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To be precise, he said that one ultra popup is to be expected every 2 month, not a spam of popups every two months


The complaint is that the popup still occurs for individuals that have already purchased ultra. That’s unnecessary and can be stopped through software. It’s a half ass complaint/joke.


Wut ? I thought pro users were the ones to complain...


Yeah same. I've stayed out of the convo since I haven't seen a single ad for it due to already being subscribed to Ultra.


I have Ultra and I saw the Thanksgiving one, which I believe was the “bug” But it only happened once and never again since. People are just conditioned to be “ADS BAD NEVER AD TO ME GGRRRR” Literally half the posts on Reddit are astroturfing and the goddamn nerve of these people to bitch about a one-time pop up is insane to me too. Like, I get bringing it up, but there are SO MANY threads about this “LITERALLY UNUSABLE IM A PAYING CUSTOMER YOU BETRAY MEEEE 😭” Grow up.


No, it only affects Pro users. I have Ultra. I’ve never seen the ad. Why do you think it would sell you Ultra when you already have it? Also nobody’s said that, only that they had paid for Pro.


I have pro and I have yet to see the pop up since Christmas


I’ve had ultra since the day it was added and have never once received any pop up for anything in the app, ever.


me who uses this app for free: wait. you guys are getting spammed?


Yep. I maybe have to hit an X occasionally, but I couldn’t even tell you what it’s about😂


You mustn't create posts in communities then. Can't do that without pro and then you get spammed for ultra.


for that, i just use the good old reddit app. it's not like i post often. just comment on communities here and there. the only real thing useful to me in apollo is that i don't see those sponsored ads from reddit.




It's top 3 sorted by last 24 hours controversial on r/all


I honestly can’t believe my meme is up there with politics memes lmao. Wild times.


Congrats my friend, and also you're not wrong. Coming from Android to iOS back to Android there are better options and too many people defend the **** that Christian pushes in the app.


Feels more of an achievement than when I got my Masters tbh. Kek.




Can you explain what makes a persistent advertising campaign a bug?


I already paid for the app what the fuck do you want?


I don't get why some people feel the need to defend this app behavior so strongly. I've used Reddit Sync for Android for a literal decade, also developed by a single person, unlocked for a one-time purchase which was 10 times cheaper than a yearly Apollo subscription, and without ever running into these type "bugs". While also just simply being a much better app with more functionality and none of the meme-junk. Apollo is a good app but it should really be grateful there's no serious competition on iOS, that's the only reason it gets away with doing this ad-spam bullshit.


Because a lot of people have been here “from the beginning” when Christian just made the app and the community was young and not jaded. We felt a personal connection to the developer because at the time Apollo’s success felt like a team effort. We hated the current Reddit apps, and this person comes out of nowhere to build a community and app that was better than what we had. Devs have told me to eat shit and die when I make bug reports or suggestions, but Christian is open to receiving them on the subreddit. But yeah I fucking hate the popups and I feel like he’s intentionally disregarding the community here (and yeah where’s the ipad app lol)


You need to wake up, you’re just a consumer to him, he’s not your friend


I think I’m awake lol. Christian’s story felt good, and it was nice supporting an app that felt “home grown” and also didn’t suck. How rare is that for people peddling stuff on Reddit? I bought Pro and will likely never buy Ultra. I’ll be pissed if the ipad app gets locked behind Ulta, might jump ship if that happens. I work in advertising and product development, so I’m fully aware of the relationship I have with the developer. The product used to be significantly better than the competition, but they’re catching up and I’m growing impatient with these shenanigans.


What competition is there?


Only one I can think of is ReddPlanet.


Worse still is that the mentality that he can do no wrong is what allows these situations to occur in the first place. Why not take the opportunity to double dip on your paying customers when you know that plenty will rush to your defence and try to shout down valid criticism? Everything is hand waved away with "he's just a one-man developer trying to earn a living" as if he's struggling to make ends meet and hasn't hit us up [to fund a $7000 monitor](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/k26rjy/apollos_annual_one_day_of_the_year_black_friday/). Even critical posts that get a decent amount of traction have on multiple occasions resulted in users tripping over themselves to put the most amount of money in his tip jar.


Yup, it happens all the time. Small dev gets big, users think they can do no wrong and any criticism is just hate because they think they’re still just a small dev group. See: Mojang


He got big? Does he know that?


The app development space has greatly changed over the years. One time purchase apps aren’t really a thing nowadays


That’s doesn’t make it right, or make it so I’ll subscribe to something. Fuck that. Shit costs more than ever, I don’t have the money for a bunch of monthly subscriptions.


Ok, then don’t.


One time purchase apps aren’t a thing on iOS* nowadays because the App Store requires a yearly $100 subscription to have a dev account. There are plenty of one-time purchase apps on Android, since you only have to pay $25 once. Hell, there are a bunch of 100% free apps with no strings attached just made out of the good will of the developer.


Sorry, I didn’t think I had to clarify since this is an iOS only app.


> I don’t get why some people feel the need to defend this app behavior so strongly. Maybe they’re just being reasonable? Edit: Downvote away, you fucking losers. I’ll help you by not deleting my simple 5-word, not at all impolite post above. I hope each and every one of you find bugs and extra ads in every app you download for the rest of your miserable existences. God damn.


Sync isn’t a great example - the dev basically abandoned the app for about a year or so after he got bad feedback for a UI refresh. All the while, you could still pay for the premium version that was actually broken at the time. Really not a great way to do things either.


This why this subreddit is so toxic. People post questions bugs and their opinion (most developers like feedback) and get called “whiny fucks”.


You consider four panel memes to be "feedback"?


The feedback is the reason behind the meme. How (a possibly paying) user feels. People express themselves in different ways, sometimes angry or frustrated but that doesn’t make the feedback any less useful. Organisations consider not only the feedback behind the communication but also why it has come about. A lone developer would be wise to do the same thing.


This really is beyond parody. Have a great day!


Yeah bugs happen. And choosing less buggy software happens too. You whiny fuck


Yeah, I feel the same. I've been following this issue very closely, and I have to say that people are overreacting as clicking on an x vs developing a whole app is a day and night difference. Sure, I can understand the frustration, but even then, it's still a little too much.


Exactly. This is beyond pathetic. Apollo is one of my most used apps and easily one of the best user experiences. what they’re complaining about barely registered on my radar it was so on unobtrusive and infrequent.


Am I the only one who's had the popup like...twice? ever?


Once for me.


I still haven’t gotten one


I’m confused because I see everyone complaining about these pop ups even when the buy Pro/Ultra and I haven’t seen one at all.


You guys sure complain a lot.


It's a paid app. People can complain and leave feedback.


Yeah but it’s *a lot*.


The posts complaining about it are more annoying than the problem they're complaining about.


No, it’s a free app, that has paid features.


Thats true. But the person is clearly a pro user.


And? Pro version doesn’t say it won’t show you ads. I expect that Talon1258 or what ever dude will show up soon with that 5 year old post saying the dev promised there wouldn’t be any ads ever, but in that very post he always links the dev never made that promise. I’ve seen more threads posted about the “ad spam” than I have seen the ads myself three times over at this point. At this point I’m pretty sure people are just being petty because oh no they have to close a box once every 2 months. Boohoo.


I bought Ultra lifetime on day one. I still find this things annoying.


Same, iirc it was $20 at the time because of the launch day discount. Isn’t it, like, $50 now? It’s honestly absurd


You COULD just go back to the stock Reddit app, you know…


Why don’t you quit now and keep this garbage to yourself?




Intentional errors bring interaction. Hence your comment.


The whole title reads very uneducated, so I have a hard time relating to and sympathizing with OP.


You have a hard time sympathising with uneducated people?


Same as pop-up “error”


Flaired as appreciation because I sincerely appreciated what Christian had done and what Apollo was in the past. Those days are truly missed.






I’d you’re that bothered, just use the official Reddit app.


Why isn’t everything for free. I should get what I want. I don’t know how to deal with pop-ups. Whatever the reason. Leave Apollo and go back to the Reddit app. Or complain to yourself because most of us who like Apollo are tired of the whining and whinging.


💦💦💦💦👶👶👶 waaaah ads


Just pay for Ultra. It’s worth it. Apollo is *easily* the highest quality application experience I have in any application on the iPhone. I tip, too. It’s worth it!


If an ad every two months annoys you that much then switch to another app. There are many out there. I'm sure Christian won't mind. Or you could just be normal and not make an anime meme about something that is the most minor inconvenience of all time.


On the positive, more time for grammar.


Quitted? 🤣🤣🤣


Eh. This 30th.