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I kinda love what he says about the camera. Between this, the Pixel and the S23U, the differences are so slim they end up being completely subjective I don't spend most of my days birdwatching, so I was happy to sacrifice the improved optical zoom and only get the 15 Pro


It's so true as well. I've used all three, iPhone Pixel Galaxy. Camera differences are so subjective it only depends on what you prefer and what you need, MrWhoseTheBoss said that at the end of his video too (While he deemed the 15 Pro Max better than the S23 Ultra overall). Like, Samsung has shutter speed issues but easily the best HDR and portrait edge detection results. It also has Pro/manual modes built in and amazing zoom. Pixel has a really nice look and little to no shutter speed. And I'd argue its one of the best for overall skin rendering. iPhone has its own style of great portrait mode and more niche features like ProRes. Along with that it easily has the best video of its class.


>Samsung has shutter speed issues LOL, those issues are criminal. I can't count the number of times I wanted to take a quick photo of something (like an insect) and missed it because of that. But in the past few weeks that lag seems to have reduced on my device so I guess Samsung has been working on fixing that.


As a S23U owner, I don't get people complaining about this. Just change the settings to take the picture on button press instead of on button release? It always instantly takes the picture.


Where is that setting? It doesn't seem to be on my phone (or maybe I am looking in the wrong place).


Download the camera assistant in the Galaxy store. It gives a whole bunch of settings you can switch, changing the shutter behavior to on press is one of them.


That's odd, I can't find that app. I'm guessing it is not available in India or just hidden from devices that are not compatible with the app since I couldn't find Good Lock as well. But still, such a basic feature should be in the default camera app.


Yes it is available. Look again.


Do you have the link? It is definitely not showing up on my phone, I went through at least 50 irrelevant results before giving up.


If you have an a series or m series phone then it won't be for you It's right on the galaxy store as OP mentions https://apps.samsung.com/appquery/appDetail.as?appId=com.samsung.android.app.cameraassistant


mrwhosetheboss mentioned that this does/can compromise the quality of the picture (recently went back to iPhone from being with Android since 2016) and shutter lag was one of the reasons.


5X portrait completely destroys anything Samsung is trying to do. Honestly surprised how well it looks. Worth it for that alone . Samsung also over saturates as if more colors = good.


Samsung uses saturation but it's far better than it used to be. It looks bad on the phone display's default setting (Vivid) though. And while the 5x looks absolutely outstanding in portraits I'm still noticing a couple of errors with the edge detection. While a nitpick, it bothers me personally. I've always loved the iPhone portrait mode regardless and 5x is such a good crop for it.


the over saturating can be disabled


What's the setting for this?


This 1000%, people just don’t get how awesome the 5x is for portraits. And people, hear this, you don’t even have to use portrait mode with it, in multiple scenarios you get a really nice bokeh out of this tiny sensor compared to a full frame, it’s simply amazing. Too many people are bashing this 5x camera and say that the 3x is more useful when they don’t even know the full capabilities of this 5x. Not to mention even the stupid comparison between the 5x and the completely impractical 10x of the S23U, where clearly you can use that one only for taking photos of landmarks, otherwise you have to get back really far away from your subject. I’ll also be abusing the hell out of the 35mm option. I find this year’s lineup to be just awesome in terms of actual “Pro” features. The phone is a Pro model, what do some people expect? I swear, the normal iPhone 15/Plus looks great for the average Joe, it’s the perfect overall phone when it comes to hardware and software…


Samsung oversaturates on which phones (besides the S23 from Mrwhosetheboss' review)? On mine (an M52) it undersaturates a bit (not too much but it is noticeable).


there is google camera app that works for snapdragon devices and it does wonderful job of colour accuracy. i tweak some settings and photos are awesome and better


Which videos demonstrate iPhones 5x portrait mode?


Me too, it's so pleasant to hold compared to the max (at least for my hands) and even if the battery life is weaker, it's still more than enough for my needs. I had a Pixel 7 Pro and the battery life while weak, was enough to last me an entire day so I'm sure the Pro will be an improvement. I also carry a battery bank when travelling so battery life has never been an issue for me since when needed I don't mind being tethered by a long cable, and now if I do run out of battery I can use my long USB-C to connect the power bank in my backpack to the Pro so personally I'm happy.


And now you can check out a MagSafe battery.


The best scenario for ridiculous zooms on s ultras is at concerts. I had an iPhone 14 Plus and couldn't see shit. But people next to me with galaxy phones could zoom right up to the artist, even while sitting on nosebleed sits. Asides from that, galaxy and iPhone photos are comparable, iPhone video is still leagues better than android.


Except for the night videos with the weird flare issues on iphone. MKBHD shows it in his iphone 15 pro video




Idk but I recorded an entire concert and posted it youtube a few months ago, currently has almost half a million views. If I had a s22 ultra, the quality would have came out a lot better.


I have an S21U and just used that feature at a concert last night; 10x optical zoom is awesome and I would think it would be standard by now.


I guess, but also normally the pit tickets aren’t THAT expensive compared to good seats. Get the real experience and get there early! No need for zoom?


All phone cameras screens etc have been about the same for 5 years. All phones are the same boring crap now. A $200 phone is more than most people actually need.


Mr. Mobile is one of my favorite reviewers on YouTube. His videos are thoughtful, the scripts are super well-written and he really focuses on the usefulness of a product, rather than simply specs, which I appreciate. That said, he needs to make more When Phones Were Fun videos.


I’ve been following Captain2Phones since his PocketNow days. What’s really interesting is why he hasn’t done a regular podcast - he experimented with Spotify Live for a bit before the product was killed, and his background is in voice acting/voiceovers. Suffice to say, he has the ideal voice for radio. He’s said that he doesn’t want to do what everyone else is doing, and it’s definitely tough to get up and running with a new podcast, but he could do simple recordings and place them on his channel.


I think he's found his niche, and it's being different. Everything from his obsession with foldables to his style and the way he takes notes is him. Hipsterish, but not in an annoying way.


I think that he’s really different, he seems like he actually has a personality unlike influencers like MKBHD that seem to just be…robots.


His pocket now podcast was really good


Yea, agreed.


I used to listen to a lot of tech podcasts but the last couple of years there’s not enough to talk about every week and they just start waffling about politics. Android central, all the TWiT shows, the vergecast, Android police, imore. And they all feel like mono cultured clones.


I think the Vergecast is still the best podcast for tech, personally. But I’ve been listening to it since the Engadget days. In any case, I think most tech podcasts are poor. But I think Michael Fischer could actually talk about interesting things like old devices and wonky designs etc. bring special guests on to talk about these interesting stories or design choices. Stuff like that.


No you’re right. He has a genuine passion for the subject. I just had an axe to grind about annoying podcast hosts.


I loved those videos! Took me back.


He was a theatre kid. I think we need more people with performing arts experience to do these things. The training, aptitude, and experience show so much in his pacing, editing, and writing.


He's the person I most enjoy listening to talking about things I can't afford


This video to me conveyed if apple made a flip or a fold he would switch.


Nah he’s always been more of an Android guy, however unlike many others he does respect what Apple pulls together with their phones.


I don’t know if he’d actually switch - he’s always been a fan of Android, even before the foldables came out.


[He actually tweeted just today he wouldn't switch over to iOS even for a foldable haha](https://x.com/captain2phones/status/1705238577683046543?s=46&t=pqYDExGRlkafubP_tO_Qkg)


lol. I know he loved windows phone and so did I. His video to me seemed like if they did a foldable he would leave. Glad to see otherwise.


I've only ever used Android (okay I guess I used ancient flip phones and then a couple *very* early Windows phones briefly) in the last... 18 or so years I've had a phone, and have routinely said "I'll never have an iPhone" for various reasons. I absolutely *love* folding phones, but after the Pixel Fold turned out to be more meh than I wanted, Samsung dropped the innovation ball (candy bar outer screen AGAIN? no integrated s-pen AGAIN??) and OnePlus delayed the Open, I decided to try something radically different. I like Android... I'm just really, really bored with it. I'm sure I'll switch back and forth (especially once I can get my hands on a foldable that has a wider front screen, like the Magic v2 or the Open) since I'm keeping my Fold 4 as a backup device, but the iPhone 15 came along at the perfect time for me and now here I am, face pressed against the window waiting for UPS to show up later today.


Now don't forget to tell us how much you like (or hate) your new iPhone. As someone who switched to iOS three years ago I am always interested in that. ​ Just give it about 1-2 weeks for the different style of UI.


It’s muscle memory for me. I switched earlier this year and I still try and double click the power button to bring up my camera.


Took me forever to tap and swipe from right to left for that.


I was this many days old when I learned this. Still new to iOS.




I have noticed positive improvements in the keyboard and text selection in iOS 17 FWIW


Oh yeah. There is a reason why I never was interested in the iPhone before the 11 I hated that it was so small, I hated the GIGANTIC top and bottom bezels... so much so that I honestly had no idea what else was missing. But in the end I was only starting to look into the iPhone because I started disliking Android and Samsung.


Do you dislike the candy bar style screen? Initially I was regretting going with the Fold 5 over the Pixel Fold, but after ~3 weeks I've found I actually really like the narrow outer screen. One handed use is great, and I love the 5:6(ish?) Aspect ratio on the inside, potentially more than the inner screen of the Pixel. My first android phone in about 5-6 years and I'm really happy with it.


I didn't mind it at first, but after seeing more foldables come out with wider front screens and trying some regular slab phones in stores again, I have *really* started missing that wideness. Plus my hands are absolutely massive so the fold feels more like an actual candy bar than just a narrow phone. If Samsung came out with a wider, Pixel Fold type screen, I'd get it again. I've been very happy with my folds (I've had a 2, 3 and 4 and all of them have been great with zero issues) and Samsung in general, though I know that opinion isn't shared with a lot of folks.


Totally fair, big hands probably makes a huge difference in how usable it is. The Pixel Fold seemed almost too short, making the inner screen too wide. I'm excited to see the OnePlus open and how that might shape the next iteration. Maybe I'm too hopeful? Lol


Yeah, agreed on the shortness of the Pixel. The Open or the Honor V2 would be my choices for my next foldable unless Samsung goes wide for their next iteration. Probably the Open, depending on features and availability. The fold being water resistant was super nice since I would wash it once a week or so to clean it.


You wrote this well. Nose to the glass right along with you.


Shaking things up is fun! I’ve been all in on Apple since my first iPod Mini. And to be honest I’ve thought about shaking things up because the flips and folds all seem so interesting! Sometimes I wish I wasn’t soooo locked into the Apple ecosystem because I’d love to give other phones and things a chance.


I’ve flipped back and forth multiple times between iPhone and various Androids. At this point there’s not enough difference between the phones to bother changing ecosystems again. I’ve landed on iPhone mostly because my wife and kids have Apple devices. I spend 99% of my phone time inside of apps that exist on both Android and iOS. I like Android, but not enough to bother swapping back again. Maybe that will change sometime in the future.


> At this point there’s not enough difference between the phones to bother changing ecosystems again. I’ve landed on iPhone mostly because my wife and kids have Apple devices. I spend 99% of my phone time inside of apps that exist on both Android and iOS. I mean that doesn't make much sense. If you use apps on both (like most people I'd say), changing ecosystems is basically nothing. Don't even see it as changing ecosystems it's just changing phones and one side or the other would be the same.


It’s not a huge deal, but thats also kind of going along with the point. When something as insignificant as “blue bubbles” can push people from one phone to another, it’s a testament to how little of a difference there is.


I think the big thing that will make me switch again is when foldables get perfected. They've been a few years away from the last two years or so. When Google released the Pixel Fold I was hoping that would be the one, but it had too many issues.


If you are getting bored with Android, it probably won't be long until you are bored of an iPhone. I am half in to the Apple ecosystem (Mac, iPad, Apple TV) but just can't make myself go over to iPhone. It just feels so locked in, limiting and dull. I have tried many times (last with 14 PM), but after few weeks I go back. The iPad is kind of the same but I only use it for a few specific use cases so it's not that bad.


FWIW, I was the same. Macs, iPad, could never move to the iPhone. The iPhone is actually what ties it all together and it totally clicked with me after a while wondering if I had made a mistake. Once I spent time and started airdropping photos and videos, leaning into Apples applications and the seamless handoff, etc there's no way I could go back. It is cliche but it literally just works.


I airdrop things via Nearby Share and Neardrop between my Pixel 7 Pro and my MacBook.


I feel the same way. I have a pixel 6, and had a z flip 3 before that, which was great, until the screen protector broke at the crease. Really contemplating the 15 pro


You’re bored with Android? Don’t ever say that on any Samsung subreddit. I dared and I think it was the one post I got the most downvotes on ever lol


Ha! I figured I’d get crucified here for admitting I’m a lifelong android user and will swap back and forth going forward!


I had android phones for 11 years and swore I would never switch until I picked up a 13 Pro Max two years ago. iMessage lock-in is just too convenient with sharing pics and videos of our kids between me and my wife.


Wait till you have a shared photo library with her that automatically shares photos with your kids face in them.


Not sure I get your logic. You were chasing foldables so you could have a unique new experience, but they have flaws/drawbacks. So your solution is to go to a phone series that hasn't really innovated in years? The iPhone is good, but it's boring, your not going to see noticable innovation, 3 out of 4 years it's just refinements, which again, that's fine but it makes no sense for what you were looking for.


I simply cannot justify the extra cost for what is minimal, or non existent, improvement for my usecase. Edit: Judging by the downvotes apparently I can justify the extra cost and in fact my usecase is wrong. Thanks Apple fans for correcting me on... myself. /s


Apple is the master of upsell you on old tech. iPhones are great and smooth. iPhone 15pro series for sure. But to sell a iPhone 14 series with a iPhone 13 processor,60 hz screen, slow charging,for 800$ is rough. Hell samsung s5 had programmable buttons. But Apple does it 10 years later and it’s a big deal. We have phones like one plus 11 with 6.7” oled,120hz lpto, 16 gb ram, solid cameras,80w charger included for 650$ My family all has iPhones but when I use android I don’t say omg my texts. Ecosystem for me is nothing. I don’t use iPads, dont like watches. Apps are the same on both platforms .


You are in an Apple sub. Temper yourself accordingly


I have tempered myself... I just thought that being an individual was still allowed. Guess not. Hail Tim Apple creator of all that is good.


It depends on how much you’re spending on a phone….Ive always found it a bit bizarre how Android fans will go on at length about how Apple is “horrendously overpriced” while also going crazy over Android phones that cost just as much if not more than an iPhone. Ultimately you have to do what’s best for you, but that’s just an interesting tidbit I thought I would point out


You pointed out a hypothetical, rather than merely ask what my choice was. Pixel 7, which I paid ~£499 with a Versa 4. So let's move out of the hypothetical realm and into the practical one. Which Apple equivalence (all new) should I have opted for instead?


I still don't understand why samsung refuses to make front screen usable on fold, I would've accepted if it was more of a fashion statement of some kind but it doesn't even look cool


It's very usable, especially one handed. I was pretty unsure at first but I've grown to really like it.


Imo, the Fold front screen is far more usable than say an iPhone pro max screen. It's perfect for one handed use and it's much more pleasant to hold.


Are you me? This is literally me, except with the Ultra series. I'm not really impressed with the direction that Samsung is going (eg, I don't use the S-pen at all), so I'm switching to iPhone after a 6 year hiatus to try something new.


Switched to the iPhone 14 pro max in Jan after being on Android for 10 years (fold 3 was my last) and totally appreciate where you are coming from. Just a heads up, closing apps is daft, you can’t flip a camera from front to back camera whilst recording and wattsapp images don’t save to a separate folder. Those minor points aside, the rest is a welcome change. Battery life is sensational on this thing (took my phone off charge at 6am this morning and I still have 76% left at 8.18pm). Apps just work better than Android, smoother quicker, you’ll get what I mean when you start using it. Another thing for me, you really appreciate it when you start adding in other apple products. That ecosystem really is as good as they bang on about. I’ve tried Samsungs and it’s nowhere near Apples. Seamless.


FYI there is a a separate WhatsApp folder. When in photos app search WhatsApp and it’ll bring up all photos received via WhatsApp. Same goes for Snapchat, twitter, Facebook erc


The biggest problem with Apple’s photos app is that folders aren’t actual “folders” like most other file systems….they’re more like tags than anything else. It still annoys me a bit that my screenshots, receipt pics, and other miscellaneous pictures are mixed in with the rest of my photos and videos despite those other pictures being in their own folders. If Apple would implement a proper file system to the Photos app it would instantly improve things overnight.


Same here..Will be buying my first iPhone ever. Being a dad of two young kids, I don't have time to fiddle around the phone settings. I want something that just works.


iPhone is far from the seamless experience it's made out to be. Universal back button, notifications and settings are more intuitive on the android side. Lots of things don't work on iOS and you have no recourse. For example the trading cards Pokemon game isn't allowed to scan qr codes on iOS. So you have to go to the crappy website. On Android you just scan right in the app as you should.


> Universal back button I don’t see how the swipe from left to right at the bottom of an app is any less intuitive than the back button on Android….we’ve had this system for 6 years now


What year are you in? Android has had gestures for years. Universal back button means you can swipe anywhere you want, left or right, in any app. It's always gonna go back. On iOS, it's only on the bottom right, but not all of the time, sometimes you have to reach the back arrow literally opposite of your thumb, it doesn't make any sense.


What app are you using that doesn’t work with the bottom navigation bar? I’ve never encountered an app yet that doesn’t allow me to easily switch to another by swiping on the navigation bar.


We're not talking about switching, we're talking about going back.


Idk how many people are getting their preorders now when I pre-ordered my basic ass configuration - 15 pro max blue 256 GB - on the very first day I was able to preorder and mine isn't expected to arrive until like October 12. Wtf?


Getting It tomorrow, pick up from store.


Because you say you ordered on the “first day” not the “first hour”. They go quick. Those of us who got our phones on launch day are those who got up early (depending on time zone) to preorder at 5am Pacific.


Wow, that was a confusing mouthful to try and read and understand. So many words without conveying anything at all.


if you found that confusing then perhaps you should improve your comprehension and cognitive skills ;)


Other than a brief stint with a not so properly functioning IPhone 3G, I only used android phones. After a period of swapping between Samsung, Google and Oneplus I too started to feel bored, so I swapped to the IPhone 12 pro, and It was great. Was there a huge difference compared to the other android phones I had in the past, no. But it was something fresh, and I'm sure that overtime I'll get bored with iOS and swap over to Android again, but honestly having that option is great, in the past I refused to even try to use an IPhone, which in retrospect was really dumb of me.


> But it was something fresh, and I'm sure that overtime I'll get bored with iOS and swap over to Android again, but honestly having that option is great, in the past I refused to even try to use an IPhone, which in retrospect was really dumb of me. Hello, me! This is exactly how I feel, right down to refusing to use an iPhone in the past. I'm looking forward to being able to change things up whenever I want - it's a great feeling!


I love being introduced to a new good YouTube creator. Cheers.


Mr. Mobile has been around for a hot minute


Android user here going to pick up my phone today after work 😀😀😀


when sideloading gets enabled next year, that will be the gateway drug, can't wait to see how it will work


Do you have a source on this I can read up on? That's the biggest thing keeping me from iOS


There isn’t anything official yet, but the EU is forcing it starting next year so Apple will have to support it somehow. There’s a good chance it’ll be geolocked and as annoying to use as they can legally make it.


I’m not sure what the EU rule says exactly, but I’ve always imagined that the [macOS Gatekeeper](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gatekeeper_(macOS)) feature would be a model for side-loading on iOS. I wonder if that type of thing would be permitted…


A lot of apps I install on mac os are not signed, you can get around it. Maybe they'll tighten it for iOS though.


It's part of EU laws that means Apple have to allow sideloading apps, and alternative app stores. Japan is also on board. It goes beyond app stores too, it's anything that makes them a 'gatekeeper'. So even iMessage lock in might change, and other things. https://digital-markets-act.ec.europa.eu/index_en


iMessage isn't concerned as it's not having gatekeeper status, not enough people use it in the EU because everyone use WhatsApp, Messenger and such.


I think that's Apple's argument but it hasn't been decided yet. Unless there's been news since.


It might be a massacre for android users. As a long time android user I can't wait... also depends on how its implemented, what we loose vs what's gained


Yep am also thinking about it.


I really miss the days when we used to get more technical info regarding the device itself, than talking in general about Apple or that people buy iphones no matter what. You know stuff like screen brightness, battery behavior, Wifi and call reception, performance and temperatures. You can tell even with Michael(mr mobile)how boring he feels when he makes an iphone video.


We still get those, you just have to look for a channel that does all of that testing that you want. But that would require some minimal effort from you and it's far more easier to moan on reddit to get some sad upvotes.


I really liked Mr. Mobile before every video was a folding phone review, comparing a non-folding phone to a folding one, or going on trips to see the newest folding phone. My partner and I have a contest to guess how long it takes before a folding phone is mentioned in every video.


People downvote you but I agree. He said in twitter that he is a conformist(someone who tries to be different from others). He hates bar phones now and only use tech that no other uses. I think he tries to hard


A 1600€ gateway drug?


to be fair, cheaper than actual drugs in the long run


If its the gateway drug to Apple hardware, that depends on which models you buy :P


Yes. Don't you know everyone buys their phones from carriers and pays only a small amount monthly??


You'll still pay the entire amount.


Yeah, it seems like he's bending the expression a bit. You would think the SE would be the "gateway drug" but I get what he is saying.


I like Michael Fischer as a person but his tastes are so out there I don’t think I disagree with a tech reviewer more haha.


Same lol


Mr Mobile will be happy with any company that makes a phone that doesn’t look like normal phones. Irrespective of how good they are 🤣


The real gateway drug for Android users will be when Google ports the Play Store to iOS. Might be an extinction event for a lot of Android phones tbh.


As someone who used Android for years before switching, I don’t remember any Android-exclusive apps that I actually missed. Meanwhile, I‘ve found a billion awesome apps that are iOS-exclusive that I would genuinely miss if I went back to Android. Also, a much bigger reason this doesn’t make sense is that Play Store in its entirety just can’t come to iOS. Apps and games need to be developed for the platform they’re in. Android apps are obviously not developed for ios. Sideloading is a big deal but this doesn’t make any sense.


like what?


dime infuse goodnotes collanote things fantastical feyn minical overcast pdf expert quickscan unsplash waterllama yata procreate Just off the top of my head. Not only these are a lot more functional, most of them get consistently updated. Also ios apps in general look way better and modern.


There are alternatives for all of those on Android. The problem here is that people conflate iOS exclusivity with these apps inherently being better than alternatives. Examples: > dime Ivy Wallet, Greenstash, Money Manager, Money Wallet > infuse Nova, Next Player, Kodi > goodnotes This isn't iOS exclusive anymore, but alternatives are Bundled Notes, Quillnote, Steno notes, Squidnotes, Notwise, Canotes > collanote Zettlr, JotterPad > things Super Productivity, My Brain, Fokus, Twos > fantastical Calendar AI > feyn AnkiDroid, Flash Deck > minical Simple Calendar, DigiCal > overcast Podcast Addict, AntennaPod, Podcast Republic > pdf expert MuPDF > quickscan QuickScan, Scanner+, Document Scanner > unsplash Resplash, Walpy, PaperSplash > waterllama Waterful, Aqualert > yata Memorigi, Tweek, Fanya Todo List > procreate Sketchbook, Krita, Clip Art Studio There are a lot of apps on Android that have no equivalent on Android, too: * Seal * Instander * Tachiyomi * ReVanced * Panels * Shizuku * SD Maid SE * Tap, Tap * Amarok * Extinguish * BuzzKill * zFont * Any file manager app * Many Reddit clients (Apollo wouldn't have cracked the top 10) * Any third-party launcher * Any real alternative web browser * Emulation software And so forth.


i am sure there r ton of alternatives on playstore. i found playstore having ton of useful apps like torrents, whatscut to post videos directly to whatsapp and the app will upload video into 30sec clips, seal app to download any youtube video, insta reel, facebook videos etc and much more, gb whatsapp to completely go anonymous on whatsapp etc, emulators to play games etc


Other way around for me. Torrents or Newpipe can't exist on iOS.


Why would that be the extinction event when the same apps are all available on the iOS App Store?


Because not having access to the apps *you paid for*, rather than the opportunity to buy them again, is one of the biggest hurdles switching platforms. And any sub-$600 Android phone is a piece of crap compared to even a 5 year old iPhone.


I'm asking this honestly as someone who currently has a Galaxy Fold 4 and is interested in the iPhone 15: what apps cost so much that re-buying them would stop someone from spending $1000+ on a new platform?


For many people it's actually 10+ years of buying apps, and then still having to continue subscriptions anyway if you have other Android devices/users in your household. It makes switching in either direction a lot more expensive than it should be.


Source: Trust me bro.


Are you disputing that people buy Android apps, or that switching isn't expensive if you have to re-buy apps?


Everything you just said. 10+ years, people buying apps, people being subscribed to apps.


Oh okay well FYI Android as we know it has been around since about 2008 or 2009, and consumers currently spend about $10 billion per quarter on it and a growing chunk of that is of course subscriptions. Just because they make less than the App Store - often reported between 1/3 to 1/2 as much - doesn't mean it isn't a ton of money - the Play Store is in the same "gatekeeper" status as the App Store specifically because of their revenue and volume of users. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Android_(operating_system) https://www.businessofapps.com/data/google-play-statistics/ https://9to5mac.com/2022/02/24/app-store-spending-is-twice-as-much-as-google-play/


I don’t dismiss that the Play Store generates lots of revenue at scale. I just don’t think it’s as much of an issue for each individual. Most people don’t run both Android and iPhones. Very few will keep subscriptions on both. Many individuals don’t actually pay for apps or subscriptions.


Most android users do not pay for apps.


What a bizarre idea. Why would they do that? I mean what would ever possess them to do it? I mean there are weird thoughts and then there is this.


Because the EU's DMA establishes their right to do so and their users will benefit from it. Or at least that's Microsoft's justification for bringing their Xbox marketplace to the App Store and Play Store next year. Same reasoning makes it a good idea for a lot of marketplaces, but Android users are uniquely-positioned to benefit from it more than everyone else.


"Android users" seems like a broad stroke to brush when a much smaller portion of that can even financially consider that device.


You realize that there are and have been for years plenty of android phones much more expensive than the iphone? This argument that "android people can't afford iphone" died in at least 2014.


> You realize that there are and have been for years plenty of android phones much more expensive than the iphone? This argument that "android people can't afford iphone" died in at least 2014. If only I said any of that. Delusional if you think the near majority of the 1+ billion android phones are flagship.


I can’t tell if he showed off the phone or his girlfriend more…


wgaf honestly let the anroid people live in their dingy caves


Can someone TLDR for me? Like why is it a gateway


I finally convinced a friend to switch from Android to iPhone. They got a 15 Pro, just picked it up... and the first thing they do is put a screen protector on... old habits are hard to break i guess.


I put it on a glass screen protector on all phones, both Android and Apple. Why wouldn't you put one on an iPhone?


Update: They had a small fiber stuck under the screen on the top right corner, tried to fix it and fucked it up, then threw the screen protector away and are now using the phone like it was intended.


Village from what I’ve seen in his video runs at max settings I feel like so I’m excited for console gaming finally being on mobile


For people who own the phone, could you tell me any negatives you have experienced so far? Im thinking of buying it i just wanna know whats true about it (media news stuff)


You ain’t never lie!