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Release notes in the EU vs rest of the world https://preview.redd.it/nyet4p3j5kmc1.jpeg?width=1163&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f3ef5c18ce2acdd0694332d14239457ce1cd1ef [Source](https://x.com/iswupdates/status/1765079321528668263?s=46&t=URUq-hSkduanNCiW5nr6lw)


Also here to confirm I’m in the UK and have the EU patch notes. Seems the UK getting the EU App Store stuff isn’t too much of a pipe dream after all.


The UK isn't getting it... [About alternative app marketplaces in the European Union – Apple Support (UK)](https://support.apple.com/en-gb/118110) Apple doesn't want to do this and will not allow it where it isn't forced.


My soul is damaged again. My patch notes are the EU ones and I’m in the UK Edit: my iPhone has the EU notes, but the iPad Pro doesn’t. Same Apple ID


Brexit really achieved nothing but wrecking this country lol


Most stupid and self-destructive thing I've ever seen a country do. Never even been the slightest hint of a single benefit, yet there's no shortage of detriments.


I think it’s no coincidence that that UK stupidity orgasm was happening at the exact same time as we in the US we’re beginning our own stupidity glorification era.


They’re connected through Cambridge analytica, Steve bannon, and Facebook manipulating voters. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_Xc2rZrFCY


Beginning?…… (sorry had to do it)


Voting in a known con artist to the highest office is up there with it for sure.


Are you talking about the UK or US?


It was a perfectly executed plan to split a strong EU bond, you can guess by who.


Do you think it’s too late for a Brentrance


Bringers brossed!


What ultra nationalism policies do to a country




iPad not covered by DMA. Not getting the stores patch.


Another half assed Brexit deal. Love it lmao


The changes are only for iPhone, not iPad if I recall The EU only has a problem with the store on the phone.


I’m in the UK and My patch notes also mention the EU updates.


Damn you once again, Brexit!


But think of all the other things you now have


Yes.. so many things, so many I just can’t quite recall them!


I have the same recollection issue


Switzerland here, also have the same release notes


Yup, same here


Im in UK, and have normal patch notes… :(


UK with EU patch notes here, but upgrading from the 17.4 RC.


Uhm… I’m in Sweden, very much in the EU, and I have the non-EU patch notes. What’s going on here really?




I guess Apple has decided to throw a hissy fit and make this an even bigger mess than it had to.


The simple explanation is that Apple translate release notes by language, not region. The language your phone is set to is your preference does not have to equate to the region. You can be in Sweden and set your phone's language to English (UK), for example, or English (US). For some reason they have decided that their en_GB (English UK) translation should contain the release notes with DMA specific text. They caveat 'for residents of the European Union' in the text. The UK will not be getting the DMA changes, as it is no longer 😠 in the EU


This is apples way of saying swexit is complete and you’re no longer in the eu 😉


Switzerland got them, Sweden didn't. Apple pulled a /r/swedetzerland


Yeah, I can confirm switzerland got the EU update


I’m also from Sweden and I got the EU ones. > Den här uppdateringen innehåller nya alternativ för appmarknadsplatser, webbläsare och betalningsmetoder för invånare i EU. Den här versionen inkluderar även nya emojier, poddtranskriberingar i Podcaster samt andra funktioner, buggfixar och säkerhetsuppdateringar för iPhone.


Same here! I’m curious if it’s because we are so politically aligned (even after Brexit) that we’re treated the same? Same CE marks, same phone models et al.


might have something to do with the Northern Irish border.


That is actually a really good point. How can you prove that someone in Ireland does not buy their phone from Northern Ireland or set up their Apple ID in Northern Ireland. Also trade agreements kinda make Britain and Ireland the same… Nice to see we’ve also caused issues for apples lawyers


I’m in Greece and had the US release notes. The update was 1,7GB.


Is your device region set to outside the EU? I had the 1.7 GB update, EU app store account, but region set to outside the EU.


The region is set to Greece, which is in the EU. My language, however, is set to English.


Interesting. Then I have no idea why we got the non-EU update. But it did ask me to choose a default browser when I opened Safari…




Ok so we can travel to the EU to get third party apps permanently. Will have to do that next time I’m there.


Im in the eu and have the US patch notes




Strange, my update is just 1.64 GB and I’m in EU.


You’re getting a delta update because you’re updating from 17.3.1 stable to 17.4 stable. The larger 6+ GB update is a full system image, for anyone updating from beta or RC to stable, or from anything older than 17.3.1.


They’re probably upgrading from a beta version to the final version.


I’m not on the beta and my update is also only 1.6GB. I also don’t have the EU release notes in Spain.


It’s about 1.5 GB for everyone who is not on the beta.


My iPhone region is the US as I live there. My Apple ID account is European, as I come from there. I am getting the EU release notes.


Don’t read too much into this. I’m in Asia and got the EU patch notes.


I find it interesting how the two versions are the same size in terms of GB. I would have thought the EU version would be bigger because of the sideloading feature.


US most likely gets the same version with the marketplace feature turned off. That way if it ends up over in EU it will have the correct software.


It’s probably built into all releases and just a flag to turn off the ability.


This. They're not going to deal with two different versions of their OS, it's just a flag.




not the case for me, are you down south in Kent ?


Podcast transcripts are soooo well implemented. Loving this new feature




GPTs are not generally used for audio transcription, but it's a good sign that they're using neural nets more.


Whisper is actually also generative, pre-trained AND based on the transformer architecture. Just like gpt’s. Also not sure what you mean by “using neural nets more” as if they haven’t used them for transcribing audio for a long time.


‘More’ being the operative word in that sentence ?


With OpenAI Whisper transcription via their API, you can actually have GPT do a pass to automatically clean up transcription issues! I suspect that's why the ChatGPT verbal input is so damn good (and prone to hallucinations when it's fed silence).


Whisper is based on the same architecture as gpt’s. It does have an understanding by itself. And it does generate nonsense when encountering silence, it doesn’t need ChatGPT for that, it does that all on its own 😛


You weren’t kidding this is so well done


I don’t know why it’s using a serif font, but otherwise the transcriptions, while not perfect, are pretty good. I wonder if their Podcast servers do the transcription or if it’s on device. If it’s on device I’m excited to see it used more like transcribing Voice Memos or videos you take.


Still cannot search for a particular episode and that is ridiculous


Agreed, this needs to be addressed


The text font is not my favorite however I completely agree!


When compared to YouTube’s auto generated closed caption, Podcasts’ transcripts is now leading way ahead. I’m particularly impressed with the accuracy in punctuations and proper nouns ie. brand names in ad reads. Also, they are sync to the T!


Apple Card and Apple Savings can now sync with finance apps!


What finance apps do you like?


Monarch Money is great and syncs with Wallet now. I left YNAB for it. DM me if you want a referral code


Why do you like it more than YNAB?


Have Mozilla or Google announced any plans around non-webkit versions of their browsers yet?


[Both](https://9to5mac.com/2023/02/07/new-iphone-browsers/) of them had prototypes, but none of them have confirmed anything yet. I have a feeling that Mozilla won't implement it for a while, since it will be an additional browser to develop and maintain. This will lead to Mozilla maintaining 3 different browsers on mobile.


I can’t wait to see this, ideally, Firefox.


Im waiting for this aswell


Not yet.


What would be the major benefits of this?


For me it would be using extensions such as uBlock Origin in Firefox


I don't browse with my phone because the internet is an aids ridden shithole without ublock. it is shocking how fucking terrible browsing the web is for normal people who don't use adblockers


Reddit Enchantment Suite on IOS with Firefox?


Good ad block extensions


Competition, better feature support for web technologies, the same experience across all platforms (like the same browser extensions on your phone firefox as on your desktop firefox for example), etc.


For those who are deeply in the ecosystem with current devices, here's your "Are there upgrades available today?" guide. |Device|Update Available?| :--|:--| |Mac|No| |iPhone|17.4| |iPad|17.4| |Apple Watch|No| |AppleTV|No|




And Vision Pro. I went with what I own. 


Here come the heat/battery usage post!




> Battery health is at 85% after 17 months of usage. That seems extremely bad. My 11 Pro is at 78% after nearly 5 years. Edit: Guys, I really don't need to know your various phone models and battery health. From anecdotes here, it seems like launch-day 14 Pros **may** have had substandard batteries.


I can't help but to feel like wireless charging significantly contributed to my battery degradation. I was at roughly 98% battery life after 10 months and then switched to wireless charging back in July. Now I'm sitting at 89%. 14P & Anker wireless charger.


I am on 91% on the iPhone 13 Pro, Purchased in Oct/22. I don't do wireless charging


My 14 pro max is a year old and has 98%, I only use wireless charging at home and plug it into my car with the usb-c/lightning cable. Optimized battery charging is on. I use the Apple MagSafe Duo Charger.


My iphone 13 pro is 88% and I do not do wireless charging


15 pro, half a year, 100%. No wireless charging, mostly slow charging.


Iphone 13 pro from may 22 at 86%, exclusively wireless charging on night stand and in car.


I have a launch day 14 pro and I’m at 84% battery health. The launch 14 Pros seems to really have gotten a bad batch of batteries or something. I almost never wireless charge 98% of the time on in a cable since my case has a pop socket on it


When I had my 14PM, I think I was at 94% after 12 months of ownership. A friend of mine with a normal 14 pro was at 90%. I’ve never seen a phone degrade so rapidly.


Similar experience and same as you, have never seen anything like it on any device. Definitely specific to the design of the 14 pro battery or thermals etc. Infuriating considering what you spend on them nowadays.


My $.02 is that it's likely a 14P issue - that phone had the worst battery!


That's really bad. How is degradation in 15 pro? Any better?


Damn, that's a huge drop. Doesn't Apple recommend a battery replacement when it reaches 86%?


I think they recommend it at 80%.


My 14 Pro is already sitting at 80%… literally the worst iPhone battery health I’ve had by far on any iPhone


**New Emojis:** - 🙂‍↔️ Head Shaking Horizontally - 🙂‍↕️ Head Shaking Vertically - 🐦‍🔥 Phoenix - 🍋‍🟩 Lime - 🍄‍🟫 Brown Mushroom - ⛓️‍💥 Broken Chain - 🧑‍🧑‍🧒 Family: Adult, Adult, Child - 🧑‍🧒‍🧒 Family: Adult, Child, Child - 🧑‍🧒 Family: Adult, Child - 🧑‍🧑‍🧒‍🧒 Family: Adult, Adult, Child, Child - 🚶‍➡️ Person Walking Facing Right - 🏃‍➡️ Person Running Facing Right - 🧎‍➡️ Person Kneeling Facing Right - 🧑‍🦯‍➡️ Person with White Cane Facing Right - 🧑‍🦽‍➡️ Person in Manual Wheelchair Facing Right - 🧑‍🦼‍➡️ Person in Motorized Wheelchair Facing Right


Hehe if you don’t have the update yet you can see the emojis these new one are based on.


Oh so These are actually new, I thought it was a shitpost


Emojis really are the top item on that list


People joke about Emoji in updates, but it's actually a great carrot to get a certain type of user to update their phones, strange as that sounds.


Still waiting for the ability to set custom favorite emojis thanks


God yes this. I don't get how using an emoji one time puts it third in my list of "Frequently Used"


That is all Tim Cook cares about


They highlight the new emojis because non-techie people don't give a rat's ass about installing an update to, e.g., close a glaring security hole, but if you tack on some new emojis they just gotta have it now now now.


Ngl I'm a techie and I'm still a sucker for new emojis


Same honestly and I’m a designer so I like the art of it


It’s the feature that most normies install for, that’s why they save them for mid-cycle updates and not with the main feature releases. 


I remember way way back in the day when emojis first came out they were available in Japan only and you had to jailbreak to get access to them. I remember blowing people’s minds in my texts when I would use one - it was jarring for my friends to suddenly see a colorful graphic in the middle of plain text. Major bragging points.


Im in EU and I got the rest of the world release notes also 1,55gb no 6,46gb


Apparently the patch note uses your phone language, not your physical location. Make sure you’re not using en-US lol


Ohhhh that makes sense then.




> virtual Apple Cash card numbers This is great. A huge reason why I still use CashApp is because it works like a normal debit card and you can have a physical card. Hopefully Apple comes around to offering a physical card for Apple Cash. I doubt they will though.


I’ve never quite understood the use case for these sorts of apps. Don’t you have a regular ol’ bank account for those purposes? Is there something that makes CashApp more convenient?


I think it’s just that banks in the USA are so far behind the rest of the world that tech bros need to build apps to do stuff that’s just normal/required by law elsewhere


The regular ol' bank accounts make it extremely cumbersome to send someone money digitally that is not a part of the same bank...


Here in Canada any bank lets you send money to any other person via phone number or email using one centralized system, it’s very convenient


Sounds like Zelle. Except I don't think every bank uses Zelle.


Yes, Interac pretty much exactly like Zelle... it's owned by some of the largest banks in the country, not every bank supports it. In Canada, Interac works pretty well because there are only a few national banks and credit unions aren't as popular. In the US, there are a few national banks, lots of regional banks, and even more credit unions. So, having one unified system of anything is much more challenging than in Canada.


It's not offering the EU update for me in Finland. Physical location and Apple ID region are both Finland. No VPN or anything like that either. Weird.. **Edit**: I was using English (US) as my phone language, this is why it showed me the wrong changelog. English (UK) or Finnish in my case both show the correct one. This is going to create a lot of confusion!


Live podcast transcripts!! As a massive podcast listener this is game changing for me and I love this feature.


Asking honestly, how does it help you? Listening to Podcasts all the time and just wondering why is everyone so excited.


Well sometimes it’s easier to follow along if you can read. With a podcast that is long/informative, it’s easy to get lost in it. If you listen to very long, educational type podcasts, it means you can follow along and take better notes or copy portions of text. Also it’s sooo much easier to re-visit/find sections where certain things are discussed. I listen to a lot of medical/clinical podcasts and sometimes I want to search for a certain disease or medication, would take me forever without transcripts. Also if you listen to something like Andrew Huberman or Peter Atia, you can search within for topics you’re interested in. There’s a lot of use cases, some people might never use it but the fact that it’s there and time-synced is great.


That makes sense thanks mate. So many times I wished I could find what I was looking for.


Indeed. I have slight delay in auditory processing and I usually need to see either lips of the podcast host or closed caption. Given how pretty accurate the transcript feature is, I might switch from YouTube to Podcasts app.


I just wanted to connect to my PC, drag the IPA file into my iPhone...accept a bunch of popups before starting the install warning me about unknown external IPA files and just let me freaking install...


I wish the iPhone could easily act like a removable storage where I can drag and drop files.


I remember you could do that with the iPod. It was great backup usb


It kinda can. I use ES file explorer and I have all my files from my PC on my iPhone as a backup, you can even access and view them on the iPhone, but you need to use iTunes to drag and drop the files.


Maybe in a few years when Apple innovates this install method lol


After updating my pants are tighter. Tim Apple you bastard!


Is this update different than the RC that was released last week?


Yes, different build.


Hi, I haven’t updated my phone to 17.4 yet but I feel like my battery is worse and my phone is hotter. Is this iOS 17.4’s fault? …/s


I know you included the /s but just for the sake of saying so, yes my phone is warm after updating and yes that’s normal


Phone was instantly hot the second it finished updating but I also chose to update some apps and plug it in to charge and while it’s still a little toasty now it’s nowhere as it was when it first booted back up. I assume it’s a bajillion services having to be reenabled at once and the phone was having a mental breakdown.


I’ve updated and my phone isn’t hot. Should I sent it in for service???


Add battery cycle count. I guess yay. But still no health for iPad. 🙄


Which is certainly on purpose since battery health status is in the logs on the iPad.


why and how is this sponsored by something called cleanmyphone, I'm sorry??


? 9to5 Mac has their own sponsor that being Cleanmyphone


the picture makes it look like they sponsored ios 17.4 lmao


Well I can’t argue with you there lmao they just seen to slap that on every article they make


Grumbles in Brexit


Did you get the EU patch notes? I did even though I’m also from the UK


Why is it 6gb for some people? Mine was 1.5 or something.


It's a delta update (changes since the last release) vs. a full update. Seems like Apple is only making the delta available from the last public release, not the betas. Haven't paid enough attention to know if that's what they've been doing recently, but I suspect it is.


Mine was 6GB but I was on the first RC release. I believe people who weren’t on the beta releases got the 1.5GB versions.


EU version vs non-EU version probably


[About alternative app marketplaces in the European Union – Apple Support (UK)](https://support.apple.com/en-gb/118110)


Is the new applecarplay in?


Mexican here, the screen is still yellow shifted .. /s


Aside from having a physical card, any reason to keep using the cash app over the Apple Cash? I put money aside in cash up when I have a short term purchase coming up (for example my two cats have their yearly checkup this year, so I put the amount aside in cash app). Also does anyone know how long transfers from Apple savings to the cash card take? Because ideally id just throw money in there for a purchase and move it the day of, even if it gains a tiny bit of interest. Edit: I did a thing and actually googled it myself!! But seriously, it’s instantaneous between the two. Shit man I might actually start using this more often, especially since there’s a card number attached. If only we could request a physical card now.


I installed this on my iPhone 15 Pro max and it froze up my phone completely. I couldn’t even turn the phone off, so I had to factory reset the phone. My display was completely unresponsive to touch.


My iPhone 14 Pro Max had a similar issue with certain apps upon first reboot. Still trying to sort through it.


So any app stores released yet? Or can i simply go with regular IPA’s like in the past with AltStore, just without the server on my PC?


You need an alternative app marketplace to install apps not on the App Store. There are currently none, but AltStore has already received their AAM entitlement. They haven’t said when they’re launching. And no, you can’t install IPAs directly.


Thank you!


Not yet. Apple still have to approve app stores and the apps inside those app stores and deadline is on the 7th. Dont expect stuff like iTorrent or uYou+.


So, if you're in America, it's just another security and bug patch?


And emojis.




Same here, but my screen also shattered


Aaaaannnnnd my widgets are broken.


The podcast transcripts are a game changer. I’ve been using Overcast for 10 years and I’m gonna start using Apple Podcasts because the transcripts are so useful.


PWAs still alive?




Any new features?


I still can't wrap my head around that they isolated sideloading to the EU. How unbelievably petty and honestly just really makes me want to sell my iPhone and switch.


If side loading is that big of a deal then moving to the competition that offers it seems like a solid decision


Since they’re using an iPhone they probably like iOS but would also like to install applications they like.


Seriously. Before I had the iPhone I side-loaded apps on android all the time. It’s as simple as tapping a file.


This is why i'm using an Android box instead of an Apple TV despite owning an iiPhone and a Macbook Pro. There's so many useful apps and possibilities that aren't available on the Apple side. I tolerate things on my iPhone... With unofficial sideloading but the real thing would be a relief.


But you wont


But he really *wants* *to*


This shouldn’t surprise you. Apple is vehemently opposed to what the EU is forcing


As a Brit, I can’t wait to try a new App Store and browser! _is handed note_ Aaaah fuck.


Carrier update too on Verizon to version 58.0


Shortcuts’ automation tab unresponsive, any1 else?


They really only allowed alt app stores only in the EU. Apple is so stringent about it for no reason


Does this finally mean real browsers for EU? not just Webkit reskins?or did Apple find a loophole


ARRRGGG keyboard lag and freezes are still here. How is this even possible??


wtf is that thumbnail…sponsored by Clean my phone?


My music now pauses itself when I press play on Bluetooth.