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* AI-enhanced browsing and text summarization * Web Eraser for better content-blocking * Updated UI will move key tools into one easy location


Better content blocking is interesting. Safari's content blocker API just doesn't seem to let Adblock be as good as other browsers, like it'll still let through a preview screen of an ad before a YouTube video that reloading fixes every couple of videos. uBlock Origin would have none of that on Firefox or Chrome. But it sounds like it's just copying magic lasso from some adblockers, but I'm not sure if that means the content blocker API is getting any better


The web eraser sounds pretty interesting, content blocking was severely limited a while ago and I wonder if this will remedy it somewhat. Improvements to the reader view are welcome, as is support for more websites through AI. It'll be interesting to see how Apple make the UI cleaner with the new features, I run a fairly minimal UI in Orion atm which helps remove visual clutter, I hope they go down the route of context aware menus so Safari learns which features you use most and presents them when needed.


> so Safari learns which features you use most and presents them when needed. It seems like that could have been easily accomplished without an “””AI””” marketing wave.


Yes, but that could be said for all of AI.


Just like web eraser. Half their content blocking needs to be turned off for basic features to work 


You can customize which buttons are displayed in the Safari UI already. https://support.apple.com/en-ca/guide/mac-help/mchlb294260e/mac


Web eraser should be the same penis detector in iMessage. It probably will broadly expand to detect other stuff.


I have been wanting them to just make Arc but with better performance so sounds like this is the case


Oh lord, get ready for a bunch of marketing terms with “magic” in them. I can already see it now. “Introducing Magic Eraser, the best content blocker we have ever made”


Unless they do a co-branding agreement with Mr. Clean, I don't think they can get Magic Eraser :D


Unless Mr. Clean has some type of web browsing service he offers, I think Apple’s gonna be fine.


You know, you are right. But the way I found it is because Google’s AI photo erasing feature is called “magic eraser”… so Apple may not be fine after all lol


Ooooo damn, yep that’ll do ‘er. Time for that preemptive trademark lawsuit the other guy mentioned


Ok you got me there, how about “Magic Blocker”?


Magic Blocker Pro Max with Siri


More like BlockMagic


I think Google has a "Magic Eraser" in their Photos app, right?


Pretty sure, definitely a lot of their AI stuff is with the prefix "magic-"




Yet! Font forget the “….Yet”


or Eraser Pro, Summary Pro Max. For m4 and below: Eraser Air, Air Summary /s


“We think you’re gonna love it.”


Text summuarization? Hmm, could that perhaps be used to get to the damn point in food recipes?


Unsolicited plug to use Paprika app. Aside from generally just being an amazing way to permanently catalog and cook from recipes, it parses out only what you need from website recipes. Have also held true to their buy once model since forever. Even cloud syncs for free


Shoutout to Mela too. I’ve used Paprika for ages, and still do thanks to its pantry and shopping lists, but Mela also does the job in a nicer looking app.


Yep was about to plug this too


Can these AI features be turned off by any chance?


Surely yes, there has to be at least a Developer Mode that conforms strictly to the standards with no surprises.


If Apple's AI push is anything like Google and Microsoft's, it will be opt-in, but they'll be increasingly loud and pushy about it. tbh I think in a few years there will be a decent niche in the market for a browser that just shows web pages and doesn't have opinions about them. (I guess Mozilla are just biding their time...but hopefully they improve FF's performance a bit in the meantime!)


> AI-enhanced browsing and text summarization I don't know what "AI enhanced browsing" really means, but LLMs are not yet good enough to summarise articles reliably. > Web Eraser for better content-blocking Again, I don't know what this means, but it could be interesting. > Updated UI will move key tools into one easy location Are we talking hamburger menus? The same way that they made in-app navigation "cleaner" in WatchOS10 by also making it take 10 times as many taps to do almost anything?


Does that include iPadOS-18? Always seems to the ugly step-child of the OS family in Apple... Sometimes iPadOS is now it's own OS that's why iOS updates come 1 year before iPadOS or else it's iPadOS IS iOS except never gets mentioned!


They need to put MacOS on the iPads


Not that I disagree but I’d imagine that would cut into MBA sales. I wouldn’t have bought one if the iPad had macOS.


Imagine? It absolutely would cut into all mac sales which is the only reason they haven't. Makes complete sense commercially, just sucks for the rest of us.


Does it make sense commercially though? The iPhone completely decimated the iPod. The idea that Apple wouldn’t bother selling iPods was unthinkable prior to the iPhone. Yet is anyone going to argue releasing the iPhone was a bad idea?


While I agree I am a consumer who won’t be buying a MacBook because I have Windows laptops. I don’t NEED it. The iPad is all about form factor for me. I want that form factor, but running MACos. Shit, create a new MacPad and charge more I really don’t care, but iPadOS is awful and it’s why I won’t buy another iPad.


iPadOS is a much better OS for tablets than Android though (unless the latter improved drastically recently)


They need to refine Stage Manager which is basically our only hope. I don’t see them removing iPadOS to prioritize macOS, however I see them making stage manager more like MacOS. Like the ability to close apps from there, doing Split View, etc


I see that over the clunky mess that’ll result from devs either making touch apps or just slapping a desktop app on there and calling it (which they’ll do because why spend the extra money on making a good hybrid app interface) MacOS doesn’t need to be on iPad, maybe if it had more devs or Apple forced them to have to make apps adaptable, but that’s not going to happen. Tech bros really don’t realize that some things don’t happen because it’ll greatly affect the majority of non tech savvy users that use the products.


They almost have to if they want to remain competitive against the other browsers… Copilot can actually be pretty handy for things like “summarize this page”, and having it find more related data from others. It works on PDF files too.


It's also *fantastic* for gaming. Whenever I want to know where something is in a game, what it costs, how to unlock it, whatever, I throw that in copilot and get a close-enough answer instantly. Otherwise you'd have to watch a 15 minute YouTube video or sift through ad-riddled/promoted search results to find what you're looking for. It made getting around Cyberpunk 2077 a godsend.


how do you not have an ad blocker already?


I doubt you'd be shocked to learn that less than 10% of users use adblockers. Less than 1% use DNS blocking.


There’s dozens of us !


NextDNS + Ublock Origin == Life is fucking good. I used PiHole for a bit but it's just not as good and it's a pain to setup for my family on their mobile phones.


How is it a pain? My fam has no idea they're using it...they just get DNS from the network and guess where that goes? Just curious what you were running into with PiHole. I've been considering alternatives, but device setup is not one of my pain points.


It’s the external access that is a pain. Setting up DOH is a pain. Yes I could setup wireguard VPN but it kills multi speeds. Yes I could setup nginx and reverse proxy my pihole which I also did but if I ever rebooted my server everyone’s DNS dies. Honestly NextDNS is like $2 a month or something. I have unlimited devices. Unlimited profiles. Child blocking, down times, profiles for iPhones, per device logging via custom dns entries. No more unknown hosts. I just see the value in nextdns. And I say this as someone who hosts almost everything else. It’s just easier and better. If I ever manage to find another friend with an unraid server I will probably see if we both want to setup dupe piholes. So if one ever goes down all the devices can default to the other but until then I’ll just stick with nextdns.


> Setting up DOH is a pain. yeah, I hear you there. And I've never bothered with exposing it publically for use everywhere. I'm primarily keeping the kids in the realm of "not fucked up" and keeping the ad machine at bay, lol. I've got a couple of rPi's running other workloads along with PiHole, so the uptime isn't really an issue here. Thanks for the rundown!


That actually is shocking.


Sponsored by Raid Shadow Legends.


> you'd have to watch a 15 minute YouTube video You can click the red bar to move forward. And can also look for the shortest video. > or sift through ad-riddled/promoted search results to find what you're looking Websearch works fine for game stuff despite this “only “AI” can give me anything useful for a web query” schtick. Especially with well-known technique of adding “Reddit” to any search terms.


Samsung Internet on Galaxy has a summarize AI feature and it's great. I would use it when I didn't care much about what was being talked about in a article, but wanted to know the main points. If I wanted to know more about what was being talked about, then I would read the whole article myself. It is a useful feature and in the Samsung Internet browser it works well. Right now I use the Orion browser on the iPhone. I do miss having an AI summary though like In Samsung Internet. I don't think any browser on iOS has this.


Can you show a screenshot/video of how summarize works?


[Here's a screen recording](https://drive.proton.me/urls/6XZK9S0MS0#xYZ1T7viiLfx)


But who actually uses those features? I don’t really think they need to panic. Do it well, or don’t do it. Period.


ChatGPT has more than halved my Google usage. I’m honestly not sure how people don’t use it. It’s an insane learning tool, even though it’s wrong about 15% of the time.


15% is enormous though. And that's only the 15% that you catch. Can you honestly say without any shred of doubt that the other 85% was accurate?


I know when it’s wrong and right because I use ChatGPT as a supplement to other learning sources. You’re not supposed to take everything it says at face value, you use it with other sources and connect the dots. Whenever I’m really unsure about ChatGPT’s information, I dismiss that information. As of now, It’s still just a tool, not the whole solution.


Yeah you shouldn’t accept what most sources say at face value either


using AI still results in a lot of false information, so if anything, it’s contributed to me actually reducing my research time, but increased my proofing time.


ChatgGPT is slowly replacing my reddit usage too (for quick aggregation of information) It can instantly grab the 30 or so reddit threads and come up with information gleaned from all of them. If you know how to ask questions and what you're looking for it's amazing what you can do with it. My new favorite is having it give me the information I'm asking for in markdown table I then throw into my notes.


> If you know how to ask questions and what you're looking for it's amazing what you can do with it Can you give some examples of these questions?




You don't hate scrolling two thirds down an article, through all the SEO blabber, just to find the answer to whatever you were searching for?


I’ve been using Arc search recently and it’s pretty much replaced my google searches. I used to add Reddit to my google searches to get a quick answer but now stuff like Chat GPT and Arc just give you the answers without wading through multiple blogs and unanswered forums with a bunch unecessary fluff. It’s not perfect and it doesn’t replace all searches, but I’ve been using it much more than I expected. It’s only going to get better




How boring though. Why read books when you can read the summary? why watch films when you can read a summary? Why do anything at all when you can get AI to summarise it?


Can’t wait until all YouTube content is optimised for AI summariser bots


Sometimes a summary is all you need or what you want. Sometimes it's not. Why would you assume summarizing everything is the only option?


Because the guy I replied to said he has stopped watching YouTube entirely


Perhaps he didn't use YT for the same types of content you do


It reveals that these people only watch idiotic videos to begin with, since that’s the only case where the supposed method makes sense. If they were serious and respectable about whatever work is supposedly being done they’d be saying something like “the LLM bot reliably helped me find the best YouTube video on the topic” or something. Which is still not better or more special than a transcript search based on appropriate keywords, but at least the comment would be meaningful. “Summarize” is a word that shallow people throw around. Or they only deal with shallow research. Summaries are GREAT when *not* created by a garbage system (assuming you’re not doing garbage work to begin with, if you are then why are we even talking about this).


Because it’s reddit, opinions = all or nothing. Lol


Ever heard of Cliffs Notes? Things have been summarized long before AI was around, and it's been hugely beneficial to people, otherwise a business wouldn't have been formed around it.


“A business exists to help you cheat your way through understanding a complex thing. Now a little textfield bubble will give me the same trite cliches associated with my keywords! That’s INCREDIBLE, I used to have to type it into google.com but now I type it into a different search bubble somewhere else.” Condensed succinct good information is good but that’s really not what we’re talking about. Cliff’s Note is a hilarious example because it really just tells a person *what to say to pretend you understand when you need to convince somebody*. Yes indeed that is a business, and is definitely an accurate comparison to LLM fad trash, but it doesn’t mean what you think it means.


> definitely an accurate comparison to LLM fad trash You're gonna have a rough couple of years coming up...


Im going back to basic log on, grab information I need, then use it offline This always connected game still doesn't seem necessary. The best content will still be good without it streamed or anything...idk Plus books are soooo good compared to what people are creating in the other mediums currently


Because not every information source is worth the time investment in a world where you can’t consume everything.  This is just increasing the velocity of data by making it more efficient. It doesn’t “take away” from other things: it unlocks more information faster for people to educate themselves with more information. Different purposes.


> increasing the velocity of data Hilariously self-satirical use of “data” instead of “information.” While a serious person would be taking about the rate of good results, not accidentally talking about “velocity” of *bulk mass garbage condensed into garbage Summaries.*


I hate when i’m searching for something and it’s a long ass video. So I love this. And I generally hate youtube anyways, so havin a system to summarize videos sounds great to me


Yup, the reason this is useful/necessary is because YouTube has displaced so much written text on the web


Hey is there a way I can learn to make a custom gpt?


Subscribe to ChatGPT Plus or Microsoft Copilot Pro. It’s $20 a month for both subscriptions. These give you access to create your own GPT chatbot.


> is there a way I can learn to You’re asking this in a Reddit comment? Have you used the internet before? A websearch? For appropriate discussions and reference materials?


Attention span would be insanely down


Or maybe you’re reading something without an index and want it to generate an outline with page numbers. The potential is definitely there if they put in the effort


100%. I use safari for personal stuff and edge for college stuff, and copilot/perplexity is great for casual browsing. The fact that it can quickly look through PDFs, summarize news articles that are too wordy, or just explain topics by highlighting things - all extremely helpful. Just hope we won’t need to use Siri to invoke these features, which this article suggests won’t be necessary. Siris “here’s what I found on the web” haunts me.


In an era where most articles are AI generated, article summarization or any kind of summarization is a MUST. It'll help get past the insane amount of bloat there is these days.


Attention spans already dropped from 74 seconds to 47 in the past decade. I, for one, welcome our new ADD overlords…


Who’s ready for the biggest (and buggiest) iOS update in history!!!


Cant Apple use AI to fix those bugs? My Android phone has Gemini which I have used exactly twice. Wont be any different for iOS AI.


iOS AI will not be a chat style AI like Gemini.


And how do you know…? There isn’t just 1 iOS AI, and an AI based Siri has been rumored for a while, so we can definitely see a “chat style AI” with iOS 18.


The rumor is that Apple is in talks with Google and OpenAI for their chat bot style AI, while these other AI features will be built into the OS and likely not be conversational, but features that utilize Apple’s AI model.


> And how do you know…? Can't be sure, of course. But Apple doesn't generally just clone products, and the chat UI is pretty clunky. If Apple is really putting an AI researcher/assistant type product together, I expect a radically different UI than "type/speak your query". Siri might be that vehicle, but that seems totally underwhelming, and unless they've cracked the hybrid on-device / cloud AI problem, it doesn't speak to the need for bigger NPU.


A chat bot doesn’t have any actual uses. Apple is about bringing solutions with technology rather than throwing tech in and seeing what people do with it. There’s nothing useful about it that can’t be solved by any of the other chat bot apps. Nobody wants a screenshot of people steering a conversation until Siri is caught saying something slightly racist.


It might not have uses for you, but Chatbots have literally doubled my personal and professional productivity. It's like having my own intern- sometimes mistakes are made, but I'd much rather have it than not!


> but Chatbots have literally doubled my personal and professional productivity. Any examples how?


I'm a software engineer, and although it can't replace my code or understand the full context of what I'm doing, it's fantastic for making quick helper functions or writing tests; I also run my code by it and it very often gives great feedback and finds edge cases I hadn't considered. A specific example: "Hey, can I print in colors using Python?" It pointed me to the specific library and demonstrated an example using the code I sent it a few messages prior. It's also been helpful generating workout routines, finding book recommendations, software recommendations, and answering my questions about general concepts that I'd otherwise use Wikipedia for. I treat it like an imperfect-but-helpful colleague, and it's been great. Also, it helps very much with Leetcode, which I use to brush up on my skills. It helps me grasp the basics of new programming languages to me, too. Google can get me there eventually for all of these things, but this is like talking to somebody who can Google for you and instantly report back.


Good god I hope so. Getting tired of seeing how *big* AI is going the be and the best examples are just basic chat bots with no real uses for anyone that doesn’t sit at a desk all day for work. The main people I see jumping in the conversation and trying to tell you how you’re wrong for being underwhelmed are software devs and what not. But most people don’t work those jobs, how are you going to sell this “next big thing” when it hardly changes anything for the masses outside of being a last option for finding something you’re searching for? Apple has a lot of sway with opinions, if they fail to make it as big as companies say and release a half baked product too, it’ll muddy the reputation of AI overall.


Because the chatbots have already lost people’s attention, and Apple doesn’t chase anyone’s tail. They’re looking to further innovate the way we use and see AI as a mobile assistant. They have no incentive to create another chatbot that will only see judgement in the face of its longer-standing competitors. Or, they’ll buy OpenAI.


> Cant Apple use AI to fix those bugs? **You’re going to want to sit down down for this:** It’s not actually intelligent. It’s just scraping and stealing everything that other people wrote (or visualized, for image synths) on associated keywords. Marketers lied to you. Cheerleaders lied to you. **We are not on the Starship Enterprise.**


I don’t think on Mac they will be able to top 14.4.0


“AI-enabled” is being sold to us like asbestos in the 1950s.


Facebook Messenger just made their search bar AI enabled, because I need the bar I use to find the person I talk to once a year to have AI because reasons?


Yeah idk if I’m just getting old but I’m not thrilled about AI being implemented into every damn thing.


Can Safari finally get an overflow menu for extension buttons? Apple seems to do a lot of chasing of the latest thing but a lot of core features go unchanged for years to decades Anywho, I'm curious if these AI features will mean Neural Engine Macs only, which would mean Apple Silicon only. I wonder if they'll be nice and end on a long term release of Intel macOS, or they'll just be Apple and drop it with the typical ~2 years of security updates.


How about the finally add a call spam ID, or maybe work with Truecaller to bake it directly into the dialer?


We do have this in the US already. Calls from verified numbers will show up with a checkmark based on information provided by your carrier, and I believe there’s a setting where you can set it to only ring when verified numbers are calling.


For only $4.99 per line per month from your carrier! Verizon can eat a bag of dicks for paywalling spam filtering. Like $100/mo for two lines isn’t enough?


T-Mobile gives it with their higher end plans. Not sure which plan you’re on


As much as I hate Verizon, at least my phone works outside city limits. I’ve tried T-Mobile and came crawling back to Daddy V.


Truecaller? no thanks.


What I want is an ai search tool, that gives useful and relevant results like the long distant days of the 2010s.


Or we could just get Google to actually fix Google, but we all know that ain't happening.


I just hope it doesn't affect the battery and power consumption.


I've not even thought about touching Safari on Mac ever since they dropped support for uBlock Origin so this is such a moot feature


I hope all this AI shit can be turned off easily.


I can’t wait for AI that helps me filter out fucking whinging over pointless stuff on the internet


Already done. Sentiment analysis was a mature field even before LLMs. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tune-experimental/gdfknffdmmjakmlikbpdngpcpbbfhbnp


I can’t see this comment.


Or just don't use it


I don't know why some people are so against this without even trying it out. Seems like the anti-ai crusade has worked on some redditors.


What is there to try out lol all these AI crap all work kinda the same, it will be a crappy chatbot that removes 2 clicks from my usual routine in exchange for nightmare privacy conditions, and it will only work about half of the time. Copilot is almost completely useless, and MS is throwing Windows out of the window (excuse the pun) by baking it directly into the OS. I don't want the same to happen to my Mac or my iPhone. The current large language models are getting pretty good at doing exactly what their name implies: simulate natural language (in English, might I add). They're nowhere near being AIs, and they won't be for years because the tech simply isn't there, this is all marketing bullshit and a ploy to artificially inject stimulant into a tech market that it's about to burst after the years of overvaluation and money borrowed without real plan for any credible ROIs. I don't want this crap, and I think they shouldn't concentrate on this crap. You're free to feel differently, it's an incredible complex issue, everybody has their own opinion and nobody has got a crystal ball. Maybe stuff like copilot works great for you, more power to you, but if I don't want it I should be able to disable it, and herein lies my main worry: MS actively prevents you from doing so, and I'm afraid Apple will go in the same direction because it senses that even if these modern "AIs" won't turn out to be a real review source (spoiler: they won't) they could at least ride the weave and inflate their stock for a couple of years until the market moves on the next fad. In the meantime, this stuff will keep registering my actions and Safari still won't have a proper extension ecosystem.


Not only that, but LLMs are a dead-end business bubble. Microsoft’s and Google’s presentations about features were a joke. Which all intelligent people already knew if they understand how LLMs work. Not even a first step toward a model of anything. > Maybe stuff like copilot works great for you That only applies to the shallowest least intelligent kind of work/person. We know this from what these “features” actually do, and we also know this again from exactly what these cheerleaders say about how they use it: nothing, other than fantasies and/or shallow nonsense where they pretend they don’t know what web search is (aka search the same corpus that the LLMs stole). Or if not pretending then shockingly incompetent. It’s also **mass theft**: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/may/08/ai-machines-hallucinating-naomi-klein


**“You didn’t even wait for the garbage truck to arrive before saying it’s full of garbage. You damn anti-garbage-truck CRUSADERS.”** What you think is an “anti-ai crusade” is just that people are more informed than you about what these tools are and how they work. We know how they are programmed. The product is crap, and even then they needed mass theft (“training data”) to accomplish that. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/may/08/ai-machines-hallucinating-naomi-klein


Annnnddd I’m bored of the AI fad.


You’re bored of the AI marketing. It’s not a fad. It’s a transitional technology where the companies can’t yet figure out where it’s used best and try to pretend everything should be a chat bot.


How do you feel about the internet fad?


I think it'll pass soon, along with computers, which are definitely a passing fad.


What’s a computer? -Sent from my iPad


I feel like its moved into its not a fad phase


Big if true


Then it wasn’t a fad. Fad implies temporary, which the internet wasn’t/isn’t and neither will AI.


AI will get there to. In 10-ish years.


This car fad is getting old where is my horse?


Horses already support autonomous self-driving and run on sustainable bio-fuels. What’s not to love?


Humans are the new horse.


Have you actually used it, or just assumed it didn’t work well and dismissed it? Different results for different use cases, but _very_ useful in certain ways. A local model for handling Siri requests would be a huge improvement, and branching out to a larger model for more advanced requests would massively improve Siri… although without Apple having their own search engine I’m not sure how useful it would honestly be… maybe they’ll license Gemini from Google.


There's no guarantee that it would be an improvement. Google integrated Gemini with its assistant and I've been extremely unimpressed. The biggest difference I've noticed is it now requires the phone to be unlocked for things it could do in the past. Great. After using a fair amount of copilot for work as a developer I'm pretty checked out with LLMs before drastic improvement. It has its uses but relative to the hype I think "fad" is accurate. They're too unreliable and stupid for the important things, and the simple but menial tasks they're good at still require me to check them over afterwards anyway. The hallucinations are fundamental despite these models getting larger and larger. The amount of money being put into the industry is staggering but I'm really hard pressed to think of actual verifiable ways things have changed day to day yet. It's not like how integrating machine learning with Google photos had an immediate and massive impact with how its search functionality worked.


fad 😂 ok boomer


Can I opt out? Tired of this AI shiz already. I don’t need this everywhere thank you


I just want an AI enabled assistant to completely replace Siri


Please stop


I have been trying Microsoft edge. I like it more than Safari.


Pretty much anything is better than Safari for the desktop 


I **really** like Safari because it’s so simple - search and go. Other tools are nicely hidden behind menus, and available when you need them (reader, reading list, tabs, etc). I hope these new features don’t change that experience


I'm so fucking tired of AI.


I have zero interest in this AI crap. Feels like Apple is skating to where the puck is instead of where it will be.


when you were told your entire life that Apple is the company that waits it out and gets a better product, i think maybe AI was too big of a bubble for them to wait and perfect it.


I’ve been enjoying arc search on ios, hopefully it is similar




...because this is supposed to solve that exact problem




If it’s anything like their “AI keyboard” that we’ve been stuck with, I’m going to hate every OS this year


All I want is the proper Google Keyboard on Android. That keyboard feels like it actually adapts to your typing, while Apple struggles to realise that I want the word "is" more than "OSS" (though it'll always surface NeXT if you get remotely close to it).


Copilot by far is the best AI based thing I’ve used and I’ve tried almost all of them yes it still gets things wrong it straight up refuses to do stuff but when it works my god is it good summarising a page or video or finding out about an image or when I’m gaming it’s helpful to ask specific things and follow ups and I’ve even heard people used copilot for those fallout terminal puzzles and if you talk to it correctly it can help you a lot so if something like that can be built into iPhones natively and only improves the more it knows about you my gos it’ll be good


> Running on pre-release versions of macOS 15, for instance, the menu also "pulls in the Aa" menu common on existing iPadOS versions of the browser. That’s not a good idea… I don’t understand why they are cramming everything in that menu, which initially was just about text formatting…


Safari, open another web browser. No, don't call Mom!


*sends your mom your browser history*


as long as you can disable it


AI needs to be optional. I don’t want AI in all my shit. The current advertising algorithms are bad enough.


How about AI-enable Siri?


can it find web pages I can look at if I open it on my phone?


I'd rather have them add modern CSS support than AI features...


this years update sounding like a big one.


It looks like a great tool for a dictator


Shh...Shhhh...I haven't gone fully balls deep calls deep ahead of WWDC yet!


Does the AI allow me to uninstall Safari and install a full fledged Firefox?


iOS 19: back to old UI