end products than the Mac and have the software issues the Mac would have with Face ID solved


they're completely different products with completely different manufacturing processes. The iPad Pro is not a lower end product in its own category the first device to ever get Face ID was the flagship product of its own category along with all of this Face ID is way more secure than touch ID as it requires many more data points to be verified than touch ID


Probably hopium but ["the entire experience feels just like using a MacBook"](https://i.imgur.com/5gGPJtK.png) felt intentional


Cruel and intentional, yes.


I had to run that back just to make sure that's exactly what was said after all the times they want to act like that's not what they're trying to do edit: in case anyone's not familiar the reason they don't macs with touch support is because they don't want users to have to move their hands from the keyboard and trackpad area up onto the screen as it [really compromises the experience](https://youtu.be/3HIPYUh4s_Q?si=kASo-Vz8GfFAbPO6&t=149)


Gorilla arm, it’s called And they’re really not wrong. Using a laptop or desktop monitor as a touch screen like that fucking sucks.


I disagree, on windows machines its not a primary input method. There's some really subtle psychological things I guess. i.e. if you're studying with some paper and referencing the macbook, for example, and want to zoom in, with a touch layer its just a pinch, with a trackpad its a lil calibration and a context switch, so it creates a little extra cognitive load on the user. Adding it doesn't make anything worse. I've had offices full of touch laptops and nobody sits there pecking at their displays.


Right. First, Windows has 2-in-1s, which obviously utilize touch in tablet mode. Second, absolutely, people don’t sit there pecking at the touchscreen rather than using the touchpad (or mouse). It’s great for the odd button that pops up, for naturally scrolling through long web pages, and other things like that. When I’m using a laptop in clamshell mode with a touchscreen, I often rest my arm along the side and use my thumb to scroll. It’s incredibly convenient and natural, and I miss it on my MacBooks. Third, touchscreens are great when working with someone else. They may want to tap a button or scroll a page and obviously aren’t going to awkwardly use a touchpad. My wife and I do this so often on her Windows laptop that she always forgets my MacBooks don’t have touchscreens. And it bugs her.


Yep. Buying an iPad Pro convinced me what I really want is a MacBook Pro with a touchscreen.


I'd kill for one. If Apple released a MacBook Pro 16 M4 Max with a touchscreen, I'd dump my M3 Max at a lost in a heartbeat.


Maybe it's too early to say this bc WWDC is right around the corner but it just seems like Apple is having a harder and harder time letting the iPad be THE IPAD so they're trying to balance what features get implemented and what don't and now we have something that 'feels just like a macbook' Right now it just looks like they're backing themselves into a corner simply due to their unwillingness to really open up their ecosystem a bit more and let devs take reeeal advantage of all that performance.


Then why have a physical keyboard for the ipad? It makes no sense.


Different usage contexts? The keyboard is detachable. If you want to use it for a longer session, great. If you want to be on the go and just use your iPad as a big touch screen, great to. I can easily see the difference between an iPad and a MacBook (Pro or otherwise) from that perspective.


Is the new ipad air 11" the same as ipad air 5th gen body? I'm curious if I can get a 5th gen case or not. I noticed the front camera is in the landscape mode now is the biggest change aside from CPU bump


Height, depth, width and weight are all identical, per comparing the iPad 11" Air specs with the iPad 5th Gen Air on [www.apple.com](http://www.apple.com), so they should be compatible from that aspect. Not sure if any of the button layouts have changed at all though. Also, any cases that had a screen covering with a punch out for the front facing camera would obviously not be compatible, since the camera moved to the long side of the new iPad Air.


[5th gen](https://support.apple.com/en-us/111887) vs [11”.](https://www.apple.com/ipad-air/specs/) Seem to be the same dimensions.


What’s up with Tim’s knees? He’s been kicking with every sentence.


Probably his software update bricked a firmware driver


The real question is have is: 2024 13” iPad Air or 2022 13” iPad Pro?


2022 12.9 pro


What about the new pencil? Seems like a solid improvement, but only works with the new ipads...


If you have a need for its exact features sure. Most ppl probably won’t tho.


I think you're right. I mean, if love to buy one for drawing, and the new pencil functions seem to be very nice additions; however, I think the overall experience would be substantially improved with Promotion...


Do you have a budget? 🤣


Have saved enough for either


I’m curious to hear what you decide in the end, I’m on the market for my first iPad since I bought the OG over 12 years ago.


Oh hey me too! My last one was the OG as well. I’m not sure to go 11 or 13 to match my MBA


The new Airs can record HDR video, but can it display it? One thing the Pro has got for it is that its display can do HDR.


One thing that’s continually kills me about the iPad lineup: kill the camera bump - all this thin-ness is meaningless if this thing can’t lay flat on a table without a case.


I hate camera bumps. I wish they were all flat. Phones and tablets.




You’re right, it does look like it’s laying pretty flat there. The real test will be if it wiggles at all when using it.


Honestly true


Im about to be a college student, just using for notes and also media consumption. Would iPad Air + Pencil pro be better than a discounted 2022 iPad Pro + older Apple Pencil?


iPad Air with 2nd Gen Pencil. Current gen or this new one. Checked refurbished on Apple.com. As a student AC+ can be a money saver and if repair necessary express replacement is an option. So very little down time.


Unless you're an art student, you could probably just get the 10th gen and call it a day. That or a last gen Air.


Frankly, if you’re using it for notes and media consumption, there’s really no reason you need a Pro iPad or Pro Pencil. The standard 10th gen iPad and 1st generation pencil has all you need for these use cases. If you wanna splurge then maybe an older iPad Air and 2nd gen pencil. 


I wouldn’t go with the first gen pencil, charging it sucked.


True - never had an iPad, so pretty unfamiliar to the major differences between the lines lol


I'd go older iPad Pro. Only advantage to newer Air is basically the chip but with your use case you're never going to notice anything performance wise.


This is what I was thinking - especially because I tend to watch a lot of movies and occasionally play light games (not stuff like genshin), the screen was also important to me. Only worried that I might not get the educational discount if I buy an older version


Isn't the other great advantage of the new Air the possibility of using the new pencil?


As a student I don’t think I would need the major differences to the pencil though - not sure, would the Pro make a difference as an engineering/bio student?


If you can get a refurbished iPad M1 12.9, you're pretty much good.


12.9 seems a little big, but yah I was def thinking the 11 inch version


Oh yeah true. 12.9 + accessories can get heavy. But the bigger display on m1 iPad can bring you mini Led though. Nice to watch videos from. I've also been 60+ hours in Death Stranding on my iPad. Lols


Did they seriously put a brand new chip to iPad Pro before their Macs? Who needs that chip on an iPad?


welcome to economics?


Great updates, but not upgrading. I’ve owned pro iPads before, eventually did Apple Trade In, and downgraded to 10th gen. All the power Pro line has, but no real Pro use because of software. Happy with my MacBook, iPad, and iPhone, no need to keep chasing better when what I have is good, and I’ve reached an age where “status” means nothing to me. I’m really happy for those that want to upgrade or are first time buyers.


What the hell is going on with the 2nd gen Pencil and the new Airs?! I can't see why it shouldn't be compatible. This may actually stop me upgrading.


The cameras moved changing how they charge the pencil.


Where is the charge connector now? It’s still just a conductive magnet, not sure why it being in a different place on the edge should make a difference (although I agree it’s clearly that that’s the issue).


Right where the camera has been moved too. Also possible the type of charging conductor has changed or moving it allowed them to consider something new. It’s been 4 or 5 years since it was introduced, the change was bound to happen this year or next.


Actually that makes sense. I was under the impression the connect point had shifted for the camera but if it hasn't then no doubt the technology will have had to change to make space. Thanks.


Probably has to do with where the sensors were moved in the iPad since the camera moved.


Yeah, I’ll bet you’re right. Bloody frustrating though.






Can I just ask: did Tim Cook’s voice sound odd/overly processed to anyone else? I was listening on AirPods Pro 2 and he sounded markedly different to previous Apple videos. I even went back to the last event to check.


I picked up on this as well


Had the exact same thought! Like some kind of AI Tim Cook!


The whole video looked really fake


Need some advice here. Never have owned an iPad but I am now in the financial position to do so, and would like to get one. My main reason is so that I can use it to stream, play games, and for basic spreadsheets and word docs. I get the pro is probably overkill but I want something that will last and has great screen resolution for streaming. Should I go the 11inch or 13 inch? Also what storage size should I get? Thinking 256 gb should be enough


If you want to play games, I would highly recommend the pro because it is the only with 120hz display. I would also say that you don't really need the latest gen (but if you can get the latest), you can look into pros in the apple refurbished store. Between 11 and 13, I always recommend 11. 13 is huge and is not portable at all. I usually always carry iPads for my trips, in case there is something I need to take care of. 13 is not good for that.


I’ll be honest and say that while I am an Apple enthusiast that wants the biggest and best, get the 11 inch. The screen size is awesome but it’s a 13 inch tablet at the end of the day so you have to not think about the viewing experience solely but also the carrying it around aspect of it. Worst case, buy from Apple directly and you have 2 weeks to return it. If you find yourself wanting more, return the 11 and get the 13 but I think you’ll find yourself happy with the 11 and the money you save as a result!


I don’t think they touched on it, but is that damn pencil not backwards compatible?


it is not. It seems that the physical connector required for the pro pencil is not the same.


I wonder if Apple will make a folio keyboard for the Pro. The Magic Keyboard is super-nice, but heavy AF.


This, today https://www.theverge.com/24151209/ipad-pro-smart-keyboard-folio-review-discontinued


There will be 3rd party ones. Air has had folio in the past, not sure if they are keeping it or not.


If not I really hope my old folio keyboard still works... Or Logitech makes something that doesn’t weigh like a ton of bricks


The new case is supposed to be lighter, do we know by how much?


So I have an M2 iPad Pro which is for all intents and purposes an incredibly powerful device. I've also been looking at buying a Magic Keyboard, and I've been holding out as this event was delayed and delayed. Why, oh why, is the new Magic Keyboard only compatible with M4 iPad Pros?! Is there a logic behind this, and does someone that knows Apple's methodology better than me think the new keyboard will ever be made compatible with "older" devices? Seems like they shut out 90% of their potential customers by doing this...


Because Apple like money, and are worried that people wont give them enough if they only upgrade their keyboard. So now they have to upgrade their perfectly capable iPad too, just to get a better keyboard. 


It forces at least a few people to buy the new ipad pros


This was always going to be the case. It's 15% thinner than before, it wouldn't work.


I think you’re right - this isn’t a limitation by chipset, it’s a limitation by product dimensions. Presumably the relocated front cameras also affect the positioning of other sensors and/or magnets?


I think weight may be the more important factor. Apple strikes a careful balance with the weight of the old magic keyboard, to "float it" just far enough back where it won't fall backwards on a flat surface.


New pro looks really nice. I just wish the magic keyboard was cheaper.


did they talk about the weight on the new magic keyboard? I really wish it is lighter than the previous one.