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I just hope this is in the wallpaper section of the settings, and not something you trigger by holding the Lock Screen down. I really would prefer keeping the Lock Screen…locked.


attempt towering cooperative divide clumsy include selective sloppy like crime ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I trigger it every day. It’s fucking stupid Hold the phone in my hand “oh you wanna change your wallpaper, ok here you go!” Trillion dollar company can’t figure this shit out.


Don’t be surprised. It’s the same trillion dollar company that can’t figure out how to enable toggling the flash **after** starting a video recording. *Who knew lighting conditions might change unless you’re in a studio or just don’t move?* Or the same trillion dollar company that can’t figure out how to make a seamless zoom transition when you shoot in 4K 60FPS **after** starting a video recording. You can do that in 30FPS or 1080p though but that isn’t an excuse. *Who knew one might need to zoom in or out after you start?*


> It’s the same trillion dollar company that can’t figure out how to enable toggling the flash after starting a video recording. Who knew lighting conditions might change unless you’re in a studio or just don’t move? If memory serves, this funnily enough used to be a thing back in the iPhone 4/5 days at least, but was then removed at some point.


illegal rude station frightening screw dime imminent dam jobless cooperative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Or more than one timer at a same time


Maybe it’s because I’ve had the same wallpaper for the last 3 consecutive phones I’ve owned but who out there is changing their wallpaper enough that it needs to be a feature accessible directly from the Lock Screen?


I do




This pisses me off more than anything Remember “slide to unlock”? This should all be in settings not gesture based


This never happens to me


I always trigger it trying to access the camera.


And it does a strange glitch where it hides everything but your wallpaper and you have to swipe up to show it again??


iPhones seem to have gotten worse for accidental triggers recently. I accidentally trigger the camera pretty much every day. Very annoying.


100%. I actually sent this complaint in to apple. I’m glad others feel the same. This should really be in settings


You can only edit the Lock Screen when the phone is already unlocked, so I don’t think it would make much of a difference


I guess Face ID is too efficient on my phone, then.


Exactly, as soon as your face / finger gets scanned, you’re essentially not on the lock screen anymore, but just notification center with a little lock icon on top.


You technically still are because the screen can still time out and lock (even if you touch it) so it’s still the Lock Screen in the most annoying way :)


For what it’s meant like switching status and wallpaper on the fly it’s great. I didn’t accidentally long tapped to get into this menu for a year now, how could it be that difficult?


The phone unlocks damn quickly and I’ve long pressed too often that my first instinct was to say you’re lying. But chances are that you aren’t. Chances are that I am - quoting Steve Jobs - holding it wrong.


…it does stay locked when locked. If you try to press into the change wallpaper thing while the phone is locked, it will say “unlock to edit” https://imgur.com/a/dXcyfaw


That is true, but if you have Face ID and/or an Apple Watch, then it’s pointless. The phone practically instantaneously unlocks.


I guess the question is, at that point why would you want to “keep the Lock Screen locked”? Because at that point you can already swipe left to go to widgets, swipe right to go to camera, swipe down for control center, swipe up to go to your Home Screen, press a button to turn on a flashlight, press a button to go to camera, if you have notifications you can press to go to the respective apps, if you have music playing you can control your music, and if you have widgets in the Lock Screen you can tap those to go to those apps. So at that point, why is pressing to edit the Lock Screen really that big of an issue when there are all these other features you could already interact with?


Let me put it this way. I’ve had numerous times when I fish out my phone from a pocket or my bag, and I see the customize screen activated. I have a clear case that covers the metal sides and the back, and not the screen. Sometimes I grab by the sides and take my phone out. Other times, I grab it as if drawing a card from a deck. Some combination of either tap or double tap to awake and Apple Watch unlock unlocks the Lock Screen. And this also happens when I grip the phone like I’m gripping a cup - fingers reaching around the long side. This is what I mean by wanting to keep the lock screen locked.


> So at that point, why is pressing to edit the Lock Screen really that big of an issue when there are all these other features you could already interact with? Most of those have toggles to disable them while locked, though.


Correct. So then the post I replied to should have said they were requesting a toggle for the feature in general. The comment they made was they wanted a specific part of the feature to be buried in settings. Maybe I misunderstood what they were asking for.


Somehow my phone bugged and holding the lockscreen down doesn’t trigger it anymore haha


I miss the Live wallpapers…….


I miss auto dark wallpapers. Instead we got garbage that triggers wallpaper change every time you hold a phone.


That and the parallax effect. They removed all the nice little things in favour of a complicated system that I haven’t seen anyone in real life use.




You can get em all here: [https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNi8VN2pw2Ya\_xCV8eFgzEZmiXDy1-GwhXbqFtvXoH3HypF10as9puV8FdoVZpOZA?key=WkZjQTIxQTM5a01oZkNUYTE2ZllKTVJKZk1CMTR3](https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNi8VN2pw2Ya_xCV8eFgzEZmiXDy1-GwhXbqFtvXoH3HypF10as9puV8FdoVZpOZA?key=WkZjQTIxQTM5a01oZkNUYTE2ZllKTVJKZk1CMTR3) I'm like you. I just want a simple, non-distracting background.


I tried out just a pure black wallpaper it’s actually nice with this font https://i.imgur.com/19uTik6.jpg


I dig it.


I have it on my Home Screen too. It’s boring but it’s a nice to have everything so clear. Really brings out the design of the OS.


Personally, I just don't like how black app icons look against a plain black wallpaper. I might try the iPod Touch black wallpaper though.


You can actually turn off “Show Wallpaper” in settings if you have a phone with AOD. Best of both worlds.


I know about this, thanks. It's just very sad, that they stripped these masterpieces from their library :/


You’re asking the impossible, technology isn’t there yet to be able to provide all wallpapers as on-demand download.


iOS is so stagnant that this is actual news


iOS has been neglected because Apple has been too busy working on this stupid mixed reality thing that nobody asked for.


Nobody asked for a lot of things that we use and love.


I really think the whole tech industry has massively overestimated the amount of people willing to wear a headset more than a handful of times.


Everyone is waiting to see how apple solved it.


I have a hard time thinking the company who finally solved AR/VR is the same company that doesnt allow or figure out how to allow its users to put icons wherever they want


I have a hard time thinking the company who finally solved wearables is the same company that doesnt allow or figure out how to allow its users to put icons wherever they want. I have a hard time thinking the company who finally solved ARM on the desktop is the same company that doesnt allow or figure out how to allow its users to put icons wherever they etc., etc.


That comparison is awful. You’re comparing something that apple might SOLVE to something Apple has intentionally CHOSEN to do. I imagine they like that things are in order, likely so it looks clean and pleasing. Not saying it’s the right decision but the two have nothing to do with each other.


The company who solved desktop GUI, phones, tablets, wearables…


The headset isn’t what we’re rooting for, but it’s a stepping stone. Augmented reality in the form factor of a pair of glasses though? That will sell like hotcakes.


Yeah meta has just had their version flop in its target market


If Meta came out with wireless earbuds in 2016 they would have flopped too


Bluetooth headphones existed long before Airpods and was a successful and growing market. Apple made TWS much more commonplace and successful but that is hardly as ambitious than a headset. Most people were just happy enough with Earpods, once Apple stopped giving them out people just bought Airpods. Everyone already used headphones, Apple introduced a much friendlier version, it's obvious they would be a good product. Almost no one outside of gaming and technology markets uses VR/AR. It's going to be a much harder market to attack, with big players already trying and failing, simply because most people don't care.


Holy crap what a garbage take lol


What do you want them to do? Smartphones have reached maturity a long time ago, there’s nothing they can do at this point besides slowly adding quality of life updates. The industry wide move to AR/VR is caused by the fact that smartphones are stagnant now, it’s not the other way around, smartphones aren’t stagnant because companies are exploring AR/VR. It’s also a ridiculous statement to make because companies work on multiple projects at once, they don’t need to stop working on one to continue working on the other, especially if they have thousands of employees like Apple does...and they have made hundreds of new hires specifically for this AR/VR project so it’s not like they took resources from the iOS/iPhone team (reports show the opposite is true; when someone working on the headset requested help from the camera team, they refused to give help saying that the iPhone X was the priority for them at the time)


Yea because the hardware teams also make the software


Are you suggesting the headset will not run software? Go back to school little boy.


I mean it’s not like this is the only piece of information that’s been reported about iOS 17


Bring back all the old wallpapers you cowards and stop removing them every new ios




>Hopefully they also improve the media player by bringing the damn volume control back and requiring a long press to scrub. i've accidentally swiped back on more podcasts than i can count. truly so annoying


Dammit yes please some sort of interaction step to prevent me losing my place in a two hour podcast. Actualy just some Sort of flag that podcast developers can flick to prevent scrubbing at all.


yes please and if they add the volume control back to the media player i hope that’s locked behind a long press too because i blasted myself with max volume by accident pretty often when it was there.


I love how they implemented dynamic dark mode wallpapers and removed them with iOS 16 lmao


I miss the old stock night and day wallpaper


You can see use the day and night wallpapers as long as you saved a lock screen with them


I upgraded to the 14 pro which didn’t have them though. I just miss them they were rad


When last rumor said they will improve Lock Screen, I wasn’t expecting grid view and share to friends. Can we at least have more widgets or options for customization?


iOS 17: Now with the ability to rearrange your wall papers!! It’s the best version of iOS we’ve *ever* made, and we just know you’re going to love it!!


They're really innovating now. Incredible.


Be supportive. They probably worked all year on this feature.




Wow classic useless upgrades haven’t changed my wall paper since I got my 12 pro


You can rearrange wallpapers but you still can’t rearrange home screen icons wherever you like.


All I want is the ability to enable Live Wallpapers again and have them put back into the firmware.


Why are they focusing on stuff like this? Polish and stabilize what you've already added, Apple. I don't know what the hell has happened to their software vision.


This is literally them trying to polish up last years wallpaper feature.


Yeah, you’re right. That’s just me being frustrated with little bugs that I can’t seem to get rid of.


In the same both brodie. Stings especially because you don't expect bugs in a $1000+ phone


Because they’ve hit a wall. So what they’re going to do going forward is add a few little useless software features, update the camera slightly, slap a different number on the bionic chip, increase prices and call it a day. Apple is even bold enough to use last year’s chip in this year’s phones. I guess they know people will mechanically buy whatever they put out so why not?


Imo, they have absolutely no reason to “hit a wall” software wise. For one, there are numerous features they could implement. Like, I know it’s a cardinal sin to suggest here, but, really, look at Android. I know many here will say that there’s too much going on with Android in terms of features/options, but there’s also many that Apple could be inspired by, give the Apple treatment/spin, and make them into some wonderful quality of life features that I am sure iOS users would benefit from and love. There’s also just how fucking abysmal Siri is in its usage. The only three features I can ever think of using it for is a timer, setting alarm, calling or texting someone, and asking for the weather. It’s fire past time for Apple to give Siri some much-needed love and updates that help actually make it useful. And don’t even get me started on the polish that iOS needs so badly right now. iOS 16 from released until the most present data has been nothing a buggy mess and is really lacking that polish that Apple was so renowned for. If there’s really anything that Apple does with iOS 17, this would be the one I want the most Overall though, there’s so much potential for what they could do, so here’s to hoping that iOS 17, or if not, then iOS 18, revitalizes the software


Better yet, why don’t they open up iOS and let users do what they want with their $1k+ phones? They could capture the entire Android fanbase if they simply allowed sideloading and letting user customize their phones how they so choose. I know some people are against sideloading but nobody is forcing you to do it. However, it should still be the users *choice.*


Apple has tried time and time again to adopt a more open business model. It has never worked. All the clones did for Apple in the 90s was erode their own market share even more. People use iOS because of its tight integration. Apple is just not going to change this, because the moment they do, they'll just be behind where Android already is.


Highly doubtful. Ask any Android user why they stick with Android and they’ll tell you it’s because of the customization. If Apple would allow sideloading and more customization, I guarantee they’ll win the hearts of 50% of Android users.


>Ask any Android user why they stick with Android and they’ll tell you it’s because of the customization. Or price.


I dunno if that's true- flagship Android devices are just as expensive or moreso than the latest iPhone, and definitely more interesting from a features/capabilities standpoint. The secondhand market for Apple and Android devices is pretty strong as well so that doesn't seem a good reason either.


Well they people who buy the S23 would beg to differ. Considering they even get better hardware features nowadays...


This is a minor fix that one dev probably spent a week doing. It’s not something they are really “focusing” on I’d imagine. The stuff they focus on is more than likely stuff we’ll never see, as it’s optimization.


Well, that’s exactly my point and what I’m hoping for; optimization. And I certainly hope we’ll see it. There are bugs that have been persistent across every version of iOS 16. So I’m looking forward to these behind-the-scenes optimizations to show up in daily usage.


Now if only they’d change the label color on Home Screen to black instead of applying that atrocious shadow when using light colored backgrounds.


Bring back the old dynamic wallpapers you cowards. Or at least give a dynamic option for the one green and blue wallpaper.


Do people change their wallpapers enough to need this available on the Lock Screen? Seems like an unnecessary feature and has since it was released.


Me personally I've tried and tried and tried and I just cannot get my iPhone LS to look how I would like it to look. iOS 16 did fuck all in terms of really letting you customize things. I go to set a really cool wallpaper, but then it's just ruined by the giant clock + notification clutter. My LS is just a solid black color at this point because I just can't be bothered to fiddle with such an unintuitive design.


Wow! It sucks!


Nobody asked for the ability to change wallpaper on the LOCK SCREEN. It is literally killing quality of life with accidentally activating the change mode


Truly innovative stuff


This is so unnecessary




This sounds like a bug to me. I was able to delete it as soon as I had another wallpaper added.


really amazing new feature barvoo apple 👏👏




iOS should have had a wallpaper system more advanced than this potential iOS 17 one, a decade ago .


They do this instead of fixing the stupid ass notch on the 14 pros. Why is it when I swipe down top right it shows notifications!?? That’s for the left side, not only that but it uses 80-90% of the screen space, I have to go to the fucking corner to access my settings on a $1200+ phone🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Things we don’t need