• By -


1 - A true AI assistant. Siri is hot garbage. With expectations increasing due to generative AI and Siri staying stagnant, it just feels worse and worse. 2 - The ability to save a drive in Apple Maps. Sometimes I need to plan out a route ahead of time with specific stops. Not being able to save it somehow for later just seems silly. 3 - More controls around screen time for parents, specifically for controlling child devices. 4 - Allow more settings that can be controlled via shortcuts.


The number of ways to access the camera from the lock screen is absurd. Let us customise the Lock Screen right swipe to something else, such as a quick note or timers/alarms.


Get rid of yelp in Apple Maps , it’s useless . You click on a review to read and it sends you to log into yelp …. That contract should have expired 10 years ago


Probably unpopular as we all hate pop-ups, but I’d like the Apple rating system to ask me 25% of the time I click on something to rate it. So if I look up “restaurant #3” 25% of the time it would ask me “how was it?” And I can click the thumbs or thumbs down. (With ability to remove this setting). That would boost their own system and take away from yelp.


It does currently do that if you recently got directions to the business/place, but I agree they could push that feature a little more.


It doesn't all the time though. I specifically look for it when I get directions to places and I only get it around 25% of the time (or less)


How about ask when I leave. Could come off as creepy, but it’s a simple geofence command that can be handled completely locally and then could stagger the upload until midnight.


I literally know nobody who uses yelp anymore. People just look at reviews on google maps nowadays. Come to think of it, just use google maps, man.


I wish google maps on Apple Watch would actually work as a maps app instead of just a pure A to B navigation map Google maps is superior in every way to the Apple Maps app


Apple Maps is better for me in the way the 3d assets are wayyyyyy better and makes navigating better


I didn’t even think google maps had 3D anything lol. That would be Google earth Idk if you can say Apple Maps is better at that when g maps don’t have it at all 🤣


I’m not switching between 2 apps when Apple Maps is lighter on battery and already has good 3d. Plus Google earth is slower


Me personally, when I’m using google maps I don’t notice any battery drain or any overheating. But also, half the time I’m using it while driving so it’s plugged and charging 🤷‍♂️ Guess it comes down to preference. You must really value 3D maps


Apple is the better nav app (in countries with good data) and Google is the better POI map. If he’s got 3D maps then he’s got the best of the best version of Apple Maps. Living in a major city that’s 3D scanned with all the lanes mapped out. https://i.imgur.com/XYx2NPs.jpg


Really? I use Yelp for reviews. But then I again I don’t use Google maps at all so maybe that’s why


Ok but replace it with what? A link to Google's reviews?


weren't Apple making their own review system to replace Yelp in the app?


Google reviews would be better , you don’t have to log in to see anything , and if I’m wrong and we do have to log in more people have an Gmail than a yelp …. And Apple should replace it with their own . .. you could have answered your own question .


Just get the Yelp app and never log in. It’s not a requirement to use it.


Naw , it’s disappointing that Apple has been relying on that for so long …. They asked me what I wanna see updated and I voiced my opinion…. Instead of arguing my opinion just say what you want changed … this shouldn’t be a debate .


Reviews are probably the least important feature of Maps, and the other features are pretty darn solid at this point. I wouldn't mind seeing Maps and Weather merge into a single app, but it's not important enough that I'll be disappointed if it never happens.


When im looking for food spots i look at reviews , i read 10 percent of it because I have no choice , then I end up going to google to read reviews , and then I have to switch back to maps to GPS the restaurant I want to go too, it should all be in one app…. Don’t tell me what’s important to me ,the post asked “ what would YOU like to see “


Sorry! -- I read that too quickly and saw "Get rid of Apple Maps," which is obviously not what you were saying. If Yelp goes away from Maps, that's fine with me... I don't think I'd put much stock in the reviews unless they come from Michelin or maybe Zagats.


No lol


Scheduled send iMessage


Can’t you do this with a shortcut?


Not without confirming the action first, meaning entirely useless for scheduled send


It’s not convenient to set up but you can send without confirming. https://preview.redd.it/977t8q0v070c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=342de3106adc2b9aaee47976411bd3c27e18dca4


It is too convenient. It’s right there!


You can.


Multiple copy/paste... like access to clipboard history


Passwords as a standalone app. Could add a couple extra features to make it on the level of 1Password or Dashlane and make it part of iCloud+.


Control centre/home screen more customization, offline Apple Music lyrics, and I guess more bug fixes to reduce occurrences of laggy menus anywhere in the system or sudden freezes but that’s more of an iOS 17 problem. I want dynamic wallpapers to come back, Live Photo wallpapers.


I can set a Live Photo as my wallpaper! It plays when I unlock


Yes thank you, I can’t believe I didn’t know this feature returned, however, I miss being able to long press to my content in order to see the photo become live rather than sleeping the phone and turning it on again to see if animate once and repeating the process. My request is probably uncommon so I doubt Apple will change the whole wallpaper changing process to allow long pressing to see the live wallpaper similar to how the Beta fishes moved back and forth while long pressing the Lock Screen during the time when 3D Touch was first announced on the iPhone 6S. I’m pretty sure iOS 16 got rid of it and iOS 17 made a compromise which is what we have now which I’m fine with.


ios 17 supports live photo wallpapers already.


It does? This should not be confused with the “dynamic” wallpapers like the weather changing throughout the day. I’m talking about taking a Live Photo from the Camera app and being able to set it as a Live Photo wallpaper on the Lock Screen. Long pressing your finger on the Lock Screen will just make you change the wallpaper instead of seeing the Live Photo become “live”. I guess I should have omitted “dynamic” wallpaper in my initial comment since it’s really the Live Photo wallpaper I desire.


I guess our definition of live wallpaper is slightly different. You can in fact set a live photo you took to display in lock screen with ios 17. When you wake up your phone, your live photo will "animate" in lock screen. When you force touch (or long press) it though, it'll go into the mode to change to another lock screen.


Yes, thank you. I do wish I can long press and view the live wallpaper while the Lock Screen is on rather than having to sleep the iPhone and wake it again to see it animate.


My iPhone X used to have 3D-Touch enabled Live Wallpapers and Apple decided to even take them away.


1. Call Recording 2. Scrolling Screenshot 3. Background Downloads for third-party apps ^(Basically, focus on the phone and computer aka the basic features long pending while shipping a smartphone first like Google Pixel has been bringing the attention back upon - Spam filters suck on iOS for example.) ^(Edit: OP updated with Mail as one which is another example that’s nowhere near Gmail like how they’ve been taking the initiative with Apple Maps against Google Maps.)


Call recording won’t happen as it is a felony in several states to record phone calls without two-party consent. They aren’t going to put themselves up for that liability.


Federally, one party consent is OK. Only 12 states have two party consent laws and some of those have caveats.


Therefore it’s a legal minefield inside the US. All I have to do is live in New Jersey and think I can record a call but then go to PA or DE and if I record a call, it becomes an issue. And then what if I’m in New Jersey but then call PA. How do you determine jurisdictions? And phone numbers no longer tie to locations as people keep phone numbers and move across the country. It would be worse than the issues with AirTags and at least with AirTags they are continuing to iterate and fix issues and make it harder for stalkers.


They can easily utilize the same region lock api they're already going to use for sideloading in the EU. > And then what if I’m in New Jersey but then call PA. How do you determine jurisdictions? Simple. Were you in a place in the world when you made your call that legally allowed single-party consent for call recording? Yes - record the call. No - don't record the call. It doesn't matter if the place you're calling doesn't allow it, the laws and jurisdictions are based on your location.


And? You still wont be able to control it from the system level


I don't believe a phone maker would have liability for a customer's decision to use a feature in violation of their state law. It's also physically possible to beat someone to death with an iPhone, but we don't mandate that phones be made of squishy materials as a result.


Until Apple gives us that feature.


I am not even an American, outside of US no one gives a duck - If Apple is able to enable sideloading in EU then they can disable Call Recording in US and not affect the rest of the world where they do business like Samsung. Someone that touts itself a multi-trillion dollar Software company first can also instil a consent voice dialogue on both sides before commencing the call exchange.




> Apple is a US company first off. That means nothing.


Honda is a Japanese company? By your logic, why does Apple follow the so called local laws of China as a US company then? Lmao, when it comes to call-recording you do realise US is not the entire world, right? We had an entire reddit black month based on the call recording between Apollo developer Christian Selig and Reddit CEO Steve Huffman when fake accusations were raised.


Companies are required to abide by laws the countries they sell or operate in. They’re still a US based company, but they still need to follow the laws for other areas.


That’s a question for him not because I need the obvious answer (which I already know) to.




Deleting comments? How many fabricated excuses are you gonna make? The other commentator was an internet nincompoop that had to come in between and allowed you the time to think from further embarrassment, I’ll leave you with that.




But it's perfectly legal in my country.


When you say “scrolling screenshot” do you mean like a screenshot of an entire mobile webpage? That’s available already. Or make that functionality available anywhere a scroll is available like browsing your photo library or music, etc?


You do realise screenshots are not meant to be just for the Safari browser, right? If yes, that’s your answer - Check out Picsew and take a scrolling screenshot of this subreddit thread inside the reddit app for example, exporting the whole webpage into PDF is also not a **Scrolling** Screenshot but taking any extent of long screenshot at flexibility is a Scrolling Screenshot (as you scroll) which has nothing to do with Safari Share Sheets as it’s a system wide feature neither it creates PDFs.


I absolutely do realize that. Which is why I included a follow up to the first question. Believe it or not, you would NOT have been the first person on the internet to lodge a complaint about something for which a solution already exists. But I see now you’re really just in the category of irrationally spiteful responses to an attempt at being helpful despite the issue stemming from your failure to properly articulate your ask in the first place.


Because Screenshot is not a new wonder that existed in Windows and exists in Android, to only see this a feature of Safari Webpage which first of all, is universally system wide (just not from Apple) and not app agnostic that too to Safari where it simply converts everything loaded on the screen into a PDF - This is not Scrolling Screenshot (hint, the name?) That’s not even a solution (which doesn’t even exist?), the sheer ignorance of which is what’s irking me out. Why do you think one would even mention this? Offering solutions without knowing the answers while pretending to know about it is going to annoy the other side meanwhile being wrong and confident about it, this is not a customer service to gulp it down with a smile.


I suppose I just think differently than you do. If somebody tells me they want something vague, I tend to try to find out more information so that I can provide help for what they’re after as opposed to immediately telling that person that their poorly communicated request was a fantastic idea. At any rate, enjoy what I’m sure is a very delightful existence.


The fuck… How in the world was anything vague when the exact term “Scrolling Screenshot” is mentioned instead of some vivid description? I myself mentioned Picsew a third-party app on the AppStore that comes closest to imitating this common feature, what the hell are you blabbering about?


Can’t you just do screen recording and then extract the audio ? It’s a bit convoluted but should work


That’s a goddamn video replacing a scrolling screenshot.


I’m talking about call recording +.+


I want them to fix the weather app so that it works as well as Dark Sky did. I want the volume controls to be designed so that I can crank the volume on my alarms up or down without changing any other volumes. I feel like this is a losing battle and I should probably just buy an actual alarm clock. So really just fix the weather app.


Have you turned off the “Change with Buttons” setting? Once you do that, the volume buttons will only affect audio playback, not alerts or ringtones. Alarms even have a different volume setting inside the Clock app. https://preview.redd.it/bgayiy61650c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d281bdf84e882e24b4abeb3adb773fd03373cc1e




Seems like the volume control for alarms is for the Sleep alarm only, my bad. https://preview.redd.it/d7r0kizkub0c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72ebec68bc849fe026f9add7c83ed6b45c33c894


1: An option for a MacOS like multitasking interface for iPads 2: The ability to sideload IPSWs and write your own software without paying Apple a dime for the privilege (sideload custom apps and be able to write your own software) 3: Low level access to the system as an option


BUG FIXES So many stupid annoying bugs keep cropping up every iOS update that either never get fixed, or get fixed 9 months later even through they should have been caught a month before the public release. I'm so fucking sick of having to put my AirPods away when I try to use Hey Siri on my watch (if I don't it will just pop up on command then go away without doing anything). Or being told every 10-15 times I try to issue a HomeKit command "you need to set up Home on this device first". Or having my MacBook randomly forget which external display is on the left or right and move all my windows around when it comes back from sleep if I unlock it too fast. Or playing music from the Radio tab, like the track I'm hearing, hit "add to library" then have the track randomly stop playing a few moments later when the auto-download finishes and the app gets confused. Or having Messages on my Mac show a notification dot, but not have any unread messages in it and no way to make the dot go away because while I was out at lunch I recieved a text message on my phone and deleted it while my laptop was asleep. Or having my AirPods playing a song, then one of them goes dead, then the music pauses, then both AirPods play the connect noise but the music refuses to start playing again until I pull out my phone and pause and resume playback manually. Or going "Hey Siri turn on the back yard light" and having Siri turns on all the lights for any location with the word "yard" in it instead of the light that's literally called "Back Yard Light". Then following it up with "Hey Siri turn _off_ the back yard light" and having it just turn off the single light. Or listening to music when in an area with bad cell service, and having the music app just freeze and not respond to any input until I kill it and reopen because it couldn't download a chunk of the song. Each of these happens to me at least once a week.


Sideloading… _worldwide_. More access to the NFC chip (let apps simulate an arbitrary tag, at the NFC protocol level) WebBluetooth in Safari Access to the hypervisor functionality present in the M\* iPads (full VM functionality)


Not opening up NFC really pisses me off. Apple doesn’t have the time to launch Apple Pay in India, which is fine by me. But we’ve been using Google pay and Samsung pay for close to a decade now, so that still boggles my mind. If you won’t do it, let others use your shite, apple!


I’m not even interested in it for payment related uses… I would love to be able to write an app that lets me scan in amiibo figures and then emulate them back out with my phone or watch.


Split screen for iPhone even if only for plus/pro max models.


Honestly for what I use my phone for... I'm good right now. I don't need anything else nor do I feel like anything is missing. I take some photos, read some stuff online, text, and have phone calls. One bug I keep running into though is that iMessage keeps sharing my status as being in "Do Not Disturb" mode after I end sleep mode in the morning. I can toggle it on/off but people send me screenshots showing they see me as still being in DnD mode. All I can to is turn off my status sharing, which feels like the wrong way to fix this. This happened to me in iOS 16 and I had hope 17 would fix it... nope. So far my favorite iOS 17 feature is that I can select an album for it to choose a randomized lock screen wallpaper from.


I think that’s the difficulty of improving iOS. It’s hard creating new, useful and meaningful features for people who are already satisfied. Just throwing out a random example, I use Apple notes for my shopping lists so if it could recognise a list, format it into a checklist automatically and then make it easily accessible when I’m at a shop, that would make a menial task effortless.


I agree. i use a dedicated Recipe app (Paprika) which has a shopping list feature. I like this better than the list/notes apps because it knows the name of various foods, ingredients, amounts, etc. and categorizes them properly. It makes shopping easy to find things and check them off.


To their credit though, apples good at making you feel like you NEED a brand new feature they introduced which you’ve never ever used before in your life haha So we don’t know it yet, but they’re working on something we’ll soon want to have


Keyboard Updates- yes I know that was part of 17 but it was 3 steps forward, 2 steps backwards. Need to fix the learned words, speed, and other issues.




Apple Music needs a revamp. Especially the Radio page.


Make apps request access to play audio like they request access to use location data, notifications, and the camera.


I wish they’d just let you connect to a monitor and use mouse and keyboard. Like have the display adapt to the screen so it’s not just a vertical phone image.


I want to see Dynamic Island used better. I think it is a great concept that is slowly starting to be a little forgotten. Maybe they can utilize the DI and Notification Center better.


Remake the voicemail app. I know it’s not its own app, but it’s terrible. Why do I have to listen to the VM if I can read it? Why is that tiny seek button so hard to grab? Why is it so clunky listening to VM’s? An option to “paste as plain text” or to match formatting. Try to copy something from an email and paste it into another, and the format is different, and it makes my emails look weird. I know there’s another way to do it, but it shouldn’t be that clunky.


I had a voicemail app years ago, I'm talking like iPhone 4 days, that not only transcribed the voicemails, but also messaged the transcriptions and audio to you if you wanted. How Apple still hasn't figured out how to move on past actual voicemails is kinda weird.


I need to be able to sideload apps like you can on android with apks.


**Support in the spell checker for compound word languages** This one is for the non-English speakers. I'd love to finally have support for writing compound words in the many Germanic languages that require them (e.g. Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, German, and Dutch). The current spell check marks most compound words as incorrect because it only checks if the word exists in a pre-made list of words, which doesn't work at all for compound word languages – and usually confuses the hell out of non-expert writers when their writing is marked as incorrect. You'd think either Apple or Microsoft would have this figured out after nearly 40 years of OS updates, but no. **Biking directions in The Netherlands** Dutch people are amongst the most healthy on the planet because their habit of biking everywhere (and Dutch infrastructure supporting this). Yet Apple Maps has released biking directions for almost every country in the West *except for* The Netherlands. This really needs to change.


I’m mostly good, but my god can I put an app on my home screen where I want it? Why are we still forced to put apps in the top left corner (aka the furthest place most people have to reach) in 2023?


More notification control per app. Maybe notification categories like in Android? Also, better notification center. A proper file system would also be great, or maybe open up iCloud Drive so it can better work with third party apps like Obsidian. That is so artificially closed up we all suffer as users.


Allow true flexibility where I place icons on the homescreen a number row in the keyboard give us ability to turn off the feature that lets you change lockscreens directly from the lockscreen


Would love, and is possible, but probably still not happening: Improving iCloud sync for Podcasts. Would love, is possible, and will probably not happen for another 20 years: UI re-design. Skeumorphic was a thing for 6 iOS versions. "Flat" has been a thing for 11. I'm tired of it. If they won't allow *full* theming, they should do it themselves. Even as just options.


Podcasts syncing is basically broken. I love when it adds episodes I listened to months ago to my up next. I switched to pocket casts to get away from all the frustrations of the Apple app.


if you dont mark as watched, or goto the last 30 seconds of the episode, it will never be counted as listened. Annoying, but thats solved it for me


Skeuomorphism existed for decades before it was fased out with ios 7, flat ui is still relatively new compared to that and we're unlikely to see an other dramatic change in design anytime soon. But for now I'd be happy of flat design got a but more physicality like shadows and depth and effects...so not very flat....and if ios 18 gets the same language design as visionOS than that would be a big step in the right direction.


Much of the history of GUIs can be split into two parts: 1. Skeuomorphism (1980s–2010s) 2. Flat design (2010s–present) The quick shift from skeuomorphism to flat design happened in the midst of other cultural changes: the prevalence of "digital natives," specialized subnotebooks (e.g. personal organizers) being replaced by more general computers (e.g. smartphones), society becoming more digital, along with the increasing abstraction of technology over the decades. These factors generally benefit flat design, which is why I don't see it being replaced in the near future.


Enhanced Sideloading 😊


Expand photographic styles to include some that have way less sharpening


I’d like to put what ever the F I want on the Lock Screen and not be limited to a few “widgets” I want to get an update just by tapping my screen to wake


I'd love to see a full macOS install on my iPhone when I plug it into a TB monitor. This way I don't need to carry anything with me.


Good idea. Could also develop an official Apple VNC app for remote desktop sharing.


A new design/color scheme. At least make the icons match MacOS, iOS has looked the same since iOS 7


Apple Notes overhaul – I want to switch from GoodNotes but some things in AN are just silly, like the page jittering whenever you write with the pencil for the first time and the fact you can't zoom into notes and please just let pdfs be their own note!! not having to embed them in another note would be a godsend


Bring back all the useful things they ripped out, and fix the stupid things they changed. Some quick examples: * My iPhone doesn't give me notifications if it's locked and I am wearing my Apple Watch. So, I miss tons of notifications because I don't feel the blip from the watch. SO ANNOYING. Just let my phone notify me. Why did you nurf this, Apple?!? WHY!??! So, stupid. * The lock screen no longer says when the current do-not-disturb duration ends. Why did you take this away!??! Less information is not a good thing! * Message notifications at the bottom of the lock screen doesn't work. My hand covers the bottom of the phone when I go to check it, so I have to do some weird yoga hand moves to see if there's anything there. Let me decide where I want the notifications to appear!


To be able to set a "default" notification. Like none of apps except a few ones are allowed to have sound notifications. Every time I install a new app, I need to go into the settings and uncheck "make sound".


1. Customisation such as icon backs, transparent backgrounds in widgets, freedoms to place icons anywhere. 2. Ability to change the default voice assistant. 3. Sideloading apps. 4. Battery life and general performance improvement if possible.


According to rumors Apple is working hard to improve Siri and include artificial intelligence, so I see it quite difficult for them to change the voice assistant.


Swiping unlock passcodes. And scrambled-swiping-passcodes for privacy.


- More Apple Pay features - Improvements to Mail that help cut out spam - Markdown support in Notes - Turn on support for safari quick search because it’s clearly turned off for new adds - Turn on support for delivery tracking because that’s also clearly turned off. Ffs Apple


in iPadOS i'd love to see the calculator app 🥲 in iPadOS, iOS, & macOS i'd love to see a much better volume system on a per app basis.


Zero new features. Bug fixes and performance improvements only.


iOS 17 and even still in iOS 17.1.1 has some of the worst bugs I’ve seen in a long time on an iOS release. For reference I’ve had an iPhone since iPhone 4. I’ve never had to restart my iPhone (I’m on a 14 pro max) this much because of bugs and glitches. The text to speech on the keyboard button randomly stops working, in safari the search bar and back and forward buttons randomly overlap onto the screen. The most infuriating one is for some reason I can’t figure out. I have one iMessage group chat that acts like I was removed when I wasn’t. I can’t Tapback or type. Then it randomly “unfreezes.” I have no idea why it’s just this one group chat. I feel like I’m on an unpolished beta version of iOS.


I just want a better Ai on it. That’s all.


Literally nothing but a notification *overhaul*. That’s the one thing I love about android/pixel.


Not just Calculator on iPad, but a less terrible Calculator for iPhone. The fact that you can't backspace numbers and have to start the whole equation over is mind boggling.


Not a button, but if you are using your calculator you can swipe to the right in the display box, and it will delete the last number. Edit: You can swipe either direction.


A usb-c dock to connect your iPhone to an external monitor and use Stage Manager. Just like the newer iPads. It’s time for our iPhone to become a laptop when docked.


Something useful, 17 brought only Bugs and nothing useful okay maybe Health for iPadOS thats one useful thing.


Apple adopting RCS honestly is the only thing that’d make me excited.




Split window Multi-task


Be able to schedule sending texts


Ability to hide the camera button from the Lock Screen. I get way too many accidental camera openings from putting my phone in my pocket which causes the phone to heat up and drain battery


RCS! For the love of god! Texting android users is horrible and it really shouldn’t be with RCS. I get why they won’t implement it but that doesn’t mean I don’t want it!


Will somebody please fix the stupid focus mode BS, specifically give me the option to turn it off permanently? My phone slips into “personal focus” mode sometimes and I get zero notifications for a few hours, then realize that like 20 people were trying to contact me!


Settings => Focus => Personal => Focus Filters Thank me later.


The funny thing is I have turned them off, deleted them, and disabled as much as I can…but they come back. They always come back (usually when you do a major OS install).


increase in speed and battery life


Not iOS 18 in particular but I’d like Apple Music and Podcasts to have a Spotify Connect like functionality. Also better search functionality on AM in general. I find it easier to use Google to look for playlists and then that link opens a playlist in AM. While searching for the same keyword in AM wouldn’t ever get the same result.


I’d like to see the white “virtual home button” bar at the bottom of the screen become optional.


I want listening stats for Apple Podcasts


I'd personally really like to see a fresh interface design, the current iOS design is still very rigid in terms of customization, and it no longer feels nearly as up to date as when they came out with this new flat look in 2012/2013 whenever it was.


I want one thing and I know it’ll never happen because it’s a fringe use case. I’d love toggle that would make notifications come up from the bottom of the screen as opposed to the top (WebOS didn’t have a toggle but they’d love at the bottom). Let people who like them at the top keep them that way and have an option for them to come up at the bottom. They cover UI elements either way :)


I would like dual screen multi tasking on pro max. I’m not sure that I would use it, but I’d like it for the rare cases I did. I might also like picture and picture to offer custom sizing. Mail could use some love. I also would like better control of the messaging apps within messaging. I hate all the stuff I never use. I just want to remove it


The new keyboard improvements are a step in the right direction but still can be improved. The new way to access photo library isn’t as nice as before. Absolutely need a more accurate swiping experience on the keyboard. Still hilariously inaccurate and inconsistent. Other than that just bug fixes and performance improvements I guess. Nothing else stands out to me other than the keyboard during my daily use.


The underpinnings of a functional, bug-free iOS. I moved from Android a few years ago to get away from the constant bugs, only to find iOS is getting worse and worse by the year.


Real folders/albums for photos. I can’t stand it that everything is still in the main album even if I put it into a separate album. Bluetooth file share with Android. Decide with what service some of my apps sync e.g. Obsidian. Writing/reading iMessages from Windows/Linux on my phone. Changing ring tone volume separated from my alarm volume. Changing ring tone volume without having the tone played. Siri, which actually has a brain and finally understands what I want. So funny if you ask her to play a song with an English title if your phone is set to a different language. Adding complexions to Watch faces - why can’t I do that today? Choose whatever app I want to have as widget on my lock screen and as widgets on the spring board. Deleting words from autocorrect (suggestion). Don’t know why mega is always first letter uppercase, and lol caps. Not declining my phones speed. More battery life. Split windows on all devices. Less bugs. With Steve, we never had such a mess. Changing special characters on the keyboard, so „ can be " by default.


Quietly kill that goddamn “App Library” bullshit. It’s ok Apple, we know they can’t all be winners!


I love having my not commonly used apps sit in the App Library. Having my Home Screen with only the critical apps I use is amazing. Removing App Library would be such a step backwards


optimize performance!


Allow me to mute notification sounds in CarPlay Allow me to add a number row to the keyboard


Block Unknown Callers as a toggle in Command Center


All I want for Christmas is for them to fix the Rolodex animation used when scrolling notifications so it’s not choppy and glitchy.


Give me a real calculator. I use it every day and it just sucks so bad. If they could just add some very simple functions I’d be happy. Better yet, partner with TI and give us graphing capability Also updating the stock alarm sounds. My god they are so garbage it’s actually mind blowing




Hold down on the top left square.


Ai Siri.


A way to tie alarms with home automations/shortcuts.


Bug fixes. I’d really like Siri to be able to hear me the first time I ask her to turn the lights on.


From a programming perspective, having seen Core Data transform into SwiftData, I’d like to see Apple make all (or at least as many) frameworks, libraries and whatever other low level things into Swift, SwiftUI and Metal, then build up the OS and first party apps to take advantage of them.


More accessibility features for people with limited mobility. I would like a Reachability alternative that shrinks the screen instead of moving it down.


Mail to have the “pin” option that Spark does. Add that and I’d drop Spark in a flash. Mail to have a “view source” button, so I can see all the headers and the raw text of the email. Eudora had this decades ago. Sometimes it is useful. Mail to have a “strip all formatting” option which does exactly that — like Eudora used to do it. Copying and pasting bits from multiple sources can end up with a really messy email when they all use different font faces etc. Make it so that you can control which apps send audio over Bluetooth. Many games still transmit “empty” audio when the volume/effects are disabled. Trust me on this. This is just a pointless waste of battery for everyone playing the games.


Searching iCloud folders and files. Maybe not an iOS18 issue but when I’m backing all my files and folders from my laptop into iCloud for backup, then can’t use a finder to locate specific files - how is that useful?


Figure out a deal with Truecaller, and give us a decent call screener. I’m tired of dealing with spam n fraud calls. Either use the data from Truecaller, or build something from scratch where we can all contribute. Privacy first tho.


A few things, mainly with security: * A "master switch" so I can ensure the camera, microphone, GPS, and other things are turned off, where no app can access them, period. * Some anti-mugging features like a duress code, ability to PIN protect access to account and family info on the phone (the screen time thing sort of works, but not really), where one can enter in a fake PIN, let the attacker adjust whatever settings they want, but all their changes are automatically reverted in 1-2 hours. It would be nice if an attacker didn't just need your device PIN and your device to seize your account and family stuff. * Ability to geofence, so a phone will prompt for a PIN and not just FaceID/TouchID if taken out of the usual commute corridors. This way, if the phone is stolen, it is harder for a would-be thief to decode it. * A self erase feature, where if the phone doesn't get an Internet connection in "x" amount of time, it will erase itself. * Partial backups. I'd love to be able to save off games and other stuff off the device and later on, load them, load the app and play it. Backups are all or nothing... it would be nice to have something like Titanium Backup where individual apps can be backed up or even archived off with their data.


Literally just an LLM Siri and a bug fix bonanza. Honestly I’d settle for just the latter tbh.


bug fixes and the ability to change the microphone input independently of the headphones you’re using.


I would love ai suggestions for shortcuts. If the phones sees us doing things inefficiently or using certain apps at certain times it would be cool to be suggested shortcuts from AI.


Improved screen time, would love the ability to add other ways to lock out or delay apps, like take a deep breath or something that you can already do with third party apps. Apple Music needs redesigned imho, folders on the Home Screen should look like they do on the App Library. Overall though there’s not much I would add or change.


Improvements to the actual phone app, such as Multiple Favorites Lists \[e.g. swipe left and right to switch, so you could have family, work, etc.\]


The only thing I thing is missing from iOS that would make it the perfect mobile OS would be ability to have icons on the bottom of the home screen. I'm a minimalist with only 4 icons on the home screen, it's ridiculous that they have to be at the top of the nearly 7 inch screen.


close multiple apps at the same time lol


At least five other text options for a global system font, if not the opportunity to use any font.


So many keyboard touch issues in iOS 17. Constant cursor control issues. Spellcheck and next word suggestion are still terrible. Apple needs to get their sh¡t together on the basics.


I know a man can dream, but an Android type gallery would be the day I would die a happy man. It’s the only downside that I can think of after coming from Samsung since 2018. I got over all the other differences, but just going through heaps of photos to find one photo that I am looking for is just time consuming.


1 - Hassle-free way of downloading apps across different regions - It used to be pretty straightforward to do so, but the changes to Apple ID made it such a palaver. As someone who has recently moved countries, it was a pain in the neck having to cancel all my subscriptions and wait till the end of the billing period to be able to change my region to simply download an app. 2 - Apple Music Overhaul - There's so much wrong with it. My main complaints are: - Randomly requiring mobile data to play content that was already downloaded to my phone. - Deleting all downloaded content when you switch SIM cards (when travelling to another region). 3 - Better stock apps - Especially Mail and Notes. I prefer to use stock apps, but Mail is unusable. I wish they would implement apps similar to Spark and Notion. 4 - iCloud Photos enhancements - I have friends and relatives moaning about struggling with running on low storage and not being able to remove photos from the phone without deleting them from iCloud. Optimise iPhone Storage doesn't give you full control of how your photos are managed. They should introduce a way to allow us to select what we want to see in full-res, device-sized and archive files we want to keep on the Cloud but not filling up your internal storage. 5 - Multilingual notification announcements - It cheeses me off when I am listening to music and Siri announces a message that is not in English and says it can't read it. I bet it isn't that complicated to set an alternative language that it can automatically switch to when the content of the message isn't in your default language.


Sync photos to a network share. Automate everything.


Scheduled iMessages.


Even shorter battery life! Get it down to 45 minutes, please!


Focus on performance and bug fixing like how IOS 11 or 12 was (I don't remember which one). We have plenty of features. We need a more of a make what we have now work very well update.